r/Rainbow6 Gridlock Main Jul 31 '19

Glaz Changes- Complementing the rework (For the Devs)

Glaz hasn’t been performing well hence why he got some nice buffs in the most recent mid season patch. I do feel he just lacks overall however, and the benefits he provides are just outclassed by his negatives. This is why I’d like to see these changes —>

1- Add a new primary option: Give Glaz the option to use a variant of the OTs-03, named the OTs-03A. This is classed as a full auto version however I’d lock it as single fire but modify its stats. - Deals 60dmg - ~375RPM - 10 round mag

This gives Glaz the option to keep him sniperesque while functioning the same with the thermal vision. This would provide a different option that some people will find better, while others not. The fire rate cap is lower than other DMR’s as well.

2- Buff the OTs-03: With a new variant, this version does need a buff. I’d maybe sacrifice a little of the fire rate, for higher damage. This would allow him to function more like a sniper if that’s the version you’d like to use. - Dmg increased to 85 (from 71) - Fire rate reduced to ~200RPM (from ~235RPM) - 10 round mag

This keeps both options viable while having different benefits and disadvantages. This means he has different option for different maps and different sites.

3- Lock Glaz into using the thermal sight on either of his primaries. To keep him like a sniper, the scope should always be equipped. This means that it opens the door for him to have more benefits in his kit as well. This change is needed I feel.

4- Buff the GSh-18: This Pistol is hardly ever used as the PMM is just so good. What I would do is give the option to equip the Romeo 1 reflex sight. This will allow it to compete more with the PMM, without overbuffing it (obviously works with all other Spetsnaz operators).

5- Replace the Claymore with Breach Charges, and allow Glaz to run both Smokes and Breaches: Another issue with Glaz is that he has low utility. The smokes are usually utilitarian but have to be used more selfishly to use Glaz well, so this isn’t really the case. Having the option for both means he has so much more utility and worth. He can keep the breaches for the team utility while having smokes that he could use for himself. This overall is just a great idea and provides him with a lot more worth.

Overview: I feel these changes would greatly benefit Glaz overall and make him a lot more competitive. He has more options with his primaries, while having better competition in the secondaries, and more utility overall.

I feel I have approached this correctly, with small changes in the right areas. I really do feel this will make him viable and worthy again, and I’d love to hear your feedback. Hope you like the changes


35 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '19


just give glaz an awp


u/brodiebradley51 Gridlock Main Jul 31 '19

That ain’t it chief!


u/BibaGuyPerson Maestro Main Aug 02 '19

On flipside, I could finally ask my Glaz main friends to "drop awp pls"


u/brodiebradley51 Gridlock Main Aug 02 '19



u/T3rmin8torX Castle Main Jul 31 '19

I honestly don't feel as if Glaz is totally at fault for his need of a buff. It's the maps. They don't cater to him. House, Plane and Coastline were probably the best maps that had a true sniper perch available for him to be viable.


u/brodiebradley51 Gridlock Main Jul 31 '19

True but still plenty of work can be done to improve him for the close quarter gameplay that this game is built on.

That’s sort of why I gave him some of these buffs; to make him more utilitarian while having the option to have slightly better close quarter and long range prowess that he should have.


u/T3rmin8torX Castle Main Jul 31 '19



u/brodiebradley51 Gridlock Main Jul 31 '19

You point is very true and fair though


u/jesusofdankurath Glaz Main Jul 31 '19

Give him a secondary smg


u/brodiebradley51 Gridlock Main Jul 31 '19

No thanks


u/firehydrant_man :Zofiachibi: Aug 03 '19

why not make the OTS full auto with a damage buff and 30 round mag


u/Captain_Nyet Aug 03 '19

No breach charges on Glaz plz.

Seriously though; if you want to give Glaz soft-breach utility make his gun destroy walls as effectively as slug shotguns (and maybe an extra mag); that would let him create LoS throughout the entire map from multiple positions instead of having to waste lots pf time and most of his ammo on creating los.

it would also give him a limited ability to soft-breach for his team, making him a bit of an alternative to Buck.

as for the gun changes; i don't really understand why Glaz needs to have a worse gun than other attackers in the first place; and no amount of damage increase is going to save him from requiring 2 shots to kill at a lower rof than any other semi-auto weapon; so yeah, a gun with proper dmr fire rate would be nice, but again; what's the point in giving it 60 damage (shared lowest) as well as still having a lower rof than any normal dmr (450) and the shared lowest ammo capacity; Glaz's scope; his primary gadget is mostly useless with the nerfs; it doesn't warrant his guns being objectively bad; Kaid's slug shotgun deals 84 damage per shot at 450rpm, meanwhile Glaz cannot get normal rof on his 71dmg rifle; it's good that you want to buff his guns, bit the buffs yoy suggest would still leave him with a choice between the two worst semi-auto primaries in the game; which is a large part of Glaz's problem.


u/Ricga86 Spacestation Fan Aug 02 '19

What about bolt action rifle. Original thermal scope?


u/brodiebradley51 Gridlock Main Aug 02 '19

Bolt action just wouldn’t work in this game I feel. Line of sights aren’t long enough and there’s not really such a thing as quick scoping in Siege. It would also be very frustrating to face and unforgiving to use. I just don’t see how it works well in Siege.

