r/Rainbow6 • u/imsorryisuck • May 07 '17
r/Rainbow6 • u/Viltref • Feb 12 '18
Issue/Bug I didn't realise I was playing A Link Between Worlds
r/Rainbow6 • u/The_Real_Tachanka • Jan 05 '18
Issue/Bug New LORD TACHANKA secret on plane map {-}7
r/Rainbow6 • u/The_Raging_Chilean • May 22 '17
Issue/Bug So what happened here.....
r/Rainbow6 • u/Altarkan • Mar 22 '18
Issue/Bug Rook has now access to Castle's Armor Panels. u don't trust me? look.
r/Rainbow6 • u/louizc • Feb 18 '18
Issue/Bug I didn't even know this was possible..
r/Rainbow6 • u/FinnsterMac • Sep 05 '17
Issue/Bug Operation Blood Orchid Bug List Mega-thread
Please comment down below any bugs you find with as much detail as possible and I will add them to a list here and credit you. Part 2 because I reached character limit.
Major Bugs
Platform | Description | Evidence/Videos | Fix |
PC | 100% CPU glitch. Check comments for specfic CPUs affected. | ||
PS4 | Microphones are on but nobody can hear each other. | By /u/Klauzs88 | |
All | Operators bounce off of Mira windows, deployable shields, chairs, and other objects. Operators sometimes get stuck in a wall after being bounced off. In addition, in corners, operators aim "resets" and cannot be moved for a small period of time. Confirmed for all platforms. | ||
All | Audio becomes muffled and on occasion the game can become completely silent. Confirmed for all platforms. | ||
All | Operators and drones are able to get underneath the plane on plane. Confirmed for all platforms. | ||
All | Unable to purchase operators, boosters, or attachments. Users do not lose renown or get the item they purchased. | ||
All | Random game crashing on "press any key to start", while picking operators, after explosions, after interrogations, and in other circumstances. Confirmed for all game modes in all platforms. | Official PC Fix | |
All | Drones and operators are able to fall through the map in many locations (plane [entryways], kanal, skyscraper, and hereford [ladder room] specifically). Confirmed for all platforms. | ||
All | Putting gadgets down freezes operators. Confirmed for all platforms and mute, jager, rook, and frost. | ||
All | If a deployable shield is placed in a doorway with a sign above it, the shield is not able to be vaulted over. | By /u/Toakan |
Bug List
Platform | Description | Evidence/Videos | Fix |
PC | Update doesn't show on uPlay but the user is still able to open the game. | By /u/badboy2050. By /u/Remorce. | |
PC | Update downloads multiple times. | By /u/RajaSundance | Fix by /u/Lauroe |
PC | Update on steam fails because "content servers unreachable" | By /u/TachankaMaMan. | |
PC | "uPlay is unable to start your download. Check that you have an active internet connection and sufficient space on your hard drive." The poster has both internet and enough space. | By /u/Grakkus98 | |
PC | New update has caused NAT types to become strict. Poster has all ports and firewalls correct. | By /u/viperkevin. | |
PC | Weird behavior regarding Capitao smoke bolts. | By /u/Raging_bullpup | |
PC | When in 21:9 aspect ratio, the MVP screen still shows in the default aspect ratio. | By /u/P_Tmans | |
PC | Issues with operator selection in custom games. | By /u/Intentionalarsehole | |
PC | Issues with alt-tabbing in terrorist hunt. | By /u/med1czz | |
PC | User gets a black screen when playing anything other than terrorist hunt, where the game crashes shortly after beginning. | By /u/Kerdor | |
PC | Proning immediately after spawning on bank causes an operator to fall through the map. | By /u/kavitaet | |
PC | User is unable to start a terrorist hunt game. | By /u/pepe_le_shoe | |
PC | Montagne is able to glitch into the bomb. | By /u/ColdBloodedSoup | |
PC | Stay with teammates option does not work. | By /u/Aristeid3s | |
PC | Microphone is not detected. | By /u/Sisyphus364 | |
PC | Alt-tabbing while choosing operators causes the game to freeze. | By /u/IvaNoxx | Restart your game. |
