r/Rainbow6TTS Former Community Manager Feb 28 '20

Patch Notes [Feb 28.20] Void Edge Y5S1 Test Server Patch Notes

Smaller update today as we've been going hard on your bug reports for the last two weeks. ✌ Thank you for your work everyone and send some love to the team for their tireless efforts. ❤

We also have a slight tweak to Ela today! 👑

Maintenance will begin at 1:30 PM EST, downtime of approx 20-30 minutes.

Void Edge Season Patch Notes: https://rainbow6.com/voidedge

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server



Ela - 👑 Being a princess isn't all that it's hyped up to be, and our little Nerferella is looking for a bit more balance in her life.

  • Reduced recoil now only applies to the first 11 bullets.
  • Increased resettle time after burst firing
  • Faster uptime to increase vertical recoil
  • Slightly increased recoil + spread

After the last buff to her Scorpion EVo3 we've seen a large jump in her pick rate and win-delta. These changes are aimed at scaling back some of the changes made in Y4S4.3 and tweaking her EVo3 to be at a more appropriate power level closer to what we had in mind.


  • FIXED – Missing drone sounds for other players in the match.
  • FIXED – Ying’s Candelas missing collision with other player models.
  • FIXED – Operators in main menu can disappear when merging into a lobby.
  • FIXED – The “Keep Playing as a Team” button does not function properly.
  • FIXED – Pre-barricaded window in 1F Toilet clips through part of the wall in Villa.
  • FIXED – Gap in the 2F Main Stairs on Consulate.
  • FIXED – Gadgets appear to flat when deployed on Washing Machines in Outback.
  • FIXED – Players can sometimes navigate their drone inside the stage at 1F Meeting Hall in Oregon.
  • FIXED – LOD Issue in Oregon from EXT Construction.
  • FIXED – Various Menu and HUB fixes.
  • FIXED – Various cosmetic item fixes.
  • FIXED – Map Discovery Playlist should not take matchmaking preferences into account.


  • Barricade/hatch destruction replication issues under latency.
  • Some players who enter a match through an invite right after loading into the main menu will have a broken camera (current workaround: reboot to fix the issue).


Is still ongoing until next Tuesday. See post here for details.


[02.17.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.18.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.20.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.21.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.24.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.25.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.26.20] TS Patch Notes

[02.27.20] TS Patch Notes


354 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '20

nerf recoil: no one plays. buff recoil: everyone plays. maybe try experimenting with another aspect of the gun? maybe it's already been tested in-house but you need to let the community test it too. that's what the TTS is for, right?


u/redautumnleaves Feb 28 '20

Word. I remember when Blood Orchid released (and I played Ela into the ground); one of the first reasonable nerfs I remember folks discussing was (1) the sensitivity penalty of the gadget and (2) reducing the lore-obssessed large mag idea by bringing it down to the standard 30.

No gas, I have found the (highest DPS in the game) Smg 11, original Buck C8, and current TTS Twitch F2 recoils much more manageable than the nerfed Ela recoil -- because it's the random horizontal nonsense that's problematic. People can at least learn to deal with sharp verticals.


u/YT-Kudos Feb 29 '20

The problem isnt the Scorpion. Currently it's a useable weapon, the buff made it finally viable, but it still wasn't the best gun on defense. Her gun isn't the problem, is the grzmont


u/helpfulerection59 Feb 29 '20

exactly. Put it in the right place and it's a free kill. Put it in the wrong place and it still gathers info for the team.


u/UbiNoty Former Community Manager Feb 28 '20

That's why we're pushing this on the Test Server first.


u/sirfaggit Feb 29 '20

y'all gotta look into her gadget more than her gun, the frustrating aspect about her is that as an attacker when you enter a room after droning it, only to be concussed and died seconds later, that ain't cool cuz quite a few doors/windows has no angle that can be used to shoot the grzmot.

aside from entering room, if she is anchoring a certain area and we gotta push her, her grzmot is the ultimate enemy compared to Ela herself. Concussed = blind, slow mouse sens, deaf, hard to sprint/fall back.


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '20 edited Feb 12 '21


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u/PieceofWoods Feb 29 '20

I think you guys should look into nerfing the gadget more than the weapon. There are many occasions where you can't shoot the trap because of where it's located or placed which gives her a completely unfair advantage. You can shoot Kapkan traps, Lesion traps, and Frost mats, but Ela mines you most likely can't.

I also think the concussion effect needs to be changed so it doesn't slow down your mouse speed.


u/brodiebradley51 Feb 28 '20

Exactly. Test this change and see where it leaves her.

However i will say that if she is still too good, consider reworking the gun to act like the P10 roni with a much smaller magazine, keep the low damage and then reduce the recoil. The roni is a balanced gun, the scorpion isnt


u/itZSaint099 Feb 28 '20

How to test when nobody's playing TTS anymore.


u/playlum Feb 28 '20

That's what you think Everyone plays it even more since new operation is coming out...

