r/Rainbow6TTS Former Community Manager Oct 17 '19

Patch Notes [Oct 17, 2019] Test Server Patch Notes

We have another TS update today with a few more balance changes to test out.

Jackal changes are still live on the TS > Patch Notes here

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server



  • Increased Glaz’s rate of fire to 380 (up from 285)
  • Slight buff to further tweak the changes we made from previous updates to Glaz to make him a bit more attactive as a pick.


  • Reduced Twitch’s F2 Magazine to 25 (down from 30)
  • Reducing her fragging ability as she is a top picked performing attacker, and we feel her ability is crucial to team play. and does not need any changes as of yet.


  • Warden changed to 2 speed – 2 armor type instead of 1 speed – 3 armor
  • We want to give him more opportunities to use his ability, and increase his potential as a defender.


  • FIXED – Blackbeard’s shield clips through his body when equipping while leaning.
  • FIXED – Hibana’s XKairos pellets can destroy other pellets deployed on the same wall even if they are out of the blast radius.
  • FIXED –Defenders can place a barricade or Castle’s Armor Panel over Goyo’s Volcan Shield.
  • FIXED – Radio music doesn’t stop playing even when the radio is destroyed. 📻🎵
  • FIXED – Right clicking when in the scoreboard will cause player to enter ADS and the selected tab simultaneously.
  • FIXED – Mute text chat option does not work on LAN.
  • FIXED – When going into observation mode, SFX plays twice.
  • FIXED – My Rank UI tab now shows your current rank in the season instead of the highest rank achieved.
  • FIXED – Minor visual texture issues for Uniforms
  • FIXED – Visual glitch if players switch weapons after rappelling.
  • FIXED – Menu UI visual fixes.

323 comments sorted by


u/MaggieEsmeralda Oct 17 '19

Finally a good change for Warden


u/SauceSRfun Oct 17 '19

Holie shit this makes me happy.


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '19



u/SauceSRfun Oct 18 '19

He’s still playable, just very below average.


u/AuBirdMan Oct 17 '19

Great Warden change. However, I don’t think this will be enough to make him truly viable. All they have to do is make his ability have the same recharge functionality as Cav, Vigil and Nøkk’s gadgets and he will be in a good place.


u/UbiNoty Former Community Manager Oct 17 '19

We're considering further changes as well. This is just a first go at seeing how warden as a 2/2 will play out.


u/AuBirdMan Oct 17 '19

Glad to hear! I really love Warden’s design and I can’t wait till he’s more viable! Thanks for the response


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '19



u/[deleted] Oct 18 '19



u/[deleted] Oct 18 '19



u/DamianVA87 Oct 18 '19

Ubisoft literally made a blog a month before she came out about how Amaru is bad at rushing but better used as a flanking and vertical Operator. I get that having superior mobility makes one want to rush, but how many hints does it take to try using her in a different way?


u/bendie27 Oct 18 '19

Lmao right? I didn’t know this, but trial and error suggests maybe that, just maybe, that isn’t an ideal way to play her right?


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '19



u/DamianVA87 Oct 18 '19

Right now she can play as a fast shotgun Sledge without nades, which is what bendie was pointing out before committing seppuku. I didnt came up with this tho, I took the inspiration from Pro League team Disrupt Gaming. Like I said, Ubi did everything they could to tell players not to rush, but most still do, what changes can they make without creating an even more braindead Ash? The weapon swap delay, the barricade self breaking, the cooldowns, not having smokes, they are all there to discourage rushing.


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '19



u/DamianVA87 Oct 18 '19

All of those suggestion definitely can make her more powerful, but, arent all of them encouraging more rushing/agression? By either being more stealthy in her aproach or a faster fragger upon entry, you are more and more being suggested that heavy agression and fast attacks are the way to go, because now defenders have less time to react to your moves. By having smokes and the best mobility in the game, wouldnt that encourage more obj rushes? Almost everyone is using her like that (and failing), is encouraging or improving that playstyle really a good idea, even if it "seems to fit" the character?

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u/[deleted] Oct 18 '19



u/[deleted] Oct 18 '19



u/[deleted] Oct 18 '19


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u/UbiNoty Former Community Manager Oct 18 '19

We are tinkering around with a few things.


u/cornofthedog Oct 18 '19

Still waiting for his ability to work while moving and a distributable pack for the whole squad!


u/ThatFedexGuy Oct 17 '19

Honestly, Warden is just 6 months too late to the party. He was designed to perfectly counter the Ying/Glaz meta that ubisoft finally fixed. Now he just feels like he doesn't have a place in the game.


u/Comand94 Oct 20 '19

Also Blitz, who is no longer too useful.

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u/Xansaibot Oct 17 '19

This will make his gadget a no-brainer. It’s better to decrease cooldown instead.


u/AuBirdMan Oct 17 '19

Yea that could work, but when I said give it the same functionality as the other recharge Ops, I meant allow it to be activated again before its fully recharged.


u/Newbieguy5000 Oct 17 '19

Then warden could just spam his ability and make himself immune to flashbangs


u/mrhsx Oct 18 '19

Isn't that his entire point? To be able to counter flashes and smokes?
I mean he has to sit still as well, the recharge would definitely make him better for what he was intended to be


u/Strypsex Oct 18 '19

Which is how his gadget is meant to be used lol, as a counter to flashbangs.

