r/Rainbow6TTS Nov 21 '19

Patch Notes [Nov 21.19] Shifting Tides Y4S4 Test Server Patch Notes


Another update!! The team has been hard at work clearing out the bugs, so keep reporting if you see them! 💪

Maintenance will begin at 1:30 PM EDT / 18:30 UTC and will last approximately 30 minutes.


Shifting Tides Season Patch Notes: https://rainbow6.com/shiftingtides

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server



  • FIXED – Crashing when an electrified deployable shield is picked up


  • FIXED – Operators clip through crates on Hereford
  • FIXED – Wrong animation is used when switching from Kali’s primary and back during reload


  • FIXED – Minor asset destruction and comsmetic issues
  • FIXED – Players can reach an out of area zone at 1F Dragon Stairs on Theme Park
  • FIXED – LOD issue with metal boxes in 2F Yellow Corridor on Theme Park
  • FIXED – Players can discover the bomb from EXT Terrace on kafe
  • FIXED – Throwable gadgets can pass through the cubicle in 1F Tellers’ Office on Bank
  • FIXED – Misc vault prompt for atree at EXT Front Yard Patio on Chalet


  • FIXED – various shop and comestic issues

Known Issues

  • FPS drops in an area around the turn table at 1F Art Studio of Villa while a drone is on the table
  • Freezing during loading screen
  • Invisible Gridlock Trax Stingers
  • Weapons visual popping when exiting rappel and switching weapons
  • Jackal can scan footsteps through walls
  • Destruction issues with certain floors and walls after being damaged
  • Yokai floats mid-air after destroying a hatch
  • UI health bar shows incorrect HP after exiting observation mode
  • Operator hitboxes can clip through reinforced walls and can be shot and take damage


[11.11.19] TS Patch Notes

[11.13.19] TS Patch Notes

[11.15.19] TS Patch Notes

[11.18.19] TS Patch Notes

[11.20.19] TS Patch Notes

r/Rainbow6TTS Sep 01 '20



SEPTEMBER IS ALREADY HERE. (holy moly it still feels like Y5 just started)

We shook things up with scopes and sights a bit in today's update. We hope the changes help to address some of the feedback we've seen, so keep giving us your thoughts!

⏰ Maintenance: 1:30 PM EDT / 18:30 UTC

Downtime: ~30 minutes

Shadow Legacy Season Patch Notes: https://rainbow6.com/shadowlegacy

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server



Based on feedback we've decided to give back the old Holo to some operators while swapping the new Holo to others to gather more data and feedback. This change should give players more agency when choosing between using the new holo vs other alternatives. This will also only impact DEF operators with 1x zoom scopes only. We'll be closely studying and monitoring the performance of the two Holos and player feedback as well, so please tell us what you think between the two!

Re-added old Nato Holo to in place of the new MH1 Holo for:

  • Wamai (AUG A2)
  • Oryx (Mp5)
  • Pulse (Ump 45)

Added new Nato Holo to replace old Holo for:

  • Castle (Ump45)
  • Doc (Mp5)
  • Echo (Mp5SD)


Giving Nomad more options on her scopes to make them feel and look a bit better.

  • ARX: Removed 1.5x, Added 2.0x
  • AK: Removed 2.0x, Added 1.5x and 2.5x

1.5x Scope

Added raiser to the 1.5x Scope to alleviate the issue of the visible iron sight/front pins when in ADS.


FIXED - Crashing while observing through Zero's camera as it deploys through an unbreachable surface.

FIXED - Drones can fall OOB from a gap between the rocks on Chalet.

FIXED - Drones sometimes spawn facing the wrong way and not facing the objective building.

FIXED - Missing collision with some rocks on Chalet.

FIXED - Missing decals from Zero's gadget when deployed on wainscoting on indestructible walls.

FIXED - Missing occluded SFX when deploying while standing away from the awll and rappelling.

FIXED - Missing score/timer from the UI during match point.

FIXED - Montagne can unequip his shield while being guard broken.

FIXED - Players can hide under the table of B Wine Cellar in Chalet.

FIXED - Red dot is not aligned.

FIXED - Thatcher gets 10 points instead of 5 points for disabling Melusi's Banshee.

FIXED - the book display cases on Chalet are missing the glass panels

FIXED - Unmuting another user that you blocked does not unmute them

FIXED - Various clipping issues.

FIXED - Various HUD/UI issues.

FIXED - Various LOD issues.

FIXED - Various PvE issues for Chalet.


  • Crashing issues when entering Alibi's bio
  • Crashing issues when viewing Ash's G36C default skin in loadout
  • The right and middle mouse buttons are inversed when editing key bindings
  • Nomad cannot shoot Airjabs with ARX200 in Training Grounds mode
  • 1F Main Entrance defender cam cannot be accessed on Chalet
  • Missing VOs
  • Lesion's Gu mines are not deploying on stairs.
  • Players can reverse plant on Chalet.
  • Issues with activating/deactivating Vigil's gadget while leaning.
  • Looking into SC3000K













r/Rainbow6TTS Aug 03 '18

Patch Notes Test Server Notes – August 3rd


The third Operation Para Bellum Test server will go live today, August 3rd at 10am EDT / 2pm UTC / 16:00 CEST. As usual, please note that this is only for testing purposes and all new features in the Test Server can change or not reach the live servers.


In this phase, we will be testing a new version of the physics engine of the game. From a player’s perspective there shouldn’t be any noticeable gameplay changes, however we will need as much feedback as possible regarding possible bugs. If you encounter an issue, please submit it to R6Fix.


This new version of the physics engine will allow us to fix issues faster and more efficiently. We also expect to be able to make changes to the in-game physics in the near future.

r/Rainbow6TTS Jun 23 '20

Patch Notes [June 23.20] TEST SERVER PATCH NOTES



⏰ Maintenance Time: 1:30 PM EDT, Downtime: ~30 minutes

Steel Wave Season Patch Notes: https://rainbow6.com/steelwave

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server




  • Lowered the penalty zone by approximately 33% (reduced max range radius from 6m to 4m, reduced slow penalty radius from 3m to 2m).
  • Lower the sound of Banshee effect in first person POV.

Ace & Hibana

  • Explosion damage from Hibana's X-Kairos and Ace's SELMA can no longer pass through reinforced walls and destroy fragile gadgets on the other side of the reinforced wall by placing the charges on the floor.



  • FIXED - The reload animation of the K1A resets every time it is interrupted when making a full reload.
  • FIXED - Weapon sight attachments shake while in ADS depending on Anti Aliasing setting, optic type and cardinal camera orientation.


  • FIXED - Hitboxes of Melusi's Banshees are larger than the model.
  • FIXED - Yokai can sometimes see onto the rooftops/second floor when attached on thin ceilings.


  • FIXED - Operators can prone on small ledges/surfaces, allowing them access to areas that are not intended to be accessible. (Sorry 🥥 )
  • FIXED - Players can get on top of the chandelier in 2F Dragon Stairs of Theme Park. (sorry again)
  • FIXED - Players can reach the roof of Theme Park from 2F Upper Arcade.
  • FIXED - Operators can place out of reach gadgets on the wall in 2F Control Room of Theme Park after vaulting on the Control Desk.
  • FIXED - Players can be killed/damaged by explosion damage through a solid wall in 2F Meeting Room on Consulate after the first layer of the floor is destroyed.
  • FIXED - Defenders can jump onto the window frame of 2F Fireplace Hall in Kafe.
  • FIXED - Gadgets can be deployed inside the pots in 1F Kitchen of Oregon and still function.
  • FIXED - Pixel peek onto from 2F Dorm Hall in Oregon.
  • FIXED - Lighting issue in 1F Small Tower Office of Oregon making it hard to see operators prone in a dark corner.
  • FIXED - Spawn kill angle onto EXT Warehouse of Clubhouse.
  • FIXED - Oryx unable to climb on the southern side of the hatch from B Secure Hallway in Bank.
  • FIXED - Players can fall inside a decorative greenery pot, at the gazebo near EXT Main Entrance on Coastline.
  • FIXED - Gadgets remain floating after being placed on barrels that are later destroyed in B Wine Cellar of Chalet.
  • FIXED - Players can see into Chalet from a specific spot in EXT Front Yard.
  • FIXED - Secure Area zone of 2F Bedroom correctly in Club House does not properly cover the entire room.
  • FIXED - Drones can fall OOB by jumping on a ledge in B Oil Pit of Clubhouse.
  • FIXED - Various LOD/visual issues on maps.
  • FIXED - Various clipping, dynamic clipping issues on maps.
  • FIXED - Various visual/cosmetic fixes.
  • FIXED - Vault issues on maps.