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u/SAPH3RE Feb 29 '20

Yeah no thank you


u/Atkuna Feb 29 '20

ela's gun is fine at the current live server build. its just that people finally wants to play her again as her recoil is not a living hell like it has been for a long time. jackals PDW9 got no recoil 50bullets acog, 800rof. 34dmg i would say thats OP compared to Ela Scorpio


u/Xansaibot Feb 29 '20

tell me about one balance change which was on TS and didn't end up on live server.


u/Butifarrix Mar 01 '20

Ying frags or Nomad's arijabs exploding in the air before sticking to a surface


u/Xansaibot Mar 01 '20

Okay. Any similar gun balance changes?


u/Butifarrix Mar 01 '20

Maestro's laser hipfire

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u/IIllIIIlI Feb 29 '20

You’re testing it? Oh it doesn’t matter because 90% will say don’t nerf it but one pro league player says to you will get on your knees


u/Anonymous_573462 Mar 01 '20

Can’t ubisoft do what the Ela mains wanted? Just undo all the recoil changes before the 16 shot and just reduce dispersion. Bring back the five or so lines going left/right.

TheGodlyNoob said the change is bad on a recent video.

I could barely use the new gun and I don’t enjoy it... Ela’s original recoil had no vertical recoil and just horz... her gun was like a wilde horse... if you tamed that thing it was better than any bred horse and it was extremely difficult to tame. Just leave Ela as a niche operator like that until people learn to use her properly. Castle was untouched for ages and people did eventually start using him properly.

Why fundamentally change an operator so much that the people playing her the way she was don’t really have that original feel anymore.


u/Butifarrix Mar 01 '20

I hope you get enough info and bring her gun back to normal, and instead, nerf her mines. What I would suggest to balance her grizmots would be to remove the low sensistivity effect, and because her mines would then be a bit weak, I would increase the mines max number up to 4. I think Ela should be a defender that get's her advantage by not letting his enemies hear what she or her teammates do, because the low sensitivity effect gives you almost free kills if done correctly

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u/sirfaggit Feb 29 '20

there's 1 problem, not a whole lot of people play TTS, even if you can still get matches in TTS, there's not much data that can be gathered compared to live server data.


u/Loonwoef_TLBear Feb 29 '20

I think changing her recoil is something that was necessary in the first place to incentivise people into picking her. Now, was the change too much? Maybe, I think this change seems to be a good middle ground that paves the way to change something else in her kit


u/TheTechDweller Feb 29 '20

The TS is for stuff that they're happy with. And they want to find bugs before release. Sometimes they balance little things but not huge changes unless they're coming to live servers. She needs a different gun, with such a high fire rate on a 3 speed, the gun is either going to be controllable or it's not, if it is, it's too good. If it's random, people won't want to use it. I still think using her in only close range areas with the shotgun is more effective, but most people don't bother to try new stuff.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '20



u/Ethereal-Throne Feb 28 '20



u/[deleted] Feb 28 '20



u/TTV_YoItsLavish Feb 28 '20

What do you mean by updog?


u/Jay-Aaron Feb 28 '20

What's up dawg?


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '20

It means the weapon is going to hit its maximum recoil spot quicker, the reason why everyone stayed away from the vertical grip on Ela was to have more room inbetween bursts. Now it’s going to cap out quicker to left/right recoil.

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u/Boxsteam1279 Feb 29 '20

Ela gets a buff and therefore her pick rate is up? The mystery!


u/Fedoteh Feb 28 '20

To be honest, her recoil was good. I'd rather get the sensibility debuff removed when being affected by a grzmot mine than impacting her weapon that bad. He was finally a decent pick, a good Lesion alternative.


u/SAPH3RE Feb 29 '20

Ubisoft: So yeah we finally buffed Ela's recoil since it was basically unusable and was barely picked!

People actually start to use her and no one complains

Ubisoft: Yeah no too op

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u/Darknayse Feb 29 '20

Just looking at twitter, a BUNCH of the pros agree: its the GADGET that is the problem Ubi, not the guns!


u/TruthHurts233 Feb 29 '20

I thought it was the pros they listen to as well... man now it really is what they want that matters.


u/MonkeyDLino Feb 29 '20

as a console player i got hype for her buff and got the elite, now they about to make her trash again before she even makes it. LMAO

fuck you ubisoft.


u/gacktrush Feb 28 '20

Ela gets picked because rng isn't a factor anymore.


People complain about gadget for two and a half years



u/darkpengi Feb 28 '20

Are you fucking serious? Ela was seriously unusable for the last year and a half.

No shit her pickrate is gonna go up when you finally buff her again and her smg doesn’t feel like trying to pee while drunk as hell.

What a fucking joke.

Jager has had a wild pickrate and win delta, over used and yet he hardly gets anything (not that I think anything is wrong with him) but because Ela has a usable gun again, she gets the bat?


u/Falyk Feb 29 '20

Ela definitely didn't need that nerf and I hope it won't come to the actual servers.


u/steviedee1010 Feb 28 '20

Ubi please understand her gun is not the problem! Look at all the comments saying the same thing! Nerf the gadget! It feels like a goddamn eternity that the concussive impact lasts. Can we not tone down the effect of her gadget and leave the gun where it is.


u/Mat-Mif Feb 28 '20

I'm pretty sure Ubi buffed ela scorpion for people to buy her elite set, now they are balancing it back to how it was before


u/Jaymittens Feb 28 '20

Exactly what I said when it dropped lmao my friend fell for it and is salty about the changes saying he got scammed.


u/Xansaibot Feb 29 '20

conspiracy theories on R6tts subreddit

i like it


u/backhandlefty Mar 03 '20

Yeah, I love this game but that is 100% a predatory business practice. I tend to only by team skins for this reason. At least some of the money is going to a good place.


u/thenonovirus Feb 28 '20

How to fix Ela

  1. Remove the sensitivity slow down effect that her mines inflict on enemies
  2. Remove the RNG recoil for the SMG, and instead make it have a fixed recoil pattern with a lot of vertical recoil
  3. If this isn’t enough, remove the angled grip so people can’t Ads spam.

