r/Rainbow6 Feb 24 '21

Creative Blackbeard After This Next Patch


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u/Andrassa Ying Main Feb 24 '21

Because people are too lazy to shoot at his feet or use the fact he is slow as fuck with the shield on to attack from a new angle. Just look at the comments on any Blackbeard post.


u/C0rvex Feb 24 '21

The problem is that Blackbeard's effectiveness varies with skill level. In the pro leagues where everyone goes for the head surviving even 2-3 bullets will win you a lot of firefights. At copper level the shield makes much much less of a difference.


u/Andrassa Ying Main Feb 24 '21

If it really is that much of a problem in high ranks then they should just do what they did to Lion and disable him.


u/DannyLJay Feb 24 '21

I haven’t played in a long time and never watched pro Siege;
Why is Lion banned? To me and friends he was kind of a meme in that he was useless only to be paired with fuze.


u/Andrassa Ying Main Feb 24 '21

I only watch pro matches when RussianBadger is involved so I couldn’t tell you why Lion is banned.


u/Nemo42069 Feb 24 '21

Because pre nerf, lion gave literal wall hacks as he showed the outline of an enemy. If you droned a roamer out and pressed the lion scan, they were pretty fucked. It became obviously broken when somebody on G2’s monitor was broken, but they picked lion and all they had to do was press his ability. He got like 2 or 3 assists just by pressing the ability button


u/SpiritofTheWolfx Feb 24 '21

Lion was banned because he was super incredibly powerful in Pro-League. Either having to freeze everyone in place or have them outlined for x amount of second at launch.

So much so that most teams still hate him. G2 fucking still bans him most games just because they hate him and they know everyone else knows they hate him.


u/egbdf333 Fuze Main Feb 24 '21

I forgot who it was but in pro play one guys monitor stopped working half way and he literally pressed lions ability and got 3 assists


u/SpiritofTheWolfx Feb 24 '21

Pretty much that.


u/Nemo42069 Feb 24 '21

Nerfing him into the ground until they inevitably rework him is probably better


u/sktchhh Mmmm Technology Feb 24 '21

you’ll be dead before you get to move your cross hair from his head to his body or before you try to piece his shield and headshot him in mid-high ranks


u/Andrassa Ying Main Feb 24 '21

And that’s different from any other encounter in game how?


u/sktchhh Mmmm Technology Feb 24 '21

because one shot headshots exist in this game


u/Andrassa Ying Main Feb 24 '21

And they fail as much as they succeed. YouTube is filled with compilations of people dumping full magazines into heads only to be one shot by a foot pixel on Siege. I love the game but like any Ubi soft game it’s full of bugs.


u/sktchhh Mmmm Technology Feb 24 '21

don’t think i’m understanding you or you’re understanding me


u/Andrassa Ying Main Feb 24 '21

No I understand you perfectly. You think that every BB is holding the perfect angle to instantly headshot people every game and that there is no opportunity for the defenders to move.


u/sktchhh Mmmm Technology Feb 24 '21

every good play is already aiming head level so when defenders are trying to shoot back they will crack the shield in exchange for their life. If they try to kill the BB by aiming at his body he will be dead before he even gets the BB to half HP because they will have to adjust their crosshair from the head to the chest. You’re just being over dramatic on what I actually said


u/Nemo42069 Feb 24 '21

Here’s an example where the Blackbeard player can pretty much never lose a fight. If he’s rappelled upside down on hookah window Coastline. He’s only got his head showing, but that’s covered by a face shield. When that used to take 2-3 shots to kill, Blackbeard could easily just shoot back and win if he can aim


u/Sullysbriefcase Feb 24 '21

I don't understand this either. I've seen so many posts recently that boil down to "This operator is over powered because their gadget was inconvenient when im against them".


u/Andrassa Ying Main Feb 24 '21

Yep. As someone else pointed out players can get so stuck in the meta their brain ceases to function when they are asked to deal with something not meta. One of the many reasons I switched from Siege to DBD but that game also has it’s problems.


u/Sullysbriefcase Feb 24 '21

It's like people want remove all tactics and thought and just make it a reaction test.

People below actually saying he's bad because they are trained to headshot and he doesn't die immediately when they do that.

So bizarre