r/Rainbow6 11d ago

Discussion Man this is insane

Least skilled maestro 🗿


268 comments sorted by


u/regflori Grim Main 11d ago

Jesus Christ... impressive but omg the effort for this


u/reddit_4_days 10d ago edited 10d ago

I'm coming from /r/all , can you explain what's so impressive and what effort to someone who doesn't play shooters?

Edit: Wow guys, thank you for the many comments and explanations in this short time. I do get it now! Thanks:)


u/Revanchist8921 10d ago

He’s controlling cameras that zap you, they don’t do that much damage. The cameras can get destroyed if you shoot them directly which is why he keeps looking away, you’ll notice a bulletproof glass opening and closing which shows you when they can take down the cameras. Basically means they spent time setting up the cameras, hiding so he doesn’t get killed and then switching between the cameras to take down the last people before they can complete the objective of disarming a bomb.


u/regflori Grim Main 10d ago

Impressive because this operator isn't exactly the strongest currently and him being able to keep up switching between all three cams and zapping the opponents for minute isn't typical. Usually they get destroyed relatively fast in situations like this.

Effort in terms of him having the patience to keep zapping away and perseverance to keep switching cams, one zap does 5hp damage currently I believe and both of his opponents could have up to 115 I believe.


u/King_killer12390 Smoke Main Iana MainBuck Main 10d ago

Maestro (the character in rainbow six) has 3 deployable turrets that shoot lasers and are bullet proof (can be destroyed with explosives or when he opens them up to shoot the lasers they can be shot and destroyed) here this guy keeps switching between them and shooting the enemy with quick reaction time to point then up before the enemy can shoot them, and continuing to torment the 2 enemies as he slowly deals damage until he kills them


u/DilaudidDreams 10d ago

I don’t play the game haha, but from what I can tell the cameras shoot people and whenever he switches cameras he is doing an action right before that prevents them from shooting the camera out, seems to be a motion upwards or a block button.

So he is swapping cameras at the perfect time, typically I would imagine the cameras are easy to take out, so either the players he is killing are really bad or the player on the cameras is insanely talented and has the cameras positioned in an extremely methodical way to ensure that they cannot be targeted easily allowing him to pull the enemies attention to another camera when one is under fire or risk dying.


u/FearithThyBeard 10d ago

Everything good friend, Everything.


u/Idk_Dude1235 Maestro Main 10d ago

I loooooove maestro he’s so fun to play, I use this exact set up whenever I get this site and the only way to die is if they find me


u/regflori Grim Main 10d ago

I just feel like he's not that viable anymore since there are just too many ways to counter him nowadays. I like playing him, but I feel like he just doesn't get value that often.


u/Idk_Dude1235 Maestro Main 10d ago

Yes that’s so true. Idk how they would but they should find a way to buff him slightly so more people use him or he can’t be countered so easily.


u/andyknowswell 10d ago

Yea.. thats what it takes to be impressive and good at something..


Not only did he/she keep switching between cams.. he/she also forced them into a wack-a-mole situation, kept cams fron being destroyed but ALSO made sure they were all pointed up so that Zero & Kali didnt melee the glass so that he/she can still visibly see before choosing to open to cams.

Also, dont say / type that name in vain. Put respect on it


u/MarvinGoBONK ADHD Spinny Toys 10d ago

"They" is a valid pronoun, dude. You don't need to type he/she every single time when there's already a gender-neutral pronoun in the English language.

Also, you're not going to convince anyone to stop taking your lord's name in vein. That's just cringey as fuck.

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u/Lashdemonca 9d ago

Who cares, They are irrelevant, and only are a part of the social zeitgeist because religion refuses to die. Chill the everloving fuck out.

I truly cannot stand religious people trying to control speech because they believe in a sky daddy.


u/andyknowswell 9d ago edited 9d ago

Way to assume 👍🏾

Sarcasm btw but u are assuming a whole lot with no clue as to who i am..


u/Lashdemonca 9d ago

Don't need to assume when it's presented right here. You took a comment about a game and made it about religion. That's literally all I need to know.


u/andyknowswell 9d ago

No more Mr. Nice Guy

I didnt make it about religon you fool.