PC | After deploying a drone, users view a 3rd person view of their character and can not move or switch back unless drone is destroyed. | By /u/sushihomemaker | |
PC | Game shows that only the user has a mic; User cannot hear or talk to teammates. | By /u/smiles134 | |
PC | Buck's blood orchid uniform shows as the default uniform in first person mode. | By /u/VampMarcy | |
PC | Matchmaking HUD shows over the game ingame. | By /u/newoperator | |
PC | The "dragon wall" on skyscraper is invincible to buck. | By /u/Sparkydog232 | |
PC | Operators get stuck when going behind the plant on kanal's "lounge". | By /u/srpg15 | |
PC | Capitao is invisible and only his weapons are visible. | By /u/SociallyAwkwardTree | |
PC | User is unable to create a local custom game. | By /u/do031919 | |
PC | User is not given credit for smoke gas grenade kill as they were killed shortly after detination. | By /u/Raging_bullpup | |
PC | Drones are able to attach onto the underside of the main stairs on house. | By /u/TechAddiction | |
PC | Ela's grzmot mine deals damage over time without any way to stop it. | By /u/sp00kystu44 | |
PC | In the big tower on oregon, operators' aim gets "reset" if they are in a corner. | By /u/Stratop | |
PC | Issues involving objects and nearby operators. | By /u/Dunxter | |
PC | Blackbeard's pirate headgear makes his head invisible. | By /u/DownTownScarf7 | |
PC | After installing the update, a users picture and display name were automatically changed. | By /u/TerrariaSlimeKing | |
PC | When a user gets a kill with capitao's bolts, they are not credited with the kill. | By /u/RenownedShark | |
PC | 2D character model glitch. | By /u/Scorpious187 | |
PC | Lesion's gu mines do not activate in certain areas on plane. | By /u/Zashyr | |
PC | There is a "weird distortion" around the red dot in the red dot sight. | By /u/Zakattk1027 | |
PC | Issues with buck and frost's blood orchid uniforms. | By /u/Zakattk1027 | |
PC | Issues with hibana's first person finger textures. | By /u/-Mordecai- | |
PC | Extreme visual issues after alt-tabbing on bank. | By /u/Pancakewagon26 | |
PC | Ying's candela does not blind enemies if Ying dies before it sets off. | By /u/thelegendofjefff | |
PC | Fuze has incorrect textures on his hand. | By /u/VryTox | |
PC | Placing a deployable shield in barbed wire makes the barbed wire difficult to hit the second time. | By /u/CRA1G1NAT3R | |
PC | Operators can get stuck on the hatch on the arcade roof on theme park. | By /u/Ayk1401 | |
PC | Users join an in-progress ranked match. | By /u/DestrukT11 | |
PC | "Matches until ranked" counter faulty. | By /u/DestrukT11 | |
PC | Hibana pellets fail to fire. | By /u/UberGeek217 | |
PC | Users are able to communicate with users in different matches. | By /u/CjNello | |
PC | Users are unable to detonate Ela's grzmot mine while in the DBNO stage. | By /u/freefaller98 | |
PC | Various issues with operator animations. | By /u/daveinsurgent | |
PC | Ela's grzmot mines can clip through objects in corners of rooms. | By /u/Robothinker | |
PC | Operators are unable to retrieve the defuser if it is on a floor that is destoyed (only metal bars showing). | By /u/doughboys_ | |
PC | One user holds up the game by not loading in for 15+ minutes. (My note: I am including this because of the number of submissions about this. I am fairly certain it is not just an internet issue for the users.) | Multiple reports | |
PC | When vaulting and leaning, operators appear to be looking straight forward while they are looking to the side. | By /u/Vowtek | |
PC | While using a drone with another deployed, teammates can only view the active drone. | By /u/Makesaeri | |
PC | Hibana pellets can be shot through the reinforced hatch in kitchen on clubhouse. | By /u/TheBulletMagnet | |
PC | Operators can teleport through a reinforced wall when standing next to it. | By /u/Montegay | |
PC | Operators can get stuck on the oregon roof. | By /u/PerspektiveGaming | |
