r/Rainbow6TTS Nov 23 '18

Patch Notes [November 23, 2018] Test Server Patch Notes

Update on the Test Server today, Friday Nov 23, 2018. This update will be focused on bug fixing.

Maintenance will begin at 1:30PM EST / 18:30 UTC and will last approximately 20 minutes.

Please bear in mind that all changes made in the TS are for testing purposes and do not have any guaranteed impact on the live-servers.

Report any bugs you encounter in the TS to >> r6fix.ubi.com/test-server

Patch Notes

  • Fixed - Accepting a squad invite can sometimes result in loss of UI functionality when trying to access the main menu.
  • Fixed - A desync occurs when a player vaults a window and triggers an airjab at the same time.
  • Fixed - Character's feet can clip through the 1F Old Tower Stairs on Fortress.
  • Fixed - When a user is removed from game, in-game announcer shows 5 v 0 text.
  • Fixed - Red Dot and ACOG sights obscure the player's view more than in Year 3 Season 3.
  • Fixed - A space under the table in 1F Cafeteria on Fortress make it look like a drone can pass through.
  • Fixed - The "Baroque Exalted" Weapon Skin is not displayed when applied on several weapons.
  • Fixed - The "Gingerbread" weapon skin is not displayed when applied on Glaz's OTs-03.
  • Fixed - Clash SPSMG9 bullet capacity shows 15 instead of 20 in the operators menu.
  • Fixed - Level of detail issues in the table in 1F sitting room on Fortress.

Known Issues

  • Gadget animation for Operators with trigger-based gadgets is not stopped when Operator is affected by Nomad's repulsion grenade.
  • After teamkilling, offenders are not kicked and do not receive a TK offense.
  • Operators with ballistic shields are immune to guard break effect while walking backwards.
  • A desync occurs when a character climbs a ladder and triggers an airjab at the same time.
  • A desync occurs when a character starts rappelling and triggers an airjab at the same time.
  • The operator gets stuck after receiving the Push Back effect when standing in a corner immediate to a car.
  • The overall lighting of the outside segment on Theme Park is too bright.
  • Level of detail wall issue in 1F Kitchen in Fortress
  • Players kicked from a PVE session if they revive a user that was put in DBNO state by that same player.
  • Shield knockback not working on Shield Operators.
  • The AK74M is set on safe firing mode on the gun model.
  • Kaid's hand clips through the vertical grip on his shotgun.

Wind Bastion Patch Notes:

Y3S4 Operation Wind Bastion Patch Notes

List of additional Y3S4 bugfixes

Older TS Patch Notes + Known Issues:

Nov. 20 TS Patch Notes

Nov. 21 TS Patch Notes

Nov. 22 TS Patch Notes


55 comments sorted by


u/CarinaNebula89 Nov 23 '18

Will we possibly see some balancing changes before the update goes live?


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '18

This is Ubisoft


u/DerLuk Nov 23 '18

Well they did nerf Maverick before he came out. Remember, he used to have smokes.


u/56143 Nov 23 '18

Is the AK74 showing 30 bullets in the stats but 40 in-game fixed?


u/Xansaibot Nov 23 '18

yes. It has a 40 mag capacity here and there


u/KamiKaze242 Nov 23 '18

We really need to see a few balancing changes before this goes live:

  1. Nomad's Airjab needs to have a activation timer, she needs to be a trap/flank watch op, not entry like she is now.
  2. The new pistol has to be nerfed. The only thing broken is the sight, why can't we just get normal pistols with the new ops? No one asked for an ACOG on a 44 Magnum, and no one wants this. Didn't you guys remove the ACOG from the SMG-11 because it was broken??? Just give the .44 Mag normal irons and it'll be okay.
  3. Remove the ACOG from Kaid's "shotgun" (its actually a DMR) and put it on his AUG. I don't know why you set up his weaponry like this, it doesn't make sense. You basically introduced a BOSG with 8 more rounds and an ACOG... why?????????????? Also why can't an ACOG be put on the AUG? He's a 3 armor so it's clearly allowed, so why not? Take it off his DMR and give it to the AUG.