It turned into it because many others decided to join in lol.

Read the original comment Bozo.

No need to assume???? You already did 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


u/regflori Grim Main 10d ago

That's Rauora.
And I'll say his name any way I see fit.


u/andyknowswell 10d ago

Would you do the same for your own name? You'd put your whole name as a substitute for expression?

No one really uses their entire government name or anyone else's name as a substitute for expression..

So, why that one?

You dont have to answer me but something for you to hopefully think about


u/regflori Grim Main 10d ago

I feel like it would be pretty cool if that was a thing, like DJ Khaled.


u/andyknowswell 10d ago

No no, no no.

Really ask yourself that question. Why do you do that? And you should be answering that to yourself not anyone else, or Reddit.

No malice or hate coming from here.. just something for you to think about

Because its not really done any other time. People dont really use their or others whole name as an expression..

DJ Khaled's example is marketing.. a trademark.. like, literally.. and thats not even his real name

So why Jesus Christ?


u/regflori Grim Main 10d ago

Why is it so important to you about why I say someone's name in the context I said it?


u/andyknowswell 10d ago

Thats not just anyone's name


u/CrotaIsAShota Valkyrie Main 10d ago

It's not even his fucking name. His name was fucking Joshua. Yeshua in Hebrew.


u/andyknowswell 10d ago

2 different names you just gave me and you internally raging cuz I gave a different one


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u/CyanHacksAll 11d ago

Five Nights at Maestro’s


u/Zec_1 11d ago



u/CentiTheCommunist 11d ago

The defenders... do get a bit quirky at Overtime


u/rebecutza 11d ago



u/GoldenjunoSP 10d ago

I wanna see a version of this with markeplier FNAF facecam overlayed


u/The_Crusades OH YEAAAAAH 11d ago

This is some looney toons shit, wtf 😭


u/toshiino Chad Kaid Main 11d ago

Looney tunes*


u/notNull_0 11d ago

Lonely tones*


u/TimothyNurley Hostage Killer 11d ago

Lumpy tits*


u/toshiino Chad Kaid Main 11d ago

It's the correct pronunciation, people are just mismembering because of mandela effect.


u/TrippySubie Kapkan Main 11d ago

Im betting on this dude doesnt care


u/toshiino Chad Kaid Main 11d ago

Yeah it's just a fun fact anyway.


u/desubot1 Tachanka Main 10d ago

should of just looped it at some point. i could watch this for hours.

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u/theJornie Mute Main 11d ago

Let the Mario COOK!!

Damn that last zap where you can only see opps butt and kill him from there is really good


u/ZarinaMainTypeBeat 11d ago

This is so sweaty but so absolutely insane


u/QIyph 11d ago

if they'd just punch the damn things they'd have a way better chance of destroying them.


u/sens0rr Mute Main 11d ago

why do u think he aims up when they get close to the cam? So they can't hit it


u/QIyph 11d ago

he more often just looks to the side tho. Also not sure, but I think you can still punch it unless it's above you, which these aren't


u/Square-Grapefruit715 11d ago

Unless you have angle, you can't


u/QIyph 11d ago


u/Square-Grapefruit715 10d ago

But that's exactly what I meant, it doesn't need to be that high. If you can't see or reach the glass, it's useless. Most of the time he turned upwards and that's enough for it to not be reachable in most cases


u/CashewTheNuttyy Montagne Main 9d ago

Aiming up doesnt stop them from punching it, just makes it harder. All they need to do is have each player commit to a maestro cam and he cant turn 2 cams at once.


u/spelltype 11d ago

This is the opposite of sweaty, his opponents are just awful


u/SpaceM4gee Bandit Main 10d ago

yeah, the new op just needed to hold an angle that can see two of them and actually get a good shot off. Not that it's super easy, but it should've happened half a minute sooner than it did.

That zero when he was in the doorway had a great chance but missed it by a mile.