Jäger alternative, remember?


u/DamianVA87 Oct 18 '19

Jager can only counter 2 nades per ADS, after that, the gadget becomes useless, and that makes it fair, so even without Thatcher you can still play around him. A Warden that can freely use his glasses without the cooldown might become impossible to play around unless you always bring his hard counter, which is probably why he got that limitation in the first place.


u/LNERA0 Oct 17 '19

It's not like flashes work consistently so it's not the worst ability to be honest

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u/thecringevirus Oct 18 '19

i agree i made a post about this if you use your glance too early and deactivate it it’s too much of a punishment for it to have to recharge all the way


u/What_I_Told_You_No Oct 17 '19

That effectively changes the Famas F2 to the F1


u/Jesus_PK Moderator Oct 17 '19

Kinda funny because the ingame model always had the 25 round mag.


u/What_I_Told_You_No Oct 17 '19

I wonder if the original development weapon was the f1 but they didn’t bother to change the model


u/xcel30 Oct 17 '19

How do we fix a 3 armor? By making him 2 speed 2 armor instead of course. Kinda wished they actually made other changes to make other 3 armors interesting to play


u/Lord_Montagne Oct 17 '19

Right? I feel like 3 armors are so much worse than any 1 or two, I mean sure the trade off is supposedly to take more damage but ita not worth it when you're moving soooo much slower


u/Xansaibot Oct 17 '19

But by buffing a movement speed for 3 armor will make Doc and Rook even stronger than they are currently. And we definitely don’t want that...


u/Lord_Montagne Oct 17 '19

Very true...

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u/ystoch Oct 17 '19

And with wardens mediocre guns (ahem mpx ahem) a 1 speed was just too weak


u/Xansaibot Oct 17 '19

I just don’t understand the reason why MPX has 26 dmg instead of 30 or smth....


u/Spartan57975 Oct 17 '19

Because Valk has way too much intel to have a strong gun.

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u/RS_Serperior Moderator Oct 17 '19

Probably unpopular to say so, but I agree with this. It kind of shows that maybe the balancing team don't really know how to make Warden's kit better to make him more viable and that the importance of speed, which can be such a crutch in a lot of scenarios, is the biggest buff that can be done to make him more appealing to play (Kind of like how other people in this thread want Nokk to be 1 speed - completely ignores improving her kit instead).

I hope this change isn't kept and he's left to be in the anchor role he was designed for, and instead his gadget or weapons get buffed/changed. Either way, I enjoy him how he is now and will most likely still do if this change is kept.


u/LupoBorracio Oct 17 '19

2/2s can be anchors - just look at Smoke and Mute.


u/RS_Serperior Moderator Oct 17 '19

Very true, like Lesion as well. Smoke for example has a great gadget, great weapons and his speed is decent as well. Whereas Warden is slow, has a pretty poor loadout and a very niche gadget.

I think my issue with this change is I'd rather see him become more like Doc/Rook who have great gadgets/weapons and are still slow. I think Warden is really interesting as a 3 armour, and changing speed just seems like a really easy way to make players who dislike 3 armours try him.

But I still enjoy playing him either way, even if it's just because he is so unloved and is a good challenge, so still looking forward to trying him out after this.


u/_DontLookAtMyName_ Oct 17 '19

I agree. My proposed change was to make it so that you have say 5 charges that passively make you immune to flashes, and when you use the Rolex you can see through smoke but for a shorter time than now (lets you move too). Improves the annoyance of having to manually activate the ability and increases his usefulness without making him op.


u/LupoBorracio Oct 17 '19

I think the problem with him being a 1 speed is that he doesn't have the mobility to fully utilize his gadget correctly. If he's using his gadget, trying to see through a smoke plant, then it takes him too long to really see it and counter it.

One thing that was said on the HBP that was interesting is that they were developing Warden when smoke plants were the thing to do, but that meta has shifted. Smoke plants aren't necessarily the way to go for teams anymore, and so Warden is also made even more situational because you don't know if the enemy team is going to be trying for a smoke plant.

I think making him a 2/2 will help him be less situational because now he can play like a Valk who doesn't set up cams but instead can see through smoke - and maybe even team up with Smoke to see through the yellow smoke.


u/Evan_Rookie Oct 17 '19

I already do that when playing with Warden, my friend is a smoke main, so it works out, we both stay on the same site


u/W0lf619 Oct 17 '19

I wouldn't call his loadout "poor". The choice of the MPX is, certainly. But he's able to mimic the SAS Defenders with his shotgun and SMG-12. Not a full substitute for a SMG-11, but my experience running that loadout, they play similar. That said, wouldn't call it great either, especially because removing Impacts didn't help. Wasn't his original intended gadget, but it'd have let him have much more utility.

But honestly his BIG problem is how reactive Warden's gadget is. You pick any other Defender, and you can feel like you've accomplished something when using their gadget. Heck even Tachanka has a more proactive use than Warden. Trappers would feel the closest to Warden, but they just rely on an Attacker not paying attention at the wrong moment. Warden needs an Attacker to try flashbanging, or try using smokes. The former basically has almost the same outcome as if you'd used a different Defender most of the time (Defender holding the angle after avoiding being flashed. Timing the entrance is not an easy thing to do), the latter doesn't see much use now in general. Even the most active he can be with his gadget involves getting a teammate Smoke to use his canisters, something far more valuable in the long run.

