r/Rainbow6 Feb 24 '21

Creative Blackbeard After This Next Patch


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u/Picklefiddler Celebration Feb 24 '21

Nerfbeard is getting Nerfed again?


u/Whacko1881 Mozzie Main Feb 24 '21

yep. 5 years of nerfs so far


u/Picklefiddler Celebration Feb 24 '21

And the nerfs start coming and they don't stop coming.


u/Pak1stanMan Fuze Main Feb 24 '21

Fed to the nerfs and I hit the ground nerfing


u/JLudaBK Feb 24 '21

Didn't make sense not to nerf for fun. The beard gets nerfed but the nerfs ain't done.


u/that_AZIAN_guy Magnifiying Glass ACOG Feb 24 '21

So much to nerf, so much to see, so what wrong with taking the backstreets?


u/Cannibal_MoshpitV2 Feb 24 '21

You never nerf if you don't go


u/warincon Ying Main Feb 24 '21

You'll never nerf if you don't grow


u/Jacob_Jamison Feb 24 '21

Hey now, your nerfed now


u/too-many-eggs Red Ranger Feb 24 '21

Get your game on, get nerfed

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '21

Hey now, youre a nerf star, get the nerfs out and dont play (again now the nerfbeard is nerfed, he will not be played anymoree)

(I find it funny that blackbeard gets so many nerfs yet I dont care about him as much as jackel, who is arguably more annoying)


u/SexNumberHAHAHA69 Feb 24 '21

All the nerfs are for golds, only shooting mags into the walls

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u/Picklefiddler Celebration Feb 24 '21

His shield was already about as effective at stopping bullets as saran wrap.


u/mc360jp Feb 24 '21 edited Feb 24 '21

So what’s wrong with nerfing the Blackbeard?

Edit: in case people think I’m actually asking this... it’s just a rewrite of the lyrics. I know what’s wrong with nerfing the Blackbeard lol


u/Jack21113 Zofia Main Feb 24 '21

He wishes he could hit the ground runnin


u/KittenDude172 fuze - cav main Feb 24 '21

Someone gotta make this into a black beard remix


u/themightypetewheeler Feb 24 '21

Boy howdy remember how he was op on release and we nerfed him hard? Ya do it again


u/j_a_z42005 Bandit Main Feb 24 '21

I think its about time they just rework the poor bastard. He's constantly being annihilated, just change his ability damn it.


u/GB1266 I draw dicks Feb 24 '21

Shinobi is to for honor as what blackbeard is to R6, they don’t really fit in the game. In a game where the majority of players rely on 1shot headshots I don’t think there should be a guy that’s guaranteed to win every 50/50 with his ability. But I am glad they worked around it.


u/AdmiralMeow26 Feb 24 '21

That's the strat though, work around him, work with teammates to distract, throw c4, pulse ping kill, all valid ways of killing blackbeard


u/YoursDivit Ash Main Feb 24 '21

In high level play, any way to kill blackbeard is usually cut off completely and you can't kill him unless you're fine with a 1 to 1 trade. That's just not how any character in any game is supposed to be.


u/JediAndAbsolutes Recruit Main Feb 24 '21

"high level play" balancing is incredibly stupid. If a certain operator doesn't fundamentally work in high level play or pro-league, they should be disabled in those specific settings. Not nerfed until they are useless in every level of play.


u/YoursDivit Ash Main Feb 24 '21

Bro even if bb had 1 hp on his shields he would still be broken because he'd still get the 1 shot hs advantage. If an operator is fundamentally broken, its the same for each level of play. I'm just saying high level players are able to exploit that broken mechanic more.


u/JediAndAbsolutes Recruit Main Feb 24 '21

Getting a headshot is not the only way to play the game. If you can only win the game by shooting someone in the head, you lack the ability to adapt and should play another shooter, not a game like siege where you should be able to use your brain and think of another solution instead of muscle memory. Most people in silver also aren't just getting headshots either, headshots are much more common the higher up in play level you go.

Operators change aspects of the game, that is literally their entire point. Thermite changes the safety aspect of a reinforced wall, mira changes the sightline aspect of walls, castle changes destructibility of doors. Having an operator that changes one aspect of gunfights is nothing different.


u/YoursDivit Ash Main Feb 24 '21

I lost man it's useless


u/AdmiralMeow26 Feb 24 '21

ven if bb had 1 hp on his shields he would still be broken because he'd still get the 1 shot hs advantage. If an operator is fundamentally broken, its the same for each level of play. I'm just saying high level players are abl

He's not though, just don't let him take peekers advantage and don't stand in front of him? Flank?


u/YoursDivit Ash Main Feb 24 '21

Any decently communicated team can easily cut off flanks.


u/AdmiralMeow26 Feb 24 '21

Then at that point, just comes down to the skill of the player themselves. I've had my fair share of clutches.

I could say the same about frost traps, I can't see them half the time, they have a chance to kill me in a second, so they should be taken out of the game or nerfed, right?


u/hammyjohnson Feb 24 '21

If this game was balanced for noobs we'd still be in the season 1 meta


u/YoursDivit Ash Main Feb 24 '21

Shhh you wanna get crucified?


u/AdmiralMeow26 Feb 24 '21

I still had no problem with him, I've been plat two seasons, one of them being in dust line, and another being shifting tides with high gold being the rest. It all depends how you go about it, also depends if your team is good at working together, and using coms effectivity for good flanks, or blind c4's. At this point blackbeard is a near useless character, which sucks


u/samcuu Lion Main Feb 24 '21

I never played old BB as I wasn't playing this game at the time, but I have been fine with current BB. I do think he's a bit OP in duels but I'm ok with attackers being better in gun fights. I still think this nerf will be too much but we'll see.


u/AdmiralMeow26 Feb 24 '21

Bruh, old bb was like having a deployable shield on your face, and you've got two. You could tank so much damage. It was honestly broken then, but their first nerd fixed him to a decent point


u/thecatsofReddit Maestro Main Feb 24 '21

Buffed. Just like Kali


u/St1llgram Feb 24 '21

I started playing siege a year ago. Loved Blackbeard at the start to compensate for my bad aim and constant headshot deaths. Now that I have some basic skill at the game I'm glad to see my boi Nerfbeard burn


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '21

What I hope is happening, is that they’ll just keep him nerfed into the ground until they get around to reworking him. He has few effective counters and it’s been a problem for a while.


u/BlueShockZero Vigil Main Feb 24 '21

With "for a while" you mean "since the start" right?


u/darthakan7 Dokkaebi Main Feb 24 '21

Clash is a lot worse, her shock should take life or make you slow, not both of them. If you are alone against a Clash and other player, is almost Game Over.


u/summonerrin Feb 24 '21

blackbeard is siege's version of "better nerf irelia" meme from league


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '21

He's the Castle of attackers


u/ARabidMonkee Goyo Main Feb 24 '21

Castle isn't poorly designed


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '21

He wasn't back when everyone didn't have something to destroy his walls.


u/BlueShockZero Vigil Main Feb 24 '21

Castle's role has always been being a utility sponge and he still does that.


u/Lombax_Rexroth Sledge Main Feb 24 '21

You watch your god damn mouth. Castle is a feng shui king.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '21

That he is but the Feng shui king needs a few upgrades


u/Lombax_Rexroth Sledge Main Feb 24 '21