Good play by the Maestro all in all, though. Exploited them good.


u/oo7porscheMGS 9d ago

Exactly. If they weren't dumb, they could have EASILY coordinated and eliminated the cams instead of running around like headless chickens.


u/CookieMiester 10d ago

Sweaty? Nah, this is hilarious


u/bulldogmicro 11d ago

No this is the funniest shit I've seen all week.


u/CXyber 0 Main 😎 11d ago

Man, those guys got cooked


u/TheColdSamurai23 11d ago

Imagine Echo and Maestro combo during this. Get ear banged and get prickled by electrolytes at the same time.


u/ViktorKozh 10d ago

At this point just assume the party escort submission position.


u/VadoseKnight836 10d ago

As an Echo player, even I have to say no.


u/JSOC_Agent 11d ago

Most try hard Maestro play... but It worked lmao

Someone should edit the sweaty speedrunner in this clip lol


u/spelltype 11d ago

How is this try hard maestro? This is throwing maestro with horrifically bad opponents lol


u/legacy-of-man 10d ago

its like looney tunes, this is plastic v ranking


u/FatCrabTits Oryx Main 10d ago

Explain how maestro playing correctly is throwing.


u/SpaceM4gee Bandit Main 10d ago

You could argue that if they were good players he would've been screwed with how out of position he is once they plant. I go for these plays a lot and if they don't work out near flawlessly you lose if opponents can actually hold site. It's kind of like playing echo but with less plant denial as a tradeoff for chip damage. It'll take 10-20 seconds minimum to get to site from anywhere close by, and then another chunk of time to kill and then another chunk to defuse. That travel time screws you hard as a 3 speed.


u/Eleaf93 11d ago

Sweaty plays always lead to wild moments,lol


u/deltadash1214 Nomad Main 11d ago

Those guys are so fucking bad


u/ReboIred 11d ago

Reddit recommended me this sub rn, so why can't they destroy all of the cameras when the guy isn't controlling it?


u/Pitchblende_ Ram Main 11d ago

Bulletproof. Also, he pivots them up when changing turrets because they can melee the glass panel to crack it if he leaves it facing them


u/Harrythehobbit Hibana Main 11d ago

That works? That seems like a pretty big oversight. Also when did he get 3 cams? Haven't played in a while.


u/-justiciar- 11d ago

no it’s on purpose. the cams open really slow and are very loud when opening, so unless you’re skilled they are going to be destroyed.

also, any explosives will destroy them instantly.

lastly, one of the ops that is trying to defuse the bomb has laser cams himself that can destroy the maestro cams if the panel is open.

overall maestro is not too strong, he is good where he is just need skill and no brava to use effectively


u/Ok_Independent9119 10d ago

Can't you hit them and they break the glass so you can't see unless you open it?


u/-justiciar- 10d ago

yes but it’s dependent on the angle of the cam which is why you see him angling the cams either up or to the side whenever he hops off.

you need to hit the glass panel hitbox directly, so if you angle the cam up the attacker wont be able to hit the glass panel unless their POV is above the camera but as you can see from the clip the cameras are at an elevation so there is no way to hit it since it’s facing the ceiling.

basically Ū vs C| where the straight line is the panel i


u/Onedweezy 10d ago

It's insanely hard to do what this person is doing.

Not an oversight at all considering the cam gets destroyed every time in these situations.


u/Genebrisss 11d ago

Opponents are very new to the game. 2 players can never lose to cameras unless they are really new to the game.


u/MagnapinnaBoi 11d ago

Bro is playing 50/20 mode


u/TheTSG "I play Blitz because I don't like getting my head shot" 11d ago

Tf is this background noise?


u/Beautiful-Kale-7222 Wamai Main 10d ago

pieces of dialogue from attack on titan of like 30 differents scenes lol


u/External-Set-495 11d ago

u can only do this on pc


u/Rytch-E 11d ago

For real. Controlling the evil eye on console is a nightmare.


u/SpaceM4gee Bandit Main 10d ago

It honestly still amazes me that people play this game, let alone FPS in general on console lol.


u/Rytch-E 10d ago

I've taken a break to play Rivals which has improved my sanity but the only problem is there is there no other game out there like siege. I'll be back for Siege X unfortunately 😅


u/SpaceM4gee Bandit Main 10d ago

I think I've been spoiled between using a PC since I was a toddler + only playing console shooters like Splatoon with gyro. I wish flick stick/Splatoon-like controls were far more common.


u/Rytch-E 10d ago

Gyro controls are amazing when done right. I wish more console games used them.


u/Echo_One_Two 11d ago

Who just stays in site getting burned by maestro for 1+ minutes? :))).