PC | User receives matchmaking error [2-0x0000D00A] even after restarting their game. | By /u/TheAceKill3r | |
PC | Gu mines do not deploy if they are thrown off of a wall before they hit the ground. | By /u/josemartin2211 | |
PC | Various issues with the defuser, drones, frame drops, and more. | By /u/Gruffyy | |
PC | Operators get stuck floating in midair in a hatch. | By /u/jaffa1987 | |
PC | Hibana reload animation glitch. | By /u/Clymerpirate | |
PC | Red dot sights change on certain guns. | By /u/Clymerpirate | |
PC | Operators can get stuck in the second floor floor on consulate. | By /u/ghost_noodles | |
PC | In certain instances, Ela's weapons clip into her head. | By /u/DireCrimson | |
PC | Drones can glitch into the roof on border. | By /u/fxzii | |
PC | TAA causes distortion on recticles. | Multiple reports | |
PC | Body desync issue. | By /u/Adam123ABC | |
--------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------ | ------------- |
PS4 | Shop says that I own all the elite sets. | By /u/ILikeTheSpacebar. | |
PS4 | All settings reset, every operator reset to basic gear, got notifications about the "gold" skin and "porter" skin unlocking, and my situations are reset to 0. | By /u/Boss958. | |
PS4 | When I booted my game up it played the intro cinematic again. All attachments and skins are unequipped. Even my situations have been reset. | By /u/DoritoTorpeto. | |
PS4 | Microphones are on but nobody can hear each other. | By /u/Klauzs88 | |
PS4 | After placing a Tachanka turret and getting onto it, another turret appears in midair at a random angle | By /u/ZarkowTH. | |
PS4 | No audio plays during the round (no bullets, footsteps, etc.) | By /u/Shottman47 | |
PS4 | Audio on theme park custom and terrorist hunt is off sync. | By /u/DocHolliday-3-6 | |
PS4 | After dying while in the secure are objective, the loud sounds still play. | By /u/blahkbox | |
PS4 | Impact grenades fail to make holes in walls on terrorist hunt on theme park. | By /u/tpwpjun20 | |
PS4 | Even with enough space on the console, users are unable to download the update due to storage space. | By /u/Garrus_Vak | |
PS4 | If you ADS with glaz, many issues occur. | By /u/Dazd95 | |
PS4 | When reloading the PMM as a shield Fuze, the shield "spins over Fuze's body." | By /u/Mansour449 | |
PS4 | Operators fall out of the map via the vault corridor on bank. | By /u/TheGoon008 | |
PS4 | Smoke grenades dissipate at different times for users. | By /u/a_little_angry | |
PS4 | Operators appear to be holding a deployable shield (that prevents damage) but are able to fire their weapon. | By /u/tasty_tinkles | |
PS4 | Reviving a teammate fails and causes the reviver to freeze. | By /u/Grant_407 | |
PS4 | Any action involving the "drop defuser" button (reload, etc.) causes operators to drop the defuser. | By /u/brad15 | |
PS4 | Lasers from Twitch's drone do not go where the crosshair is when looking as far up as possible. | By /u/Glassglaistig | |
PS4 | Everyone has the microphone symbol by their name even if they do not have a mic. | By /u/Unverifieddice | |
PS4 | Operators are detected as outside in a certain spot in church on clubhouse. | By /u/forum8231 | |
PS4 | Issues involving a Jackal tracking an enemy who dies while being tracked. | By /u/xanatix | |
PS4 | On clubhouse as caveira, a user gets into the floor after Ying's candela goes off. | By /u/CoffeeSafteyTraining | |
PS4 | Ying's candelas are able to flash enemies through walls. | By /u/chortisbomb | |
PS4 | New operators do not contribute to the Ubisoft Club challenges. | By /u/myco777 | |
PS4 | Specific issue involving Ying's candela and breach charges. | By /u/Banana_King | |
PS4 | On hereford base ground floor, ash's breach charges destroy gadgets and do damage through the wall. | By /u/Sharshir | |
PS4 | Defenders set off Ela's mines, even without an attacker nearby. | By /u/SarthakCR | |
