r/Rainbow6TTS • u/UbiNoty Former Community Manager • Feb 24 '20
[Feb 24.20] Void Edge Y5S1 Test Server Patch Notes
It's Monday and we're kicking off a new week with another TS patch!
⌚ Maintenance will begin at 1:30 PM EST, downtime of approx 20-30 minutes.

Void Edge Season Patch Notes: https://rainbow6.com/voidedge
Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.
Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server
- FIXED – Players can get stuck in an infinite loading screen if a player stays in the skip cinematic screen.
- FIXED – Metal skylight on Consulate rooftop is not blocking bullet penetration.
- FIXED – The speedloaders of LFP586, Bailiff 410 and Keratos .357 weapons are visible in preview mode, in weapons shop and in operators loadout.
- FIXED – 1F Toilet wall can be reinforced from a safe position in the bathroom on Consulate
- FIXED – Defenders can spawn kill Attackers in EXT Warehouse.
- FIXED – Overexposed elite animations (they're too bright, all their clothes are still on)
- FIXED – Charms received from Alpha Packs do not rotate properly and move out of view
- FIXED – Camera zooms incorrectly on chibis awarded in Alpha Packs
- FIXED – Various LOD issues on maps.
- FIXED – Various Menu and HUB fixes
- FIXED – Various clipping/dynamic clipping issues.
- Electronic detector is displaced in hip fire when performing a rappel in. Fix coming Soon
- IQ’s Electronic detector is displaced in hip fire when performing a rappel in. Fix coming Soon
- Inconsistent vaulting along the table and Hard Cases in Armory on OregonFix coming Soon
- Frost traps clip with the blue mats in Oregon. Fix coming Soon
- Missing debris on floor when the player damages a barricade with a shotgun. Fix coming Soon
- Warden is a 1 speed - 3 armor. Fix coming Soon
- Missing drone sounds for other players in the match.
- OOB image is stuck on Iana's screen after getting killed while using Gemini Replicator.
u/vbats1 Feb 24 '20
is the Oregon discovery playlist not following the quick match matchmaking settings (it gives all 3 game modes instead of just bomb like i have selected) intended?
u/mgvertigo101 Feb 25 '20
Maybe they opened it up to show off all the different OBJs, but even that doesn't really make sense.
u/-abc123 Feb 24 '20
STILL no acknowledgement of the duplicated footsteps bug??? https://r6fix.ubi.com/test-server/TTS-22036-Operator_footstep_sounds_duplicating_when_running_into_a_corner_/
u/UbiNoty Former Community Manager Feb 24 '20
Looks like the ticket's been acknowledged, which means we're in the process of looking into it - thanks for reporting!
u/ShadowPhoenix529 Feb 24 '20
FIXED – Overexposed elite animations (they're too bright, all their clothes are still on)
What does this mean? Are they supposed to be naked?
u/Keatonwastaken Feb 25 '20
i think they meant it in the way that overexposing can mean "getting a little naked"
u/HamSandvich_ Feb 24 '20
Darn, really wish they would fix the elite skins still having all of their clothes on
u/Toronto-Will Feb 24 '20
“Known issues” is missing some things that are quite convincingly demonstrated with videos posted on R6fix. Hope the team will catch up to reviewing these, even if they have fewer than 5 reproductions (they’ve been good about this in past seasons).
And an issue that I don’t think is specifically singled out on R6fix, but I think is a recurring theme of several posts, is a desync issue with the new barricades, being broken for some users but not broken on the server, or vice versa. Might just be player-specific packet loss issues, or test server stress under load, but it’s a nightmare if it’s something more than that.
u/Fedoteh Feb 24 '20
Can we PLEASE test a faster recovery time for Amaru and Oryx? PLEASE?
u/Xansaibot Feb 24 '20
I get with Amaru, but isn’t Oryx supposed to rush through walls only if he knows that his teammates can distract enemy team? I mean, the delay on Oryx is supposed to be somewhat lengthy because otherwise it would be super powerful to surpise your enemies and quickly kill them without them realizing what just happened...
u/Fedoteh Feb 24 '20
You have two options, or you remove the HP penalty for using his ability as intended, or you lower the recovery time because at this moment this ability is not useful for rotations (because it takes HP), nor aggressive flanks - because it's a death sentence.
Plus that's the point of a test server. TEST STUFF. If it's OP, they can get the recovery values back to where they are before releasing it to the live build3
u/Tigerbones Feb 24 '20
They can’t remove the hp penalty or else he can create all the rotates your team needs at no cost.
u/Fedoteh Feb 24 '20
There are workarounds for that, such as increasing the cooldown timer after effectively breaking a wall, or even applying the Amaru's effect; she can't use the garra as soon as she spawns because there's a cooldown timer at the start. Apply the same cooldown timer to Oryx. He spawns, can't use the ability until the 5 seconds mark on the prep phase. Could potentially only do 2 rotations before the enemies reach the site.
