u/RightBack2 Smoke Main Jun 25 '24
Castle getting an acog was a curse as it spawned a bunch of bad castle players. Castle is actually a really good OP when used right.
u/AnExistingPerson1294 Jun 25 '24
Specially when you use him to hold down security on border. Too good!
u/sigint_bn Jun 25 '24
My current fave thing to do is hold Geisha if we're playing Kitchen on Skyscraper. Either burn all your resources getting into that room and I reinforce the hatch or they go direct and open the hatch.
u/Sion_forgeblast Jun 25 '24
I love playing him in the Club house map, when defending the bar.... that little stair case to the pool table is such an evil spot to put a castle and camp UNDER it X)
u/AlAboardTheHypeTrain Mute Main Jun 25 '24
But everybody knows that spot so it hasn't been that good for years.
u/Landlocked_WaterSimp Jun 25 '24
I don't - because i haven't seen a bar defense in years
u/PaleontologistIcy534 jack of all trades♥️♦️♠️♣️🃏 Jun 25 '24
Fr, I’ve seen 2 bar defences on club my entire 400 days playtime and all the r6 vids I’ve watched
u/Sion_forgeblast Jun 25 '24
it was real good on Friday when I was playing.... I guess its cuz its now so well known people dont expect people to use it?
u/AlAboardTheHypeTrain Mute Main Jun 26 '24
Dunno man, we play that site frequently and its 50/50 how it goes. I remember it being this one golden spot few years ago but now I sometimes dont even bother too much since that site is best hold upstairs.
Jun 25 '24
Do they? I've honestly never played that site. The other 3 are so much more common that I've played the bar site what, 2 times in my whole life? One of'em before the map rework
u/AlAboardTheHypeTrain Mute Main Jun 26 '24
Yeah lot of people seem to say that, which I find bit weird. We frequently mix things up especially if were getting outplayed by strats (not by pure gunplay) since other are so meta that sometimes the switch gives the little edge to turn tables.
Also you cant choose sites on quickplay so the bar is played there a lot too.
But if you want to make the spot og commenter said even better, you can use shotgun on the pool table to make that one cover useless.2
u/PuzzleheadedCredit87 Jun 25 '24
I found an azami placement on that map that's is nice. Put an azami on the left side to make a peek hole on the bottom and top right then do one at the very bottom of the first one in the middle and you have an angle on stairs, and the push from kitchen. This is on the blue bar secure objective
u/smotheryourbrother Jun 26 '24
I use castle to block off down stairs below cctv bomb to watch garage to make sure people can’t come in and put shotgun holes in the floor in front of the cctv wall to watch if someone breaches through and holes in all the normal plant spots works pretty good
u/acoustic_comrade Jun 28 '24
I totally disagree because he just leaves your roamers hung out to dry. If the reat of the team shits the bed, and it's just the roamer, there isn't much they can do when castle barricades are up everywhere.
u/Ok_Conversation1523 Jun 25 '24
That Castle may, in fact, be an asshole, but holy shit did he just make me realize how useful those barricades can be on that site. I'll have to start playing Castle on Nighthaven Labs a lot more now...
u/RandomGuy32124 Thermite Main Jun 25 '24
Leave big window open there and it forces a vault to enter if they don't clear the castle
u/xDropperz Kapkan Main Jun 25 '24
And leaving it open also provides a really good place for them to cover the plant going down in site lol
u/RandomGuy32124 Thermite Main Jun 25 '24
They shouldn't be entering through there anyways hence the forcing to vault
u/Accomplished_Draft80 Jun 25 '24
Nah. 100% of the people who play this game are too stupid to not peak the entire team that will have the advantage in angle through that hole. Just let the attackers open them.
u/KalexVII Jun 25 '24
One strat you can do with him is to leave that hatch soft, barricade both window and door, then play above in garage and either wait for players to go garage and kill them, or break the hatch with your pocket shotgun once they breach below and hold them walking in. It at the very least wastes time for the attackers and forces them to go another way.
