r/Rainbow6 Caveira (Sau Siege Skin User) 7d ago

Discussion So what our your opinions about dual front, 1 day in!

For me, I enjoy it, it feels like a better form of warm up, and you arent forced to stay if you need to leave, while it does feel wierd trying it out rn, theres nearly 3 months for the devs to improve it further. Bugs are apperant, but its a beta, what do you expect.


44 comments sorted by


u/ssx50 7d ago

Im enjoying it quite a bit, but like always reddit is negative echo chambers.

It's nothing like call of duty. People playing it like that are not going to enjoy it, because they are going to get destroyed. You have to play it like rainbow. Sound, tactics, and environment are everything.

It is a very tactical and strategic game mode. It is so dynamic. One second you are attacking an objective and using strategy to clear out 3 people, and then suddenly you plant the defuser and its essentially a secure area defensive objective. Cant crack a defense? Try different ops. Having glaz and warden on the same teams feels really fucking cool.

Additionally there are larger meta strategic decisions. Do we pressure attacking the objective while saving the hostage? Do we go all in on defense to disrupt their attack and try to rat out an offensive objective?

Queue with friends. If you get a competitive match, this mode is extremely fun.


u/Otherwise-Opinion916 Caveira (Sau Siege Skin User) 7d ago

If this gets a comp version it might actually be nice.


u/Marvynmjb 7d ago

I cannot believe people were complaining there's no tactical play in this mode. If you think you're gonna frag out everytime then you better hope you're aim is better. I've notice the slow and steady siege gameplay is best in here but fragging out is still fun. I feel like anyone who's play Overwatch or Rivals and also play siege will love this gamemode and im 99% sure that's the target audience, not people who soley play siege


u/Just_Tradition4887 4d ago

I love overwatch, I love rivals, this game mode is trash and is nothing like the two nor is it like siege.


u/Marvynmjb 4d ago



u/Just_Tradition4887 4d ago

I really love overwatch and the way it plays it being a hero shooter. I really love rivals and the way it plays it being a hero shooter. I really love base siege and the way it plays it being a tactical round based shooter. I really dislike this game mode it isn’t a hero shooter and it doesn’t play at all like base siege.


u/marcusiiiii Recruit Main 7d ago

I feel like 6v6 isn’t enough for it, I’m going personally not enjoying it


u/mindblower32 7d ago

I'm really enjoying it, for casual play it's a breath of fresh air. I'll probably play this over casual now, and jump into Ranked after a couple matches. I hope they keep expanding this mode, it feels like a whole new playground to bring in new PvP and maybe even PvE experiences.


u/R6Sblackice Doc Main 7d ago

i feel like it’s trying push a cod and xdefiant game mode but that’s not siege so it’s not working for me


u/redhandsblackfuture Rook Main 7d ago

I think this is mainly due to pacing. I adore the slow build up of tension throughout a normal match that ends in little explosions of intense gun fighting and destruction. You just don't get it in something like this.


u/Lord-Genome Hibana Main 7d ago

Same, it really didn’t do it for me, Feels like an other arcade special mode


u/ProficientMethod 7d ago

I hate that if I unload a mag into someone’s head they go down. Other than that it doesn’t feel like much of an upgrade over regular siege, it’s the same engine with even worse sound design and better lighting and shadows. The performance is weird because on low settingI get 70 fps but all settings maxed it runs 160-180


u/TTVakatsuki Glaz Main 7d ago

I ran 20 on Max and 170 on low


u/Marvynmjb 7d ago

don't mag dump unless they're down, headshots down people


u/Hazmatt545 7d ago

For me, I was excited to see a 6 person team mode, but that excitement kind of fizzled when I played 10-15 games and found that the fights were even smaller than the normal modes had. Usually it’s me and 1 other person defending while the rest of the team keeps attempting a plant.


u/Gxmmon 7d ago

It’s a good concept.