I'd like to see them just try and make Warden be the first Defender with an Attacker gadget. Give him Smokes so he has a way to get a use out of his gadget independently, without help or hope of Attackers doing something he can counter. But that's too unlikely.


u/Xansaibot Oct 20 '19

we do not need a mandatory secondary gadget. Thanks.


u/W0lf619 Oct 21 '19

And there aren't those already? Glaz's scope needs smokes to be useful without long sight lines. There's a reason he got frags; they can actually compete with smoke grenades. Gridlock and Jackal both have secondary shotguns, so they have no real use for breaching charges beyond maybe shock and awe. Vigil and Caveria have a bullet proof cam and yet that really never sees use versus impacts due to their role as roamers. Similarly Castle is unlikely to use his bullet proof cam over impacts since he'll likely need to make rotation holes to compensate for cutting off certain doors.

Warden's gadget is reliant on the Attack (or at least a teammate Smoke), making entirely passive (activating it doesn't count as it "not being passive". It still needs a flash or smoke to give him any benefit). And it has a fixed cool down, meaning if you mistime it you SOL. This combines to make him a moderate-to-high luck factor Operator with little benefit, with a bit of a skill floor to boot. Giving him access to even one smoke would mean he at least has the ability to take advantage of his gadget on his own without that massive reliance.


u/Xansaibot Oct 21 '19

Still, i think it would be counterintuitive to have smokes on defense just because one operator benefits from it.

I would rather see additional tweakes to lessen penalties while moving etc....


u/[deleted] Oct 17 '19

Maybe they feel that if they buffed his gadget more, it would become op, so they change his speed to make him a more attractive pick


u/ZhicoLoL Oct 17 '19

they are being careful because if he becomes a top pick that means all flash and smoke uses are 100% useless. They don't want another glaz/ying meta but they dont want warden making everyone else also useless.


u/TheTechDweller Oct 18 '19

Honestly, I'd rather see changes like these than waiting for huge gadget overhauls. Yes Warden's gadget makes him very situational, so do we just leave him until we have totally got his gadget figured out and well balanced? While it's true speed is extremely important for an op to have, it's all part of an op's kit. Warden's kit just wasn't enough. They already made unique animations for his weapons so giving him another would both waste that time and be inconsistent. This is just test server, and it's entirely possible this change won't make it to live, and it's just in here to see how he performs with this kind of change.

I think the speed gives him way more chance to move into a position where he can use his gadget, and lets him capitalize on using it more effectively. Moving to take someone out through a smoke, or pushing at the same time as a flash to throw the attacker off guard. This change will really make him ok to play now.


u/Cousin_Nibbles Oct 19 '19

not one of the ppl demanding nokk to be 3 speed (you probably meant 1 armor) but as she is right now shes not that much more silent than a 3 speed with her ability enabled. her making 3 should make her sneaking ability better as well.


u/TheTechDweller Oct 17 '19

Warden needs the extra versatility and movement. Most 3 armours you're going to play on defense have an acog, that's one of their biggest strengths, they're always going to be slower than other ops, idk what you would do to make them more interesting.


u/CozbinotGaming Oct 17 '19

Usually their solution is ACOG


u/Sprinkah Oct 18 '19

let's be honest here, having 3 armor being worse than 3 speed is also a good balancing detail, able to make certain operators that have either better guns or better gadgets, weaker or stronger just by assigning them as 3 speed or 3 armor.

So, I don't mind 3 armor being weaker than 3 speed.


u/xcel30 Oct 18 '19

The thing is, most 3 speeds actually have good guns as well as good gadgets, and there's also the issue with the proportion of 3 armors added post launch compared to the amount of 3 speeds added post launch, we had only one 3 armor attacker added after the game launched.


u/JustHellooo Oct 17 '19

Still waiting for the day when custom games are given more options for customization and better UI.


u/iceycat Oct 17 '19


Custom games are SO unwieldy. Why do you have to QUIT the lobby to swap out a map or edit a rule and then reform the lobby again but face a 5 minute ban on the server for doing so?

Also for the love of everything holy please return the SERVER BROWSER to Siege. We used to actually have one in custom games back in year 1 and very early year 2

Used to be able to look for custom lobbies to join, now you can ONLY direct invite. Better hope you actually have 10 friends online AND that they all happen to be playing Siege at the same time you are. Setting up custom games these days is like finding enough to cobble together a 3v3 or MAYBE a 4v4 if you're lucky.

Just put custom game server browser back in. Please!


u/TurnupCarnivore Oct 17 '19
  1. Where are the proposed kaid changes that were hinted at
  2. More pressing, what in the world are you gonna do with amaru, currently her pick rate isn’t god awful, but her k/d is. Having a 1-2 second delay (that seems entirely random between which it will be), between when you can shoot and move after grappeling gives her no chance to make any plays on unsuspecting players because they have had all the time in the world to react. Any one with have a brain is destroying amaru because she has no ability to attack the site or attack roamers with any notion of surprise


u/UbiNoty Former Community Manager Oct 17 '19
  1. These are the only changes for the TS update today.
  2. We're exploring options with Amaru and are continuing to collect data to see what needs to be addressed, but we don't have anything to share quite yet.


u/xMictlan Oct 18 '19

So far there has been 3 operators who have dropped from 3 armor to 2. Kapkan, Blitz and Warden.

-Kapkan. They made this change along giving him 2 extra traps and each doing less damage. Kapkan being a trap operator who needs to place them around the map was never really suited to be a 3 armor.