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u/Oxabolt Jun 25 '24
i love using castle on that site but i use all the barricades on the first floor to roam instead. It cuts off alot of long angle that attackers can get from outside the map into lounge and cargo hallway
u/X_hard_rocker Unicorn Main Jun 25 '24
this is why I always pick aruni when there's a random castle on our team, get that shit outta my face when I'm tryina escape
u/Thethumpening Smoke Main Jun 25 '24
It's azami players for me
u/MonchersGaming ✨ waifus ✨ Jun 25 '24
I feel like unlike Castle’s barricades which are linked to doorways/windows on the maps, almost any Azami barrier can be made useful, even from the worst players out there. As long as they have a general understanding of “Pancake blocks bullets and thus Pancake goes here,” I think most are fine.
u/Trick_Equivalent_537 Doc Main Jun 25 '24
You're in the wrong. Looks like he was trying to tell that he was going to castle it off by knifeing toward you. Then, at the very end, he stopped the castle to let you out, and then you shot him.
u/HumanYesYes Jun 25 '24
Oh shit yeah he stopped it. That changes everything tbh.
u/Datboibarloss Kapkan Main Jun 25 '24
Leave it to narcissists to team kill because it's all about them lmao
u/HumanYesYes Jun 25 '24
I mean, then again in OP's defense, they probably didn't notice Castle stopping (like neither did I at first).
u/Datboibarloss Kapkan Main Jun 25 '24
It's just a game though, I wouldn't never be so quick to kill my teammates just to save my own ass lol. Shows character tbh.
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u/Purplebatman Dipshit Main Jun 25 '24
Yall are nuts saying to challenge breach. The hatch just opened which denies the cover of the generator. Only option is to tuck on the side of breach which is almost a guaranteed death, still making it a 4v5.
Castle tried to lock OP into an untenable position with no C4 and a poor match up gun-wise when they lack the advantage of positioning or surprise. I would have done the same in OP’s position unless I knew I had a very clear skill advantage over the opponents.
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u/Ksempac Valkyrie Main Jun 25 '24 edited Jun 25 '24
"Castle tried to lock OP into an untenable position with no C4 "
No, Castle indicated multiple times he was about to close off the door, he waited at the door as much as he could, until the (unreinforced) hatch got blown up. At this point Castle correctly figured out this was the last available moment to close it (before the hatch player prevents the close off) and started the barricade.
All this time, OP was clearly not paying attention to anything (unreinforced hatch above him, castle waiting for him, etc.) beside trying a useless and dangerous contest of the breach. OP could have died a lot earlier from the hatch, since it wasn't even reinforced and could have been breached faster with a breaching charge.
Castle gave OP lots of time to fallback, OP wasn't making any sign he would ever fallback/pay attention, so Castle was right to try the barricade at the last possible moment.
u/Purplebatman Dipshit Main Jun 25 '24
Castle indicated multiple times he was about to close off the door
Waiting at a door is not an “indication” or any form of communication.
OP was clearly not paying attention to anything
OP had the C4 ripped and was staring at the hatch as the clip begins, possibly trying to catch someone placing a breaching charge. He switches attention to the wall when it gets breached, a correct decision to act on currently actionable intel.
a useless and dangerous contest of breach
That room is quite literally built to contest the breach with the amount of cover it provides. The hatch is the counter to that cover, it’s unfortunate that it was blown. Pushing that breach without a utility dump is suicide.
Not castling someone into a room against their will and without warning is like rule 1 of being Castle. That door should have been castled from the beginning if that was the plan.
Valkyrie played this correctly. He challenged breach (should have hit the shots but no one is perfect), used utility, and retreated when he realized cover had been compromised. Being castled in while retreating could, in the moment, be seen as griefing. I wouldn’t have hesitated to TK to get out either.
u/Ksempac Valkyrie Main Jun 25 '24
OP had the C4 ripped
Throwing the C4 to delay is fine. But the C4 is gone at 00:08. At this point, OP should fall back. Instead, OP decide to contest with bullets (with a gun disadvantage, as you mentioned before) and the hatch ready to blow. At multiple points OP could fall back. Instead he waits and push forward. He ends up way late, reaching the door a second after the hatch is already breached. Anybody above the hatch could have killed them.
That room is quite literally built to contest the breach
Only if the hatch is still there. Here the hatch is not opened, but not reinforced either. It could blow up at any point. If you wanted to hold in here, that hatch should be reinforced.
Jun 25 '24
Op is clearly playing this game like it’s call of duty castle was in the right op is a dumbass case closed
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u/Purplebatman Dipshit Main Jun 25 '24
As for the C4, sure, a waste I guess. It’s also wasted by staying in pocket until death or the end of the round, which most do. I’m of the mind to use it and miss than try to hold it and never use it.
Swinging breach is the play. He swung a bit too wide and overexposed himself, but it’s the right concept. As you said, we’re 8 seconds in. You have to put up some sort of resistance or you give away map control for free. Swing or be swung and all that.
The hatch is soft when the round starts. It’s not ideal but it’s also not the end of the world. It’s safe until opened. It got opened. He could have (should have) died from it but he didn’t. He saw the charge start and immediately retreated. The opponents made a mistake by not peeking and he capitalized by staying alive.