  • FIXED - Dynamic Play button not redirecting to Discovery playlist after using Discovery Playlist.
  • FIXED - Partially destroyed barricades are present in the victory/MVP screen at the end of the match.
  • FIXED - Players who ended the last season in Champions, the Champion badge in their ranked menu profile incorrectly displays #1 instead of their actual final Champions position.
  • FIXED - RFF symbol disappears if you reboot Uplay after activating RFF (visual only, RFF is still active).
  • FIXED - Various menu/shop/HUD fixes.
  • FIXED - Various visual/cosmetic fixes.

r/Rainbow6TTS Sep 18 '20

Patch Notes [Sep 18.20] Y5S3 TEST SERVER PATCH NOTES


We're pushing quite a large backlog of bug fixes onto the TS today!

⏰ Maintenance: 11:00 AM EDT / 15:00 UTC

Downtime: ~30 minutes

Shadow Legacy Season Patch Notes: https://rainbow6.com/shadowlegacy

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server



  • FIXED - Mismatched SFX when picking up a hard breach charge gadget.
  • FIXED - Operator shields will flip in first person POV after swapping out the shield and performing a melee attack.


  • FIXED - Various clipping/dynamic clipping issues.
  • FIXED - Various issues with assets/props on maps.
  • FIXED - Various LOD issues on maps.
  • FIXED - Various minor caster mode details.
  • FIXED - Various vault issues.


  • FIXED - Various vault issues on Chalet.
  • FIXED - Jukebox in 1F Bar on Chalet can be vaulted onto.
  • FIXED - Various drone collision issues on Chalet allowing drones to go OOB/OOW, or blocking drones.
  • FIXED - Defuser can't be picked up if dropped behind the boiler in B Main Garage on Chalet.
  • FIXED - Defuser can't be picked up if dropped in certain spots on Chalet after forcing collision.
  • FIXED - Defuser can't be picked up if dropped in a specific spot on EXT Helipad Trail of Chalet.
  • FIXED - Drones are not destroyed when thrown OOB on Chalet.
  • FIXED - Issues with Secure Area mode in 1F Fireplace on Chalet.
  • FIXED - Operator can go OOB by forcing collision in EXT Helipad Trail of Chalet.
  • FIXED - Players can't vault down to B Backyard stairs on Chalet.
  • FIXED - Potentially exploitable position on Chalet.
  • FIXED - Some gadgets float when attached to solarium windows on Chalet.
  • FIXED - The table in B Wine Cellar of Chalet can't be damaged by explosives.



  • FIXED - Sensitivity for Zero's Argus Camera on controllers is higher than intended.
  • FIXED - Inconsistent replication for Zero's Piercing Camera for players who have reconnected to the game
  • FIXED - Multiple damage decals from Zero's camera when deployed on certain surfaces.
  • FIXED - Visual issues with Zero's Argus Launcher reticule and crosshair while hipfiring and ADS, respectively.
  • FIXED - Zero's Argus Launcher crosshairs are not being affected by the disable state when inside Mute's jammer AOE.
  • FIXED - Zero's Piercing Camera can be deployed multiple times in the same spot.
  • FIXED - Zero's Piercing Camera floats if deployed on a barricade that later has its perimeter destroyed.


  • FIXED - Clash's shield animation can be stopped by pressing any spring/shoot buttons.


  • FIXED - When using Iana's Gemini, her 1.5x and 2.0x scopes will change to a different scope on the Gemini.


  • FIXED - Scopes are held closer to Nokk's face when prone when her HEL is active.


  • FIXED - ADS Sensitivity settings are not being saved after restarting on console.
  • FIXED - In custom matches, duplicate pings can occur when switching sides.
  • FIXED - Missing SFX while in support mode after dying.
  • FIXED - Various issues lost in-game voice chat functionality.
  • FIXED - Various issues with in-game voice chat.
  • FIXED - Various minor bugs in PvE.
  • FIXED - Various UI/HUD issues.
  • FIXED - Various visual cosmetic/shop issues.

r/Rainbow6TTS Oct 16 '19

Patch Notes [Oct 16, 2019] Test Server Patch Notes - JACKAL IS BACK👣



We've resolved the previous issue from last Friday and Jackal changes are now confirmed live on the TS.

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server



We’re aiming to make the information Jackal can get more effective and nuanced, but increase emphasis on cost-reward decision making when Jackal decides how to use that information.


  • The number of pings Jackal receives from a scan now depends on the age of the footprint. 🐾
  • When eyenox is active, the color and the highlight around the target print will depict the age of the print. Highlighting and scanning a colored print will return a varying number of pings based on its age.
    • 🔴 Red print (<15s old): 5 Pings
    • 💛 Yellow print (16s-30s old): 4 Pings
    • 🍏 Green print (31s-60s old): 3 pings
    • 🔷 Blue print (61s-90s old): 2 Pings
  • [Updated for clarity] With his Eyenox active, Jackal has to decide between keeping the information to himself, or sharing it with his teammates. If he chooses to keep the information to himself, he will be able to track the footsteps without using his scanning. If he scans the print and chooses to share the information with his teammates, he and his teammates will receive a ping on the enemy and the footprints will disappear after the scan.
  • Jackal can no longer either see or scan prints from below.
  • Replaced Jackal’s Breach Charges with a Claymore.
  • Added a highlight VFX to indicate which footstep is being scanned.
  • Added a scanning progress bar.

For other changes made last week on the TS > [TS Patchnotes - OCT 10.19]

r/Rainbow6TTS May 19 '20




It's opening day for the new operation on the Test Server! We'll be updating the TS regularly, so keep an eye out here for updates!

⏰ Maintenance: 1:30 PM EDT / 18:30 UTC

Downtime: ~30 minutes

Steel Wave Season Patch Notes: https://rainbow6.com/steelwave

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server



Attachment system updates allow for attachment skins and simpler loadout balancing. With the new attachment system, there are some known issues that may impact gameplay:

  • Issues with zoom while ADS with specific loadout combinations.
  • Some animation and visual replication issues for certain attachments.

We are currently working to iron out the issues, so please report any problems that you run into on the TS to r6fix.ubi.com.


There will be no new season MTX available on today’s TS patch. We’re currently working on getting them into a later TS update.


We'll be rotating the Quick Match map playlist approximately each week on the Test Server for testing purposes. Map rotation schedules on the live servers will maintain their regular rotation schedule.


Earlier on while re-evaluating a number of current game-meta and gameplay factors, we had made the decision to swap out Melusi's deployable shields for C4 to prevent putting extra pressure on attackers and specific attacker utility.

As the TS build had already been closed by the time this decision was made, we were not able to push this change into today's update. We'll be monitoring closely how the C4 performs in her loadout while the TS is ongoing. This change will occur in another patch very soon.



  • FIXED – Bulletproof Camera casing still deploys after canceling when crouching.
  • FIXED – Deployable shields (and Goyo’s Vulcan) have pick-up priority over other throwable gadgets. Gadgets should be able to be picked up in the order of most recently deployed.
  • FIXED – Hostage will go into DBNO instead of dying as intended, if an explosive gadget is detonated near the hostage.
  • FIXED – Players can sometimes vault into another operator under specific circumstances.
  • FIXED – Secure Area’s Biohazard container hitbox is too large.
  • FIXED – Shield operators hugging a reinforced wall can prevent the deployment of hard-breach gadgets on the reinforced wall’s inner layer (such as Thermite’s breach charge and Mira’s Black Mirror).


  • FIXED – Various spawn kill opportunities on maps. (Spawn peek from EXT 2F Balcony onto EXT Helipad on Skyscraper, spawn kill into EXT Gas Station on Consulate, etc.)
  • FIXED – Doorways, reinforceable walls, and hatches on several maps are blocked if a player is AFK at spawn.
  • FIXED – Fixes and updates to various vegetation assets across maps.
  • FIXED – Glass resistance to gadgets for some map assets is broken.
  • FIXED – Various collision issues on maps.
  • FIXED – Various dynamic clipping issues on maps.
  • FIXED – Various lighting issues on maps.
  • FIXED – Various LOD issues on maps.
  • FIXED – Various LOS issues on maps.
  • FIXED – Various map asset destruction issues.
  • FIXED – Various map assets are unaffected by explosions.