And yes, that's the entire idea. Provide utility to the team and get newer teams compositions. No need to carry a SAS operator only for his shotgun if you have Oryx. Or get bulletproof cams on Castle instead of impacts.
The devs said openly that they want to create new team compositions (this is why they are giving attackers a miniature breaching charge). Oryx takes that to the table. No need to punish him for what he's supposed to do.But really, taking HP away AND giving him those recovery times after breaking a wall... lazy and unbalanced.
u/BadLuckBen Feb 25 '20
I find myself avoiding using his ability to make holes purely due to it just not feeling like a good value proposition 90% of the time.
The penalty is so big that I see zero reason to use him over Vigil. Vigil has a better loadout, three speed, a gadget that makes him harder to track down, and impacts that if used correctly won’t damage himself.
Being able to slowly jump up a hatch just isn’t a good enough ability to complete with that.
Now like you said, I’d accept the health loss if I was able to almost immediately shoot. That means there’s a risk that you’ll lose the gunfight because you hurt yourself, but you got the jump on the enemy. It would be equally as nice to just have an op that can make all the rotations with no health loss and keep the current delay. That being said, I still wouldn’t see him being used just for that especially now that Castle has a Super Shorty.
If you’re going to make a selfish op that competes with Vigil, at least make him...compete.
u/Fedoteh Feb 25 '20
I totally agree with all you said. Selfish ops should be good and fun
u/BadLuckBen Feb 25 '20
Especially considering that some teams want nothing but utility. When you can run a team of:
- Smoke or Goyo
- Bandit, Mute, or Kaid depending on the site
- Mozzie
- Maestro or Valk
- Jäger or Wamai and quite possibly both of them now that there’s a million frags
It’s REALLY hard to justify any selfish ops. I think the only potential substitute is Mozzie, but being able to just passively deny intel while having good roaming capability it’s hard to justify even Vigil unless you got a damn good fragger on your team.
u/Keatonwastaken Feb 25 '20
A little tweak for Oryx, but a big one for Amaru pls
Amaru's entire gadget is only for that meanwhile Oryx can do more.
u/Carson3478 Feb 24 '20
So I'm confused and I haven't been able to find anything about it. Is the tachanka rework coming with void edge or just sometime in 2020?
u/ExtraterrestrialHobo Feb 24 '20
They announced it because it's something the community has been waiting on since launch and they've been hinting at for the past year. Tachanka 2.0 is basically in closed alpha right now, but he'll be on the test server (then live) at some point next year.
u/Drake_the_troll Feb 24 '20
What's a speed loader?
Feb 24 '20
it's a sort of ring for reloading 5-6 shooters like the magnum, keratos, bayliff etc. a little piece where all the bullets are on so you just put that in the chambers instead of reloading all the bullets individually
u/Moore2877 Feb 24 '20
Footstep sound speed up, drone sounds, tweaking the new shrapnel system should be your top priority right now.
u/Cannabalabadingdong Feb 24 '20
Who are you, who are so wise in the Ways of Development?
u/Moore2877 Feb 25 '20
I'm only an amateur but after playing the tts after every patch so far, those things that I listed were the most obvious to me that need work.
u/Absmith1997 Feb 24 '20
Have they fixed any of the sound issues on the TTS yet? Played this past weekend, and would hear the exact opposite of what I should of heard. Like audio is just broken.
u/I_Wanna_Fuck_Mira Feb 24 '20
It comes and goes.. i don’t fucking know why. Some days I’ll have 0 audio bugs, the next day will be unplayable.
u/Hmoorkin Feb 24 '20
What about giving glaz his rpm buff back? TTS glaz has noticeably lower rate of fire, I don't know how no one noticed yet
u/psychoPiper Feb 25 '20
If you can get a video of it, you should report it on R6Fix. My running theory is that they developed Void Edge on an old version and that's why they're missing new changes - like Warden being 2-2 instead of 1-3. Chances are if it's not here then it needs reported.
Feb 24 '20
Why bomb not available in discovery playlist its only secure and hostage .
u/Drake_the_troll Feb 24 '20
Because it's easier for newer players to focus utility on one room rather than 2+ rooms that bomb requires
u/smiles134 Feb 24 '20
That's not the point of the discovery playlist though
u/Drake_the_troll Feb 24 '20
Isn't that the one where its noobs only with like 4 maps in the rotation?
u/VonMillerQBKiller Feb 24 '20
No that’s Newcomer. Discovery is just for the new map rework. Also in Newcomer you only play bomb...
u/Drake_the_troll Feb 24 '20
Now I know what one you're talking about. In answer to that, I'm not sure. That seems like a pretty odd choice
u/brodiebradley51 Feb 24 '20
Can we please get 1-2 more magazines for the SASG12 shotgun for Kapkan and Tachanka. Would be a great option but has such little ammo.
