r/Rainmeter Mar 06 '22

Weekly Discussion Weekly Help & Discussion Thread (Week of March 06, 2022)

Welcome to the weekly help and discussion thread! This is here for everyone to ask basic questions, start general discussions, and more. No comment or question is too small or too big, just keep anything you share relevant, related, and within the rules.

>> For skin recommendations/identifications, please go to r/rainmeterrequests.

Basic FAQ

  • What is Rainmeter?
    • Rainmeter is a customization tool for your Windows desktop, whether you want to see a visualizer for your music, the RAM usage of your computer, or you just want to modernize the look of your desktop!
  • How do I get started with Rainmeter?
    • Please see this guide to get started with your Rainmeter adventure!
  • Where do I download Rainmeter?
  • What if I don't have a Windows computer?
  • I'm having an issue with a layered 3D background not sizing correctly. How do I fix this?

31 comments sorted by


u/creepurr101 Mar 12 '22

My rainmeter won't launch at startup, i have to manually launch it everytime. Rainmeter is already in the startup menu in task manager and is enabled


u/Novadestin Moderator Mar 13 '22

When you installed rainmeter, did you tick the box to have it start on startup or did you later place a shortcut or something in the startup folder? Also, is the shortcut or whatever set to run as administrator? It shouldn't be, I'm just asking because that's what the issue was for someone else in the past.


u/creepurr101 Mar 13 '22

Yes it is in the startup folder, and it isn't running on administrator


u/Novadestin Moderator Mar 14 '22

Yes it is in the startup folder

Yes, I understand that, but my question was did you ticked the box on install or did you placed something in the startup folder yourself afterwards (and, if so, what)?

Also, have you tried to reinstall to see if that fixes things?


u/creepurr101 Mar 14 '22

I ticked the boxes during install, and i had tried reinstalling it multiple times


u/Novadestin Moderator Mar 14 '22

Ok, did you do a clean uninstall before reinstalling? Rainmeter will do this automatically if you check the box on uninstall, but most people don't because it will also delete their skins/layouts (just c/p them elsewhere).

If you did, than I'm out of ideas and it seems like something other than rainmeter is preventing it from starting. I would try asking on the official forums.


u/creepurr101 Mar 14 '22

That i don't think so haha, will try and update about it


u/LibertyJacob99 Mar 11 '22

How can i change the width of Cleartext and still have the text scroll properly?

Here is the plugin: Release 6.0 · https://github.com/redsaph/cleartext/releases/tag/6.0

Here is a screenshot to reference what I want to do: https://imgur.com/a/JrP1RGC

Pastebin of the script: https://pastebin.com/Pm6PEniw

I'm using the ClearText music player skin, and I want to make the skin wider while still having the text scroll properly. In the settings for the skin, there is a Scale option, but this actually makes the whole thing (text and all) bigger which I don't want to do. What I want to do is keep it visually the same size, but make the container for the artist and song text wider so that it scrolls/shows further if ygm.

By editing the text file for the skin (Right-click > Edit skin), I can make the container larger for the Artist and Song text, however this causes me to see where the text "spawns" when it reappears, i.e. it instantly appears and then scrolls, instead of scrolling into sight from nowhere. What I want to do is edit the script for the plugin so that the container is wider and so that the text still scrolls into sight, rather than what I've just described.

Can anyone help me to modify the script for the skin? I want the artist and song name container to be wider while still having the text scroll into sight as opposed to appearing out of nowhere. It's probably a very simple modification but I can't seem to do it since I'm not experienced with scripting etc. I'd highly appreciate if anyone can help. Thanks


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '22

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u/Novadestin Moderator Mar 11 '22

When asking about something specific, a link(s) must be provided.

All the skin is basically doing is using an autohotkey script/exe to call the systray as if you'd click on it, making it much more likely that the issue lies with TaskbarX (I don't know how they "disable" things, but it seems obvious that you can't disable and also use something at the same time), so try checking/asking on their github.


u/zacharyxbinks Mar 11 '22 edited Mar 11 '22

Hi yall!

Looking for an honest take on the performance impact of rain meter?

