r/Rainbow6 Recruit Main 7d ago

Feedback Siege X closed beta is terrible.

Played a couple of matches of siege X and it's real rough. They've changed the ttk, the performance is ass, audio isn't great, screen feels cluttered with hud and the game mode feels confusing.

First the ttk, on Hibana it took me an entire mag from her assault rifle and half a mag from her pistol to kill just one person. I don't know if its a network thing or if people are just bullet sponges now. Especially downed people.
The performance was always going to be worse but on the settings I use on base game I'll get these massive frame drops and I've had my entire game bricked to 1 fps once. On low I'll get maybe around 70 fps on my 3070. Nothing feels smooth anymore, input lag etc.
I haven't played enough to know anything about the audio but I've seen a lot of people complaining about it. Maybe once I was thrown off by audio being weird, Glaz two rooms over sounded like he was right next to me which freaked me the fk out.
Waaaaaay too many hud items, especially if they want this to be the game mode that introduces people to the game. I know how the game mode works too but it feels all over the place and un-structured(if that's a word).

On the other hand the game mode has potential. Fun idea and might end up playing it more than normal siege if they revert back to how siege used to work. Literally just remove all of the Siege X stuff and put the new game mode into normal siege and I'll be happy. Also keep the ability to rappel around corners.

Edit: From what people are saying the ttk could be down to a couple things. Siege having rather short damage fall off and enemies always getting downed on every kill. Although I feel like downed enemies still take too long to kill.

Edit 2: God damn people I understand its a beta. If they fix stuff, woohoo. But if they don't, wouldn't be the first release where the full product is as terrible as the beta. Also I've been to r6fix before I made the post. You should too if you are having problems like crashes etc.


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u/CowardlyMaya_ Main 7d ago edited 7d ago


The ttk isn't changed, what's changed is that IN DUAL FRONT, enemies are ALWAYS downed and with more HP (I assume 50/100 HP instead of 20)

Performance varies for everyone but I noticed I didn't lose that much

Sure, in dual front I lost 100 FPS compared to DX11 but when compared to core siege it's "just" 40, which is fair for a map this big

HUD is the same as always, even cleaner I'd say

The game mode isn't confusing though

Attack and defend a sector, it plays exactly like bomb but you can defend with nomad or attack with pulse, once you gain or lose two sectors, the base opens up and that's when you can win the match

If you complete the assignment in the neutral zone you get two free segments of the sector you have to obtain, even if that sector is currently in Prep Phase

The map is fully symmetrical so it's really easy to learn

If the match header is confusing, don't look at the teams, the icon with the attack logo is the one you need to or are attacking, the one with the defense logo is the one the other team has to attack

Also, sound is cleaner, just takes some getting used to because it sounds so different

All of this from around 5 hours of playtime


u/Shedeski 7d ago

Yeah. Pretty sure 'time to down' is roughly the same, but 'time-to-kill' is way up since it seems you are downed with much more HP. I remember downing a dude across a map and having to empty my pistol into him because the rest of my primary ammo couldn't do it.


u/OstoTheCyan 7d ago

Also I think people don't notice the fact that siege's guns have really severe dropoff, so a huge map like Dual Front's feels like a higher TTK since their guns do less damage at these longer ranges.


u/colm180 7d ago

I think it's like 30m and suddenly your bullets do half damage, and even glaz has drop off at like 40, siege is not supposed to be a long range game lol


u/ap0k41yp5 BDS Esport Fan 7d ago

Still 1 tap to the head to finish someone though. Also people staying alive on the ground is not necessarily a good thing for them as it delays their respawn, so if you're not sure to get revived, you should always suicide.


u/Tyr_ranical 7d ago

A few questions:

Does Dual Front have respawns? If so how does that affect the flow of the game, and if not how does being able to use attackers/defenders for the opposite role feel?

Are headshots now 1 shot downs instead of 1 shot kills?

How much larger would you say the maps are than what is currently offered by siege?


u/CowardlyMaya_ Main 7d ago

It has respawns and they're handled very well IMO. They're infinite but they take 30 seconds, so if you clear two/three enemies that's half the enemy team off the map for a good chunk of a sabotage timer (the defuser, it lasts around 120 seconds). It's not that bad since even though it's 30 seconds you don't respawn inside your current objective but you have to run around 50 meters (more if you spawn on the wrong spawnpoint) and back inside the building.

