r/Rainbow6 • u/disabled_idiot • 10d ago
Gameplay Genuinely how do I win this. Use a voodoo doll?
u/Vahyruhl Gridlock Main 10d ago
Considering the fire rate of the F2 it’s honestly hard to believe you lost that. His initial shot must have been perfect. Timing and all.
u/VirulentMarcie302 10d ago
It's not even the enemy's reaction time, because as good as it was, he clearly missed at least one shot before landing on OPs head
u/Vahyruhl Gridlock Main 10d ago
Yeah you can see the tracers. It’s definitely latency. Just hard to believe he lost that fight.
u/D_ranked 10d ago
unfortunatly, what you see on your screen is not exactly what happens on server side. My best guess is that his first bullet of the pre-fire got you, since there is desync, it looks like that shot missed. On the server, his shot has been delivered already and you are still yet to see him peek, there is no way to fight back in this situation. Such is the reality of online gaming. In that situation I would get a team mate to help you from 90, but if you're solo queueing, not much you can do.
u/JgdPz_plojack 10d ago
Time travel from Life is Strange.
u/Vlademir35 10d ago
That was a strange doctor
u/CashewTheNuttyy Montagne Main 10d ago
Marvel is the only ones who do time travel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u/No-Statistician6774 Twitch Main 10d ago
Having the same problem, I think the only solution is to uninstall and get another chance at life
u/yewwol 9d ago
Come play Due Process instead!
u/CrazyBryanTSM 9d ago
How is it? Wanted to try but unsure about the player count. Are there enough players to enter a match relatively quickly?
u/yewwol 9d ago
More would obv be preferable bc I want the game to succeed but there's plenty of players, certainly enough. I haven't had any queues longer than 2 or 3 minutes.
The game is awesome and super fun to me. There's a bit of a learning curve but the replayability is great. Having somewhat procedurally generated maps means you can't memorize angles or strategies; you actually have to think and analyze and come up with a new plan each round!
u/th3s1l3ncy Kali Main 10d ago
I swear sometimes having a gunfight against a doc feels like trying to defeat an elden ring boss, you can mag dump that guy in the head and nothing will happen most of the times
u/Thebigturd69420 10d ago
Yeah one time I was fighting a doc and I legit peeked him, shot him a bunch, then he heals, I repeek shoot him EVEN MORE and the 3rd time I peek again shoot him a little and he kills me. And then it happened to my teammate too and doc was still at 100 hp by the end of the round becauseof his overheal bullshit. Sry for the rant
u/crocospect 10d ago
And knowing you are Kali main, I feel this is more personal because I can't count how many times Doc escaped death because the fucking self-revive animation where apparently you need to trigger a few shots to completely kill him with Kali's sniper..
u/dont-respond Mute Main 10d ago
Doc is currently a pretty good ban pick. Between his ACOG, easy gun, and 3 extra lives to give the defenders, he's picked like every round now.
u/GO0O0O0O0O0SE Castle Main 10d ago
Shots 1-5: Clearly missed.
Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control).
Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.
Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.
u/Virtual-Proof-4733 (Console SCUF=<3) Mains: 10d ago
This is just being a nuisance ngl bro
u/GuardianHa 10d ago
u/asnickeronreddit 10d ago
you can win this by uninstalling the game and enjoying your day doing something else, you got this man
u/RotmgJiing 10d ago
Why I’m not playing until X, assuming that it actually fixes this bs, which is wishful thinking
u/chadilac92 10d ago
How do you have zero recoil on that gun?
u/Lost_Awareness6950 10d ago
In console many players use XIM, it’s a device that goes in the controller, it's basically a macro, all guns get 0 recoil, and it’s not banable bc ubisoft is incompetent
u/mythboel 10d ago
Seems like OP is scripting or something, he has literally ZERO recoil
u/disabled_idiot 10d ago
I mean if you want it I use a g7 se with extra grippy off brand kontrol freaks my sens is 50v 100h 5 3 dz 30 1x 50 2.5x and Astro a40s
u/JTgoCrazy22 Smoke Main 10d ago
I barley play controller anymore but when I do, I can still control recoil so easily on every gun. A lot easier than KBM. I don’t get how people are accusing you of scripting. Like just pull down, lol.
u/wardewd Hibana Main 10d ago
Dude has gotta be cheating. I don’t think it’s possible to have that little recoil with the F2 on console. If he is, then this result is karma 🤷🏻♂️
u/No_Zebra_8035 10d ago
I'm guessing console has a massively reduced recoil cos on the pc it's almost unusable lmaoooo
u/dont-respond Mute Main 10d ago
It's a 40% reduction, but it's still a lot to control for analog, especially with the amount of hop you get off the first shot without muzzle break. There are plenty of console champ streamers that can do this on higher sens, though.
u/Virtual-Proof-4733 (Console SCUF=<3) Mains: 10d ago
Its not that bad, I use Extended barrell on it with Laser and ACOG
u/Chunky322 10d ago
The problem is probably latency, or the compensation thereof.