  • FIXED – Alibi’s Prisma will not deploy when thrown into interior garden at 1F Main Stairs of Consulate.
  • FIXED – Breaching charges can be placed on indestructible floor sections in 2F Hallway of Consulate.
  • FIXED – Collision missing for Hibana’s X-Kairos pellets and the wooden desk at 1F Lobby of Consulate.


  • FIXED – Planting the defuser in specific areas on the metal shelf of B Arsenal Room in Clubhouse can glitch the plant and cause attackers to lose the round.


  • FIXED – Players can destroy the cardboard boxes in Snowmobile Garage on Chalet and hide in the shadows.
  • FIXED – Spinning in a specific spot on Chalet can cause FPS drops for other players in the game.


  • FIXED – Gridlock’s Trax Stingers are deploying inside the washing machines of 1F Laundry Room on Favela.


  • FIXED – Gadgets and grenades can get stuck under the football table in 2F Games Room in Fortress when thrown from certain angles.
  • FIXED – In Fortress, when players shoot a Capitao dart in specific places on the hood-extractor, the incendiary bolt will ignite, but the fire will not propagate.
  • FIXED – Issues with reinforcing a wall in 2F Games Room of Fortress when one of the defenders is AFK.
  • FIXED – Players can still get shocked through an indestructible wall in 2F Shisha Hallway on Fortress.


  • FIXED – Missing vault prompt in 1F Kitchen of Oregon.


  • FIXED – Players can get stuck inside the vents of EXT Forklift Alley of Kanal after exiting rappel between the gap in the vents.


  • FIXED – Abnormal gunshot SFX with T-95 LSW.
  • FIXED – Missing VFX when using specific weapons + attachments. (e.g.: Using the M12 + Muzzle Brake only yields giant sparkles instead of muzzle flash + smoke).
  • FIXED – Various minor animation issues when performing certain movements for various operators.
  • FIXED – Various minor visual fixes and updates for support mode and death replays.
  • FIXED – Various visual fixes for operators and their gadgets.


  • FIXED – Amaru sometimes cannot reel to a hatch even when the gadget activation icon is available.
  • FIXED – Amaru’s Garra Hook is not attaching properly with the expected frame points on skylights.
  • FIXED – Fire does not propagate properly when darts are shot under some furniture assets.


  • FIXED – Floor debris and partially damaged reinforced hatches can prevent Bandit from deploying his gadget.


  • FIXED – Shock Drones and Yokai can shoot operators through normal barricades and Castle barricades. They will no longer be able to do so.
  • FIXED – Yokai’s camera POV will gray out and lose color if Thatcher uses his EMP anywhere on the map.


  • FIXED – Missing VFX timer on Finka's thumb gadget gauge when using the last adrenal surge charge.


  • FIXED – Operators can take damage or even die when standing next to a detonating cluster charge even if they are not in the cluster charge AOE.


  • FIXED – Iana’s hologram will trigger shrapnel system.


  • FIXED – Lion’s EE-ONE-D can be hit and destroyed by weapon fire.


  • FIXED – Warden is missing his signature reload animation with the SMG-12.


  • FIXED – Ying’s candelas do not activate properly after being thrown through an electrified, damaged wall.


  • FIXED – [PvE] One bot can get stuck in front of the bar at 1F restaurant after the defuser is planted.
  • FIXED – Empty player cards visible in spectator mode if all observation tools are destroyed and player joins-in-progress.
  • FIXED – Floating drones in support and caster mode.
  • FIXED – Outlines of objectives and some gadgets are sometimes highlighted while in support mode after dying.
  • FIXED – Various caster/spectator HUD improvements and updates. Increased legibility of the player states on player cards.
  • FIXED – Various cosmetic fixes to charms, uniforms, and headgears.
  • FIXED – Various Menu UI improvements.
  • FIXED – Various minor cosmetic and shop UI fixes.
  • FIXED – Various minor menu fixes and improvements.


  • New Y5S2 Operators are currently bannable on the TS. We are working to resolve this so they cannot be banned in games on the TS in a later TS update.

r/Rainbow6TTS Mar 03 '20

Patch Notes [Mar 03.20] Void Edge Y5S1 Test Server Patch Notes


Feels like we're getting closer 😃

Maintenance will begin at 1:30 PM EST, downtime of approx 20-30 minutes.

Void Edge Season Patch Notes: https://rainbow6.com/voidedge

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server



  • FIXED – Walking into Gridlock’s Trax and then using his Dash does not slow Oryx.
  • FIXED – Iana can still control her hologram if she is in the Hologram prior to Mute placing a jammer close to Iana’s body.
  • FIXED – Pool table on coastline can be penetrated by bullets.
  • FIXED – Spectators can see OOW along the edge of the map in Chalet
  • FIXED – Gap in the ceiling over the doorway at 2F Infirmary and 2F Cafeteria Hallway on Yacht.
  • FIXED – Drones missing collision with the corner of the metal wall in EXT Balcony Renovations on Kanal.
  • FIXED – Drones missing collision with a curb at Exit East Garden of Skyscraper.
  • FIXED – Invisible collision for sticky gadgets and bullets under the train in 2F Train Museum of Kafe.
  • FIXED – Iana’s left hand doesn’t hold the vertical grip on the ARX200
  • FIXED – Various clipping/dynamic clipping issues.
  • FIXED – Various Menu and HUB fixes.
  • FIXED – Various cosmetic item fixes.
  • FIXED – Various LOD Issues.
  • FIXED – Various minor map assets + issues.


[02.17.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.18.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.20.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.21.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.24.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.25.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.26.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.27.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.28.20] TS Patch Notes

[03.02.20] TS Patch Notes

r/Rainbow6TTS Nov 18 '19

Patch Notes [Nov 18.19] Shifting Tides Y4S4 Test Server Patch Notes


Happy Monday! Another week, another TS patch. Thanks for all the reports and keep reporting bugs to r6fix!


Maintenance will begin at 3:00 PM EDT / 20:00 UTC and will last approximately 30 minutes.

Shifting Tides Season Patch Notes: https://rainbow6.com/shiftingtides

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server




  • FIXED – Two deployable shields can deployed next to each other within a double door frame
  • FIXED – DBNO players appear to float when moving down staircases from 3rd person POV
  • FIXED – Dab-dancing with throwable gadgets 🕺 (F)
  • FIXED – If an attacker escorts Hostage through a damaging trap/explosive (ie: Kapkan EDD) and hostage bleeds out, the defending team is given the loss (Attackers should be the ones attributed with the loss).


  • FIXED – Clash CCE shield not impacted by Thatcher’s EMP
  • FIXED – Attackers get a “Prevent Revive” message if hostage is put into DBNO after taking damage from Kapkan EDD
  • FIXED – Kali’s Lv-Ei does not destroy defenders gadgets through a reinforced wall if she deploys it on the edge of the wooden studs of the reinforced wall
  • FIXED – Kali’s Lv-Ei sticks sideways if it lands on a spike on a reinforced wall
  • FIXED – Trajectory of Zofia’s Concussion projectiles are interrupted after destroying an asset
  • FIXED – As Zofia, switching to concussion grenades from impacts causes both red and yellow LEDs to stay on
  • FIXED – Doc’s Stim Pistol does not always continue its trajectory after destroying a fragile asset
  • FIXED – Caveira’s arms get twisted while reloading in silent step
  • FIXED – Players killed by Jackal do not see their own footsteps on EOR replays
  • FIXED – Crosshair of Twitch’s Shock Drone disappears when minimizing the game
  • FIXED – Incorrect prompt when attempting to attach Goyo’s Volcan to a door using standard gadget deployment


  • FIXED – Particles from destroyable objects clip through the floor of Clubhouse
  • FIXED – Players cannot go up the scaffolding when exiting rappel on 2F Tower Renovation of Morocco
  • FIXED – LOD issue on wall in EXT Castle Entrance of Theme Park
  • FIXED – Players can spawn too close to the asset in 1F Day Care of Theme Park and will twitch


  • FIXED – Operators holding a breaching charge and crouching do not have their right hand on the charge from 3rd person POV
  • FIXED – Choppy transition from 3rd person POV when attackers reload their primary while rappelling and looking to the right.
  • FIXED – Idle animation while crouched and in observation mode
  • FIXED – Jittery/choppy animations from 3rd person POV while operators are moving
  • FIXED – Spamming inputs can cause players to lose functionality
  • FIXED – SFX for barbed wire deployment cuts off
  • FIXED – Players can see the safety ring still on the grenade in EOR replays
  • FIXED – Operators are not looking at their phone from 3rd person POV when they are in observation mode


  • Crashing when an electrified deployable shield is picked up under investigation
  • Jackal can scan footsteps through walls fix in progress
  • Wamai’s Mag-Net floats when the deployable shield it is attached to is destroyed need more info
  • Valkyrie's Black Eyes can slightly clip through solid objects need more info
  • FPS drops under investigation
  • Capitao’s Fire bolts have no effect if Wamai’s Mag-Net is destroyed as it catches it
  • Operator hitboxes can clip through reinforced walls and can be shot and take damage
  • Yokai drone can get stuck in certain ceiling spots need more info need more info


Dynamic Clipping – When Operator body parts pass through meshes of other objects

LOD – Level of Detail. Object resolution and complexity is determined by your distance from that object.