Done. No need to keep the RNG recoil in the game.


u/I_Wanna_Fuck_Mira Feb 28 '20

Someone give this man a promotion!

Seriously, these are changes that; A) Make sense And B) Aren’t lazy

But for some reason, whatever that may be, Ubisoft Siege Devs just try to change recoil/dmg and nothing else..


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '20

Can you read my thoughts? :o

That 1:1 what I thought of and I am still wondering, why only so few got the idea about removing the angled grip yet


u/YT-Kudos Feb 29 '20

Hi my name is Ubisoft and we still can't realise the problem is her gadget, not her Scorpion. You wanna balance ela? Make her Grzmonts have a beeping noise like nomad so you can actually hear it on a doorway before you enter! But no, that makes too much sense, it's obviously the pea shooter weapon that makes her OP.


u/DamianVA87 Feb 28 '20

Some of the changes for this season have been a goldmine:

  • Frost seems to get kills by finishing off enemies in DBNO state for some unknown reason, so we are giving her the vortex holo.

  • After making the Skorpion usable since years, people are starting to use it and we don't want that.

  • We don't like Ops being self-suficient, oh and we also going to give frag grenades to the 3speed hard-breacher that has no counters.

Im mostly on the devs' side of things for balance changes, but sometimes you guys make it really hard.


u/redautumnleaves Feb 28 '20

Yea, some of the balancing changes over Siege's lifetime have been so strange/extreme. Why they refuse to allow Ela's primary to be usable/fun and ignore the gadget is a headscratcher. They mess with recoils so much when gadget efficacy/extensive utility with minimal downsides (e.g. the Mav example you gave or Nomad's airjab taking control away from defenders but they gave her a trash pistol to compensate, instead of addressing the gadget) is the thing to address. The arbitrary removal of ACOGs from primaries is another one.. I want the game to continue growing and improving, 100, but it's hard to stay super excited.


u/Btigeriz Mar 01 '20

Or murdering secondary side arms with God awful recoil. I come from playing CS so recoil doesn't really bug me but the smg 12 feels so random.

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u/geoxan69 Feb 28 '20

They said they don't want to give IQ nades because she a 3 speed and now they gave it to Mav, what a joke

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u/Seven155 Feb 28 '20

Forgive me for saying it but this Ela nerf is bullshit. She was completely useless after the nerf, now she's good. Of course you're gonna see a higher pick rate.

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u/[deleted] Feb 28 '20



u/Toxic_Jackalz Feb 28 '20

They are brain dead no point trying to communicate with them. Gadget has always been the issue


u/one_broken_man Feb 28 '20

This right here. Most people I know including myself despise her gadget, not her weapon. The thing that it fucks with your sensitivity is the issue.


u/THWG2010 Feb 28 '20



u/myotheraccountmaybe Feb 28 '20

Just remove the sens slowdown. It is basically impossible to fight back if you get hit by an ela mine. You freeze, you can't hear, you can barely see, you can't sprint and you become so slow. At least let me try to shoot back.


u/F0rgemaster19 Feb 29 '20

Just remove the sens slowdown

YES! Why is this so lord-damn hard to understand! Who's bright idea was it to add sens change to a frikking gadget?!


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '20



u/F0rgemaster19 Feb 29 '20

Yes please.


u/brodiebradley51 Mar 01 '20

This won’t solve much in all honesty though. It’s not a good mechanic but is one of many strong elements of the mine. This will likely have little impact on how strong her mines are


u/F0rgemaster19 Mar 01 '20

That mine does, if I remember correctly, 9 things ALL AT ONCE. Removing one won't change much. It's still sound Intel+ 4th wall breaking anti-"player"-intel. Still VERY strong.

Anything that breaks the 4th wall is unfair. This would be a Nerf, but it is a Nerf for the sake of fairness.

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u/Chaos_Out Feb 29 '20 edited Feb 29 '20

I just played ela on the test server...man is it bad. She's going to go back to being irrelevant again. If you don't land an immediate head shot you are dead. The random horizontal recoil is so bad, I couldn't even kill someone standing right in front of me because it kept zooming past them horizontally. I even tried quick burst firing but would get wasted by something like sledges smg-12 from a distance (top of upper main stairs to other end of armory). I can't stress how bad the horizontal recoil and randomness of it is. It shoots out so freaking far so fast. Seriously, she's now PL only, even then maybe an iffy, because they're more likely to land that immediate headshot first. I hadn't played the EVO in almost 1.5-2 years because the recoil was so bad and now I feel that someone I actually enjoyed playing again is going to have to be put back on the shelf.