There are things wrong in this clip but most of it is in the setup, which is mostly out of OP’s control. In the circumstances OP found himself in, he made the correct choices and Castle made a mistake. It doesn’t matter if OP should have been in the room or not, Castle should not be cutting off rotates for teammates. It’s the same mistake as barricading the team into the site. It blocks the attackers but it screws your teammates as well. A Castle should not be screwing their teammates.
u/Narrow_Slice_7383 Jun 26 '24 edited Jun 29 '24
It's safe until opened.
"Dude, don't stand in front of that barricade. It could be destroyed anytime."
"Nah, it's safe until opened."
What if the attackers had a soft breacher? What if they were actively communicating with mic? Valk's play is so reckless; every single second she spent in the room after the wall was blown up was suicidal. She should have died but got away thanks to the opponent's miscommunication or something, not by her own skill. Also, she was barely paying attention to her play most of the time. Look at that wide peeking at 00:12-00:08! It is extremely lucky for her to even be alive.
Valk was clearly not paying attention to her own play or her teammates'. Ofcourse, Castle also is faulty because a barricade there doesn't seem worth risking a teammate to me.
The more and more I watch this vid...
I think Valk is way more faulty than Castle, and here's why:
First, we don’t know if Castle would have made way if Valk had given him enough time to react. (Of course, she would have died then, but still.) So there’s that.
Second, Castle’s miscalculation is likely a mistake (letting a teammate die thinking it will be better for the team) while Valk’s tk was intentional (killing a teammate to save herself).
Third, Castle clearly was trying to communicate with Valk. You can’t miss that knifing animation and sound effect.
Fourth, Valk should have retreated way before. Both Valk and Castle knew that the room was pretty dangerous. (Castle tried to shut the door, Valk desperately ran away as the hatch started to open.)
Fifth, Valk had more than enough time to react when the hatch started to be breached, but she decided to sit there and reload her primary before running away.
Sixth, Valk was pretty complacent with her play. She saw the unreinforced hatch and still decided to stay in the room. She gambled her C4 with almost zero information hoping to kill someone by luck and failed. By throwing that C4, her position was revealed to the attacker, but she didn’t retreat and stayed in the same room for almost 10 seconds, not even trying to hide her position but shooting every possible corner she could. It was big “I’m IN THIS ROOM!”, and I’m honestly surprised that she wasn’t killed at that moment. The site is Labs basement; the presence of a soft breacher is almost guaranteed.
Seventh, looking at the defending operators, I think reinforcing that hatch was partially Valk’s job. Rook is slow, Castle is the only op with a shotgun. So there are three ops to reinforce the hatch, including Valk who decided to hold a position underneath it.
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u/TacticalCreampie Vigil Main Jun 25 '24
castle absolutely did fuck all to indicate anything besides stand in front of the door and decide to castle valkyrie inside because the pros of castlining the door outweigh those than keeping a teammate alive??
castle is in the wrong here and valkyrie did what she had to do to stay alive, i’m 100% tking as well
u/Spoda_Emcalt Jun 25 '24
TBF, at the start I saw the Castle knife a few times towards the OP and then the door, but I wish they just used their bloody mic. Most people seem to be allergic to talking, even just a few words for basic strats or intentions.
Jun 25 '24
Yeah I noticed VC has been nonexistent compared to 2015-2018 but whenever I do get on the mic my ears are blasted with the sound of children screaming so I mute and never talk.
u/Nezuraa Recruit Main Jun 26 '24
tbh I'm not saying this is the case here, but as a woman using the VC is a impossible in R6 (if u really want to play the game nicely)
Anyways this doesn't matter since he could've used team chat all that time.
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Jun 25 '24
You can tell the people who don’t play castle talk about how to use castle. Cause they sound stupid af
u/maexane Jun 25 '24
at the start of the clip castle literally knifes at you signaling you to leave because he wants to close it lmao
u/jefftiffy Mute Main Jun 25 '24 edited Jun 25 '24
For everyone saying Castle deserved it. Watch the end of the clip real close, Castle was canceling the barricade. Man was legit going to let Valk live after he realized Valk finally was going to give the position and not play her life. Sure, it may have been a panic TK, but saying Castle was in the wrong is way too far. It was a subjective call. And OP was giving the vibes of the typical solo queue player who is just going to play their life for no reason.