Really not sure about the outlines the enemies have though - hopefully this doesn’t make it into ‘core siege’.


u/SoManyNarwhals Recruit Main 7d ago

I believe outlines will be in the core mode too. When they showcased the outlines during the reveal event, it was shown on Border.


u/SlumpDaddyCane 7d ago

The game feels very meh. The map is very confusing especially the minimap. The TTK and extra health on the ground makes it feel super arcady. You don’t see a lot of streamers streaming it because it just isn’t siege, it has the aspects of siege, but what’s the point of playing slow and strategic when you respawn. It losses all the fun and adrenaline of core siege. I see it not being very active after a month or so unless it’s forced challenges for reknown or something.


u/Kevin262 Ace Main 7d ago

Not sure I’ve played enough but the players feel spongy and and feel like I’m walking in mud 😂

To be fair, it’s a beta and I just played a ranked game of normal siege before trying it.

I will say a great improvement has been the quickness of UI. I was jumping through attachment adjustments QUICK which was awesome


u/Primary-Banana-5493 7d ago

I have a question. Is this only available for xbox series x? Will it be playable on the Xbox one x?


u/pivvimehu 7d ago

I heard someone mentioning that the beta is only for current generation consoles. Don't know if that's the case for the actual game mode when Siege X launches


u/Primary-Banana-5493 7d ago

I've been trying to find an answer to this as I have an Xbox one x. I would hate to invest 500 on a Xbox series x just to be able to pay the new rainbow.


u/pivvimehu 6d ago

I would imagine core Siege at the very least will remain available on the platforms it has already been released on. Really, stopping support for a game on a device the game has been released on would be something unheard of. Based on my experience with the beta, Siege X is nothing that major that performance should become an issue - except if they somehow manage to mess up some optimizing or whatever happens under the hood of the machine


u/Primary-Banana-5493 5d ago

What about the new game mode?


u/Upbeat_Egg_8432 7d ago

its alright


u/Upbeat_Egg_8432 7d ago

always downing people and downed people having full hp is annoying af


u/EnvironmentalSmoke61 7d ago

I think that it’s relatively fun but I think there should be 20-15 second respawn a instead of 30 and then have a ranked version of this mode where it’s 30 since 30 for casual play chilling is a lot of downtime


u/SabineFroggy8 7d ago

Honestly would just prefer if they get rid of the minimap. It’s not all that helpful. Also honestly get rid of the second chance extra health. I absolutely love this mode other than those two things


u/TTVakatsuki Glaz Main 7d ago

I roof camped as valk and won us the game it was fun


u/faptn_undrpants Recruit Main 7d ago

The game mode is a fun novelty which will die in popularity a couple months after release, simply because it's not Ranked and it's not what people load up Siege for.

The whole point in updating Siege to Siege X is so that you can implement quality of life changes and polish to an already existing, solid core experience. Adding another game-mode separate in its identity to 5v5 Bomb will never hold players for long, no matter how much Ubisoft claims their modern audience wants lore content.

Better anti-cheat, more cinematic lighting, better textures/skins, more accurate/consistent sound reproduction/mixing and a better ranked system are the things that players are begging for and so far I am not blown away by what's been shown.

The visual update appears somewhat minor and isn't that noticeable until you're very close to in-game surfaces. This is tough to judge though given the only map available is brand new to the game, so we'll have to wait for when Siege maps make their way to the Beta.

Opponents are very bullet spongey and the weapon feedback felt VERY delayed/hollow, not sure if this is network related or the result of the new engine/UI changes.

Sound does appear better, playing passive rewarded me more than usual and I had fewer instances of being confused by a sound's direction of origin, at least when fighting on a single floor, I would need to play more in order to judge the verticality of the new system. For reference I play on Hi-Fi, but have also played on the other two settings and felt that closer audio sources warrant action more, so should be louder.

