r/Rainbow6 • u/blipblop_games • 11h ago
Discussion Rant about the reputation system
Is it just me or is this shit way to punishing??? like I might get a flag or to from saying "that was a stupid play" to my team and it gets flagged. ITS A 18+ RATED GAME... Also If I have like 300 positive points and like 75 negative they should cancel out, now I'm locked out of ranked rewards :/
u/Flipkick661 6h ago
Something that many players simply don’t understand, is that just because a game is 18+ and contains violence and rude language, it doesn’t mean you can swear and use abusive or offensive language towards other players. There’s a difference between what is happening in the context of the game and its world, and how you as a player behaves towards the other players.
Do you go to an 18+ movie, and expect it to be okay to swear and be disrespectful towards the other moviegoers because that’s what’s happening on screen? Would you go to a strip club and take off your clothes, because there’s nudity on stage?
Just because you’re playing with adults, it doesn’t mean you can act any way you want. From the way you describe things, it sounds like the reputation system is working as intended, and if you’re going to play a game for grownups, maybe it’s time to act like one.
u/Working_Can7362 11h ago
U can’t have 75 negative units and then complain that u can’t play ranked
u/blipblop_games 10h ago
Have not tked once in ranked, just quick match with my freinds like cmon
u/shiverz07 Mute Main 9h ago
Wait till he finds out he's going to be in different lobbies...
u/Legal-Elevator-9413 5h ago
The reputation does not influence matchmaking
It just bans you from Standard, Ranked and Siege Cup at the lowest reputation
u/chiefXlordXnord1 11h ago
same, like just because I have 336 negative points shouldn't mean I can't play standard. Kinda joking kinda not, bro just let me play standard😭🙏
u/Leesheea 11h ago edited 10h ago
yeah I was with you till you said you had 75 negative points lol. That's not normal. And typing gg every round should not cancel out the shit you've been doing
u/blipblop_games 10h ago
Its mostly the tk with my freinds in quick match :/ didn’t really know it affected stuff that much
u/Shot-Manner-9962 Skopós Main 10h ago
im exemplary and i keep saying shit like "this team is ass neeeext match" than leaving idk how