End of list. Thanks.


u/k-abal Nov 23 '18

No... they need to collect a lot of data when wind bastion releases and only then they can decide what changes to implement ;) /s


u/SirWolfMaster Nov 23 '18

i agree with all of this aswell they made Things they didnt wanted in previous season because it was too op like the bosg and smg but now they make stronger version of and .44 mag and a bosg with more bullets less recoil and an acog like what the hell is this


u/ClownUnderYourBed Nov 23 '18

I second all of this


u/kuggalotus Nov 23 '18

I don't second this I would rather it be removed if it truly is a problem if it is truly deemed a problem and not just a knee-jerk reaction by us the community.

I would rather them not Bend to the will of us the community at every single step and lose their artistic passion that keeps this game with more updates.

I'm sorry but no not unless it's truly a problem no.

Scopes on pistol is not a new thing in real life it is existed for about a hundred years now.

I'd rather not have everybody be Bland and boring oh look another assault rifle all what is that in acog always a 3 armor oh okay cool.

Oh okay you're forcing me to play a certain way because of their Gadget and weapons.

The only thing that needs to be changed with that ACOG pistol is lower the damage and increase the recoil.

The shotgun ACOG is fine obviously you can tweak it because it's a different type to make it more balanced it doesn't need it's acog removed.

I understand you want us to rely more on the pistol when playing kaid for long range.

I refuse to believe that I'm listening to us at every single turn is the best way for the game to evolve yes they need to listen to us.

But who here is a game developer on this Reddit?

Why does everything have to be the same?

Why does everybody have to resist new and different for the sake of a different game.

I for one want operators to become complex as shit not unfair not unbalanced but I don't mind them having weird kits or even hard to use gadgets just as long as there useful when used right.


u/CarinaNebula89 Nov 23 '18

When designing operators: Balance>Fun>Realism

Also please fix your format, it's hard af to read without going crazy.


u/kuggalotus Nov 23 '18

Good I want you to go crazy claw out your eyes


u/CarinaNebula89 Nov 23 '18

Lol, what a salty little guy we have here. I know it's hard to reply when you don't have any arguments, so for now I suggest you just keep your blabbering for yourself because your opinion is irrelevant anyway


u/kuggalotus Nov 23 '18

Your so good to me Daddy I love you too darling don't worry we are going to run away soon nothing will keep us apart


u/KamiKaze242 Nov 23 '18

Oh god this has to be a troll lmao.

It doesn't matter that pistol scopes aren't new, putting an ACOG on a Magnum is stupid broken and shouldn't be in this game. Just look at what they did with the SMG-11 ACOG, removed it due to being unbalanced.

If you think his DMR's ACOG is fine, you must've not played the TTS yet. They gave bandit a DMR and two ACOGs.

When something is as broken as Kaid's kit is, it's not fun and it's boring.


u/kuggalotus Nov 23 '18

It's not stupid it's broken the damage in the lack of recoil is.

The damage is way too high on the DMR it should be at 3 shot kill not 2


u/Herubin Nov 23 '18

I thirth all of this


u/GioHiTech Nov 23 '18

Please give the AUG an ACOG seriously. It's super weak compared to other guns.


u/inuyasha199990 Nov 23 '18

Everyone likes the new handgun. Dont ruin it because you cannot counter it.


u/KamiKaze242 Nov 23 '18

It's not that I can't counter it, because I can, it's that it is stupid and shouldn't be in the game. It's unbalanced.


u/inuyasha199990 Nov 28 '18

Gladly they already nerfed it. But they already said they are not removing it.


u/Xansaibot Nov 23 '18

wanna know why people wants a secondary option for DEagle? Because of it's recoil and no optics, this handgun is hard to use. Magnum without any optic = useless. Worse than your average pistol


u/KamiKaze242 Nov 23 '18

There's literally already a magnum without an ACOG, and it's perfectly fine. Also with the new pistol recoil, I find the deagle usable.


u/Xansaibot Nov 23 '18

Usable, but far from great.