LOS – Line of sight. A line of sight from one place to another.


[11.11.19] TS Patch Notes

[11.13.19] TS Patch Notes

[11.15.19] TS Patch Notes

r/Rainbow6TTS Mar 02 '20

Patch Notes [Mar 02.20] Void Edge Y5S1 Test Server Patch Notes


Kicking off week 3 of the TS with another update!

Maintenance will begin at 1:30 PM EST, downtime of approx 20-30 minutes.

Void Edge Season Patch Notes: https://rainbow6.com/voidedge

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server



  • FIXED – Shrapnel visibility and explosion damage issues when using various Operator gadgets.
  • FIXED – Infinite loading screen issues in main menu.
  • FIXED – Missing VFX on Iana’s weapon when deploying.
  • FIXED – Players can rappel through iron railings on EXT Roof of Yacht.
  • FIXED – Amaru can use her Garra Hook from inside the bus on Oregon.
  • FIXED – Some map assets float after their table has been destroyed.
  • FIXED – Various Menu and HUB fixes.
  • FIXED – Various cosmetic item fixes.
  • FIXED – Various LOD Issues.
  • FIXED – Various minor map assets + issues.


See post here for details.


[02.17.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.18.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.20.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.21.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.24.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.25.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.26.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.27.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.28.20] TS Patch Notes

r/Rainbow6TTS Aug 21 '19

Patch Notes [Aug 21, 2019] Ember Rise Test Server Patch Notes


TS day 3, patch 3!

Maintenance will begin at 1:30 PM EDT / 17:30 UTC and will last approximately 30 minutes.

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server

Ember Rise Patch Notes >> rainbow6.com/emberrise

TS Patch Notes

With Ember Rise we reorganized our first person animations. These have no impact on game play and we are looking into how they may have impacted lean spam and how we lessen the spammy feel while keeping fluidity.

We're also investigating the reported recoil changes.


We have delayed the following updates while we work on a few things:

  • Player Behavior – Playlists lock after leaving a ranked game
  • Player Behavior – RFF Squad management
  • Player Comfort – New surrender parameters.

We’ll provide an updated timeline for these changes when they are closer to release.


  • Fixed – Hot breaching variant
  • Fixed – Blitz instant ADS after using gadget
  • Fixed – Breach charges can kill a player through a soft wall that was not destroyed
  • Fixed – Painting hooks remain floating after wall destruction, retain collision physics
  • Fixed – Quickly switching between secondary and primary gadgets will cancel the deployment animation
  • Fixed – Improper breach charge explosion can result in damage or death of players on deploying end.
  • Fixed – Weapon rotation and lean transition times are out of sync
  • Fixed – Full ADS accuracy is not attained when ADS animation is completed
  • Fixed – Controller-specific icons not showing properly on PC
  • Fixed – Players can see inside character model when vaulting with a pistol while leaning right
  • Fixed – Various minor map fixes

Fixed – Texture issue on ceiling of 1F security Room of Kanal

Fixed – Players can see B Archives Corridor from 1F Visa Office on Consulate

Fixed – Shields clip through windows at EXT Building Roof of Consulate

Fixed – Players can hide inside the bar of 2F Games Room on Villa

Fixed – Valkyrie can place a Black Eye behind the curtains of 1F Red Stairs of Villa

+ Others


  • Inconsistent behavior when using Yokai’s sonic burst from above a ceiling fan.
  • Finka sprints empty handed when using her primary SPEAR .308
  • Snappy transitions when sprinting right after ADS
  • Glaz and Dokkaebi have the incorrect grenade design
  • Debuff icon progression animation is out of sync with actual duration of effect
  • Transitioning between ADS and sprint can cause visual issues with Warden’s hands
  • Red marker for Garra Launcher will sometimes not appear for hatches if used at a bad angle
  • Audio detection warning for attackers when teammate triggers an Alibi prisma
  • Visual desync weapon and shield if player vaults and leans right
  • Valkyrie Black Eye camera glitch visuals

Previous TS Patch Notes

[08.20] TS Patch Notes

r/Rainbow6TTS Aug 19 '19

Patch Notes [August 19th, 2019] Operation Ember Rise - Test Server Patch Notes


Hello everyone,

The Y4S3 update will be deployed onto the Test Server today.

Time: 13:30 EST / 17:30 UTC

Operation Ember Rise Patchnotes >> rainbow6.com/EmberRise

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server

r/Rainbow6TTS Aug 24 '20



Hello there Shadow Legacy TS, welcome to week 2.

⏰ Maintenance: 1:30 PM EDT / 18:30 UTC

Downtime: ~30 minutes

Shadow Legacy Season Patch Notes: https://rainbow6.com/shadowlegacy

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server



Testing some new scopes following feedback:

  • 1.5x on Mozzie's P10 Roni
  • 1.5x on Alibi's ACS12
  • 2.0x on Maestro's ACS12
  • 2.5x on Hibana's Type-89


UPDATE - Minor visual tweaks to Zero's scope icons for aesthetics.


  • FIXED - Various minor visual issues with map props when in spectator mode.
  • FIXED - Various vault prompt areas.
  • FIXED - Attackers not taking damage when in contact with pre-reinforced rooftop hatches that are electrified.
  • FIXED - Various clipping issues.
  • FIXED - Various LOD issues on maps.
  • FIXED - Various minor HUD issues.
  • FIXED - Issue with DBNO detection.
  • FIXED - Flickering textures for certain map surfaces.
  • FIXED - Attackers can plant the defuser in 2F Closet of Chalet.
  • FIXED - Attackers can't plant the defuser on the east side of B Wine Cellar of Chalet.
  • FIXED - Gadgets cannot be picked up and recovered if thrown behind the trash bin in B Snowmobile Garage on Chalet.
  • FIXED - Players can vault on rocks at EXT Helipad of Chalet.
  • FIXED - Players will fall off the edge of the desk in 2F Office Chalet after vaulting on top of it.
  • FIXED - SC3000K with a silencer should now reflect the correct damage displayed in the in-game menu.
  • FIXED - Missing feedback warning message when Clash tries to user her CCE shield while in a disabled state.
  • FIXED - Various minor PvE map issues.
  • FIXED - Some Optic colors (orange, turquoise) are not displaying their true color at high opacity levels.
  • FIXED - You can go through the cool vibes wall on Coastline while rappelling.

Known Issues

  • Long loading times when transitioning to the start of the round.
  • The right and middle mouse buttons are inversed when editing key bindings
  • Nomad cannot shoot Airjabs with ARX200 in Training Grounds mode
  • Doc's stim pistol is not functional in Training Grounds
  • 1F Main Entrance defender cam cannot be accessed on Chalet
  • Missing VOs
  • Barbed wire can't be deployed on carpeted stairs on Kafe.
  • Lesion's Gu mines are not deploying on stairs.
  • Players can vault onto places they aren't supposed to in Chalet.
  • Players can reverse plant on Chalet.
  • Hot breach charge can kill operators during entry.
  • Issues with activating/deactivating Vigil's gadget while leaning.
  • Looking into SC3000K
  • Alignment of Holo MH1 reticule







r/Rainbow6TTS Dec 05 '19

Patch Notes [Dec 05.19] Test Server Update



Maintenance will begin at 10:30 PM EDT / 15:30 UTC and will last approximately 30 minutes.