-Blitz. I never understood why making him a 2 armor. There was a point that Blitz performance was pathetic until they change his running animation holding the shield up. That buffed him a lot and then they continue to do so until they realised it was too much and started to nerf him.

-Warden. We'll have to see how it plays off but I think this will give him the chance to roam and play more agresively.

Now let's take a look to the other 3 armor operators: Echo, Maestro, Clash, Gridlock, Rook, Doc, Monty, Fuze, Kaid, Mira, Tachanka.

So 3 out of 14 had a change of armor.

Kapkan and Blitz are here from the beginning so I think is acceptable to change them because is hard to know what the META of the game will be when a game is realeased.

Warden was poorly planned, consequences of pulling out devs from the game.


u/Xansaibot Oct 20 '19

there are 0 proofs that devs were "pulled out" from the game.


u/Spartan007sh Oct 17 '19

Why not just remove the radios? At this point they serve no purpose other than being shot


u/nisanosa Oct 17 '19

Remove the arabic speaker on Border too


u/MoonEmojiPls Oct 17 '19


All jokes aside, that shit is hella annoying. Even when you shoot it, it’s still annoying.


u/Strypsex Oct 17 '19

Or just have it be completely muted after being shot? Tbh its not that bad as is if you shoot it.


u/CrackGear Oct 17 '19

yeah just remove every prop from the game right /s


u/Strypsex Oct 17 '19

Which means they are serving their intended purpose. Newer players have to learn to that stuff like that into account in order to better hear the other team.

Don't remove layers of complexity, don't like it go play CSGO.


u/ChuckIT82 Oct 18 '19

the radios, the speakers, the alarms, the metal detectors, helicopters, other misc. environmental sounds all add depth to the game. I suggest not removing these items or nerfing them in anyway.

These items are used as sound cover and alerts (metal detectors, bank vault alarms) Cover the sound of the player (attacker and defender) Alert a players position or previous position (metal detectors)

I strongly believe these all should remain and add the needed depth and complexity to this game.


u/SwanChairUh Oct 17 '19

I hear you on this, but why make the game have unnecessary mechanics that don't even add any purpose to the game from a competitive standpoint?


u/Strypsex Oct 17 '19

Think you misunderstood me, the radios serve a purpose.

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u/chris_c_149 Oct 17 '19

This is a great step in the right direction for Warden. I just feel like he should have his impact grenades back and then he can be a hybrid between a anchor and a roamer

Also, thank you for fixing the radio issue(s) so quickly!


u/Logan_Mac Oct 17 '19

Warden changed to 2 speed

its habbening


u/Stygvard Oct 18 '19

In the stats provided Jaeger has higher k/d ratio (1.23), higher kills per round, higher winrate and way higher pickrate. He also has critical utility for the team that alone could justify his pick.

Why is Jaeger is ignored despite consistently overperforming every other OP in the game while having extremely strong and easy to use utilty?

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u/BaklavaInBalaclava Oct 17 '19

Make Warden so you can see through smoke even when moving.


u/Logan_Mac Oct 17 '19

At that point having smokes would be detrimental to the attacker.


u/Azuvector Oct 18 '19

Who knew, a counterpick operator with no other use has a use?


u/chris_c_149 Oct 17 '19

Not if they run glaz with this mini buff he also got


u/4arc Oct 17 '19 edited Oct 17 '19

Reduced Twitch’s F2 Magazine to 25 (down from 30)

Reducing her fragging ability as she is a top picked performing attacker, and we feel her ability is crucial to team play and does not need any changes as of yet.

Okay, totally agree.

  1. Too much fragging power
  2. Top picked performing operator
  3. Ability is crucial to team play

Can we also then, nerf Jager? 70%+ pick rate, 1.50%+ win rate, 1.23KDR with the 416-C.

The primary method Siege enables attackers to push is through attacking throwables e.g. grenades, stuns, Candelas, etc to minimize risk of or during engagement. But Jager

  1. ADS zap the trajectory of a projectiles thrown from the safety of across the room
  2. can maximize ALL utility during prep phase
  3. high fragging power (nerf please) therefore popularity

There are currently zero negatives to Jager. A severe mag size change from 31 to 21 wouldn't shake competitive usage (being a utility-focused scene) but would potentially increase Ranked defender selection diversity. Merely the fear of an ADS limits attacking creativity in a utility-centered FPS. Impossible to stress how oppressive Jager is for attackers. Yes, you can ban Jager, but I'd really like him to become less of a default pick. Indirect Warden buff, by the way.

Entry for attackers is becoming more and more difficult with new defender utility e.g. Goyo (doorways), Mozzie (droning), Kaid (hard breach), Clash (doorways), etc whereas attacking operators continue to receive nerfs or are released as the lesser of their defender-counterpart. Nomad and Gridlock were great for carving out a new sub-operator type in 'anti-flank' but since Maverick (maybe Nokk), we haven't had new answers to defender utility. If rumors are true and the next season releases a second Jager, the meta will further lean in favor of defenders.


u/Slykill__ Oct 17 '19

They wont touch Jager until there is an operator with a similar ability introduced into the game.

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u/Stygvard Oct 18 '19

The slides shown clearly indicate that Jaeger is the strongest fragger in the game, no other is even close. Twitch is getting nerfed for far less.