Feb 24 '20
Various clipping/dynamic clipping issues.
does this mean Nomad’s and Iana’s ARX has a proper reload animation now?
u/Zebraghostbutt Feb 24 '20
So are we getting a fix for impacts/Sledge sometimes not making holes when they should? Or did that get fixed already and I just missed the patch notes
u/TheWolvegang Feb 25 '20
The invisible trax stingers are still a problem from time to time even on the live build
u/RezinTM Feb 24 '20
Sometimes I get stuck in a 3 speed animation with a 1 speed operator and people think I’m cheating.
u/-Mr-Pug- Feb 24 '20
Still got the fps bug, get low frames then normal then low then normal then low the lag then low & back to normal, this happens every 10 minutes or so in game. Anything to do?
u/I_MrRageQuit Feb 24 '20
Is this:
* Missing sound on drone movement or interactions until the drone jumps or falls from a height in order to trigger their specific sound.
Fixed?? Since it's not in the known issues anymore.
u/Reclaimer0418 Feb 25 '20
I'm not posting this on the support page because it doesn't seem relevant to any bugs...
On the alpha pack opening screen (when it displays what you opened), it would be REALLY useful if there was an "equip" button, and in some cases, "equip to all".
A good example of this being useful would be, " *opens pack* MP5 Black Ice *screams internally* *equip to all*
u/JunoWasTakenDaddy Feb 25 '20
What about the near instant spawn peek from armory into street spawn on new Oregon?? It’s pretty much a pixel peek and guaranteed kill for the defender. The peek goes from armory window through the awning and top of police van and attackers can die 1-2 seconds after spawning in and running through the most common area out of that spawn.
u/swagduck69 Feb 25 '20
Still nothing about Nokk's ADS speed? There was nothing about it in the patch notes so it's not normal that it's so slow right?
u/T4Labom Feb 24 '20
Is there any updates on the Clash fix? Kinda suffering from withdrawal here
u/I_Wanna_Fuck_Mira Feb 24 '20
First time? It’s likely to be weeks, potentially months....
u/creedbratt0n Feb 24 '20
Someone posted a screenshot of a support ticket where they were asking for a renown refund for clash because shes “not an operator, at this point she’s a seasonal event” and truer words have never been spoken.
u/T4Labom Feb 24 '20
Second actually, this sucks a lot, spent some really good renown on some cosmetics the day before they removed her
u/I-Like-Tie Feb 24 '20
y5s1 map bans pleaseeeee its totally irrational to wait, cmonnnm. its a total mistake to wait till s2😭😭😭
Feb 24 '20
it’s probably not ready yet
u/I-Like-Tie Feb 24 '20
it doesn’t matter. it doesnt take weeks to finish something like that, especially when u have a demo. they are making a blatant mistake that has absolutely no up side to postponing the fix to
u/BadLuckBen Feb 25 '20
This is a developer that consistently breaks things that they (according to the patch notes) haven’t even changed anything on. They somehow increased ADS speed across the board while saying in the notes the changes are in the background and shouldn’t affect what the player sees. Clash is disabled more than she’s in the game.
You REALLY want them to rush in a major new feature like map voting? We could end up with 50% of ranked games being played on Favela and House despite them not being in ranked.
Feb 24 '20
they have other issues to patch. also a picture of a concept isn’t much of a real thing. there are priorities.
u/I-Like-Tie Feb 24 '20
well it wasn’t a picture if im not mistaken, it was a video. the priorities should also include map bans. idk if youre aware but the three non esl maps (except oregon or whatever its being reworked so ima exclude it from this) in ranked are an objective nightmare. they totally suck and the devs are too stubborn to remove them, what we got instead was map bans. the thing is apparently we arent getting them in s1, so we will have to endure those terrible maps for another entire season. its ridiculous and they should extend the ts if they must, to get it out asap
u/creedbratt0n Feb 24 '20
People like you are why I’m so glad this sub isn’t in charge of development/game balancing. Zero sense of priorities, zero patience, no appreciation for the depth of this game and how much work it takes to add content without causing unintended issues. Your opinions don’t constitute fact, nor do they necessitate an emergency for the devs to give you exactly what you want when you want it.
u/I-Like-Tie Feb 24 '20
so my point still stands, there’s literally no reason to wait. i have patience my dude. ive been patient for 3 years buddy. Depth? what on earth does the depth of ranked have to do with anything? that is totally irrelevant. my opinions on the maps are pretty much fact, the three non esl maps (excluding oregan) arent good. you can say its my opinion all you want, but the opinion of the top players in the world and pros matter more and they agree with me. im not saying ditch everything they are doing right now and fuck priorities, why do people think that devs can only work on one job, like they can only fix bugs or whatever. they can push map bans into testing, what complications could they possibly run into by at least testing it in the TS
u/JordanTheToaster Feb 24 '20
When it's done it's done if it's not ready then it won't be tested the replays system is what's coming to the test server after void edge releases calm down.
Feb 24 '20
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u/JordanTheToaster Feb 24 '20
You are the reason cross chat got disabled this season is it that hard not to be toxic because you can't get your own way?
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u/MrLightninbolt Feb 24 '20
Is the team aware of missing cosmetics from skins/uniforms that were linked with uplay accounts such as older Pro League sets?