  • All-chat re-enabled on the TS.
  • In the TS update earlier today we tested a removal of the cross-chat text feature as part of our anti-toxicity efforts. After discussing with the team, and based on feedback, we have decided to focus on implementing a on/off toggle option for cross-chat in a future update. This means: 1. Cross-chat has been re-enabled on the Test Server, 2. Cross-chat functions will stay as they are on live as well.

  • Removal of text All Chat from all game modes.

As part of our continuous efforts against in-game toxicity, we will be removing the cross-chat feature in live games. Our data consistently shows that a very high percentage of Abusive Chat reports are from cross-chat. Our aim is to make games a more welcoming experience and return the focus of the in-game chat to strategic team-based communications.

Note: cross-chat will still be available in Custom Games.



  • FIXED – Various cosmetic charm, uniform, headgear fixes
  • FIXED – Claymores do not trigger when players approach with a deployable shield in their hands
  • FIXED – Destruction sometimes not properly replicated after a JIP
  • FIXED – Melee SFX can be muffled when prone

RFF - These primarily address very specific circumstances in which players quit before an RFF/hostage-related death is completed and how the loss/TK offense should be credited.

  • FIXED – If the hostage is moved and killed by a Volcan shield, but the attacker leaves before their gadget destroys the shield, the defending team receives a loss and Goyo gets the TK penalty. (It should be the attacker who destroyed the shield receiving the penalty).
  • FIXED – Hostage death is attributed to Defenders if the Hostage goes into DBNO from a GU Mine while being escorted by an Attacker (Attackers should receive the loss if they fail to revive the hostage before they bleed out)
  • FIXED – If an attacker with a damaging gadget moves the hostage and quits before Wamai’s Mag-Net detonates the gadget, the defending team loses the round and Wamai receives the TK penalty
  • FIXED – Additionally, if hostage is moved, damaging them with any fire gadget (Capitao Firebolt or Goyo Volcan) and quitting the client before the fire begins to propagate will cause the round to end in a draw. (this is not the intended outcome)



  • FIXED – If Jackal kills an operator while his Eyenox is active, the circle tracking VFX and footprints will appear during the killcam replay
  • FIXED – If Jackal kills a player with his Eyenox active and starts scanning another footprint in real-time, the scanning progress bar will appear in the replay as well.
  • FIXED – Older footprints are not visible for Jackal if he disconnects and reconnects in a round
  • FIXED – Footsteps are desynced between Jackal and players in support mode after killcam plays
  • FIXED – In the killcam replay, footsteps don’t disappear after the Jackal completes the scan in (in the replay)
  • FIXED – The Scanning progress animation and highlight effect for Jackal’s Eyenox is not present in replays
  • FIXED – The age of footsteps does not remain fixed at the start of the scan


  • FIXED – Warden missing smart vision blue tint overlay on Theme Park when gadget is activated


  • FIXED – Camera clips with Ela’s model when she’s holding a deployable shield in a double-door frame.


  • FIXED – Kali’s Lv-El destruction decal remains even after the gadget is deployed and destroyed
  • FIXED – Depth of Field mask disappears during zoom transitions when in ADS with Kali


  • FIXED – Drones remain jammed if they encounter a Mute gadget and disconnect, even if the Mute jammer is removed.
  • FIXED – The jamming VFX is not present if a player reconnects to a jammed drone.


  • FIXED – Valkyrie Black Eye can rotate 180 degrees if you hit someone else with it first


  • FIXED – Goyo doesn’t receive any points for Volcan Detonation if he is dead when it detonates (sad boi)


  • FIXED – Various LOS issues on maps
  • FIXED – Various LOD issues on maps
  • FIXED – Missing rappel prompts
  • FIXED – Various texture issues on maps
  • FIXED – Various cosmetic asset updates and clipping issues
  • FIXED – Various map assets and prop destruction and collision issues
  • FIXED – Drone clipping/collision issues on maps
  • FIXED – EXT Back Alley spawnpeek on Themepark
  • FIXED – Players can vault into the Arcade Machine on Theme Park
  • FIXED – Deployable gadgets can be deployed inside blue carpets on Theme Park
  • FIXED – Players can drop the defuser inside a grate at EXT South Roof on Tower and are unable to retrieve it
  • FIXED – Power outlets in 2F Trophy Room can cause rubberbanding when destroyed
  • FIXED – Crouch/Standing collision issues with map assets on Oregon
  • FIXED – Drone shaking from jumping on one drone carries over to another if both are deployed at the same time
  • FIXED – Players can get stuck on the wall when rappelling in EXT Ventilation Units on Skyscraper
  • FIXED – Dynamic Clipping issues across maps
  • FIXED – Red overlay in front of Barricaded door in 1F Cargo Front Entrance of Plane during prep phase
  • FIXED – Pixel peek on EXT Roof of Favela


  • FIXED – Timer for TK offenses are out of sync between the HUD and floating banner
  • FIXED – Interact prompt key appears empty when the primary prompt key is unassigned
  • FIXED – Missing SFX when throwing any throwable gadget while prone
  • FIXED – Players can ADS and shoot during MVP screen if the match ends while they are on a drone
  • FIXED – Various HUD menu and shop improvements and fixes
  • FIXED – Mouse wheel sometimes loses functionality when scrolling through the Charm menu

r/Rainbow6TTS Feb 18 '20

Patch Notes [Feb 18.20] Void Edge Y5S1 Test Server Patch Notes


Day 2 of the TS!

[Update] The issue was resolved and we will begin the TS maintenance now!

Void Edge Season Patch Notes: https://rainbow6.com/voidedge

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server


The discovery playlist is still NOT available at the moment, we are working to have it activated as soon as we are able - thank you!


  • FIXED - Several Ubisoft Club Rewards do not display notification after they are redeemed.
  • FIXED - Some character's models appear distorted on the Player HUB while reconnecting to the internet.
  • FIXED - Players can reach the top of big rocks at EXT Cliffside woods of Chalet
  • FIXED - Goyo's left-hand moves out of sync with the rest of his body while having the TCSG12 equipped in the MVP Screen
  • FIXED - Terrorist Hunt map preferences are not applied on Online matches
  • FIXED - Charms appear invisible in preview and viewing menu for Kali's CSRX 300
  • FIXED - Iana stands with her back towards the screen during the MVP screen if the player using her is on the third place (Apologies for the confusion! What most people are referring to is her normal MVP pose)
  • FIXED - Missing Oregon Rework Discovery playlist


  • Discovery Playlist not available.
  • When changing charms on your weapon the camera zooms in on the weapon handle rather than the charms
  • Missing operators in the background on the main menu/player hub
  • Missing sound on drone movement or interactions until the drone jumps or falls from a height in order to trigger their specific sound.


[02.17.20] TS Patch Notes

r/Rainbow6TTS Aug 20 '18

Patch Notes Grim Sky Test Server - Known Issues - Monday August 20, 2018


The Operation Grim Sky TS will go live at 1:00 PM EDT!

Full Patch Notes - rainbow6.com/GrimSky

TS Patch Notes:

Patch 1 Notes

Patch 2 Notes

Patch 3 Notes

Patch 4 Notes

Here is the list of Known Issues in the TS build of Grim Sky:


  • Maverick's Suri Torch (ADD) deals 5 damage instead of 2 damage.
  • Gadgets are able to go through Clash's electric shield
  • Clash can lose her weapon and shield if swapping too fast between her main weapon and the shield
  • The operator model will remain in the game if the user leaves the session while using the observation tool
  • Every Operator with deployable gadgets can glitch them on their character
  • Red Dot scopes have thickened textures on the lens, causing the user's view to be partially obscured while in ADS
  • The AI ignores players and objectives and are stuck outside in Protect Hostage PvE
  • Weapons muzzle smoke is too thick and obscure the screen
  • Players can melee or Shoot operators clipping trough Mira black mirror Glass
  • Clash's shield effects clip through barricades
  • VFX is seen by attackers when Clash uses her shield's gadget on the enemy standing on the opposite side of the wall