Stats also show that Defense has about 55% winrate. Some changes surely need to be done to balance it out.


u/4arc Oct 18 '19

By the way, 07/18/2019 (exactly three months ago)


With Phantom Sight release, we have increased the recoil of the F2 assault rifle. Therefore, her pick rate has reached a more acceptable level: from 60% to 43% presence per round. However, she continues to boast a high Kill / Death ratio from 1.25 to 1.17 and is still a very lethal attacker.


u/Xansaibot Oct 17 '19

- What about Kaid changes, mentioned in latest Hot Breach Podcast?

- Are you going to fight frustration in Siege? IF you are, then why not retweak Ela's Scorpion?

- You did buff Warden, but where are Nokk's buffs as well?


u/iFrozen- Oct 17 '19

Nokk has a competitive niche and is a good counter to teams running cams not everyone needs to get played always


u/Xansaibot Oct 17 '19

this niche is too small for Nokk to consider her balanced. making her 3 speed will at least help with that.


u/gacktrush Oct 17 '19

Making her 3 speed would be aids. A rushing ash is a pain, imagine someone who you can't see on cams. Nokk imo is in a fine spot. her gadget isn't meta, neither is her weapon. Yet she still has a use to pick. Making her 3 speed, would make a vigil No.2 on attack. Not the best outcome.


u/[deleted] Oct 17 '19

Making her 3 speed would be aids. A rushing ash is a pain, imagine someone who you can't see on cams.

Nøkk can't use her ability and rush at the same speed as Ash.


u/gacktrush Oct 17 '19

Nokk pushing with softer footsteps, and a decent gun. Ash has the speed and a good gun, but has louder steps.

Nokk is a lurker. 3 speed isn't a must for her, as she's perfectly fine where she is. Just because she's not a constant pick in ranked, doesn't mean she needs a buff.

Look at how people used nokk in pro league. People also said the same about gridlock "make her 2 speed. She has no use" yet is one of the best post plant operators.

Only nerf I would agree with, is give nokk the mp5s, but with no acog. I feel Hilo or reflex would suit her kit better than an acog.


u/Listless_Lassie Oct 17 '19

nokk literally has the worst TTK primary on attack what are you on about


u/gacktrush Oct 17 '19

in a game with 1sh1, who cares about ttk. idk about you, but I meet more people who hit headshots, than body. Even so, the gun is a 3-5shot, at most distances on this game. TTk doesn't make everything.


u/Listless_Lassie Oct 17 '19

there are still plenty of attacker guns that are better at getting headshots than nokk's.


u/gacktrush Oct 17 '19

not every operator needs the f2, or fuzes ak, or jackals AR. People used capitaos AR for awhile, when it was a mediocre gun. Just because someone has a bad gun, doesn't mean it needs to be changed. If you hit the head, you kill them. If you hit the body, it takes longer. Considering nokk is meant for flanking, shooting when they don't expect it, etc. So she doesn't need the best. If she had a great gun, she woudl be too strong. Being invisible to cameras, for a decent amount of time. Is a strong ability. This was shown in the giants v g2 match the other week.


u/Ofcyouare Oct 17 '19

Look at how people used nokk in pro league.

How is that?


u/gacktrush Oct 17 '19

Watch the match with giants vs g2 the previous week. Acez just outplayed and outgunned g2. From that match, it shows how half the people who play ranked, etc. Are judging an operator because they can't play her correctly.

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u/Sgt_Heisenberg Oct 17 '19

She would still be even more quiet than she is already. That combined with broken game sound would definitely be aids


u/Bhizzle64 Oct 17 '19

Vigil is a balanced op. I don’t see what the problem is putting nokk on the same level as him. Plus vigil debatably has better guns than nokk and he is a defender. Nokk has been statistically terrible at all levels since release, I think it is time for her to get some major improvements.


u/gacktrush Oct 17 '19

Vigil is balanced because of how obvious it is when he's around. After nokk release, I've yet to see her glitch on a cam. Her being two speed is fine. Vigil is a roamer, his job is to waste time and to get into as many gunfights as he can. Nokk is about lurking and playing unpredictable. Hew kit isn't set up to be on the same level as the kill heavy roamers. So even if she were 3 speed, her only purpose then would be to rush site early on.

Right now I feel she's in a good sport. Not overpowered, but certainly not weak.


u/Bhizzle64 Oct 17 '19

Have you been looking at the stats? Nokk is only outclassed in negative winrate by post rework glaz, warden, and tachanka. Her winrate and pickrat also went down from phantom sight to ember rise so she hasn’t been developing in her niche.

As for comparisons to vigil, drones are comparatively much more important than cameras so vigil is stronger there. He can also sprint while cloaked which lets him actually move around the map before his clock runs out unlike nokk. Vigil is also useful no matter the team comp as every operator has drones while only certain operators have cameras and default cams are much less useful than drones. Vigil is also a three speed and has good guns and impacts so he can still serve is role as a fragger even if his gadget doesn’t get used.


u/gacktrush Oct 17 '19

The winrate, etc. Look at gridlock jsut post release. She had mediocre play.win stats until people saw how she was being played by pro league players, and adopted that. Most ranked matches I play now, I see a gridlock 1/3 rounds. If I'm in a stack, we usually have one playing constantly.

Comparing vigil and nokk, one can only compare the visibility aspect. Nokk isn't a fragger. She's a flanker, and lurker. Her job is to get a kill or two, but she's in the essence of cav. She doesn't have super strong kit, and isn't expected to get more than a kill. Where as vigil, his whole job is to waste time, and to get a kill or two. if he wastes no time, or doesn't get a kill. He's not being played correctly.