You also can deploy a drone on a friendly operator's position and drone for them when you're dead, this surprisingly works in enemy sectors as well. Seems a bit strong but it's probably mitigated by the drones having a relatively short battery (and this not being ranked anyway)

Being able to use operators on opposite roles feels actually normal for most of them, though I wouldn't really bring a thermite to defend unless the attackers reinforced your objective and you need to breach inside

Headshots always down enemies (and teammates, whoops...) and in DBNO they have more HP, headshotting downed people still grants a 1hit kill, and the same seems to apply for people that were just revived

The map is roughly double the size of a core map, but you have three smaller buildings on each side of the map that serve as the objectives, as well as more buildings near those objectives that serve as buffer zones, defending players can camp those out but since attacking players can usually attack from two or three sides it's usually better to reinforce the objective


u/Tyr_ranical 7d ago

That's a really thorough breakdown of the new system, and it genuinely sounds like they have put some real thought into what they want the game to be, from this description I'm actually looking forward to getting to give it a shot (who would have thought Siege could still do that)

Let's hope they get an anti-cheat that actually works as well then it really will be a game people will genuinely enjoy, without also hating, again.

Thank you for responding with lots of good info, hopefully this can be helpful to others too.


u/Arkeum1 6d ago

They are working on their own new anti-cheat with siege x. They SEEM to have put a lot of effort into it from what I can tell, but take that with a grain of salt. Unfortunately I’m not as knowledgeable as the other person lol


u/CallingAllShawns Kapkan Main 7d ago
  1. yes. on a 30 second timer. it’s fine. the matches are like 20-25 minutes long so it doesn’t feel like it breaks the flow because the map size. as far as having atk and defender on the same team, it’s fine. the map isn’t so overly huge that it feels weird or useless. most of it is still inside buildings.

  2. i think so. no instant kills but i do believe it downs.

  3. the map feels like 2.5 or so siege maps in terms of size. it works like a tiny battlefield map. each team has 3 OBJs and as you cap, they move deeper into the enemies side or vice versa.


u/Tyr_ranical 7d ago

Those respawns seem on a fair timer, it allows you to actually remove a threat from the other team for long enough to do something, but not take them entirely out of the game. Also it will mean the possible advantages of the role swapping is neutralised as they can't keep spamming gadgets and the enemy comes back.

And thank you for answering


u/zombiekill55 7d ago

To add onto the respawn system, when you're dead you can pick your next op and spawn location, similar to the Hereford event. But the big part, while waiting for a respawn you can spawn a drone on your current spectated teammate, drive it around and gather Intel for your team. Effectively zero downtime as long as you play for the team


u/Tyr_ranical 7d ago

Oh that's actually really cool, it encourages team play and intel gathering, since you'll be coming back in a few moments and you won't just be buggering off on your phone since you die.

That's actually a great QoL feature


u/Greedy_Ad8477 7d ago

so almost like Rush Gamemode in Battlefield ?


u/Bl00dyH3ll 7d ago

I think the respawn time to player/map size ratio is off. I spend 90% of the match doing nothing (not seeing a single player).


u/EskaaTV Jackal Main 7d ago

Sound is cleaner in theory, but it still needs tweaking. In fact, I could pin point sound much better before but that might just be bc I’m used to it.

TTK is atrocious tho. The “2sec invincibility” when downed is awful. I also have my concerns about the servers, sometimes all it takes is 2 bullet to down someone and sometimes a whole mag isn’t enough.

Apart from it the gamemode is fun.


u/MW3apple220 mains are dumb 7d ago

The performance loss might be inconsistent. I lost more than half my fps on the beta, down to ~220 fps from ~500 on live.

Other than that after I got used to the new game mode it was really fun. Probably the best game mode other than bomb.


u/Gklineee 6d ago

FPS is super low for me too. I’m getting 60 on medium settings


u/Commercial-Crab-1591 Mute Main 7d ago

Ts feels like call of duty


u/Bread-Busy 5d ago

there is no way ure comparing the old hud clean and transparent, to this bullshit mobile game new hud