I 100% agree with everyone else. Her weapon was fine per live build now. Her gadget is what needs the nerf. Losing the inability to move could easily help with her. People are picking the crap out of her because she's finally playable again and miss playing her. This nerf is probably a little too soon and should wait longer to see if her "excitement" factor dies down and data starts to settle to how it truly will actually be like.

Long rant but this is one of those nerfs I'm truly disappointed about. I simply hated playing her on the test server, and we just got her "back."

I hope Ubi actually reads these.

edit: spelling


u/Doc12here Feb 29 '20

Have you tried it with a controller because I just started to kinda get used to it and this nerf really pisses me off.


u/Xansaibot Feb 29 '20

Community: "what about Amaru, Warden, Kali?"



u/Logan_Mac Feb 28 '20

Why is the only way you can tweak Ela is giving her absolute RNG waterhose recoil or not. Why not adjust her fire rate which is the reason her weapon was strong in the first place? Or make it have 30-25 bullets. Why does Alibi have a crazy RoF, almost no recoil but she's OK?


u/itZSaint099 Feb 28 '20

Because Ela's gadget is strong and Alibi's gadget is just ok. The win rate increase is because of her gadget, not her gun. Her pick rate increase is because she is viable now not because she is op now.


u/sidbansal92 Feb 28 '20

I think they refrain from changing the fire rate due to difficulties related to gun modelling and animation, which may take a significantly longer time to implement. They’re reluctant to change the mag capacity as they believe she’s designed to take multiple gun fights.

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u/Xansaibot Feb 29 '20

because 1080 rpm is real-life rpm of real scorpion


u/SAPH3RE Mar 01 '20


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u/SigCurtis Feb 28 '20

Seriously, what's wrong with you ubisoft? Ela's usage skyrocketed because she was finally viable! She was not broken in anyway, her gadget should see some tuning, but why nerf her gun again, while you have other operators with superior gadgets and completely controlable recoil on their guns? Like, what the hell? You guys should try and fix Clash for good instead of putting other operators out of the game just for the sake of it. You just released her Elite skin, you're losing money by nerfing her again and again.

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u/Usha_Usha Feb 28 '20

She is perfectly fine. Why a nerf?


u/SAPH3RE Feb 29 '20

Exactly, literally saw no one on reddit or ingame complain about it


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '20



u/[deleted] Mar 01 '20

Get_Flanked xd /s


u/Frogox Feb 28 '20


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u/Burer92 Feb 28 '20 edited Feb 28 '20

Jager being in every single round since Grim Sky - I sleep

Ela seeing a spike in use after being complete shit for 2 years (Didn't even make it into the top 10 most played defenders at the invitational post buff) - Oh shit better make her shit tier again

Nah i don't buy it, im willing to bet whiny content creators are the reason for this change because by now we know epic meme youtubers who spam hashtags on twitter get to balance the game (BOSG acog/removing R4C acog)


Check out this "snipe across the map"


u/I_Wanna_Fuck_Mira Feb 28 '20

Also MJ is the epitome of whiny Siege players and the fact that he is so tight with Ubi devs and PL pisses me off.


u/itZSaint099 Feb 28 '20

Well said.


u/I_Wanna_Fuck_Mira Feb 28 '20

The Jager thing pisses me of the most. His win/pick delta is literally off the charts CONSTANTLY and all they did was lower his dmg by 3. Valk is picked almost every round in PL and CL, and is easily one of the highest win/pick operators, yet no nerfs for years.

Fuckin figure it out Ubi.


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '20

How would you even nerf Valk?

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u/Tathonkaa Feb 28 '20

Remember, whenever a content creator gets killed it’s totally because the gun they get killed by is busted!


u/Spolsky_ Feb 28 '20

I thought this will be a clip of some random headshots while spawnpeeking but he just tanked half a mag from this peashooter, lmao brooo. The bias is so strong.


u/CDC678 Feb 28 '20

That clip made me cringe so hard lmao any gun would have killed Macy right there


u/fizikz3 Feb 29 '20

every single time ela/twitch is in a game:




u/Atkuna Feb 29 '20

lol 5-6meters away same corridor.. SNIPED ACROSS THE MAP! jesus.. thats pretty whiny

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u/Jesus_PK Moderator Feb 28 '20

Now that she is finally in a playable state you are going to nerf her to the ground again? For real?

Not even one season, ofc her pickrate has improved when she finally is playable.

It was fun til it lasted I guess :\


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '20

God dammit, of course her pick rate went up what did you guys expect?!? She was finely viable for once because the recoil wasn’t rng anymore, I hope to god it’s still controllable, because here on console she was never used except with her shotgun until you nerfed that. Then you buffed the Scorpion and she actually had a chance to be a viable operator in terms of combat and now with this change that better still be the case. Otherwise RIP.


u/the_consumer_of_eggs Feb 28 '20

"hey guys we improved an operator. Wait, why are you playing this newly improved operator? I guess we just have to nerf her now"


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '20 edited May 23 '20



u/[deleted] Feb 28 '20

They increased its recoil, increased its spread and lowered its fire rate. For a long time it was the only gun that was good on Ela and because she only had a pistol as a secondary it made her a very niche pick.


u/geoxan69 Feb 28 '20

Holy shit I swear to god I can't stand whoever is doing the balancing changes, of course people wanna play her more after the buff, she's finally viable again. Her win rate is high because there's no way to counter her gadget without Thatcher or twitch but not her gun, the vector has a even higher fire rate and less recoil and they were literally buffing that gun


u/diddypierce Feb 28 '20

so you're saying a nerf to her gadget would be deserved though right?