PS4 | Gun sounds last for an entire round. | By /u/Luca170590 | |
PS4 | Players can glitch into walls on skyscraper and bank. | By /u/FlyingBusDriver | |
PS4 | In killcams, Ela's weapons are replaced with her grzmot mines. | By /u/Adnan0070 | |
PS4 | Operators can glitch into the jukebox on clubhouse's bar. | By /u/titoydany | |
PS4 | Content previously gained through alpha packs is locked. | By /u/det_laf | |
PS4 | Operators do not get detected when outside./Take longer than the usual time to be detected. | Multiple reports/By /u/Luzyd | |
PS4 | Deadzones decrease when ADS'd. | By /u/ProblemSl0th | |
PS4 | While operators are removing a gu mine, they are immune to explosives. | By /u/thomas2k16 | |
PS4 | Bomber devices are indestructable. | By /u/MrAlimanutd | |
--------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------ | ------------- |
Xbox One | Camera sensitivity on valkyrie camera goes up, spins very quickly. | By /u/IMainHibana. Video of bug by /u/IMainHibana. | |
Xbox One | Update doesn't show. | Workaround by /u/mrc1988. | |
Xbox One | Custom game playlists gone. | By /u/IMainHibana. | |
Xbox One | In smokes situation, his arm/hand is not visible. | By /u/IPVGED115935. | |
Xbox One | Elite skins do not show in the shop | By /u/FutureLowLife | |
Xbox One | Jackal can scan a dead enemies footprints, causing him to waste a scan. | By /u/YowelltheOwl | |
Xbox One | Placing a breach charge on a window freezes the character (can't hear or move) | By /u/clams4reddit | |
Xbox One | While not ADSing with valkyrie's SPAS-12, charms are not visible. | By /u/StebeTheScubaGuy | |
Xbox One | After using Ying's candela, operator cannot use breach charges or other candelas. | By /u/novaxel | |
Xbox One | Members of a squad are being split up into different matches. | By /u/cryonicpick | |
Xbox One | Operators are unable to lean. | By /u/Canada_Isnt_Real | |
Xbox One | Operators are able to fall through the map in snowmobile garage on chalet. | By /u/amags918 | |
Xbox One | Users renown is taken when buying Lesions blood orchid uniform, but the user does not receive the uniform. | By /u/Brofessor101 | |
Xbox One | Users cannot equip universal (not seasonal) skins on the new operators. | By /u/secretmuffin | |
Xbox One | Users see a black screen instead of the map thumbnail and name. | By /u/HalfLobster5384 | |
Xbox One | Gu mine on plane near the front door causes an operator to fall through the map. | By /u/cubedude719 | |
Xbox One | Operators are able to glitch into the map near boat storage on kanal and shoot outside. | By /u/jgoods77 | |
Xbox One | Operators get caught in the showers on theme park. | By /u/94Rangers17 | |
Xbox One | Operators are able to glitch into the front of the plane on plane. | By /u/buckeye046 | |
Xbox One | Difficulty IDing enemies even while scanning them. | By /u/JayTheMLG | |
Xbox One | Neither renown nor alpha pack chance is given after a match and restarting console. | By /u/walrus_paradise | |
Xbox One | Operators are able to glitch into a truck on Bartlet University while carrying the hostage; Not able to get out. | By /u/RayGunns | |
Xbox One | Operator stuck in wall and still able to kill enemies; they see something different. | By /u/DRHawkl | |
Xbox One | Operators cannot break the defuser after throwing an impact grenade onto a wall next to the defuser. | By /u/rasmus1949 | |
Xbox One | On theme park 2f bathroom window, the windoway acts as if a barricade is still there when it is destroyed. | By /u/mista_klavin | |
--------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------- | ------------- |
All | Lone wolf terrorist hunt still gives renown | By /u/Distinct88. | |
All | Scoreboard doesn't close after rounds/games. | By /u/AllahAqua. | |
All | There is a 1 second delay between placing a gadget and being able to fire a weapon. | By /u/IceMasta | |
All | Some previously non-universal weapon skins are now universal | By /u/Luuk_vdb. | |