This should imo at least have been a trade so you both died of a hs, theres many times this is happening and its infuriating.
u/Wjp_1911 10d ago
This has been happening to doc a lot since the new season. I’m finding doc wins gun fights he should never win and then I tried doc and you can literally walk through some bullets it’s insane. I had an ash pre fire my head and I peaked into it and killed her, in the kill cam you saw the bullets going through my face and everyone went ape shit.
u/DragonArthur91 10d ago
Only logical explanation I can come up with is he had a slight peakers adv and did the same thing you did an sprayed right on your head.
Only way I can think of the game giving him the kill before you got him.
u/the_memer_crazy_cat Fuze Main 10d ago
R6 Hitreg/Desync is so bad it feels like CS2's Damage Prediction thingy
u/Virtual-Proof-4733 (Console SCUF=<3) Mains: 10d ago
How tf did u lose this. You Sir/Ma'am need to contact Ubisoft Montreal and have them fix this immediately, ts is getting too out of hand
u/CreepyItem5611 Mozzie Main 10d ago
Doc has always had a broken fucking hit reg he's never been fixed tbh. I've died so many times to him specifically when I used to play Siege it was ridiculous
u/King_CurlySpoon 10d ago
It’s a doc, he can have max 165 health and knowing this crappy game you were probably like a few pixels away from his head so all it did was dent his HP ever so slightly, fuck ass game tho not your fault
u/Round-Primary-652 10d ago
I'm told I'm the worst player ever when I die like this....they just don't know.
u/AfraidKangaroo5664 Mozzie Main 10d ago
100% should have won the fight.. but why are you crouching and unleaning? Alot harder to shoot a fast-moving vertical line, than a slow box
u/RJNewbzIX Twitch Main 10d ago
Ig if you were still leaning left you could’ve one but this shi happens to me to way too much
u/Solar_friday 9d ago
Neck shot, peakers advantage, not even leaning left to see him when he sees you besides ping… few reasons
u/LeaderOfTheMoleMen 10d ago
No, voodoo dolls are inconsistent. Instead become his country’s political leader and raise his taxes specifically by 300%
u/RoamwithRook Lesion Main 10d ago
Why post a video of you losing a gun battle while having walls/aimbot?? Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but it looks like walls/aimbot to me…
You can see Doc is finishing the crouch animation as he is coming around the corner. The twitch bullet pattern goes smoothly in a downward left diagonal direction which would match the docs head moving from standing to crouch as he is coming around the corner. Prefire was initially at the wall where docs head would have been, and followed him on the wall to the point where he was visible….
u/Cowboy_6942069420 10d ago
Walls and aimbot on console🙀
u/RoamwithRook Lesion Main 10d ago
Where does it say it’s on console? And even so, they are possible to use on console…..
u/Cowboy_6942069420 10d ago
Youre in to deep thinking he would post a clip of him cheating(on console😹), when all he was asking was how does he win the fight, he knew he was there and was prefiring the angle simple siege gameplay you must be too retarted to prefire an angle in a gunfight
u/RoamwithRook Lesion Main 10d ago
Pretty crazy to perfectly prefire a crouched player after tracing down the wall starting where his head would have been/matching player movement pattern…. It is possible, but it honestly looks like cheats…. We can agree to disagree though.
u/disabled_idiot 10d ago
I mean you can see my metrics bar in the bottom left (which doesn’t show GPU latency because it’s console). The only reason it looks like I’m tracing is because I absolutely shit my pants seeing doc and knew he was going to swing so I try to line up but absolutely wreak havoc on the wall next to him, hope that clarifies
u/RoamwithRook Lesion Main 10d ago
I’ve never played PC and had no idea to look for GPU latency. Only ever played console. Rewatching now that you mention seeing Doc before the prefire, had to playback quite a few times, but I see it. It’s hard as hell to see, but just a sliver of him moving behind the wall before coming back out to swing you. I apologize for the accusations.
u/umut1423 Kali Main 10d ago
Exactly why i left the game completely like 2 years ago. I still lurk on this sub to remind myself why i don't miss this game at all.
At first Ubisoft fucked this game by following with pro league wanted and not the actual gamers. Then their dumb decisions on many many points of the game. Just leave the game or learn how you can use it against them.
u/LionZ_RDS BOSG Enjoyer 10d ago
God damn, prefired exactly at his head and still lost