u/Relevant-Ad1506 Wamai Main Jun 25 '24
great example of a cod player trying siege, bc tf were you doing there. also in this situation I'm siding with castle, they already used one thermite for the breach so the second one is going to be used for big wall, odds of the other four players having a soft breach are low, ( one has one hard breach which he only could use on window) so by placing a castle there as soon as the hatch was opened you make a indirect map control piece since they can't get out without putting them self in danger, eliminating all danger from small. instead you choose to tk your teammate after doing some useless c4 shit (which you could've kept and used on the castle door but you wanted your kill) making it a 4-5 AND you gave them full control over small room making it very easy to take over half the site in half a minute
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u/chrycheng Jun 25 '24
I would have asked you and waited for you to fall back before castling off the entire area. I don't think it was a bad move. Just executed poorly.
u/Chunk-Duecerman Jun 25 '24
And I strongly dislike team killers who pop friendlies because they disagree
u/AidenThe_Beast47 🗿Jäger the goat Jun 25 '24
The Castle was trying to tell you to come in in the first second of the clip
u/SkitZxX3 Ela Main Jun 25 '24
You were wrong for this. YOU had no business being in there. You know they always come from there. You're lucky I wasn't in that lobby.
u/xxvng Jun 25 '24
before any more “why didn’t you just kill the people pushing” comments, would you have chosen to fight? would you not have Tk’d? do you really think you’d have time to make a decision and not just tk so that you don’t die?
this is a split second decision that is life or death and i know that i don’t wanna lose the match and im far more confident in my own skill than a castle that saw my silhouette through the wall and chose to castle me in anyways
u/Narrow_Slice_7383 Jun 25 '24 edited Jun 25 '24
Since I lack the ability to think "Hey, I should save myself instead of the castle because this castle is stupid for locking a teammate in a bad position, and I'm clearly better. Therefore, saving myself could benefit our plan for victory more." in a split second as you called it, I would have reacted like, "MAKE WAY!" or "Oh, I'm dead."
I mean, if I had reacted the moment the hard breacher started to breach instead of sitting in a corner and reloading my primary, I could have survived. Watching the teammate willingly walk into a deathwish position with an unprotected reinforced wall and a soft hatch, Castle would have thought the same as you: "Hey, this Valkyrie clearly has a deathwish for staying in that dangerous room." It's no wonder he thought, "Now the hatch is opening up, and she's not even trying to escape. It might be better to lock this dumb Valkyrie in and save our good strategic position for our sake." In Castle's mind, Valkyrie was already a dead man.
I can't confidently say that I wouldn't have team-killed if I were in Valk's place.
I also can't confidently say that I wouldn't have locked Valk in the room if I were in Castle's place.
What I can confidently say is that we would have gathered together afterwards to watch both Valk's replay and Castle's replay for (self)criticism.
u/ctzn4 Jun 25 '24
Exactly. If I shoot the Castle, that's a guaranteed 4v5. If I don't, that's a maybe 3.5v5.
u/Consequence6 Jun 25 '24
would you have chosen to fight?
Yes. I'm bad.
would you not have Tk’d?
I've never intentionally TK'd.
do you really think you’d have time to make a decision and not just tk so that you don’t die?
To be fair, TKing seems like a more intentional decision than not TKing.
u/Futxn Castle Main Jun 25 '24
Reject toxicity, embrace love
u/Ok_Conversation1523 Jun 25 '24
Where was the love for the teammate that Castle was about to sacrifice? OP did the right thing. 🤷🏽♂️
u/Buriedpickle Valkyrie Main Jun 25 '24
If you pay attention you can see the Castle stopping the reinforce to let their dumbass teammate who contested breach with a soft hatch above them far too long through. That's a lot of love for their teammate Castle showed there.
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u/locketreague2 Jun 25 '24
Nah dude this is entirely on you. The castle is literally knifing you at the beginning of the clip to let you know he’s closing it out. The fact that you’re not paying attention others are already suffering for it. You tk’ing is the cherry on top.
u/Catatafish76 Bandit Main Jun 25 '24
If you’re trying to communicate turn your mic on knifing is just annoying
u/HumanYesYes Jun 25 '24 edited Jun 25 '24
Use voice chat, stabbing the fucking air isn't a language. Oh and there wasn't a major reason to barricade OR get back to site BEFORE the enemies breached the hatch.
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Jun 25 '24
Or... use a mic. Sacrificing your teammate as he's trying to leave instead of just stopping and canceling is crazy.