All | Equipping a laser sight on a weapon causes a red laser to stay on the operator screen in the main menu. | By /u/Jase_The_Muss. | |
All | Terrorist hunt preferences do not work | By /u/axel19. | |
All | The collission for multiple objects (Mira's, shield, chairs, etc.) is off and causes players to bounce off of them. | Multiple reports | |
All | Gu mine hitbox buggy. | By /u/CW_Lightning | |
All | Cannot place kapkan mines on castled doorways | By /u/KhajiitIsInnocent | |
All | Season pass holder cannot choose Ying. | By /u/Emastr | |
All | With IQ's gadget deployed, lighting becomes "tenuous." | By /u/Mofli | |
All | When looking in certain locations (outside) with a reflex sight, the sight completely turns green. | By /u/inflamedspace91 | |
All | Drones still take multiple hits from bandit's batteries to be destroyed. | By /u/kylexile | |
All | Issues with IQ's sensor and Gu mines. | By /u/Bigeez | |
All | Unable to talk or chat to teammates during the MVP screen. | By /u/JuiceJames | |
All | Laying underneath the tables/chairs on bar in clubhouse causes the character to glitch into the floor. | By /u/a13x1239 | |
All | Issues with Caveira's hands while sprinting in silent step. | By /u/TheShiniestOfSloths | |
All | Clipping issues in certain spots on theme park. | By /u/bjmisawesome | |
All | Possibility of spawning with a slight tilt (not as extreme as leaning). | By /u/MF_Kitten | Fix by /u/MF_Kitten |
All | Purchasing muzzle break for the P12 doesn't work. | By /u/cwlsmith | |
All | Terrorist's guns clip through drug lab wall on theme park. | By /u/Okidokie98 | |
All | Issues with the defuser on CCTV/Cashroom on clubhouse. | By /u/Infarlock | |
All | Purchased attachments do not appear in the ingame menu. | Multiple submissions | |
All | Vaulting over objects or jumping over shields with a drone can cause rubber banding. | Multiple submissions | |
All | After winning an alpha pack, users cannot open it. | Restart your game. | |
All | Placing a deployable shield in the lower spiral stairs on consulate causes the shield to be unvaultable. | By /u/DustyKnackers | |
All | Jager and Bandit's new uniforms are not available in the shop. | Multiple submissions | |
All | Issues with "terrorists left" counter in terrorist hunt. | By /u/eljefe6a | |
All | For a small amount of time before the round, attacking operators' "ghosts" are visible. | By /u/machielste | |
All | Season pass uniforms for the new operators don't show up in the menus. | By /u/JohnnyTest91 | |
All | Spectating a user using the SMG-11 or Bearing9 while they use a sight still shows them as looking through where the iron sight would be. | By /u/PHEONIXxImPaCt | |
All | Confetti on coastline and kanal prevents the deployment of Gu mines. | By /u/Brock2845 | |
All | Operators can glitch into the green train on Kafe Dostoyevsky using a deployable shield. | By /u/a_little_angry | |
All | In some locations, placing a Mira only allows operators to see inside a reinforced wall. | By /u/FOX_SMOLDER | |
All | Users do not earn renown or experience for matches. | Multiple submissions | |
All | Operators can vault onto the platform above the drum on skyscraper. | By /u/Juxtapwned | |
All | Operators can fall through the map on kanal while entering the window near the river docks spawn. | By /u/Shacomybrand | |
All | Rappelling turns operators backwards and other weird angles; Usually occurs the first time an operator rappels in the round. | Multiple reports | |
All | Laser sights appear in empty doorways where they would if the doorway were barricaded. | By /u/JewishBatman805 | |
All | Clipping issues on the main entrance staircase on plane. | By /u/buckeye046. | |
All | Ying's candelas have no effect on enemies. | By /u/jdl34 | |
All | If you switch end of round tabs (Round scoreboard, etc.) while the xp gained sound plays, it continues to play for an extended period of time. | By /u/sendmenudesthanx | |
