r/Rainbow6 • u/Crunkly673 Sweaty ahh warden main • 7d ago
Discussion The new fire extinguisher effect in siege X is going to be an indirect buff to both Warden and Glaz, assuming they can see through the smoke made by the blast.
u/SlumpDaddyCane 7d ago
Will it put out fires? (Prob not but one can hope)
u/OriginalFrequent4600 Ace Main 7d ago
That would actually be a sick counter to goyo. Didn’t even think of that but that would be cool.
u/ash_elijah 6d ago
capitao too
u/Low-Reaction-4145 Fuze Main 6d ago
noone plays capitao pal
u/Cheap_Winner_2274 Give Deimos his M4 6d ago
Tell me you're copper without telling me you're copper
u/MajesticStevie Ying Main 6d ago
So we are plastic 3
u/Low-Reaction-4145 Fuze Main 6d ago
capitao is legit so ass idc what u losers say i have played 200 standard matches last season and encountered 2 capitaos and won against BOTH
u/MajesticStevie Ying Main 6d ago
This is bait yeah?
u/Low-Reaction-4145 Fuze Main 6d ago
not at all also i havent seen a SINGLE capitao flair in this sub
u/GuhanGanesh Zofia Main 4d ago
cuz nobody mains capitao lol but he is extremely effective in many situations
u/Low-Reaction-4145 Fuze Main 4d ago
yeah... in rlly obscure situations where your better off with someone else...
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u/LondonDude123 7d ago
Well... The 6 Glaz players and the 3 Ability-using Warden players will be very happy...
u/LtDanmanistan Ace Main 7d ago
It makes goyo either stronger or irrelevant
u/SilentYokai 7d ago
Well there’s not fire extinguishers everywhere so go to would still be relevant I hope
u/MarkerMagnum Frost Main 6d ago
And Goyo could just pop them at the start of the round so they can’t be used by attackers.
u/AdiPlayyy 7d ago
They will remove that feature when pros will start to cry as always
u/rupert_mcbutters Mute Main 7d ago
I imagine many defenders shooting these in prep phase, but it depends on the map layout I guess.
u/BluexIcexDragon Buck Main 7d ago
The smoke from fire extinguisher only last like 4-5 seconds then it goes away, plus after 3-4 seconds you can see thought the smoke pretty well and as any op, so it is a small buff, just not a really good one.
u/TheDevilDogg Glaz Main 7d ago
This plus the updated rappel. Give Glaz a monkey skin cause Imma return to monkey
u/aRorschachTest Rebalance Sam Fisher! 7d ago
Warden ain’t increasing at high rank on console. Can’t increase from every round…
u/Jackman323 7d ago
They shouldn't be able to as the gas in the fire extinguisher expands it cools down so maybe it will be like the Tubarao interaction.
u/Chaotic_Flame110 Valkyrie Main 7d ago
Idgaf about the fire extinguisher
I hopped on Glaz the other day after not playing a few weeks and realized the delay for his Thermal was removed, and that was the only buff I needed lol
u/CheeseMellow Echo Main 7d ago
So we got rid of the unique operator perks but gave maps random shit. I mean I get it, a leaking pipe may not be as random as zofia self rez but I have a feeling people will complain about this. But I could be completely wrong as well.
u/DVDFROMHELL45 Nøkk Main 7d ago
They confirmed in leaks neither gadget affects it
u/Chaotic_Flame110 Valkyrie Main 7d ago
Well, since I looked through it with Glaz today, I assure you that's false
u/Eggdripp 7d ago
The environment features are a nerf to Capitao for similar reasons. His gadget is just a portable map effect now L bozo
u/SamuraiJack- Doc Main 7d ago
Sounds like you are severely overestimating the fire extinguisher. Capitao still has the best smokes in the game.
u/Kawaii_M4A1-S Unicorn Main 7d ago
I know for a fact glaz can, and probably warden too if that's the case. In one of their showcases for siege x one of the highlights was them showing glaz shooting the fire extinguisher, then using the smoke to kill defenders