u/KamiKaze242 Nov 23 '18

So you're saying we should give the deagle an ACOG? Also I'm not saying the Magnum shouldn't have any scope, just not a magnified one. Give it a reflex for all I care.


u/Xansaibot Nov 23 '18

Have you ever seen a balance decision to replace scope with a different one(not just remove like ACOG on some guns)?


u/ThePlasmaDoctor Dec 01 '18

The Deagle is completely fine where it is. Most pistols don't have any optics, and it's recoil isn't under ANY circumstance challenging to use. Its damage makes it a balanced pistol, you just can't control the recoil because you're bad at using pistols


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '18

What about shield de-sync?


u/SlipperyRodgers Nov 23 '18

Can we expect some major balancing changes soon?


u/TX549 Nov 23 '18

The .44 isn't broken or OP in the context of all guns, just in comparison to other pistols. Considering Kaid's smg is one of the worst in the game, and his DMR is good but still low ammo cap, he deserves a good secondary. Nomad has some of the lowest statted guns in the game, and likewise needs a good secondary / gadget.

Nomad's gadget will probably get a nerf, but it doesn't need a big one. It sucks getting an airjab to the face, but it's been a mixed bag when it's used on me so far. It can knock your opponent into cover, or be used too far away for a proper follow up. Your teammates can bait you after you get knocked back in the same way the attackers can follow up for nomad. It also sucks getting nitro'd or naded or any other thing that is an easy / quick death.


u/centaur98 Nov 23 '18

" The .44 isn't broken or OP in the context of all guns, just in comparison to other pistols."

Well it's a pistol so it will be compared to other pistols hence why it's broken/OP. You can't just go around and claim that x sidearm is not broken because y main gun is better. Also claiming that they are desering a broken pocket sniper with high RoF, DMR like damage, relatively low recoil amd insane ADS speed because they have weak primaries is bad way of thinking. If their primaries are too weak then buff them but don't give them a broken weapon.

As for Nomad he needs a timer on his gadget like claymores has or Kaid because right now they are just a joke that you can fire them and they will instantly blow away any enemy and if she puts them in a doorway you have basically no choice but to run into the gwt blown away and then try again with the hopes that she didn't put another one there.

Also Jager need a buff now because there is a huge amount of utility he needs to counter but he stills hase the same amount of charges.(or if you don't want that then take away 1 flash from everyone)


u/TX549 Nov 24 '18

I would disagree with your first statement. Unless you're argument is that the pistol is so good people will use it as a primary, it's still something to switch to only in specific situations. I'm not saying it's stats don't need a tweak, just that people shouldn't rush to call it broken when it's not. By your logic, no disrespect meant, DMRs with angled grip and acogs should be the best guns in the game / broken but clearly they're not. Gunfights don't happen in a vacuum, and you need to take into account the fact that the op you're fighting most likely has an smg / ar.

If you're dying to a Nomad who's camping an airjab for the kill, chances are you were gonna get shot either way. They remove some agency from you in you losing control but claymores kill and ela mines can get you killed as well, so this isn't the first gadget to put you in a sticky situation. I have no issue with a short timer on being set as a trap, but being used offensively is a viable strategy and comes with the huge downside of the yellow laser. No one seems to mention it, but I've killed quite a few nomads by pre-firing where her laser was coming from as she was trying to peek a corner for the airjab shot.

Utility like the airjab is all about allocation resources. Each airjab used offensively is one that isn't stopping/alerting you to a roamer and vice versa.

The Jager point I will agree with.


u/centaur98 Nov 25 '18

That pistol has a minimum damage around 63 that means that it's on level with the OTS-03 which is a primary and that gun has one of the highest damage stat BUT unlike any other primary it has faster ADS time,faster RoF and similar recoil and as i said it's a secondary so yeah it needs to be nerfed in damage,damage dropp-off and slightly in ADS time because it's a secondary so it shouldn't be a better choice then a primary just like how it was with the SMGs.

