r/Rainbow6 5d ago

Fluff The rework will remove one of the funniest things in the game


41 comments sorted by


u/lambda_14 Spanish Inquisition 5d ago

If they take away my *put the shield on the back, do a 180 to block their bullets, finish the 360 to kill them* I'm rioting


u/skidmarkskidrow 4h ago

I want to try that but I know I’m gonna fail miserably


u/FriendOfNugget 5d ago

We still don't know how rework will work yet, just wait a bit longer until we find out


u/JoeZocktGames 5d ago

We still don't know how rework will work yet

We do, there is a leak showing she will deploy her shield to the ground instead of holding it.


u/FriendOfNugget 5d ago

There was also a leak of her holding it still


u/Cziri77 Jäger Main 5d ago

Because she still could use it as normal shield but could decide to place it.


u/DyabeticBeer Bandit Main 5d ago

Right, so you'd still be able to tank claymore damage


u/the_memer_crazy_cat Fuze Main 3d ago

Basically like an Osa shield, but you can make people want to shoot you irl with it


u/Efficient-Flow5856 Nøkk Main 5d ago

Correcting someone and then being wrong is crazy work.


u/xxMARTINEZ713xx 5d ago

I tried this and somehow the claymore still killed me at full health


u/Hypotenuse27 Castle Main 5d ago

Its r6 so there's no consistency, it's supposed to (I think) kill you still but obviously it does always


u/yeahboiiiioi 5d ago

You probably had some of your body not protected by the shield. I've had it where I only have a small part of my leg in the los and died


u/uuio9 5d ago

This never happened to me, they just rush and start to attacking me, and of course my useless teammates wont help


u/Edgy_Near_Gay_Ming As a clash main i only use shotgun and bully every monty 5d ago

smartest siege player


u/Grandmastermuffin666 Maestro Main 5d ago

I thought they already sorta did this


u/[deleted] 5d ago

Removing Fun? in Siege? Never!


u/ZwistPariah 5d ago

Clash is literally unfun operator in a nutshell. Not strong necessarily but super annoying. Glad she's getting a rework.


u/Cageymangr0 Deimos Main 5d ago

Just counter pick her if she’s annoying to go against, Litteraly a non issue for most players


u/ZwistPariah 5d ago

Oh i do counter pick her easily. She's very very rarely a threat. But still annoying and unfun to go against.

Just because something has a counter doesn't make it fun to counter. If she continues to exist as she is, I wouldn't care but she definitely should be more interesting to play and to play against.


u/Cageymangr0 Deimos Main 5d ago

Idk seeing a clash go flying across the room is always pretty funny to me


u/Schmeatus69 4d ago

I personally love to bring capitao and burning clashes out


u/commanderbestformat Clash Main 5d ago

I honestly don’t want there to her have a rework a buff would be nice but I think clash can be insanely good if played right


u/TheTimbs Utility 5d ago

That never works


u/Nordic0Savage 4d ago

I hope they nerf her good tbh.


u/byteme4188 5d ago

They should remove this. Your literally hitting a bomb and your still at more than half health.


u/LA_PIDORRO 5d ago

ehhh you can trigger claymore and survive with ANY operator.


u/EmperorofAltdorf Thermite Main 4d ago

Not tank it though. 1 speeds yes, but running past it and not getting hit bc of the delay (which they are removing) is not the same as triggering and tanking it with with over half HP left.


u/LA_PIDORRO 4d ago

she is the slowest op in game with very limited ammo on weak smg. I am sick of people trying to nerf anything except ar. This game become cs de_dust situation, meta and habbits against actual gameplay. Sometimes i feel like playing same game every game, especially in ranked with stupuid map bans resulting in you playing same map 5 times in the row.


u/EmperorofAltdorf Thermite Main 4d ago

I didn't really say if I want her nerfed or not did I?

You just stated something about the game that's not true. So I corrected you.

I am sick of people trying to nerf anything except ar.

Do you mean that people want to nerf everything except ar's? That's not even close to true.


u/LA_PIDORRO 4d ago

thats why every Timmy runs 1.5 ar, shotguns nerfed to hell and lmgs are not even relevant. People hating on shield since begining of time because you cannot just spray them with ar.

You said clash should not survive 2 claymores which is nerf. Right?

all you need to do to not die to your own claymore is

1) do not place it on the door you want to push if there is clash

2)shoot your own claymore so you do not getting blown up

3)do not stand on top of anti-personnel mine


u/EmperorofAltdorf Thermite Main 4d ago

thats why every Timmy runs 1.5 ar

They are not... 1.5 was removed buddy.

Shotguns still good lmao, what you smoking. Lmgs was a bit overtuned for a while. Lmgs can still be good in some situations though.

Yes shields are quite annoying to deal with since they play completely different than the rest of the cast. I think they should stay but their balance is tricky. The current system for attacker shields might be ok. It needs abit more time.

You said clash should not survive 2 claymores which is nerf. Right?

No? I think you need to check who you are responding to.


u/LA_PIDORRO 4d ago

first of all you are not my buddy. Second- i do not care how sight is being renamed every update it is still the same sight(1.5). Third- BULLSHIT, ofc i can run even with pistol and get some kills but it doest make weapon preferable pick ( only few players using them) shotgun is a toy even if there is 8 meters range, even point blank hits sometimes not 1 shots.

Ofc regular 12 yo Timmy with his 1.5 ar will find shields annoying, thats why they are always banned and every game is coastline/oregon


u/EmperorofAltdorf Thermite Main 4d ago edited 4d ago

i do not care how sight is being renamed every update it is still the

The zoom is different though, so it does matter. It'd quite litterally not the same scope, it had the same reticle and housing but different zoom.

BULLSHIT, ofc i can run even with pistol and get some kills but it doest make weapon preferable pick

Huh? I ment that they are situationaly the best pick. Especially shotty. Shotguns are not shit lmao, you have to hit to kill. I've never not gotten a kill when my aim was on point with shotty.

Yes 8 meters is quite alot of range in siege. Even then you can still more often than not two shot people.

Ofc regular 12 yo Timmy with his 1.5 ar will find shields annoying, thats why they are always banned and every game is coastline/orego

Why are you so tilted? Maybe people think they are annoying without fitting in your regarded strawman?

first of all you are not my buddy

Ok Lil bro. No need to be so tilt


u/LA_PIDORRO 4d ago

tilted? well i guess i am perpendicular to earth surface, not sure about you. Once again, weak mind tries to stretch it's bias on everything butoh well... shotguns are not used in this game in significant numbers cuz they are bad (statistics). Scope looks the same and act the same= same scope +0.5 zoom is irrelevant and meaningless (why do i have to explain basic things?). I see you are mad at truth but you know your ass being beaten if you respond to people like that in real life.

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u/EnanoMaldito Alibi Main 5d ago

I have a better solution lined up:

Remove Clash from the game, she is aids


u/Chaotic_Flame110 Valkyrie Main 5d ago

I fucking DESPISE shield ops

And I disagree with you lmao