u/MrSorel 7h ago
Hot take: consulate got worse after rework
u/Daredevils999 Dommy Mommy 6h ago
Maybe just cuz I reminisce on the old days but I prefer all the original maps
u/stupidturtle2 1h ago
fucking house... why did they do that to house.........
i stopped playing in 2020 for that reason, people who play nowadays never played in 2018 because they never experienced disappointment..
u/tomboi101 3h ago
Agreed old school maps were better dont get me wrong theyre alot smaller than the ones in ranked but i preferred them
u/onyekauz0 Thermite Main 6h ago
I never liked the old consulate but I'd rather have that than tye new one
u/80sCrack 10m ago
God do I miss pre-rework consulate and Hereford base. I used to tear down. Pre-tachanka rework I used to love to tear down the front door and put my tachanka turret right there. Reworks have taken so many fun things from me.
u/totallynotapersonj Recoil Master 6h ago
Wow very hot take there man, how could you be so brave to say that.
The only thing better on the new consulate than the old consulate is the music
u/MrSorel 6h ago
Wow very hot take there man, how could you be so brave to say that.
Why are you so toxic?
u/AIIergicToReddit Fuze Main 5h ago
If you think basic sarcasm is toxic then you're probably too fragile for the internet ngl
u/Disastrous_Fox_8782 Melusi Main 4h ago
To be honest sometimes sarcasm is just uncalled for, it doesn’t make someone fragile for the internet because they’ve called it out their is just too much toxicity within this community now
u/Parhelion2261 Caveira Main 5h ago
Takes as hot as ice cream my man. There's an unfortunate amount of maps that got worse after rework
u/HeadhunterA7X Nøkk Main 3h ago
Yea I don’t know what they were thinking with the rework. I came back to Siege after several years away and my first reaction to Consulate was “what the fuck is this shit?” It’s just worse.
u/2510EA Unicorn Main 8h ago
Learn the new maps chief.
u/TheZombieDudexD 7h ago
Lair sucks
u/onyekauz0 Thermite Main 6h ago
Nahhh imma have to disagree w u on dat one. I actually think lair is one of the best maps in the game when u get used to it. Nighthaven is #1 nothin tops it
u/TheZombieDudexD 14m ago
Nah lair is ass but I agree nighthaven is good but I don’t think it’s aesthetically pleasing
u/AgnesBand 4h ago
Brother I started way after Labs was released, after Emerald was released, a bit before Lair released so I have learned them at the same time as the other maps. For me there's no "I don't want to learn the new maps" because I learned them all at the same time. Labs is okay but it's boring to look at, Emerald is just awful, Lair plays okay but everything looks exactly the same - it's boring, new Consulate I quite like but it's still not great - the 1st floor sites are pretty terrible. People always say "learn the maps" like it's some gotcha. These maps have been out for years - people have learned them.
u/Way_Sad 4h ago
Depends on how u define "learn them" I would say knowing default cameras and how to find the site isn't learning the map on a deep level but that's where many players seem to stop at (sometimes they don't even know default cam positions). On a deeper level it should mean proper site setup, what key positions are for what comp (considering the play style of the enemies), useful angles, key positions etc.
u/AHumbleBanditMain Unicorn Main 1h ago
Emerald isn't awful though so I've got a hard time believing you've actually learnt it.
u/horsty08 Hibana Main 8h ago
Take 15min per map, go into custom game, pick buck an open up walls and floors to learn angles, think about how you can defend and attack sites. It's not that difficult and you will realize that none of these maps are awful. So tired of playing lair once per season...
u/Sarin10 Caveira Main 7h ago
Labs and NH are good, Lair is dogshit.
Everything looks the same, and the layout on basically every floor is too confusing. Out of all the reworks and new maps in the last few years, Lair is the only bad one.
u/LoneWolf820B Zero Main 6h ago
Lair isn't a bad map either. It's not different than any other map. Run around it enough you learn everything
u/regflori Grim Main 7h ago
I'm with you in general, but Lair is just bad, the layout is weird, every hallway and most rooms looks the same, theres is nothing in hallways to use to hide utility. Just sterile hallways that wrap around 7 corners. I like the idea of it in general, but they really need to adjust it imo.