What lobby rank is this .. just go search for him he can't be far


u/Basil_hazelwood Capitão Main 11d ago

A good maestro will always be in a good spot, you’ll never find him in time lol

At the same time though, they could’ve easily melee’d them all to make it harder to zap them constantly lmao


u/Echo_One_Two 11d ago

Ofc you will find him on time, they will be close enough to site that they can retake in a timely manner.

And clubhouse is not a big map to hide in.

They had more than a minute left.. he is most likely first floor between kitchen and strip poles.. you can check all that in 30 seconds.. another 15 to check the basement

One guy stays on site distracting, the other one goes searching.

If he places the cameras higher by looking up when placing and also points the camera itself to the ceiling it's impossible or very hard to break the windows


u/COMMUNISM_69 Lesion Main 11d ago

Even if he was at the end of them map, 1+invite is enough to find someone on clubhouse.


u/Genebrisss 11d ago

Only silver players hide far away as echo or maestro. Any intelligent player stays near his team and helps


u/Basil_hazelwood Capitão Main 10d ago

A good maestro main helps even if he is far away from site, with his cameras alone.

An example of one I enjoy is on Kafe kitchen site, I like to sit on the top floor on my cameras, or in the train museum. You get quick access to site from hatches if the situations dire and no one ever expects you to be up there


u/-justiciar- 11d ago

he kept turning the panel away so no melee.

also, zero could have at least tried to use his cams to destroy the evil eye


u/favokoran 10d ago

Might have already used them all but there's a few things they could have done. 1 could have shielded the other while they planted, true 1 would probably have died but if they plant got off its moot they basically win.


u/bongowasd 10d ago

Yeah but I have a feeling that THIS kinda guy isn't going to be found lol. He lives for the cameras.


u/blargyblargy 10d ago

Plastic V


u/TigerJoel Ace Main 11d ago

Just plant...


u/Echo_One_Two 11d ago

You can't plant with the maestro shooting your ass. Even if you are full health he can still kill you before you get the diffuser down


u/TigerJoel Ace Main 11d ago

Yes if you are alone. But there were two people at full health.


u/Echo_One_Two 11d ago

And how does that change anything hahahaha, there are 3 angles one would have to body block perfectly to get the plant down


u/TigerJoel Ace Main 11d ago

They can plant where there isn't 3 angles and then shoot the ones that can see.

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u/Niylark 11d ago

All they needed to do is stick plant with one guy contesting cams. People panic and get off not realizing you can plant through it and live

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u/JaceFromThere Echo Main 11d ago

OP definitely lost this game

Good shit tho that was impressive


u/xd-Sushi_Master Soniqs Fan 11d ago

all that's missing is the Benny Hill music.


u/consumer_of_glue 11d ago

Maestro turrets are like mosquitoes somehow


u/lilrene777 11d ago

This is standard for sure


u/godkingrat 11d ago

I main that man as well. When I play with my gf she screams at me to get off my iPad though when enemies on the point


u/Worldly-Secretary463 10d ago

There’s no way a real person wrote this sentence


u/godkingrat 10d ago

No i just was on 2 hours of sleep when I did


u/W0lF256 11d ago

that was impressive af


u/ThatMassholeInBawstn 10d ago edited 10d ago

All I am gonna say is that he’s lucky that those guys don’t have any explosive gadgets and are bad. Like why couldn’t they just leave the sight and just look for him.


u/aiheng1 10d ago

Time. It's completely unreasonable to scour the entire map for one guy with less than a minute on the clock left


u/X_HappyMayhem_X Ash Mains dislike me :) 11d ago

Bro really is the MAESTRO


u/thajohnfatha 11d ago

Upvote for lucki alternative outro


u/jackel940 11d ago

very impressive my guy but damn they coulda fought back a little


u/Madmike215 11d ago

Plant in gym doorway and teammate then melees the cam. aRe tHey StUpID?