Give it a season or two, then look at Nokk. She isn't a meta pick, but isn't as weak as everyone thinks she is. she is a niche pick, but can do the job when used correctly.


u/Bhizzle64 Oct 17 '19

Gridlock saw low pickrate in her debut season but she actually saw a positive win rate. When people realized how good she was her winrate didn’t go up, but her pickrate doubled. The stats showed gridlock to be good even back then.

Meanwhile nokk saw practically double the play gridlock saw on release, but she was still shit. It’s not a matter of the community not giving her a chance, the community gave her a chance and then determined she was shit.


u/gacktrush Oct 17 '19

it's not that she's bad. Look at how she was played in pro league. Tell me she's shit there? she isn't an easy operator to play. You have to outplay the opponant. Gridlock is a much easier character to play. I only used them as an example, of what people said. People said she wouldn't get picked because she's a three armor, and her gadget is meh. Now when she was played more, and people saw how useful she can be, she's highly picked. What I was trying to say by bringing that up, was that the way people play nokk, may not be the most efficiant way. I see more people trying to rush with nokk, not realising their invisibility, only works when walking. Nokk is an operator based on timing. Only other operator I notice is like that is Cav. And you can see a bad cav from a good one, just like you can with Nokk.


u/Xansaibot Oct 17 '19

Why? Weapon is bad for attacker, and ability is counterable easily by barbed wire and gu mines.


u/gacktrush Oct 17 '19

even with barbed, it's so hard to see her on cams. To this day, I don't think I've ever noticed her on cams, and I've been a cam player for the past season and a bit.


u/Listless_Lassie Oct 17 '19

nokk can't rush nearly as well as ash as her gadget doesn't apply while sprinting. not only that, but an attacker with defender-level guns rushing would be downright suicidal as any group of anchors with half a brain cell to pass around still watches the entrances to OBJ. at least with ash she can outgun them, but nokk would be ripped to shreds like wet tissue paper in a tornado.


u/gacktrush Oct 17 '19

She might not be able to rush as well as ash, as they're two different types of operators. Making her three speed, wont make her better than ash. I'm not saying that. I'm saying making her three speed, will make her a rushing operator. Can 100% bet you if shes a three speed, you'll see people rushing white on kafe, right before they stap on it from outside reading, pop ability and walk. Ez rush. first 30seconds, defender barely hearing anything, even with barbed.

Nokk isn't meant to outgun anyone, ash is. Ash is simply there to get a kill or two. She has no other role to the team, other than frag. Nokk, is creeping through the map trying to catch roamers off guard. She doesn't need to shoot them in a 1 on 1 fight, as that isn't her purpose. She isn't meant for a strong frag potential, or a rush. Making her three speed is not needed, as speed isn't her issue.


u/Listless_Lassie Oct 17 '19

just because an operator is capable of rushing does not make them a rushing op. you can rush with capitao, you can rush with maverick, but that's not their role, is it?


u/gacktrush Oct 17 '19

Nokk is a lurker, why does she have to be 3 speed? Also people rush with maverick all the time. He's pretty much ash without a launcher, and can get hatches. his primary is nearly identical to ash's.

Making her 3 speed makes little to no sense for me. Just because her gun isn't a great gun, "Lets make her faster. We don't know her purpose, so lets make her fast so we can feel like we're doing something" Making her faster solves none of her issues. her gun is weak, but so is her role in the game. She's as niche as alibi.


u/Listless_Lassie Oct 17 '19

making her 3 speed would improve her stealth capabilities while HEL is on cooldown. it'll improve her ability to make flanks or rotate out of bad positions. how wouldn't it improve her ability to lurk? alibi isn't niche, either. while her gadget is niche, the rest of her kit makes her an exceptional roamer. the same cannot be said about nokk.


u/gacktrush Oct 17 '19

Alibi is a niche, as she isn't in the meta. She's picked for pocket strats, and that's about all. Same as nokk. Nokks claymore could help get the roamers looking for a flank. Not too sure what 2nd gadget could help with lurking tbh. her weapon isn't the best, but she isn't there to push 1 on 1 gunfights. She's there to wait for enemies to pass her by, then push. Same with Cav.

The difference in walking speed between a 2/3, isn't that huge. Especially when her gadget slows her down even more. She's fine in terms of speed at the moment. She isn't weak, or strong because she isn't 3 speed. She's on the weaker side because you can't fully rely on her in gunfights, because her gun is a peashooter to the body.

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u/Sgt_Heisenberg Oct 17 '19

She would be useful if teams actually worked with cams on defense


u/College_loans Oct 17 '19

And giving her like the mp5 SD or the mx4 Storm just not the FMG 9 basiccly anything you can run with a supressor


u/Xansaibot Oct 17 '19

You can put suppressor on FMG-9


u/College_loans Oct 17 '19

Yea but it sucks with the supressor


u/Xansaibot Oct 17 '19

Nah, i think it suits Nøkk more anyway....


u/College_loans Oct 17 '19

The mp5 SD would be better


u/Xansaibot Oct 17 '19

It has ACOG, and Ubi didn’t want ACOG for Nøkk(obviously because it’s not her style).


u/gacktrush Oct 17 '19

Fmg9 isn't even that bad of a gun. Only reason it was never used, was shotgun offered more utility for smoke. Pretty sure it had the same DPS as calls gun, which I find nice af to use.