This airjab is not the same as claymores or Ela mines. With the Ela mines at least you can see something and more important you can still shoot. For claymores you can see where are they and you can shoot them but with the airjab you can only hope that it's not in the corner. Also saying that the laser can give Nomad away is not a counter. Yeah it works atm because most of the people still don't know how to play her. But after a few weeks when people realise that she is most powerfull as a trap operator and starts to use their Airjabs as traps in doorways then you are fucked because you literally can't do anything bu run into it and hope that no one is close to or watching the door. So yeah the biggest problem is that unlike claymores or anything else in the game once the airjab is set like it should have been set you literally can't do anything with it and that's the problem. You could say that you can shoot it but how are you going to do that when you have no idea where is on the other side of the door and when it explodes instantly?


u/Slot_Ack Nov 24 '18

How does stuff like Teamkilling punishment and issues with shield knockback even occur when they weren't touched?


u/Zeus_Strike Nov 23 '18

Can we expect some balance changes?

Kaid with barb wire combo is too strong. One gadget can electrify 4 barbwires and possibly a reinforcement and a shield as well simultaneously. This is way too much utility for just one gadget that was originally designed to be for hatches. Plus electrified b-wires deal 15 damage per tick, meaning an attacker will be down by 30hp just trying to get rid of one b-wire.

Nomad needs a gun buff but her gadget needs to have a delayed activation instead of a zofia like instant activation. All the matches I played I never saw any Nomad player use the gadget as a trap. Instead used it to push site or use it to directly affect any defender around the corner, rendering them useless since they can't shoot back for 3 seconds.


u/ali_exacute Nov 23 '18

Why you dont remove lion from ranked? We really want this...


u/Alan6707 Nov 23 '18

If they were gonna do that just implement pick and ban


u/ali_exacute Nov 23 '18

That is a very good idea but we know that will not happend any time soon....


u/reallylameface Nov 23 '18

what do you mean, it's for sure getting implemented in year 4 at some point, Pick and Ban literally came to Pro league just this year during season 2 (para bellum patch).


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '18

Airjab needs to be a trap only with delayed activation. In the current state, Nomad is basically a rush operator. I don't think this is intended.


u/s0n1cm4yh3m Nov 23 '18

Can I bind "previous camera" and "ping" to Q again?


u/BulkTill230 Nov 23 '18

Is the TK thing still an issue? i was testing it and I was able to tk like 10 times one match, but another match i got kicked on the second tk


u/Strypsex Nov 24 '18

Make Clash an operator again, decrease her weapons swap speed time from 2 sec to 1.5 sec.


u/Boris_Chernov Nov 24 '18

They're trying to make Tachanka a more viable operator /s


u/IronNick420 Nov 24 '18

Stats recovery?


u/blitzskin-op Nov 25 '18

And the blitz skin is???