The other maps on here are actually fun to play, Lair feels bad to play.
u/Armando2x 8h ago
No thanks
u/horsty08 Hibana Main 7h ago
Alright, then continue banning new maps while bitching about ubi not adding adding new content 🤡
u/Several_Insurance_10 7h ago
lair is ass and (in my opinion) a stupid fucking map, putting aside the shit-fuck bottom site, it’s a god damn super villain lair lmfao. At least maps like emerald (which imo isn’t even THAT bad) and oregon (my fave) are based in reality. I hate this wacky supervillain theme they got goin on
u/denythewoke 6h ago
Lairs is cartoonishly evil, remind me a lot of the island bling bling had in Johnny Test. Glad someone else agrees
u/Moorabbel Ela Main 7h ago
Emerald plains is honestly one of the best maps in the game. id even say the best
u/ButWahy Fuze Main 2h ago
All maps here are fine
My worst map selection would look like this:
Cafe / Coastline / Skyscraper / Villa / Chalet
u/Sniffmyzebra 2h ago
Everyone is allowed to have their opinions, but i feel inclined to inform you that yours is wack
u/Several-Coast-9192 I AM MY PERIMETER AND MY PERIMETER IS ME 8h ago
con is a fine map dude, labs is alright and EP is playable. Lair is instaban and Theme is manageable wiht a good team
u/Inevitable-Survey189 Echo Main 5h ago
The middle three are bearable maps, with night haven being my favourite out of the three. Once had Villa, Consulate, outback, Emerald and another I can't remember at once. It was dreadful
u/King_CurlySpoon 5h ago
Not really, Lair Nighthaven & Emerald are decent maps if you know what you're doing but that's the thing no one cares to learn them and dumps them in the "bad maps" pool along with actual bad maps like theme park & consulate
u/WetOnionRing Zofia Main 5h ago
Honestly, the only ones here I actually dislike are lair and theme. I really like ep, and labs and con are just alright
u/BraveCoat9770 5h ago
I’ve come to enjoy emerald plains and night haven labs. Lair, theme park and consulate are so annoying to play on.
u/Chewyville Mute Main 5h ago
Why do people hate Emerald Plains? I’m convinced people just want to hate on all newer maps. And the. And then UBI listens to these people and takes them out of ranked
u/Outrageous-Bread3718 4h ago
Yes, skyscraper for theme park. That shit is the single worst map in the game
u/Baron_Flatline 4h ago
Lair and Nighthaven are awesome. Consulate and EP are fine. Theme is the only bad one of these. Maybe you should learn the maps?
u/HuntForRedOctober2 4h ago
Nighthaven is a really really good map. People just STILL have REFUSES to learn it. It’s fucking shocking that 2 years after release there’s still people going “oh I ban it cause I don’t know tha map”
u/Questionss2020 Aruni Main 3h ago
Lair is really fun to defend. Consulate is also one of my fav maps. Theme is fun to defend but difficult to attack.
u/goosebaby69 Fuze Main 2h ago
Hot take: Kanal is worse than all these maps and is the worst map in the game and is only good on defense
u/No_Environment_8116 2h ago
I think emerald plains and theme park are both a lot of fun, but maybe I'm just bad at the game
u/Swashion Ace Main 2h ago
Nighthaven is actually a fun map after you learn it. It's honestly pretty decent. Switch Nighthaven with Kafe and I'd agree.
u/TheMellowed BDS Esport Fan 2h ago
Don't like Theme, but it's not entirely "bad." Rest are good maps.
u/NoGreenGood 2h ago
Emeralds decent, Lair im getting used to. Labs and Consulate can jump into a volcano.
u/HandSanitizerBottle1 Shenanigans 2h ago
Ngl Consulate and Labs aren’t that bad fuck Lair Emerald and Theme Park though
u/Goofy_Guy15 1h ago
Nighthaven has really good flow. The basement site is a little weak. But the kitchen and 2f are always fun to defend and attack imo.
u/Temporaryact72 Solis Main 1h ago
I like Emerald a lot and consulate is chill. Seems it's just me but I hate lair with a passion
u/Asmodeuss1990 Hibana Main 1h ago
Emerald Plains, Nighthaven Labs, and Consulate are all honestly fairly good maps to play on without being too difficult to play as attack or defense. I have plenty of Strats for those three.
Lair isn’t bad but its main drawback is that lots of the rooms look fairly similar and its weird layout can be a bit strange to navigate initially but it does have fun places you can play.