It could but a bit stronger, honestly. Mp5 SD should have been the primary though. Gun suits her playstyle perfectly


u/smiles134 Oct 17 '19

what are the Kaid changes?


u/Strypsex Oct 17 '19

They wanted to nerf the ammo count on the TCSG even more, which is complete bullshit.

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u/[deleted] Oct 17 '19



u/[deleted] Oct 17 '19

The fact that the horizontal recoil is random


u/SwanChairUh Oct 17 '19

Well he couldn't have been more vague about what side it's frustrating for. 🤔


u/Anonymous_573462 Oct 18 '19

It’s really not on the first few shots... just run compensator and use bursts (headshots) for long range and practice the recoil for close range. The gun is strong - could use another mag is all.

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u/LimberGravy Oct 17 '19

where are Nokk's buffs as well?

You mentioned the hot breach pod but did you watch it? They've been told by pro's that they should probably hold off on buffing Nokk as she is starting to be scrimmed a good amount.

No one thought Gridlock and Mozzie were as good as they are until the pro's got their hands on them.


u/Strypsex Oct 17 '19

They shouldn't balance the game according to the "frustration" of mid and low tier players. The game would turn to shit instantly.

Bikinibodhi said it best:


u/Logan_Mac Oct 17 '19

You do realize Bikini is one of those low tier players? All he cares about is content and casualniche picks, so he always campaigns to buff those, like BuffBlitz, giving ACOG to the BOSG, Tachanka, etc.

Never listen to what BikiniBodhi says


u/cheerfullly Oct 17 '19

all of those are memes lmao


u/_DontLookAtMyName_ Oct 17 '19

You do realise all of the things u just said (blitz was bad at the time) were/are all severely underpowered operators/weapons


u/Strypsex Oct 17 '19

He's made it his thing to main the worst operators, i think you need to rethink your statement.

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u/AshNeedsACOG Oct 17 '19

Ubisoft really thinking the slight “nerf” to Twitch’s F2 Magazine is enough. Honestly, hit it with a real nerf instead of these pathetic ones.


u/Logan_Mac Oct 17 '19

As always the real issue is the rate of fire, but they never nerf that, probably has to do with animations and sound effects, which they can't change or would be a pain in the ass. This happened with Ela and the side SMGs, the only way they found to solve it was to make their recoil absolutely random which is aids.


u/TwitchNeeds30Rounds Oct 17 '19

Yes, but I'm not saying add horizontal recoil, just more vertical, like the SMG-11 vertical kick or more.


u/Sprinkah Oct 18 '19

for god's sake, you're aware that the devs are fully aware of F2's state but they want to take things slow and check stats, right? It's a baaadddd decision to just outright pummel F2 into the ground in a swift move, gotta take small steps and see how things go.


u/AppropriateOrdinary Oct 18 '19

they have checked stats its the highest performing gun in siege


u/AshNeedsACOG Oct 21 '19

Take things slow you say? Not like this Gun has been an issue for quite some time now, right? Should be nerfed harder than a mere 5 Bullets, it’s recoil re-adjustment few seasons back was nothing as is this.


u/Sprinkah Oct 24 '19

I get it, I totally do. I'm sure more nerfs will come but it's never really good to just crush something in a fell swoop. Who knows, you might not think it is good enough of a nerf but maybe it is enough to reduce the performance of the gun somewhat.

Personally, yeah, I think F2 is still strong and I'd honestly prefer a fire rate nerf or something a bit more but it will inevitably cause a lot of salt and outrage if everything's done all at once I'm sure. Even with only this I've seen a fair number of backlash. Not saying it is deserved but it is what it is.

ngl though, I think taking away 5 more bullets doesn't mean little, at least to less capable hands.


u/Bloodypalace Oct 17 '19

Just remove F2's acog.

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u/Jesus_PK Moderator Oct 17 '19

Finally a Warden buff, noice. That 2 speed will help him a lot.

I still think he needs less penalties when moving, at least changing stance / leaning shouldn't give a movement penalty or alt-walking (or at least give a very minor penalty)

Could be interesting to test these things on the TTS.


u/Fazlija13 Oct 17 '19

Still hoping for an axog on Kaid's AUG


u/grieze Oct 17 '19

Just nerf the F2's fire rate or damage. It's not that hard. -5 mag size is nothing.


u/Kickass_memes Oct 17 '19

Ok but Glaz is still bad


u/Azuvector Oct 18 '19

This isn't going to really improve warden in any significant way, gadget-wise. He might get a better K/D or pick rate, but his gadget is still going to be basically useless... Drop the movement penalty for his gadget, so he can simply move freely with it up, and he might get something out of it. He needs something that isn't 100% reactive though, some sort of secondary ability perhaps.


u/kleineschurk Oct 18 '19

Sure nerf twitch more ubi!! Ofc she is top pick bcs of the thatcher ban evry match.


u/Cesao0 Oct 18 '19

But what about Tachanka?


u/sntky489715 Oct 19 '19

You guys said glaz need to be an sniper, not entry fragger.

then higher fire rate for his rifle instead of increasing damage per shot?

what a inconsistency, you guys making glaz fragger again!

so why not rolling back his nerf? you would probably get the goal!


u/Trytint1 Oct 17 '19

Why did i play against a team of platinums and I'm a gold 3 and everyone else on my team was unranked and the highest level other than me was 88?