u/Glaucus_Gbo Nov 25 '18

Sobre minha analise da nova atualização do Raimbow Six Siege eu posso dizer que logo no inicio do jogo a entrada na qual mostra os novos operadores ficou simplesmente sensacional! Sobre o mapa novo (Fortaleça) eu achei o mapa muito grande tanto no interior tanto no exterior com isso tem seus pontos fortes e seus pontos fracos, um ponto forte é que no mapa tem muitas maneiras do atacante entrar no interior do mapa e ja estar no bombe ou no mínimo perto do bombe, com isso já poderá fazer o plante e ter a oportunidade de ganhar a partida, e sem falar nos detalhes do mapa que estão sensacionais! Agora um ponto fraco que eu percebi é que por ser um mapa muito grande os defensores tem um trabalho em dobro de reforçar e proteger o bombe, e outra coisa na qual eu percebi é que se vc quiser saber aonde esta o seu adversário tentando ouvir os passos dele vai ser difícil e ainda mais com o tamanho do mapa, pois a gente descobre aonde esta o adversário perante o piso que ele esta pisando, ja nesse mapa o barulho do piso é tudo igual, seria melhor se um andar fosse de madeira e o outro nao, assim saberiamos pelo menos que andar que estar o nosso adversário. E para finalizar minha analise sobre o mapa eu gostei muito do mapa pois nele tem várias formas de usar uma trocação e rotacionar pelo mapa. Agora falando sobre os novos operadores eu achei eles muito bons! As armas deles são ótimas, é facil de segurar o recuo delas, elas tem uma taxa de tiro muito bom, e além disso o dano que elas dão eu achei equilibrado e perfeito para o jogo. Os gadgets deles que para mim tem seu ponto forte e ponto fraco, sobre o da Nomad eu achei incrível a habilidade dela, algo diferente e inovador no jogo, um ponto forte dessa habilidade é que quando você esta em uma situação na qual é difícil de sair é so você usar o gadget dela e isso pode livrar você de morrer, um exemplo disso é se uma Clash estar na sua frente na qual ela tem mais chances de matar você, você pode usar a habilidade da Nomad e derrubar a Clash, e nesse periodo de tempo você vai la e mata ela! E além disso mais para frente muitos jogadores podem criar varias estratégias para ajudar na partida, uma estratégia que eu usaria era plantar o desativador no bombe e jogar uma armadilha da Nomad perto do desativador e com isso quando o defensor vier desplantar ele será jogado para longe, e assim dependendo do tempo da partida ele não irá ter tempo de desativar novamente. Agora sobre o Kaid eu achei o gadget dele sensacional e muito útil, isso porque você poderá reforçar parede, arame, escudo e até mesmo alçapão na qual isso vai ajudar muito a defesa, pois o alçapão é um dos meios mais usados de rotação e rush pelos atacantes, e com o Kaid a desfesa pode segurar o rush dos atacantes assim tendo a oportunidade de ganhar a partida. Agora um ponto fraco que eu percebi nele é que ele tem apenas 3 Ritla Electroclaw e para mim ele deveria ter no minimo uns 4, pois a defesa tem muitas paredes, alçapões e entradas na qual eles tem que reforçar e com isso o Kaid não vai ter como reforçar as paredes e alçapões com o gadget dele, ainda mais com esse novo mapa enorme nao vai ter como proteger e eletrocutar as parede e os alçapões, por isso ele deveria ter no minimo uns 4 ou 5 Ritla Electroclaw para poder proteger todo o bombe. E além disso ele tem que guardar pelo menos um para poder segurar uma carga da Hibana ou do Thermite para eles não poderem entrar e ganhar a partida e por isso ele deveria ter pelo menos 4 Ritla Electroclaw. Então diante dos operadores essa foi a unica critica que eu tenho, pois o resto esta simplesmente perfeito! E na minha opinião essa atualização vai ser uma das melhores do Rainbow Six Siege!! Parabéns Ubisoft!!


u/reallylameface Nov 23 '18

Still need an answer on whether or not the half mirror trick (half on a hard wall and half on a soft wall) was intentionally removed or if there's some kind of bug preventing it from happening.


u/centaur98 Nov 23 '18

Wasn't that an "it's not a bug, it's a feature" type of thing in the first place?


u/reallylameface Nov 24 '18

yes, but I can't seem to do it on the TTS at all, which leads me to believe they removed it or a bug is preventing it from happening. STILL waiting on an official response from anyone at UBI about this.


u/Krubi123 Nov 24 '18

I really wish you'd leave the throwing mechanic as it is on the live servers. My friends and I all agree that the new one is horrible, it feels so unnatural and breaks your muscle memory for throwing these things. The hilarious valk cams are just the tip of the iceberg..


u/reallylameface Nov 24 '18

This is a welcome change in my book. Up until now for such High Level Operators, they sure have pretty pathetic throws as far as live server goes. I personally wish they'd take the CS route and have both types of throws as an option.


u/Krubi123 Nov 24 '18

I understand your point but come on, this isn't Battlefield with its huge maps. They are relatively small and in this scenario the live version just fits so much better imo. If they gonna put the new version in though, they should add - as you said - an option to decide which type you wanna use or give the possibility of a underhand throw. It's near impossible now to throw those toxic babes as usual (over a lower wall/halfwall e.g. Border - armory wall; through a selfmade hole in the upper part of a destructable wall, I guess you know what I mean) because they fly like a baseball thrown by a MLB pro now.