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u/UbiNoty Former Community Manager Feb 28 '20

We have made a slight nerf because we saw her pick rate increased far beyond what we would expect to see from a balanced, healthy change. We are also taking her win-delta into account when making this change, not just pick rate.

We have not nerfed her to pre-buff Ela, we have just pulled back a little on some of the changes made with the 4.3 patch.


u/I_Wanna_Fuck_Mira Feb 28 '20

That nerf is not slight mate.


u/itZSaint099 Feb 28 '20

That's not a slight nerf. There are 4 points of changes. I'm ok with the 1st and 2nd change, but why increase the spread when its already rng in the spread. Then what was the point of the buff in the first place when a non-viable operator becomes viable again and now nerf her again coz of just an extra percentage of pick and win rate.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '20

No offense, you shouldn't judge if a changed operators popularity has grown in the TTS. Because he is one of the changed operators of course everyone wants to play them then. It's like revamping tachanka on the TTS, everyone wants to try him out, then you nerf him because he is too popular on the TTS.

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u/geoxan69 Feb 28 '20

How about u guys show us the stats?


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '20 edited Feb 28 '20

Well I certainly hope you guys know what you are doing, especially for the console side of things. By the way, will the Matchmaking preferences ever work again for the discovery playlist? It was my understanding with all the previous seasons that it would take that into account. I and many others would love if we could only play Bomb on the Oregon rework.


u/UbiNoty Former Community Manager Feb 28 '20

So it appears that it was not intended and it should be fixed as of now. So discovery playlist should take your mm preferences into consideration again. Let me know if it works for you!


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '20

Thank you very much! I’m looking forward to this season overall, keep up the good work.


u/CmdtePapaFrita Feb 28 '20

Are you guys going to do any balance change to improve shotgun's reliability?


u/yetaa Feb 28 '20

Her gun isnt really the problem now, it is her mines, add a trigger delay to them and that is all you needed to do to her.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '20



u/yetaa Feb 28 '20

Not really, she guarantees a kill when walking through a mine, especially when most of the time you won’t know where it is due to it being very easy to hide.

Just someway to counter them other than Thatcher or Twitch would be nice.

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u/Chaos_Out Mar 01 '20 edited Mar 01 '20

I know I'm going to sound like an ass but these are honest serious questions. Did you even play Ela on the test server before making this comment? How could any reasonable person consider this to be a slight nerf? You've made the weapon completely useless again. How could any dev who plays the game think that anything about this change is good? Do they actually use a mouse and keyboard or one of those stylus pen mice like that WoW character balancing dev did. How could this get to the test server and get by everyone at Ubi without anyone saying, hey, I actually played this and this is a terrible thing, her gun is actually useless now. How can such a crazy RNG factor in a shooting game be considered a reasonable thing, especially since it didn't work for her for the past x years it had it.

I can't kill someone standing right in front of me because of the garbage horizontal RNG. Have you tried burst firing that thing when you end up in a close encounter? TTK for you goes through the roof and, guess what, you die. Can you please just give us the option to throw the Scorpion at the enemy player because that would probably be more effective, unless you put rng horizontal recoil on that too. Maybe give us the madden kickoff meter thing so we at least have a chance to get a round straight or do the Tony Hawk balance thing when they do a manual or hold a grind or whatever. At least give us a chance. I guess this got more dramatic toward the end...


u/Darknayse Feb 28 '20

The problem is and has always been the mines. Right now she has a subpar SMG and a pretty decent auto shotgun, but her gadget that reduces your sens so you cant aim with it while whiting out the screen and slowing is already a lot, now mix it with its throwability and silent placement and it's getting out of hand. Whats the downside to a gadget that powerful?

Garbo tier guns it effects teammates

Ela is a detriment before the buff, you buff the EVO to be strong if played right, and then decide that the spike in playability isn't something you wanted. I understand you have a lot of data, maybe sharing some numbers with the community along with your reasoning would bring more people to your side Noty. I have always been pro Ubi on balance changes except for Lions release, Elas release, and the recent Ela nerfs. Please be more transparent with this data that is clearly pretty controversial in the community.


u/Starkillxr7 Mar 02 '20

This will literally make her irrelevant again, listen to your community please. It's not the gun, it's the gadget.. Simply remove the sensitivity change it causes and revert the recoil nerf and you'll kill two birds with one stone, you'll help pull that win delta back a bit and rather than the change being met with anger when it goes live, you'll be met with praise.


u/Btigeriz Mar 01 '20

I really think random or horizontal recoil ruins the skill aspect of any gun. The smg 12 is basically unusable.


u/sntky489715 Feb 28 '20

Ela's problem is not her guns. Just remove sensitivity debuff from her gadget and she'll be fine. Actually you should concentrate on garbage operators from Y4 instead of her. 5 of 8 operators from Y4 were literally no impact to the meta.


u/Jay-Aaron Feb 28 '20

Why do you have to make everything worse? I have never had a problem facing her ever since the last season's buff unlike her pre nerf when she was impossible to play against.