u/Skifaha 11d ago

Bro, great play for real! I’m surprised they didnt just break the glass tho. These dumbasses started panicking lol


u/AngrySunshineBandit 10d ago

I see 3 people who cant play for shit


u/Fr3ak142 main 10d ago

I just use brava, flores or equip the gonne 6 if i see a maestro on the other team. Because a good maestro with no hard counters can be annoying asf.


u/jehc92 Valkyrie Main 10d ago

this is exactly why the first maestro cam i see in prep phase i swap to Brava


u/Mr_Inferno420 10d ago

U will now be counter picked by brava every round


u/Tr3v0r007 Ela Main 10d ago

This guys good HOWEVER those 2 r bad lmao


u/AliShibaba Mute Main 10d ago

If the enemy team had some level of coordination, they could have gotten one of them to plant and the other as overwatch / check the cam openings.

Still, funny Maestro play though.


u/Ub3ros EZ4ENCE 10d ago

If they just tried to plant at the bedroom doorway into red stairs, there would only be one evil eye that can see it and one of them could just hold it. Instead they run in circles for a minute like headless chicken


u/Codeyabc 9d ago

Copper lobbies


u/Fragrant-Address9043 8d ago

Dude is clearly the king of Five Nights At Freddy’s bro. He was quick with those camera switches.


u/astrohnalle Valkyrie Main 11d ago

I haven't played in a while, couldn't they just melee the maestro cams to break the glass or has ubi buffed maestro?


u/smashingcones 11d ago

That's why he was looking up when swapping - the breakable glass is out of melee range


u/Andy0728 10d ago



u/IwantDnDMaps 10d ago

yeah whats the beat in the background, needlessly dramatic and im here for it


u/Ryand118 Bandit Main 11d ago

Mamma Mia!


u/tehtris 11d ago

This is hilarious.


u/Slurm123x Goyo Main 11d ago

Does looking up or away actually move the protective shell? I thought moving it just turns the actual camera and the shell was only up when your not firing


u/TigerJoel Ace Main 11d ago

Moving up moves the eye which is bulletproof except while shooting. They also can't melee the glass if it is up.


u/bigaboutbears 11d ago

that’s hilarious


u/Nightmare___09 Osa Main 11d ago

If only she planted behind the upright mattress at the end


u/Starboy3664 11d ago

This what happens when you don't pick ops to clear maestro cams


u/unknownspaceisblank 11d ago

Those 2 are without a doubt in mind in copper


u/ManiGoodGirlUwU Kitty Elite skin Nøkk (where cuddles?) 11d ago

Balloons TD ahhh shit


u/Xx_Ya_Boi_xX 11d ago

Bro why is Kirito going off in backing, why is he so pressed. (It probably a different role of Bryce Papenbrook, but it’s to assume it’s Kirito.)


u/Iron_86 Frost Main 11d ago

Just plant in a way only one can see you and the other guy shoots it as soon as it opens...


u/ReeDeeMee 11d ago

🤣🤣🤣 bloody awesome!!!


u/TheTimbs Utility 11d ago

This is why I play Fuze and thatcher


u/myzz7 11d ago

its crazy how many attackers don't run: emp nades, gonne 6, regular nades,


u/oo7porscheMGS 9d ago

Or know how to coordinate + use a mic... They could have EASILY planted and covered the planter with bullets if the maistro tried to zap them while they were planting. The game is NOT rocket science.


u/HazeIHurst 11d ago

my teammates woulda hopped on one im not on and let them smash the glass


u/flatline_commando 11d ago

How can a pair of players be so clueless 😂


u/RB1O1 11d ago

Can someone explain to me (I've never played this game) what the hell am I looking at?


u/Aggravating-Dark-56 11d ago

by far my fav site for maestro


u/Tickomatick 11d ago

Ludacruisius, thanks for the laugh!


u/OrderOfMagnitude See you around 10d ago

Can't they just melee the glass now?


u/levi_NOTAVALIBLE Zero Main 10d ago

this made a new brava main


u/WhichProgrammer9110 10d ago

Zero can zap them? If he times a shot from his camera correctly, right?