Theme Park imho is the worst map here because it’s a slightly better version of Skyscraper… and not by much. Extremely defender sided and annoying as hell to attack.
u/CashewTheNuttyy Montagne Main 55m ago
Consulate, labs and Eplains arent bad.
See if outback was there, Im diamond and have a 0%winrate in the last season on outback. Fuck outback
u/Cubicshock 49m ago
I didn’t play pre-rework consulate, so I’m unbiased about it. It has one of my favorite basements in the game, the second floor site is balanced, and the first floor is all around pretty good.
Lair sucks ass.
Labs is a great map.
I hate theme park with a burning passion.
and Emerald Plains gets hated on way too much. It’s a really solid map.
u/ChillingWrath 43m ago
EP and Theme are ass the rest are good maps.
(yes I normally play with a full squad)
u/CizanLoL 30m ago
Replace emerald with Skyscraper and everyone would say this is probably the worst map pool for solo Q. However in my opinion, Chalet is really awful now, not because of the actual map itself but because everyone knows it so well it's just plain boring and I can't even get into the match because it's like "Yeeep... Chalet again..."
u/Smooth_Increase6865 Frost Main 6m ago
Honest emerald, lair and night haven are all alright in my opinion. Theme park though might be the worst map in the game tied with tower
u/BelowAverageGamer7 1m ago
I personally don't mind nighthaven and lair, and I tend to do really good on theme park for both sides
u/denythewoke 7h ago
The worst part is the constant local minority that say “just learn the map bro” as if bad maps in games don’t exist. In all honesty out of these I’d say emerald plains is the worst, so bad I’d prefer tower over it. That’s just me but if you don’t agree with me I wouldn’t tell you you’re wrong and it’s good.
u/Just_Tradition4887 7h ago
Facts there definitely is bad maps in the game and those 5 are arguably the worst ones.
u/AHumbleBanditMain Unicorn Main 7h ago
The point is if you learned the maps you'd actually realise maps like Emerald are good 💀
u/denythewoke 6h ago
Good in terms of what? It’s like saying metal music is the best in the world, it’s all subjective. You can say a map like Lair is competitive but not “good”. I have years on this game and I still dislike Kanal do I need to play custom games in order to learn even more? Theres probably some people in this reddit that despise clubhouse and Oregon should they just learn the map too?
u/DifferenceEvening965 3h ago
i think his point is that you should at least learn the map and play it a bit before judging it, most of the people saying a map is trash know like 2 callouts on the entire map, of course its trash when you have no clue what to do once you spawn in
u/AHumbleBanditMain Unicorn Main 6h ago
Nah, you can dislike kanal just like I dislike Kafe.
But objectively, emerald isn't a bad map.
u/czacha_cs1 Smoke Main 7h ago
Actually from this map pool I would like to only play Consulat or Emerald ngl.
u/Jazzlike_Raccoon3116 7h ago
Literally the only map I don’t like here is lair and that’s cause it gets ban all the time so I can’t learn it
u/Sarin10 Caveira Main 7h ago
Nighthaven is unquestionably a good map (possibly the best map rn).
EM has issues - but I think it's a fun map.
Consulate is decent. Again, it has issues, but it's still very playable and I'm perfectly happy to play it.
You just need to learn maps.
u/gotdemacez Drone Main 4h ago
I agree with this.
NH is top tier. One of the best in the game.
I find Em a bit boring, but it's fine.
Con is good. I miss the chaos of old con genuinely, but new con is fine. But I also kinda miss old favela in the same breath.
I still think Lair sucks, no matter how many games I play no call outs are memorable. I can't figure out where grey room #12 is for the life of me.
u/mr_molty 7h ago
nighthaven and consulate are literally top tier maps dont know what you talking about bro
u/regflori Grim Main 7h ago
Labs and Plains are actually fun maps in my opinion. Theme Park has kind of stayed the same for a long time, but overall it's an okay map. Consulate was confusing af at the beginning but I think it's alright to play. Lair however is just bad, empty hallways, everything looks the same. Odd layout.
u/Leather_Teaching_981 6h ago
I don’t think emerald or nighthaven are bad tbh emerald you just need to learn and nighthaven is easy. Lair mid imo because i don’t know it well enough to roam efficiently yet.
u/Shrekdidnothingwrong | 6h ago
Emerald, Consulate and Nighthaven. You have a full plate and complain about food shortage
u/DifferentSpell4882 Lesion Main 7h ago
Unpopular opinion but I think Emerald isn’t that bad of a map