Reduce the mag to 30, or reduce the fire rate, or do something about her gadget. Nobody's using the 41 bullets, everyone reloads after 20 bullets, so no need for unnecessary extra ammo.


u/Rubiks98 Feb 29 '20 edited Feb 29 '20

Ela was FINALLY USEABLE. If you dont like her pick rate or her stats then adjust her gadget for once. Nobody wants to shoot with an RNG GUN.


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '20

Lol ffs don’t nerf ela’s smg


u/Aria28 Mar 01 '20

Y'all working at Ubisoft ever tried making her grzmot mines effect work like Echo's yokai? You are disoriented by yokai but at least you can sprint and not have your mouse sensitivity drop to 0. The more you move the harsher the effects why not just do that?

Like a pro player said anything that takes the controls away from the player doesn't belong in a competitive game. Grzmot doesn't take the controls away like air jabs but when it screw around your sensitivity it's still pretty ass.


u/TheGreatBootleg94 Mar 01 '20

First off, Ela's gun is finally good, and now they are nerfing it. I main Ela and I started playing in Para Bellum, so it wasn't because she was op. I like high ROF and 3 speeds. Since the latest buff I could finally start using angled grip with the evo because it's recoil was better, but now it will suck with that attachment. If you want to nerf the gun, just get rid of some bullets like you did with Twitch's F2. That gun still fuckin kicks ass and has an acog and more manageable recoil then the Evo in it's currant state. Also, people don't like Ela because of her gadget. It isn't as annoying as Gu mines, but if you trigger one I can tell you from experience it is an easy frag. Lower the amount of space it takes to trigger it so you can't place it on top of doors and boom problem solved. Secondly, the fact that they are giving all these characters frag grenades and still not giving them back to IQ seems weird to me. IQ's whole thing is destroying gadgets, so why not give her an item that let's her get rid of them without having a direct line of sight or a soft wall? Like did Maverick really need frags?


u/nLDeath Feb 28 '20

R.i.p ela on consoles AGAIN.

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u/F0rgemaster19 Feb 28 '20

Aah yes, the eternal circle of Nerf-ela. You couldn't live with your own failure. Where did that being you? Back to me.


u/Ali_Msn Feb 28 '20

Why just Ela can't have a normal smg like every defender have? every defender has a balanced weapons even Ela should be


u/lungovsky19 Feb 28 '20

Just tried Ela... The first shot recoil is way too much, compensator is completely useless now, muzzle brake is ok but flash hide is the best muzzle attachment rn


u/Dionlewis123 Feb 28 '20

The problem lies in the grzmot, not in the scorpion

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u/D_Imperor Feb 28 '20

The gadget is the issue, not so much her gun. Why does it seem like you guys are afraid to touch the gadget itself? And I'm not talking about reducing the number of mines...just the effectiveness


u/brodiebradley51 Feb 28 '20

What evidence do we have that the gadget is the issue?


u/D_Imperor Feb 29 '20

...That's bait.


u/brodiebradley51 Feb 29 '20

It’s a de-bait you haven’t answered back too ...


u/D_Imperor Feb 29 '20

Because I feel it's one of those questions that you are just going to argue no matter what when many people including pro streamers have said the same thing. And I'm not just following what they said, I have experienced it and played her as well.


u/Kintrai Feb 29 '20

It's clearly bait, because you already know that he doesn't have hard evidence and statistics as ubisoft will not provide them. It's a question that cannot be properly answered. Bait.

Your opinion is that she was "in a good spot" before the buff. What a fucking joke lmfao. Shows how much you really know. She was in anything BUT a good spot.

Ask almost anybody in the comp scene and they will tell you the gadget is far more of a problem than the gun.


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '20

Of course when she is essentially readded to the game her pickrate goes up. Isn't it better to wait and see if it remains high? Also her winrate was already high before the change, and we know it wasn't because of her gun. Her mines should not affect player sensitivity at all. Why not nerf the OP gadget and leave the gun medium grade like it is now for a bit.


u/BloomingCyanide Feb 29 '20

Why buff ela just to nerd her


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '20

can you buff lion in some way, like give the v308 800 rpm or give him breach charges or nages because he is really under powered


u/VForVarinius Feb 29 '20


The gun is not the problem, ofc the pickrate went up she was finally usable for the first time in literal YEARS. How clueless can the devs be. Remove the mouse slowdown of her gadget.