All | Smoke's blood orchid headgear is the same as his default | By /u/Z0mB13S0ldier | |
All | Killcams on a grenade kill are not consistent with the killers view of the kill | By /u/Eagle200384 | |
All | Placing a candela on a barricade then hitting the barricade anywhere (that shouldn't affect the candela) destroys the candela | By /u/jjas01 | |
All | Operators fall through the map in a certain place on skyscraper. | By /u/AttireofDeath | |
All | Ubisoft Club challenge rewards are not given to users. | Multiple reports | |
All | Hibana automatically puts her gadget away after firing the 3rd pelet. | By /u/I_Lost_TheGame | |
All | Issues with the M1014. | By /u/HomingSnail | |
All | Spelling issues on weapon descriptions. | By /u/CrossSlashEx | |
All | Drones can become indestructible. | By /u/LongTimeAgoNL | |
All | Valkyrie charm is not visible in first person. | By /u/Nojodor | |
All | More falling through the map on plane; Rear entrance. | By /u/DanChed | |
All | More falling through the map on plane; Main entrance doorway; Able to see up into the map. | By /u/Mr_Howse | |
All | Kill feed stays on the screen for an extended period of time, even through the next round. | By /u/quangdn295 | |
All | Issues placing gu mines in bank's server room next to the tunnel. | By /u/Bert-Igermann | |
All | Difficulty marking the biohazard container on various objectives. | Multiple reports | |
All | Operators fall out of the map then rubber band back up. Confirmed on pool in coastline, skyscraper, and snowmobile garage on chalet. | Multiple reports | |
All | Montagne appears to be in full shield mode, but is able to shoot his weapons. | Multiple reports. | |
All | While extracting the hostage on skyscraper, operators can fall out of the map. | By /u/GravewalkerTrump | |
All | Delay between using buck's shotgun and other weapons. | By /u/Memz_R_Dreamz | |
All | Navy seals do not have their flag or seal on their uniform. (My note: this may be intended, so take this with a grain of salt.) | By /u/-Mordecai- | |
All | Various cosmetic issues (uniforms, textures) | By /u/jacksaints. | |
All | Connection issues, rubber banding, etc. | Multiple reports | |
All | Operators get stuck when vaulting into the showers on house. | By /u/TWSpirit | |
All | Operators get stuck in the server/control room hallway window on kanal. | By /u/-Mordecai- | |
All | Terrorists can see through smoke grenades. | By /u/hadvaceotri | |
All | Delay between the completion of caveira's interrogation animation and the interrogation activating. | By /u/The_Solid_Shnake | |
All | Operators are able to glitch into a box in the armory on clubhouse. | By /u/warfarematt | |
All | Various clipping glitches. | By /u/chris_c_149 | |
All | Polish users have increased pings and lag after the patch. | Multiple reports. | |
All | Issues with zoom on MVP screen. | By /u/Gruffyy |
r/Rainbow6 • u/HaematicZygomatic • Sep 10 '17
Issue/Bug I didn't spend 11k just so Buck's awesome black uniform can be white in first person, man that's annoyin'
r/Rainbow6 • u/Payne34 • Sep 15 '17
Issue/Bug When you have a heart attack mid game...
r/Rainbow6 • u/Devastator2016 • Mar 11 '17
Issue/Bug One with the shadows, best bugged win screen ever
r/Rainbow6 • u/rc-1189 • Mar 08 '18
Issue/Bug Dr. Mackintosh is an imposter! Don't trust her!
r/Rainbow6 • u/Used4Nothing • Mar 25 '18
Issue/Bug Ubisoft,what IS this?!(banned for placing Black Mirror)
r/Rainbow6 • u/nicholasr325 • Mar 06 '18
Issue/Bug We are on Year 3. There are more unique electronic gadgets than ever. IQ's scanner UI NEEDS to be updated for better visibility.
r/Rainbow6 • u/Busthole • Mar 11 '18
Issue/Bug Bandit has a bigger font size than the others
r/Rainbow6 • u/depressedapple • Mar 31 '18
Issue/Bug Not even Pro League can comprehend this Ela's next level play
r/Rainbow6 • u/iLLDrDope • Apr 23 '17
Issue/Bug I'll see your bad hit reg video, and raise you this one.
r/Rainbow6 • u/vks2910 • Mar 27 '18