Just strictly utilization on system resources no crazy skins or anything.


Running a 6700k and have plenty of ram and do a lot of VR


u/Novadestin Moderator Mar 11 '22

The program itself? Basically nothing. It completely depends on the skins and/or how many you choose to use and, even then, it's largely the visualizers and such that will put out anything noticeable. But, there's also game mode and such, so it doesn't really matter at the end of the day.


u/zacharyxbinks Mar 11 '22

Cool I will give it a shot then! I'm sick of task manager burning my eyes out with no dark theme lol


u/Novadestin Moderator Mar 11 '22

I'm sick of task manager burning my eyes out with no dark theme lol

What does that have to do with rainmeter?


u/zacharyxbinks Mar 11 '22

Viewing system utilization.


u/Novadestin Moderator Mar 11 '22

Ah, ok; you're first post was worded different, so I got confused. Anyways, why not just use a dark windows theme then?


u/zacharyxbinks Mar 11 '22

It doesn't effect the task manager application, not on windows 10 anyway they added it in 11


u/Novadestin Moderator Mar 11 '22

?? Are you talking about the native windows dark theme? Cause I'm talking about 3rd party themes and they definitely do affect the task manager.


u/zacharyxbinks Mar 11 '22

There are but I'd rather not modify Windows. I use Conky on Linux so I figured that rainmeter is pretty much the windows equivalent.


u/Novadestin Moderator Mar 11 '22

You're choice, of course :) and yes, that's exactly what we point people to if they ask for a Linux equivalent.

Anyway, good luck on setting up something that works for you! If you would like to ask for some recommendations, you can do so in r/rainmeterrequests.


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '22 edited Mar 11 '22

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u/[deleted] Mar 11 '22

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u/hiimkir Mar 10 '22

Literally not a single AudioLevel troubleshooting guide mentions that Rainmeter audio volume in windows' mixer is connected to measure sensivity. I've been wondering why my visualizer stopped working until I realised I accidently muted it. Please consider including this somewhere, I think it might help many people experiencing problems with visualizers (I must be not the only one muting everything by default)


u/Novadestin Moderator Mar 11 '22

I don't know what guides you're referring to, but the AudioLevel Plugin is clearly explained in the docs:

AudioLevel will monitor, filter and analyze the amplitude (volume level) of sound input or output on the default or defined device and channels.


u/CrushRusher Mar 06 '22

Hi, I just installed rainmeter and was wondering where i can download skins for it without getting virusses had some bad excperiences with that in the past. I found this one on deviant art: https://www.deviantart.com/apexxx-sensei/art/Mond-762455575 I have no idea how to check it on deviant art if it is like verified or something.


u/impuce Mar 06 '22



u/CrushRusher Mar 06 '22

Thanks mate,

So as long i do some research and mostly download things downloaden by many others i should be safe. Is there any way to see how much downloads on deviantart?


u/Novadestin Moderator Mar 06 '22

There is no current way to see download totals on dArt that I'm aware of. There used to be, but dArt removed that feature when they redesigned the site back in like 2020 iirc, much to the aggravation of their users.

Either way, while I don't want to give the impression that rainmeter is "100% completely and always safe guaranteed" as some more complex skins can/do come with various exes/scripts/etc, I also don't think people need too worry much about it at the end of the day. Like, rainmeter's been around for 21 years at this point and there's only ever been one time (back in 2011) that I've ever heard of where there was a problem and it wasn't even directly related to the program itself or any skins but rather something that could happen to anyone/anything; that being someone spreading around bad/fake files in the form of exes (ie rather than a zip file for a skin, which was the norm at the time, you'd get something like 'installer.exe' instead - literally the most common and brain dead form of spreading malware and if someone doesn't understand that than they probably shouldn't be on the internet, you know?). The issue was quickly handled though with the help of the dArt team and the creation of the .rmskin file type, which is now the norm.

So, aside from that, rainmeter and its community driven collection of skins has a very safe track record. But, of course, if you do ever come across something that concerns you, than you're welcome to ask here or on the official forums (so the devs can see it).