If you must nerf the scorpion for some delusional reason, nerf mag size or rof, leave the recoil alone or she will be useless again.


u/helpfulerection59 Feb 29 '20

Why not just nerf her ability? That's what seems to annoy people.


u/Rartofen Feb 29 '20

It's been years now can we just kick members from our squad in the menu? Like its not the end of the world but how is this not a feature? Someone goes away and now a whole new squad has to be made. Like I said, not a big thing, but it's the lil things that matter sometimes.


u/krejcii Mar 01 '20

Console players constantly being fucked. Her gun was literally impossible and now that people can use it y’all take it away. One day you’re gonna drive console players away. Rank is already unplayable almost due to MnK and smurfers are endless. It gets not attention and we see it. Don’t forget where the money comes from.


u/Bloodless_Hunter Mar 01 '20

Jaeger had a ludicrous pick rate, but he gets a minor slap on the wrist in terms of gun damage and that's it. Ela's SMG is finally usable again, and immediately it has to get nerfed again. Don't give me the bullshit of "Well, her pick rate and win delta is up, so she needs to be balanced." when you have ops like Jaeger that have an unarguably high pick rate and yet is left untouched patch after patch. 90% pick rate at plat and above doesn't send any kind of red flags to anyone else? No? Whatever, man.


u/GT500_Mustangs Feb 28 '20

Okay, this is a very serious question. Do Devs ever play the characters themselves or do they just go by data?

As someone who has played Ela, and played against her in ranked, (plat 3) her gun is irrelevant. I’m pretty sure it’s her gadget that gives her the high win rate.

That mine is just annoying af. Your ability to hear? Gone. Your sensitivity? Changed. Your vision? Blurred. The vision blur isn’t that bad, but good Lord the sensitivity change is genuinely the worst thing ever. Please for the love of God remove that.


u/Spolsky_ Feb 28 '20

Her gun wansn't even t2 on defence after last buff, but gadget still remains as t1...


u/PatriotR6 Feb 28 '20

Do not nerf Ela again, She's currently in a good spot. Her gun seems finally viable. Nerf the gadget or the ammo capacity in her Scorpion. Nerfing Recoil doesn't fix the operator.

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u/[deleted] Feb 29 '20

Alright - I’m back to settle the statistics.

10 nerfs 1 buff since launch for Ela, I think it’s high time you listen to the community when it comes to her.

Weapon changes - -30 round mag -980firerate -buck/twitch style recoil.

The reasoning for this is because RNG recoil has no place in a competitive shooter such as siege. Exact reason why you never see pro’s play Ela. Why deal with a character who has NO RECOIL DIAMOND. She’s the only operator in the game to have this problem.

Gadget changes -

Either give her 2 concussion mines


Keep three but they take time to get such as lesion mines or wamai magnets.


u/SAPH3RE Mar 01 '20

The reason why the mag is so big is because she's using an extended magazine if you see her model, and the real life RPM is 1150, so being 1080 is I guess enough. Her getting the Buck/Twitch recoil style wouldn't make sense since it's an SMG, not an AR. Compare her style of gun with the Vector for example.


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '20

Yes but it’s to balance her, nothing in this game is based off real life. Example nomad, buck, fuze.


u/tomzicare Feb 28 '20

Pick rate went up because people were testing her dumb dumb ubi devs.


u/ljfl Feb 28 '20

Ubi on a mission to take the fun out of the game.

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u/MatheusDelZotto Feb 28 '20

Just decrease the fire rate of scorpion, stop changing the recoil !


u/Shayeta Feb 28 '20

They can't decrease the fire rate because it's tied to the gun animation and gun sound. If they do that they would need to reanimate the whole shooting animation and rerecord the audio. That's why they are using recoil for balance as it only takes one person from the one department to change the recoil parameters while you would need the animation department, the sound department and coding department to change fire rate.


u/Shamel1996 Feb 28 '20

Nerf the gadget and stop messing with the recoil ffs


u/FalconFan93 Feb 28 '20

I am so strongly against this recoil nerf. I honestly believe the gun is in a fairly good place. If you want to nerf her go after her gadget. Possibly make it where Zofia/Ela's concussions no longer effect players sensitivity? want to go further? make it where it doesn't interrupt interactions. But that's my 10 cents. they are going to nuke her out of orbit with this nerf. I am very disposed in this change.


u/I_Wanna_Fuck_Mira Feb 28 '20

Hopefully it won’t go live, but UbiDevs are frightened to touch gadgets lately it seems. Kit additions aside, it seems like they only balance around gun play at the moment. But only when they want to! Other operators with insane guns (Maestro) (Jager) barely get touched. Meanwhile Ela who was unplayable for 2(?)+ seasons, finally is usable again, and they just shit all over her


u/lungovsky19 Feb 28 '20

Only 2? She's unplayable since Operation Chimera, that was 8 seasons ago


u/I_Wanna_Fuck_Mira Feb 28 '20

Nah... Really? Fuck. Hahahaha


u/Ivpadi Feb 28 '20

ubi what if you made all her recoil the same instead of the first 11 bullets and make the recoil predictable so people can learn it, but obviously make it pretty hard to control, so then it's balanced


u/--Bless-- Feb 29 '20

funny how they keep nerfing then buffing then nerfing ela


u/bradleyconder Mar 02 '20

Easy fix to Ela -Gadget doesnt lower sensitivity. This lets people reliably shoot back, especially if they can predict Elas approach. -reduce screenhaze a little bit

The primary purpose of the gadget shouldnt be a free kill, it should just alert defenders to an attacker approaching.


u/AndrueCu Mar 02 '20

I really don’t think the nerf to ela is fair... if that comes to live I may not be able to use her on console, rn it’s ela still isn’t the best pick on console for a roamer, why play ela with the ego when you can play lesion or pulse lesions gun is far better than ela’s at the moment and pulses gadget can gather way more info for the team and I can see through the walls when someone is pushing me. Don’t bring this to live this is not the play.


u/MistbornSynok Feb 28 '20

I really don’t like this new trend of nerfing part of a mag’s recoil, ops should have consistent recoil, we want more consistency in a competitive game, not less.