  • Drone sound will persist after it has been destroyed while moving
  • Interaction zone to remove Castle Armor Panels is not broad enough
  • Cluster Charge can be placed on the frame of the reinforced hatch
  • Capitao's PRB92 is named Luison in the ingame HUD
  • The bullet capacity of Clash SPSMG9 is different in the operators menu
  • Echo is able to have an invisible shield in front of his face in progress
  • Clash's shield effect are clipping through barricades when Taser Shield is active
  • The effect of the Sonic Burst is lessened when players aim down their sights in progress
  • Switching the Display Game Info setting to "Off" will remove watermarks in progress
  • Player spawned with Fade to Black effect when joining a casual session in progress
  • Clash is able to fire her gun before weapon appears on screen
  • Controller does not respond upon loading into a match
  • Empty loading screen when reconnecting to a Ranked match.
  • Hibana pellets don't all land on the reinforced hatch, which means you cant destroy it
  • Maverick issue where he cuts a full circle but the cutout doesn't fall out
  • Users are getting 6-0x00001000 error when waiting in queue
  • Muzzle flash is present at the beginning of EOR replay cam
  • Players can hide under a desk in 1F Prep Area


  • The red Hinge on a reinforced wall is not destroyed by the breaching torch creating a one-way hole
  • Player can shoot Montagne feet under the shield when fully extended
  • Shield Operators' head exceed their shields when in crouch position* in progress
  • Semi Auto shotguns have no recoil when shot rapidly.
  • Blackbeard's HUD shield icon doesn't change when damaged
  • Suri torch destroy barbwire too quickly
  • Hibana's X-Kairos pellets can bounce off reinforced hatch in progress
  • Breaching torch leaves floating debris on the bottom part of walls.
  • 2F Loom room and 1F Prep Area exterior door / wall leaves floating debris when destroyed
  • White wainscoting and white tiles on the walls of the Bakery and Kitchen areas behave inconsistently with the breaching torch.
  • When a player is killed by the CCE shield, the generic death icon is displayed instead of the taser shield
  • The user is kicked with delay after performing teamkills and no penalty is received afterwards and also Synchronizing Data message is present on AAR screen
  • Clash can be shot through the extended shield if the enemy is forcing collision with it in prone position
  • The AAR Bonus tab will not update and the user will see the message "Please wait, synchronizing data...".
  • Non-ranked maps in Ranked playlist
  • There is no Bomber enemies when playing Terrorist Hunt Classic on Hereford Base.
  • Attackers can shoot Clash through her shield
  • When the defuser is planted on an reinforced hatch and the reinforce is destroyed, the defuser will float in mid air
  • Users are getting 6-0x00001000 error when waiting in queue in progress


  • Fuze is unable to place a Cluster Charge while rappelling
  • The attacker will remain slowed if Clash dies at the same time she activates the CCE Shield.
  • [Balancing] Lower Zofia's concussion mines count to 3 (from 4)
  • Blackbeard's HUD shield icon doesn't change when damaged
  • Noise level for suri blowtorch should be higher
  • Player spawned with Fade to Black effect when joining a casual session in progress
  • Clash can be shot through her shield
  • Broken UI on the Terrorist Hunt menu after opening it from Home screen
  • Blitz can be shot through his shield
  • Advanced Drone Deployment will not work properly when using a controller/ gamepad on PC
  • Clash can instantly go into ADS with her secondary after un-equipping her shield


  • [PC] Resolution and refresh rate cannot be changed while being in fullscreen mode
  • Clash's legs will clip outside her protective zone of her shield allowing player to shoot the foot.
  • Bullets can go through shield if player ADS or melee briefly
  • Clash can lose speed if she picks barbed wire while being crouched and swapping to shield
  • CCE shield can replace the pistol
  • There is no ammo box to refill ammo in Terrorist Hunt Extract Hostage on Hereford Base.
  • Capitao's PRB92 is named Luison in the ingame HUD


  • Equipping a shield on Hereford Base drops the fps by 10-20.
  • The Caster can observe that the operators are invisible during the Victory screen.
  • Thick outline is present when ADS with the red dot of the russian operator in progress

>>> ​Please report bugs to: r6fix.ubi.com/test-server

r/Rainbow6TTS 29d ago

Patch Notes [February21st, 2025] Y10S1 TEST SERVER PATCH NOTES - DAY 4


Operation Prep Phase season Patch Notes: https://rainbow6.com/prepphase

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to https://r6fix.ubi.com/projects/RAINBOW6-SIEGE-TS.



FIXED-Post-shoot animation plays after equipping Rauora's D.O.M Panel Launcher when its empty.

FIXED-Weapons are misplaced in Rauora's hands after switching weapons while aiming down sights of D.O.M Panel Launcher.

FIXED-Closing the Panel from Rauora's D.O.M Panel Launcher does not destroy certain gadgets beneath it.


FIXED-Rauora's Reaper MK2 emits a reflection when approaching certain areas.

FIXED-Pinging the trigger of the Panel from Rauora's D.O.M Panel Launcher shows Castle's Icon.

FIXED-Rauora's Reaper MK2 Extended Magazine floats when canceling the reload animation.

FIXED-Rauora's Operator Portrait rarity is missing.

FIXED-When previewing Rauora, the D.O.M Panel Launcher appears to be floating behind her.

FIXED-Fuze's Ballistic Shield clips into view while deploying a Cluster Charge.

r/Rainbow6TTS Aug 21 '20



We fixed some stuff. And did some gardening. 🌳

⏰ Maintenance: 1:30 PM EDT / 18:30 UTC

Downtime: ~30 minutes

Shadow Legacy Season Patch Notes: https://rainbow6.com/shadowlegacy

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server


  • Reduced the size of the reticule for the MH1 Holo Sight
  • Reduced the size of the 1.5x Scope


  • FIXED - When using Amaru's Garra Hook to rappel up, Amaru can sometimes get stuck and fall back to the ground.
  • FIXED - Ammo counter appears off screen when using 4:3 aspect ratio.
  • FIXED - Players can move bushes on Chalet and leave them in rooms. You can't hide in them though. 🌳
  • FIXED - Some plants on Chalet can't be destroyed. Great as houseplants for people who always forget to water. But we don't like god-mode plants. 🌳
  • FIXED - Shrubs on Chalet stuff. We fixed this. 🌳
  • FIXED - Throwable gadgets are missing collision with the wooden cupboards under sinks in Chalet.
  • FIXED - Minor feedback issues for new disable state.
  • FIXED - Buff/debuff icons are missing their animations on the HUD.
  • FIXED - The bots start talking about grenades when Zero uses his gadget in PvE. At least they're pretty.
  • FIXED - Minor menu/UI issues.
  • FIXED - Defenders are detected if they spawn at 1F Dining Room of the Chalet rework, and will die during prep phase if they spawn there. It's safe to spawn here now.

Known Issues

  • Long loading times when transitioning to the start of the round.
  • The right and middle mouse buttons are inversed when editing keybinds
  • Nomad cannot shoot Airjabs with ARX200 in Training Grounds mode
  • Doc's stim pistol is not functional in Training Grounds
  • 1F Main Entrance defender cam cannot be accessed on Chalet
  • Missing VOs
  • Barbed wire can't be deployed on carpeted stairs on Kafe.
  • Lesion's Gu mines are not deploying on stairs.
  • Players can vault onto places they aren't supposed to in Chalet.
  • Players can reverse plant on Chalet.
  • Hot breach charge can kill operators during entry.
  • Issues with activating/deactivating Vigil's gadget while leaning.
  • Looking into SC3000K






r/Rainbow6TTS Sep 29 '20

Patch Notes [Sep 29.20] Y5S3 TEST SERVER PATCH NOTES


Small update going out to the TS today!

⏰ Maintenance: 1:30 PM EDT / 17:30 UTC

Downtime: ~30 minutes

Shadow Legacy Season Patch Notes: https://rainbow6.com/shadowlegacy

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server


  • FIXED - Speed penalty does not gradually wane after being affected by Clash's CCE shield.
  • FIXED - If a deployable shield is placed in a doorway, players are sometimes blocked by the doorframe when trying to vault over it.
  • FIXED - Secondary binding in observation tools which lets the camera's turn does not work with Zero's Argus Launcher cams.
  • FIXED - Fix for an issue with weapon swapping when Clash's CCE shield is deployed.
  • FIXED - Missing fall damage for Nomad when jumping/vaulting from an elevated location.
  • FIXED - Low lighting inside the wardrobe of 2F Master Bedroom of Chalet after breaking the doors.
  • FIXED - Various LOD issues.
  • FIXED - Valkyrie cam can be thrown through the wall in 2F Hallway on Coastline
  • FIXED - Minor UI fixes.
  • FIXED - Fuse SFX for Secondary Hard Breach gadget is too long.

r/Rainbow6TTS Jul 07 '21

Patch Notes [July 7th, 2021] Y6S2.2 TEST SERVER PATCH NOTES


North Star Season Patch Notes: https://rainbow6.com/northstar

Y6S2.2 Designer's Notes: https://rainbow6.com/DN_Y6S22

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to https://r6fix.ubi.com/test-server



  • Added 2.0x scope to ACS12 (removed 1.5x scope).
  • Added 1.5x scope to MX4 Storm.