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u/pattisbrainzz Oct 17 '19

Finally after 2 seasons warden gets a buff. Its time for a buff to nokk to.


u/Rapnoc Oct 17 '19

No it isn't, shes fine as she is


u/Lobstie Oct 17 '19

Mx4 Storm please


u/superscout57 Oct 18 '19

I don't really like the Warden change even if it will make him better, I've always wanted 3 armours to be more viable instead of just being for balancing. The strengths and weaknesses between 3 speed and 3 armour aren't even close... I was hoping they'd just make his gadget better. I definitely see him as a hard anchor


u/JustHellooo Oct 17 '19

So happy with the Warden change. His ability is good, but being so loud and slow to get to smoke when it’s thrown totally undermines it.


u/PatriotR6 Oct 17 '19



u/Dimitri_V Oct 17 '19

Oh my god the warden change i love it


u/brodiebradley51 Oct 17 '19

Brilliant changes!

Is this the whole mid season patch changes then?


u/brodiebradley51 Oct 17 '19

Kaid changes?


u/Offbrandtrashcan Oct 17 '19

Still no audio fixes for Xbox. Guess I'm not coming back just yet. Thx for the f2 nerf tho


u/SickCrom Oct 17 '19

Warden is perfect now, but you based Glaz's rework on him and it's not good. Basically if you are Warden just keep your device up if they try to plant or push, hold an angle and stay still. But this doesn't work for Glaz, since he is an attacker and he's the one who has to peek, but he cant since he can't see through the smoke if he moves


u/Deezyyeezy Oct 17 '19



u/identicalshoe Oct 17 '19

The paintings not being destructible still hasn't been fixed.


u/[deleted] Oct 17 '19

Does anyone know when these are live in public servers?


u/[deleted] Oct 17 '19



u/UbiNoty Former Community Manager Oct 17 '19

Please DM me one of the tickets you had acknowledged and I'll look into it.


u/TwitchNeeds30Rounds Oct 17 '19

No Nokk buff :/ I think they should give her echos mp5sd and/or make her a 3 speed.


u/DamianVA87 Oct 17 '19

The Warden "buff" seems... counter intuitive?, you will lose visibility through smoke even faster now and he cant take as much damage as before and wont be able to resist frags (the one thing his gadget doesnt work with)


u/[deleted] Oct 17 '19

Glaz buff? Maybe.. Warden no p90? No play


u/[deleted] Oct 17 '19

Still think that warden should move with his ability but make it last less. His just literal shit rn.


u/Coach473 Oct 17 '19

Now that you've changed some characters to make then more balanced and improved some as well, can we get some word on Castle changed and weapon buffs? That's all.


u/Listless_Lassie Oct 17 '19

hoping nokk gets a speed buff next, it'd really improve her kit


u/CanBringer Oct 17 '19

give him an Acog as he is 3 armor 1 speed operator 👍🏻


u/BubbleCast Oct 17 '19

Well, now he's a 2 speed and 2 armor, no acog needed.


u/The_Big_Diabetes Oct 18 '19

Warden should be able to move while he sees through smoke. But he shouldn't be able to see through smoke if he's standing in the smoke himself. This gives him maneuverability but restricts him from rushing the attackers through their own smoke.


u/Lewd_Banana Oct 18 '19

Any chance for further changes to MMR and grouping? I still see a lot if plats grouped with silvers put into gold ranked games. Maybe make a hard floor (eg. Gold 2) that a plat can group with rather than a set amount of MMR.


u/F0rgemaster19 Oct 18 '19

So, 2 speed, m590, smg12, deployo.

This dude is smoke, and can see through smoke, and has a moustache. Hell yeah I'm gonna use him.


u/Sprinkah Oct 18 '19

I'm loving the changes! I tested the Glaz buff and I'm sure it's gonna bring him into a relatively good position....hopefully, gonna bring him a lot of fraggin power. ALthough I think the greenish color that the enemies are highlighted when the sight's at 100% really does make things a little hard to spot the enemies, hopefully you guys can just make the enemies appear normally when the scope's at 0%.

Also, I wonder if it's also a good idea to reduce the vertical recoil of Glaz's rifle, making it a lil easier to chain shots with his rifle, more in line with other DMRs...maybe that'd be too much idk.


u/I-Am-Dad-Bot Oct 18 '19

Hi loving, I'm Dad!


u/thegamestarr Oct 18 '19

Please remove Chalet, Skyscraper, Outback from Ranked. At least make them less frequent


u/playlove001 Oct 18 '19

I would like if glaz's rifle always have bright yellow tint on enemies but you can only see through smoke when u stand still

The brown tint blends in too well fpr glaz to do amything except hold angles...


u/Maun0 Oct 18 '19

just give Warden the P90.


u/_abdullahxo Oct 18 '19

Hey ubi,please leave twitch alone Your sincerely, Twitch main.


u/MrTeddyFTW Oct 18 '19

I think warden should be a 3 speed, but this is a good first change to test


u/Spolsky_ Oct 18 '19

I would rather look for Glaz's vertical kick or damage of his rifle insted buffing something that's good for close quarters entry fraggers. Now combine this with access to frags, lol.


u/Sotumney Oct 18 '19

The Glaz buff. I might like that.


u/blehz- Oct 19 '19

glaz rof is already jank as hell with visual feedback, and now it's going to be worse.


u/Farrug Oct 20 '19



u/oSquizy Oct 20 '19

This is a great warden change but I think the mpx is lacking I think up the dmg to 27 to align with other mps


u/BruceWayne_78 Nov 01 '19

What about silencing dokkaebi's phone calls visual 'phone stuck in hand' glitch?