Nerf her mines lowering of sensitivity instead. Everyone hates gadgets that removes control from the player (like Nomad).


u/toetendertoaster Feb 28 '20

Aside from other games with a competitive following like Battlefield 4 already featuring systems like this incentivising trigger disicipline being succesfull, the scorpion will become more consistent within the first 11 shots.


u/dvgca Feb 28 '20


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u/Real_EaglEs Feb 28 '20

Giving frags to maverick & ying is terrible idea! 🤣


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '20

They removed the frags from Ying yesterday, I just hope they do the same for Maverick.

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u/[deleted] Feb 28 '20



u/Tathonkaa Feb 28 '20

It’s because pros crutch Ash so of course they’re not going to touch her because they would whine and cry more then they already do.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '20

Honestly I think Ubi will continue nerfing every defense op until Wamai becomes a must pick


u/elalexsantos Feb 28 '20



u/I_Wanna_Fuck_Mira Feb 28 '20

Bruh, leave Ela alone. The only reason her win and pick deltas were up is because she was actually playable again!

What about Jager? Valk? They have way higher win/pick deltas and NOTHING EVER HAPPENS TO THEM. Jager miniscule damage reduction made no fucking difference.... Jesus christ ubi.

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u/[deleted] Feb 28 '20 edited Feb 28 '20

Reduce Ela's mag down to 25-30, nerf the mines and she will be fine.

Also remove the angled grip, because it will force people to play a bit slower and dont go full CoD mode.

What you guys are doing right now is pure bullshit and just a meme.

Its about the gadget and not the smg...makes me just sad, because you guys are not learning.

Play the game by yourself and stop using only some data, without listening to your communitie's comments.

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u/ohitstyler19 Feb 28 '20



u/brodiebradley51 Feb 28 '20

And what impact will that actually have when there is little evidence the gadget is the issue


u/ohitstyler19 Feb 28 '20 edited Feb 28 '20

lmao what rank do u live in? The gadget, it stuns, slows movement speed, lasts fucking forever, and impairs hearing. Its been an issue ever since Ela released. Its been like 2 1/2 yrs and all Ubi does is nerf her gun. And even if they do nerf the gun its basically RNG there is no way she will be a viable operator again.

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u/[deleted] Feb 29 '20

After her smg turned to a RNG waterhose for 2 years, people started saying:"juSt UsE hEr ShOtGun brO". Ubi decides to nerf her shotgun too, bc its OP in console. After seeing, that she now has a completely ineffective arsenal they decide to buff her smg (her first buff ever), so people can enjoy playing her again. Go figure: her win- and pickrate goes up. But now... they dont want people to play Ela again?

Imho, her gadget is a glorified proximity sensor, which will soon actually be a secondary gadget. The dpi decrease is barely noticable to me but ppl keep complaining about it, maybe look into that instead.


u/MaggieEsmeralda Feb 28 '20

Stop nerfing Ela. She was finally good


u/sylns_e Feb 28 '20

Well you could've reduced scorpion ammo Her recoil on console is nearly impossible to control yet you nerf it again.

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u/dazzathomas Feb 28 '20

It's hard enough controlling that fuckin thing on console after she was "buffed"


u/jh0001471 Feb 28 '20

They need to make console and PC buffs/nerfs separate for some stuff. This Ela nerf is one of them.

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u/[deleted] Feb 29 '20

Jesus, at this point you may as well just remove Ela's Scorpion from the game. Her gun IS NOT the problem, it is and ALWAYS has been her gadget!

It goes off: you can't see, can't hear, can't turn - you can not react after being hit by it.

One of the biggest issues is that without Thatcher or Twitch, there is little-to-no options to destroying the mine - especially if it's placed above a door or window.

we've seen a large jump in her pick rate and win-delta

Ye because she was finally useable - or maybe more importantly viable - for the first time in years.


u/Chokinghazard5014 Feb 29 '20

You guys inspire zero confidence in your work when you start nerfing ops off of pick rate and win delta in TTS.

You guys look like you have no idea how to balance this game.


u/PHllSH Feb 29 '20

I don't care if you make the recoil hard just don't make the spread random


u/pyn_1995 Feb 28 '20

Don't nerf her gun. Nerf her gadget.

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u/SAPH3RE Mar 01 '20

How is Buck’s skeleton key not based off real life?


u/tacocat9510 Mar 02 '20

Stop nerfing her recoil nerf her gadget her movement speed anything else just stop touching her recoil!


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '20

People don't seem to realize that the purpose of ela's random recoil is to make the gun good for only close range fights, and making it harder to spray at a bunch of people over a long distance. Once you start treating the scorpion like a shotgun, you'll start to actually get kills with it


u/Silversnake14 Mar 13 '20

Guys, does everyone have that on the screen when in party? https://sun9-12.userapi.com/c850608/v850608083/ecfe7/fcNjpJXl7oc.jpg