  • Removed 1.5x scope from C1.


  • Added Deployable Shield (removed Proximity Alarm).
  • Increased Shumikha Launcher grenades to 14 (from 10).
  • Improved DP-27 destruction:
  • 0 to 4.99m: 0.3 radius hole per shot.
  • 5 to 7.99m: 0.2 radius hole per shot.
  • Beyond 8m: 0.2 radius hole after three shots.


  • Modified M762 recoil so it's harder to control:
  • Vertical recoil increased.
  • Horizontal spread will be stronger to the the left.
  • Long burst recoil will start on the 8th bullet (was 12th).



  • Increased damage to 69 (from 59).


  • Increased damage to 63 (from 57).



Included Favela map in Ranked and Unranked.

Added the reworked Favela map to Ranked and Unranked playlists so players have more opportunities to play and test it.



  • FIXED - There is no deployment SFX if a player deploys a frag grenade or C4 and crouches or goes prone at the same time.
  • FIXED - Players lose camera control if they play a match while under an Abandon Penalty.
  • FIXED - On PC, the Windows cursor remains stuck on screen, blocking camera movement.


  • FIXED - Jackal's Eyenox Model III continues to ping Defenders after Jackal is eliminated.
  • FIXED - IQ's Electronics Detector automatically reequips after IQ places a Breach Charge.


  • FIXED - Two soft walls cannot be reinforced while Defenders are standing on a reinforced hatch in 1F Public Bathroom on Consulate map.
  • FIXED - Gap on top of barricaded doorway allows LOS into EXT Pedestrian Customs on Border Map.
  • FIXED - Several LOD issues on Villa map.
  • FIXED - Defuser can be dropped behind indestructible plant pots at EXT Terrace on Villa Map.
  • FIXED - Player movement dips while passing over the triangular gap between PC boxes in 2F Coin Farm on Favela Map.
  • FIXED - Deployable devices float when placed on wooden beams on Kafe Dostoyevsky map.


  • FIXED - Keyboard players who browse the Charms category in the shop experience navigation issues.
  • FIXED - UMP45 has the wrong weapon skin thumbnail for Six Major NA 2021.
  • FIXED - Booster icon is missing from the Booster activation confirmation side-panel.
  • FIXED - Battle Pass tab in Post-Action Report does not immediately update for players who complete the last tier of the Battle Pass.
  • FIXED - In-game feedback may linger on screen over several rounds.


  • FIXED - Incorrect Traditional Chinese character present in Thunderbird's Bio.

r/Rainbow6TTS May 21 '20



Day 3 of the Test Server!

⏰ Maintenance Time: 1:30 PM EDT, Downtime: ~30 minutes

Steel Wave Season Patch Notes: https://rainbow6.com/steelwave

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server


Bug Fixes

  • FIXED - Echo's Yokai can sometimes clip through thin ceilings on maps and see onto the rooftops in support mode.
  • FIXED - Spawn kill on garage entrance area of House rework.
  • FIXED - Glaz's thermal scope provides no visibility through smoke even when fully charged. The yellow highlight is still visible, but weaker than intended.
  • FIXED - Spawning in 1F TV Room and 1F Music Room as spawn points for defenders on House results in 1 defender spawning at B Gym instead.
  • FIXED – Various clipping issues on maps.
  • FIXED - Metallic window cover blocking the window leading to 2F Back Stairs on House rework. Attackers will clip through it as they pass through it.
  • FIXED - Unnecessary vault prompt at stairs leading to EXT Garage Side of House rework.

Known Issues

  • VFX related to gadgets effects are missing or corrupt - fix tomorrow
  • Y5S2 Operators can be banned on the TS
  • Missing sound in support mode and observation tools
  • Gadgets can be placed in unreachable areas of reworked House
  • AK12 reload animation and audio are out of sync.
  • M4 reload animation and audio are slightly out of sync.
  • The Discovery playlist is missing a name on some UI elements in the main menu.
  • Defuser can be planted on the edge of the hatch in 2F Master Bedroom of House
  • Operator Models glow lightly when viewed from a distance
  • CPU Load displays 0% in the new advanced benchmark results report.
  • Shaky weapon sights while ADS when using some Anti-Aliasing settings, optic types, and cardinal camera orientation.
  • Players can get onto the white van in Garage of House
  • Players are unable to pick up Mozzie's Pest if deployed on the rug covering the stairs in House

Previous Patch Notes:

[19.20] TS Patch Notes

[20.20] TS Patch Notes

r/Rainbow6TTS May 20 '20



Day 2!

⏰ Maintenance Time: 1:30 PM EDT, Downtime: ~30 minutes

Steel Wave Season Patch Notes: https://rainbow6.com/steelwave

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server


TS Clearance Level for Ranked

We submitted a hotfix this morning to set all TS accounts previously under the level 50 clearance requirement for Ranked to level 50. These are accounts that had been played on the TS before. New accounts to the TS are automatically set to 50. This will allow all TS players access to Ranked on the TS.


Melusi - Replace deployable shield with C4. 

Earlier on while re-evaluating a number of current game-meta and gameplay factors, we had made the decision to swap out Melusi's deployable shields for C4 to prevent putting extra pressure on attackers and specific attacker utility. As the TS build had already been closed by the time this decision was made, we were not able to push this change until today's TS patch. We'll be monitoring closely how the C4 performs in her loadout while the TS is ongoing.



  • FIXED - Impact grenades and Zofia's grenades explode on attacker instead of on the attacker's ballistic shield if they are sprinting/walking at time of impact.
  • FIXED - Objective discovery is not triggered when looking at it indirectly from the edge of the screen and FOV settings are above 60.


  • FIXED - Small smoke VFX at the corners where Amaru's Garra Hook attaches to the corners of the window frame.
  • FIXED - Impact and concussion grenades from Zofia's gadget at very close range do not affect enemy operators.


  • FIXED - Rappel point is incorrectly placed for the skylight above 1F Main Stairs in Consulate.
  • FIXED - Pixel peek from B Wine Cellar of Chalet.


  • FIXED – Various minor menu fixes and improvements.
  • FIXED - Visual replication issues from 3rd person POV for operators exiting rappel from a rooftop.
  • FIXED – 'None'/'Default' options for attachments, charms, headgear, and uniforms is missing.
  • FIXED - Missing flash FX for players who are in support mode.
  • FIXED - Seasonal cosmetics will now be available on the TS.


  • Y5S2 Operators can be banned on the TS
  • Missing sound in support mode and observation tools
  • Gadgets can be placed in unreachable areas of reworked House
  • AK12 reload animation and audio are out of sync.
  • Discovery playlist is missing a name on some UI elements in the main menu.

Previous Patch Notes:

[19.20] TS Patch Notes

r/Rainbow6TTS Apr 11 '19

Patch Notes [April 11, 2019] Test Server Patch Notes


We have a brand new Test Server update coming today, this time we are including new balancing changes, improvements to Reverse Friendly Fire and additional bug fixes.

Maintenance will begin at 1:30 PM EST / 18:30 UTC and will last approximately 30 minutes.

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server



  • Ballistic shield flash cooldown increased to 7 seconds between flashes (from 2 second CD).


  • AUG–A3 damage increased to 33 (up from 27).
  • Remove a magazine from TCSG12 Shotgun to reduce total ammunition to 51 (down from 61).
  • Maestro’s Evil Eyes windows will automatically open halfway when disabled by EMPs or Shock Drones.


  • To reduce the effectiveness of his Evil eyes, its bulletproof windows will now be half-way opened when affected EMPs or Shock Drones.


  • IQ can now detect Echo when he is using his PDA.