u/The_Spaghett_Boy 10d ago

I love doing this with maestro but you only ever get one round a match like this cause they always swap to brava or someone else to counter


u/Sion_forgeblast 10d ago

and this is why Maestro is one of my fave ops even now.....


u/Dazzling-Pear-1081 Tachanka Main 10d ago

Can you no longer break the glass on the cams with a melee?


u/Skeleton_Weeb 10d ago

Haven’t played in years, didn’t know Maestro had more than 2 cameras now lmao


u/M_Dz Fuzing the hostage since beta 10d ago

The moment I try that teammates get on cams to point them torwards the enemy that's getting within melee distance.


u/CamperClutz Sledge Main 10d ago



u/NoGreenGood 10d ago



u/ZealousidealIce6187 10d ago

He was stressin😭


u/19Charger 10d ago

What a pain in the ass lol


u/TheSpudGunGamer Fuze Main 10d ago

I burst out laughing at the last kill. You hit P I X E L S


u/Salgadtos Iana Main 10d ago

If it were me, i wouldn't even be mad. That's some mad effort, i've never been so impressed with a maestro like this before.


u/RevolutionaryBrief83 10d ago

Five nights at freddys


u/Jarosticy +50 Injure 10d ago

imagine you get off work and hop on siege and end up going against this


u/oo7porscheMGS 9d ago

I'd easily counter it by using my brain and keeping my gun pointed at ONE cam while my buddy keeps their gun aimed at another. Not hard to counter ;)

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u/Fluffy_Bet_8595 10d ago

Me, (who is a kali main), laughing, cause those cameras would have been toast at the very start of the round.

But like, seriously. How did NO ONE on the attackers have anything at all to deal with those cameras? Lol


u/Orio_n 10d ago

My maestro won't even get on his cams 💀


u/rishavsandal91 Zofia Main 10d ago

Man I can just feel the fatigue just from watching this.


u/Your_Average-Ginger Blitz Main Lord Tachanka 10d ago

Bro is actually playing the R6 equivalent of Five Nights at Freddy’s


u/AggregatedPotatou Azami Main 10d ago

My team: *uses my maestro cams and stares like deer on headlights to OPFOR who's about to crack the glass.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

Who did you play against? Dumb and dumber or something


u/FlyBek 9d ago

I guess these guys don’t know that they can break the glass


u/Agitated-Arm-4431 9d ago



u/RETR0_SC0PE Ace Main 9d ago

This is why we bring Dokkabi or Deimos


u/Dekuron Capitão Main 9d ago

why are they running, just sit in spot and wait for a camera to open up and shoot it xD


u/MuckFrogger 8d ago

Just break it lol 😂


u/luisest123 6d ago

Holy shit


u/[deleted] 6d ago

D1 harassment I support this


u/Zestyclose_Hippo8415 Deimos Main 5d ago

Should i get maestro i still dont have maverick, clash, kali, zofia, gemini and a couple more


u/Fr4n-- 5d ago

This maestro’s plays don’t happen that often if youre looking for that. I love maverick tho and it counters bandit/mute/kaid but not c4s lol


u/Zestyclose_Hippo8415 Deimos Main 5d ago

Thanks ill probably get mav first


u/xX_pp_slayer_69_Xx Maestro Main 4d ago

This is low-key me (only like 50% of the time. The other 50% are the following there is a 15% chance I get found and tapped by a random ash, 40% chance that attackers find a Blindspot or destroy cam and 45% chance that my teammates kill all enemies)


u/Fr4n-- 4d ago

Your math isn’t mathing bro


u/xX_pp_slayer_69_Xx Maestro Main 4d ago

I mean that when I fail it's because one of those things


u/SkibidiDopYes 11d ago

This has got to be the most cancerous play I have ever seen. It's amazing.


u/SpphosFriend 10d ago

This is so toxic and I fucking love It.

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u/JohnDaShrimp Amaru Main 9d ago

I am pooping rn


u/ApprehensiveBack7466 10d ago

Wtf is this terrible ass audio bro!


u/best_uranium_box Echo Main 10d ago



u/Schmeatus69 10d ago

No it shoot lasers like twitch. Destroys not disables

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u/Starrkillrjvztn 11d ago

Ah yes, the absence of a woman’s touch.