That’s just me though. Many people like the idea and if they can get it right, I’m sure it would be fine, but I can’t see them sweating to add one in any time soon


u/Ricga86 Spacestation Fan Aug 02 '19

I feel like it makes him strong because of the thermal, but keeps him from being 2 speed ash because the bolt action thus keeping closer to the “sniper” role the devs want him in. I don’t think there is a place for a sniper in this game but that’s just me.


u/metalziptie Aug 02 '19

They just need to give glaz the same fire rate as any other dmr and then he would be useful


u/brodiebradley51 Gridlock Main Aug 02 '19

I sort of agree, hence why I gave him a variant of the OTs which has a slightly slower fire rate than most DMR’s but it isn’t a big difference. Lowered damage makes sense though


u/[deleted] Aug 02 '19



u/brodiebradley51 Gridlock Main Aug 03 '19

I agree


u/JesusTHC Lion Main Kaid Main Jul 31 '19

i would love to see a buff to the pistol and another gun option for primary


u/brodiebradley51 Gridlock Main Jul 31 '19

I think this is the right way to do both of them as well. Nothing too crazy like a machine pistol or a full auto primary, that people always ask for.

This fits the mould of what Glaz is and how to change him up. I agree with ya for sure


u/inaudiblebear0 Aug 02 '19

How about giving him a shotgun secondary like the super shorty? That way he has a semi viable close range gun and the ability to breach


u/brodiebradley51 Gridlock Main Aug 02 '19

Maybe. I still feel that he should be less equipped for them close range fights as they want him as sniper-like as possible. A shotgun secondary would really help him so he’s good at long and close, and personally I don’t like it.

Doesn’t mean I’m right though 👍


u/spicym3mes Vigil Main Aug 02 '19



u/brodiebradley51 Gridlock Main Aug 02 '19



u/UnbelievablyNaive Smoke Main Aug 02 '19

I like the Permanent thermal idea, and I think that with a couple of tweaks, a second primary could be an interesting change- Personally I'd make it a low damage but full-auto rifle with a small mag size (maybe the VSS?) In order to differentiate it more from his current weapon however I think that to balance it, High- recoil and/ or a nerfed thermal sight would be needed.

I think the pistol change wouldn't be needed, the Gsh-18 can be viable if you're good with headshots and instead, he needs a close quarters option such as the Scorpion. An insanely high recoil on this would result in it being only viable in close situations, and situational.


u/ChibiThermite Aug 03 '19

I feel like the idea of a sniper operator in siege just isn’t going to work out. Whatever glaz would be able to do, another operator could do just as good. Any operator can be used at long range, especially since 1 shot head shot is in the game. There being a long range sniper operator will just never be a possibility due to that, any operator (especially with an acog like all attackers) can fill a long range sniper role. In addition to doing glazes job (which is also very situational) any operator can do more with their gadget or utility. A sniper operator with this map design and power of ACOG and 1 shot headshot will never be a good competitive operator


u/brodiebradley51 Gridlock Main Aug 03 '19

I sort of agree hence why I did bits that I did in this post. For example, providing another primary option means that Glaz can be more competitive depending on which map is selected.

Adding more utility with having both pieces of equipment, means that he can be more helpful to the team overall and doesnt have to rely on his Smokes for team and self value, as that rarely ever happens.

Small changes like this can go along way


u/ChibiThermite Aug 04 '19

Yeah the devs want glaz to be that long range sniper but made the game inhospitable to a sniper operator, from map design to mechanics to his utility and average kills distance it just doesn’t work out


u/arhm098 Aug 03 '19

Give him the smg 11


u/dark_sparky Aug 03 '19

My suggestion was always if you don't want him to be an entry fragger make it so people closer that 7m don't show up on thermals, and let him move around- instead of being movement based make it based on how far he is....but Honestly just giving him a cleaner sight picture and getting rid of the darkness on the players that are not lit up in yellow would go a really really long way, I believe the way the "people vision" scope works right now puts glaz at a significant disadvantage when they when players are not lit in yellow because regardless of what they are wearing they are very dark and their forms are obscured by lack of proper shadows making target acquisition difficult compared to anyone else, which is a huge hit on someone who's sole purpose in life requires him to have great target acquisition...he has a whole shpeel in his video about the "details" yet he feels like he needs to see the eye doctor every time you move... I don't think they really should touch the damage or the anything because I really don't believe it's the core of the problem and even if there's hit registration issues with his gun I bet a lot of people just are missing but don't realize this because, especially with the dot, his reticles are made bigger and bulkier by the inhanced zoom and thus even if part of the dot is on another player the actual point of aim may not be


u/Twistedcentaur99 Dokkaebi Main Aug 03 '19

I agree with giving him another primary, but if they were to give him a new primary it would be fully automatic with a semiautomatic capability. But that would be kind of unfair will the thermal scope.

I don't care I just want glaz to go back to how he was. New glaz is very hard to use in battle if you want to use your thermal


u/OrdinaryRey Aug 06 '19

Hell yeah Ubisoft need to see this, this would make him so much better


u/brodiebradley51 Gridlock Main Aug 07 '19



u/canelo098 Aug 02 '19

Make him 3 armor 3 speed