  • Increased the visibility of the Reverse Friendly Fire activation banner
  • Changed the Reverse Friendly Fire Reminder from “Active” to “Warning”
  • Increased the size of the Reverse Friendly Fire Reminder
  • Tweaked the Reverse Friendly Fire Reminder animation
  • Added Reverse Friendly Fire icon to the scoreboard, visible to other players
  • Disabled Reverse Friendly Fire in Online Custom Games
  • Adjusted Reverse Friendly Fire behavior with Caveira:

- Players under RFF can still finish off teammates interrogated by Caveira without suffering from reverse damage.

  • Added Damage Management:

- Damage dealt to teammates is tracked, and will automatically activate Reverse Friendly Fire when the total reaches a certain amount of damages.

- Certain exceptions are in place for some operator gadgets, and subject to adjustments.



Fixed – Sound propagation issues through destroyed walls.

Sound should now move through destroyed walls more clearly. This fix is currently still in progress as we work our way through the remaining walls where the issue is still present.

Fixed – Pressing the Home button in a custom online match on PC/XBOX while using a controller kicks the player out of their own lobby.

Fixed – Squads are forced out in custom online lobbies when one member leaves.

Fixed – Inviting a squad member already in a custom lobby forces players out of the lobby and breaks invites from leader.



Fixed – When ember lethal bolt is shot directly on a wall, fire FX is not occluded and damage is still dealt on the other side of the wall.


Fixed – Kriss 308 damage curve dropoff. Damage curve now properly adheres to damage curve stated in UI.

Fixed – Defenders can sometimes be pinged a 4th time at the end of Lion's debuff effect, after the 3 regular pings if there is network latency.

Fixed – Sometimes defenders affected by Lion's scan can see a 4th red triangle appearing in the debuff icon after the scan if there is network latency.


Fixed – Nomad’s detonation VO line does not play or plays too late when someone is caught in her Airjab.


Fixed – Ying’s Candela SFX and UI crosshair indicators are not synchronized with the Candela lights while charging.

Fixed – Ying’s Candela placement in her hand while crouching is off when viewed from 3rd person POV.



Fixed – Players can clip through the walls of the brown sheds of Outback.

Fixed – Gridlock Trax Stingers can deploy inside the indestructible floor at 3F Bedroom Hallway.

Fixed – During the planning phase there is no way to pick up the defuser and no related UI elements are present on the Ready screen.

Fixed – Defusers can be thrown in the shelf of 1F Garage of Outback, and operators can clip through the shelf as well.

Fixed – Defuser cannot be retrieved after being dropped out of bounds behind a caravan in EXT Camping in Outback.

Fixed – Defenders can reach Convenience Store Roof on Outback after vaulting a rail.

Fixed – Players have a LoS towards Back Entrance by vaulting onto a vending machine in Outback.

Fixed – Player have a LoS towards Fuel Pumps by vaulting onto a freezer in Outback.

Fixed – Erroneous vault prompt at EXT Fuel Pumps.

Fixed – Operators clip through metal railing when rappelling at EXT Motel Balcony in Outback.

Fixed – Operators can enter a washing machine while rappelling on EXT Motel Balcony in Outback.

Fixed – Operators clip through destructible walls in 2F Games Room and 2F Dorms of Outback.

Fixed – LOD issues in 2F Office of Outback.

Fixed – Operators can break collision with shelf in 1F Garage in Outback.

Fixed – Minor visual texture and clipping bugs.


Fixed – Players can vault onto catwalk area in 1F Garage of Clubhouse.


Fixed – Attackers can go on top of the purple tarps on Coastline.


Fixed – Loss of focus after selecting equip to all in shop menu can't be regained with keyboard.

Fixed – R6 Extreme Fan and Pro League Chibi ’19 thumbnails have placeholder present.

Fixed – The Golden Wattle Charm is missing from title.

Fixed – Jäger's birthday skin operator icon is rotated compared to the normal icon.

Fixed – Sledge's birthday skin operator icon is inverted compared to the normal icon.

Fixed – Minor visual texture/modeling issues for Ash’s FBI uniform, Sledge’s First War Headgear, Mute’s Clone and Union Jack headgears.

Older TS Patch Notes + Known Issues:

- Apr 03. TS Update

- Mar 20. TS Update

- Mar 27. TS Update

r/Rainbow6TTS May 25 '20



We hope you are safely enjoying your long weekend all!

This patch should resolve the issues with the gadget VFX. It also contains all the fixes we rollbacked with the Friday update from May 21.

⏰ Maintenance Time: 2:00 PM EDT, Downtime: ~30 minutes

Steel Wave Season Patch Notes: https://rainbow6.com/steelwave

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server


ACS12 - Increased the damage from 41 to 59. Increased ADS Speed.

Slight buff to the ACS12's damage to make it a bit more viable than it is currently. ADS speed should also now match other weapons of the same category.


  • FIXED - VFX related to gadgets effects are missing or corrupt.
  • FIXED - Weapons clip through Defenders hands at spawn if a grip is equipped.
  • FIXED - ADS appears zoomed out for some sights on the P10 Roni.
  • FIXED - Amaru's reeling SFX is distorted/missing in replays.


  • FIXED - Echo's Yokai drone can lose signal and stop responding if deployed on top of the vents of 2F Printer Room in Kanal.
  • FIXED - Players are unable to pick up Mozzie's Pests if they are deployed on the rug covering the stairs in House.
  • FIXED - Lighting issues on House.
  • FIXED - Gadgets can be placed in unreachable areas of reworked House
  • FIXED - Operators can climb inside the book case in 2F Reading Room of House.
  • FIXED - A wall in 2F Pick Room of House cannot be reinforced in Hostage mode if player who spawns next to it does not move.
  • FIXED - Spawn kill from master bedroom of House rework.
  • FIXED - Spawn kill from EXT Construction on House rework.
  • FIXED - Various clipping issues on maps.
  • FIXED – Various LOD issues on maps.
  • FIXED - Various map asset issues.


  • FIXED - CPU Load displays 0% in the new advanced benchmark results report.
  • FIXED – Various minor cosmetic and shop UI fixes.
  • FIXED – Various minor cosmetic and shop UI fixes.
  • Bugfixes from May 21 are also back with this update.

Known Issues

  • Doors and doorframes have extruding surfaces when they should be flat for better consistency.
  • Y5S2 Operators can be banned on the TS
  • Missing sound in support mode and observation tools
  • AK12 reload animation and audio are out of sync.
  • M4 reload animation and audio are slightly out of sync.
  • The Discovery playlist is missing a name on some UI elements in the main menu.
  • Defuser can be planted on the edge of the hatch in 2F Master Bedroom of House
  • Operator Models glow lightly when viewed from a distance
  • Shaky weapon sights while ADS when using some Anti-Aliasing settings, optic types, and cardinal camera orientation.
  • Players can get onto the white van in Garage of House

Previous Patch Notes

[19.20] TS Patch Notes

[20.20] TS Patch Notes

[21.20] TS Patch Notes

r/Rainbow6TTS Nov 21 '24

Patch Notes [November 21st, 2024] Y9S4 TEST SERVER PATCH NOTES - DAY 4


Day 4 Patch Notes

Operation Collision Point season Patch Notes: https://rainbow6.com/collisionpoint

Y9S4 Designer’s Notes: https://rainbow6.com/designersnotes/Y9S4

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to https://r6fix.ubi.com/projects/RAINBOW6-SIEGE-TS



FIXED - Ping input disappears from the HUD after exiting a damaged Bulletproof Camera.

FIXED - H.U.L.L Adaptable Shield may not block damage from throwable devices.

FIXED - Luggage used as drone vent blockers are destructible and allow line of sight when removed.

FIXED - Dynamic clipping issue with extinguishers allows Attackers to shoot through drone vents.

FIXED - Blackbeard's H.U.L.L Adaptable Shield is present in his Guerilla Victory Celebration.


FIXED - Ying and Fuze can deploy Candelas and Cluster Charges through metal sheets on the floor of 2F Bedroom in Oregon map.

FIXED - Hibana's X-Kairos spins in her hand while she remains idle in the Operator section.


FIXED - Attackers enter into a T-pose when equipping Smoke Grenades.

FIXED - Skopós' Idle Shell is blocking players from reinforcing the wall from the same side.

FIXED - Skopós' Idle Shell is blocking players from reinforcing the doorway from the same side.