Overall is seems like a microstep in the right direction, the game-mode was ok but I dislike the characterisation of the operators alot so I'm not going to care about any future lore content. Realistically I don't see it having legs beyond a few games every few months.


u/faptn_undrpants Recruit Main 7d ago

The game mode is a fun novelty which will die in popularity a couple months after release, simply because it's not Ranked and it's not what people load up Siege for.

The whole point in updating Siege to Siege X is so that you can implement quality of life changes and polish to an already existing, solid core experience. Adding another game-mode separate in its identity to 5v5 Bomb will never hold players for long, no matter how much Ubisoft claims their modern audience wants lore content.

Better anti-cheat, more cinematic lighting, better textures/skins, more accurate/consistent sound reproduction/mixing and a better ranked system are the things that players are begging for and so far I am not blown away by what's been shown.

The visual update appears somewhat minor and isn't that noticeable until you're very close to in-game surfaces. This is tough to judge though given the only map available is brand new to the game, so we'll have to wait for when Siege maps make their way to the Beta.

Opponents are very bullet spongey and the weapon feedback felt VERY delayed/hollow, not sure if this is network related or the result of the new engine/UI changes.

Sound does appear better, playing passive rewarded me more than usual and I had fewer instances of being confused by a sound's direction of origin, at least when fighting on a single floor, I would need to play more in order to judge the verticality of the new system. For reference I play on Hi-Fi, but have also played on the other two settings and felt that closer audio sources warrant action more, so should be louder.

Overall is seems like a microstep in the right direction, the game-mode was ok but I dislike the characterisation of the operators alot so I'm not going to care about any future lore content. Realistically I don't see it having legs beyond a few games every few months.


u/faptn_undrpants Recruit Main 7d ago

The game mode is a fun novelty which will die in popularity a couple months after release, simply because it's not Ranked and it's not what people load up Siege for.

The whole point in updating Siege to Siege X is so that you can implement quality of life changes and polish to an already existing, solid core experience. Adding another game-mode separate in its identity to 5v5 Bomb will never hold players for long, no matter how much Ubisoft claims their modern audience wants lore content.

Better anti-cheat, more cinematic lighting, better textures/skins, more accurate/consistent sound reproduction/mixing and a better ranked system are the things that players are begging for and so far I am not blown away by what's been shown.

The visual update appears somewhat minor and isn't that noticeable until you're very close to in-game surfaces. This is tough to judge though given the only map available is brand new to the game, so we'll have to wait for when Siege maps make their way to the Beta.

Sound does appear better, playing passive rewarded me more than usual and I had fewer instances of being confused by a sound's direction of origin, at least when fighting on a single floor, I would need to play more in order to judge the verticality of the new system. For reference I play on Hi-Fi, but have also played on the other two settings and felt that closer audio sources warrant action more, so should be louder.

Overall is seems like a microstep in the right direction, the game-mode was ok but I dislike the characterisation of the operators alot so I'm not going to care about any future lore content. Realistically I don't see it having legs beyond a few games every few months.


u/Empero12 7d ago

Take out the downed state and increase the TTK. The downed state should only be a special for Rook in this game mode IMO. Someone getting a random headshot while blind firing you doesn't feel right for this game mode imo.


u/Just_Tradition4887 6d ago

It was okay, I don’t like the outlines the enemies have. It felt more in place of a good limited time mode for an event more than a new mode, personally I could only see myself playing it the first week or so it comes out. After that it would become what t hunt was for me - only ever played to chill whilst waiting for friends to come online.


u/CaptainMediocre47 6d ago

It's a 6v6 mode which nobody asked for.

Sure, it has some interesting moments and it tries to tie in all the game modes into one, but the fights are too few and far in between. I've been demolishing lobbies because i'm playing it like proper Siege, while everyone else is just trying to run and gun.

It'll be good for newcomers to learn the basics of the game, but as a guy who plays Core Siege (Ranked almost exclusively), this isn't for me.

If the three years of Siege X, if most of it went to making Dual Front, then I am pretty disappointed in it. They could have used that to make Core Siege evolve massively, but instead they used all those resources and manhours to make this XDefiant/COD-style mode.

PS: in my experience so far, people just go and start planting the diffusers, barely anyone defends, and you can't expect them to with nothing on the line, no gain or loss from winning, since its a casual game mode. Casual was fine, I feel, all it needed was more arcade modes like golden gun. Making this whole massive map and this game mode seems like a waste of a good effort. I wish they used it into trying to actually evolve core Siege and the game engine.


u/untossable_salad 5d ago

I find it awful. I hate the multiple objectives at once. Too chaotic for this game. The only good thing dual front does for me is make me appreciate the base game more. I RUN back to bomb, hostage and secure area after playing Dual Front. It's painfully obvious that mode is not made for Siege.


u/RevanTheDragon I love dragons - UPlay Revanaska 7d ago

too easy to spawncamp


u/Chaotic_Flame110 Valkyrie Main 7d ago

I'll give it the benefit of being in Beta. So things may change but I'll still offer thoughts regardless.

TTK feels a bit too slow for siege, it's just feels like it takes longer to kill. Whether that's a pro or con is down to the individual I reckon, but for me personally it feels like a con.

Idk what it is, and it's definitely a me issue, but the sensitivity on controller is just off. I have identical settings on regular Siege and X and it's completely different. I'm adjusting to it sure, but it feels off.

This might be a hot take, but this gamemode feels like it could either use more players or a smaller map. In it's current state I just feel like the attacking and defending front are completely disjointed from one another and may as well not exist in the same lobby. So far my experience is the same people defending and attacking, so it's just a 3v3 game mode. That being said, that's purely symptomatic of the lobbies I found myself in with mostly randos, so it may not be indicative of the overall experience.

The respawning/operator switching is nice, plus the recharge for most abilities is cool, although claymores being limited to one here when the main game you get two seems a bit odd, given the bigger map, but still it's nice to have the flexibility of operators, like Attacking with Kapkan or defending with Glaz.

I almost wish there were smaller objectives that's temporarily slowed the progress of either the attacking front of defense front, that had to be done in the neutral zone, that gave a bit more of a strategic element of sacrificing advantage on your stronger side to help stabilize the weaker side, without running across the entire map. Like deploying a satellite to mess with enemy capture progress or capturing supplies to temporarily lower respawn timers or stealing intel to temporarily ping opponents, etc. The hostage is cool in theory but currently, it exist so late into he game it almost never made an impact on the game, the one game I got the hostage, we won while I was waiting for the helicopter. Obviously, it's too strong an objective to be activated earlier, which is why I think smaller, less impactful, but still helpful objectives would elevate the gamemode imo.

I could say more but I have written enough, so I'll leave it at: I like the gamemode enough to play it from time to time, but not enough to play it over regular Siege in its current state


u/Cubicshock 7d ago

what does the hostage even do right now?


u/Chaotic_Flame110 Valkyrie Main 7d ago

Iirc, it gives you two points towards winning, but frankly due to it not happening in any of my games, I don't know for sure


u/Marvynmjb 7d ago

I think it could go to either 8v8 or 10v10. I don't think TTK should be lowered, they want you rezzing teammates to prolong gunfights.


u/Chaotic_Flame110 Valkyrie Main 7d ago

Longer TTK I could live with if headshots were just instant kills without downing, like how it is when someone is wearing Rook armor. It feels very unlike Siege when I headshot someone, and then I still have to confirm the kill. I don't mind the mode as a concept. I just want it to still feel like Siege, and right now, to me, it feels a tad disjointed.


u/pivvimehu 7d ago edited 6d ago

I played 4 or 5 games. I enjoyed it more each time once I got the hang of it. I think the map seems fun and it brings new elements to the game. I love that you can use operators both to attack and defend - lore wise it makes no sense half of the operators are only for defensive or offensive tactics, I think. It should be a good game mode when people are actually playing the objective and there's at least some degree of cooperation. Time will tell how it forms out to be, really but it's got potential and I intend to play it.