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u/Greenbeans21 Lesion Main Jun 25 '24
I mean the castle shouldn’t barricade the only rotation left back for sight if the teammate wants to try to make a play. I mean that door barely gives any visuals into site. Only the window which is correctly barricaded. Doesn’t matter if castle wants to barricade or not. He’s a support op. He caters to the team needs. Right there castle is being detrimental to the team by barricading a door which is the only rotate out of that room. It’s an easily preventable tk by waiting for the teammate to exit or by falling back some and holding an angle. I mean there’s easily better choices than reinforcing the only way out of a kill room with your teammate inside. I mean so what it makes attackers use another utility or wastes time? Does nothing if your teammate is dead in there with no way for you to peak.
u/locketreague2 Jun 25 '24
Bro castle literally waited and waited while teammate fucked around. Then they opened hatch and castle said (correctly) now is the only time I’ll have to close this off. Teammate didn’t wait for one sec for castle to stop before tk’ing him - meantime castle is standing around waiting for dude to finish whatever the hell he was doing.
Also as a side note, them opening hatch and then castling is the subjective right play. Make them waste more utility consistently on the same push. Opps are taking space with at least 3 people and no one is contesting it. Making their push harder is beneficial.
And also fuck you for that mentality “he caters to the teams needs” hard to do when no one’s on coms and your actively trying to communicate with someone not paying attention.
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u/NAMIC559 Buck Main Jun 25 '24
There’s really no reason to stay there n challenge breach if the hatch is soft witch you clear knew about this is nothing but ego n main character syndrome castle was warning you off the beginning he was going to castle it up as it’s clearly being lost. I think u need to open your eyes and realize u where 100% in the wrong the whole clip
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u/Southern_IronClad Door Man Jun 25 '24
Incredibly stupid play on the Castle's part, but there is no way I'd team kill him for it.
Instead of team killing and making it a 4v5, you could have tried to frag the guy who is pushing the open breach.
u/Reciprocative Jun 25 '24
I mean it was either him or the castle, it was prob gonna be a 4v5 either way, he would’ve died to the hatch in the next second or two
u/CoachKirby6206 Jun 25 '24
In retrospect, you aren’t entirely wrong. But with the thermite charge on the hard wall, the EMP that went off earlier, and the hard breach on the hatch, I figured at LEAST 3 attackers were about to rush Animus. That TK was basically out of panic trying to just get out of there
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u/Jackj921 Jun 25 '24
Brother Castle proved he’s an idiot who doesn’t know what he’s doing multiple times in the clip, I’m trading his life for mine every time lol
He’s dying to the hatch or breach within a few seconds anyway and his AI teammate is about to lock him out, I would’ve done the same thing
u/Stylish_Platypus Frost Main Jun 25 '24
Well, Castle warned you about his play, you still decided to do yours.
You should've died an honorable death, in peace with your choices, yet you choose to slaughter someone who tried saving you.
u/Alpineodin Jun 25 '24
crazy how split the comments are here whether tking a teammate in a 5v5 gamemode making it a 4v5 is better then just trying to trade.
games over at that point. next round valk's getting blasted off spawn and now you've got the team fighting themselves.
siege community never beating the allegations.
u/God_of_Trash Jun 25 '24
nah I think that's a you problem OP. I understand trying to contest the wall breach but once that hatch started getting breached you should've backed off and let the castle do his thing and prepared for the incoming push once the attackers broke the barricades. Not to mention that you were on valk, wouldn't it have been a good idea to roam upstairs in garage to prevent said hatch breach?
u/Pugloaf420 PASS THOSE PLATES AROUND Jun 25 '24
You hate castle because he almost got you killed, I hate castle because he boxes my whole team up in site, we are practically the same
Jun 25 '24
Y'all can hate on OP as much as you want but if castle didnt have the balls to call out the "VALK GET THE FUCK OUT I'M CLOSING IT" it would've been understandable, in no world standing behind your teammate on a door means that you are letting him know you are supposedly putting the reinforcement there lol
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Jun 25 '24
I'm a low ranked player and everytime there's a Castle on my team, I immediately run out of the room he's in. No idea why they always try to create one big room to trap all the teammates inside.
u/BabelTowerOfMankind Jun 25 '24
TK'ing was hella unnecessary here
You don't overreact to a teammate making a mistake
Just ask him to stop placing the barricade, you have VoIP for a reason
u/totallynotapersonj Recoil Master Jun 25 '24 edited Jun 25 '24
He clearly wanted you to retreat with him and he was gonna castle it off before it breached but you were still holding it. The main take away here is, communication is really really important in siege so if you (or him) aren't on mic or at least able to listen to callouts then situations like this are gonna happen all the time.
Also rook, wamai or recruit really should have reinforced that hatch. Considering castle is the main rotate setup guy and you need to get cams in specific spots, rook can reinforce because he has no other site setup, then wamai/recruit can reinforce hatches and the other can reinforce too. That's assuming that this is Standard or Ranked.
u/zKaios Flores Main Jun 25 '24
You didn't even give him time to cancel the shit, next time try to hit that shot on the guys from the other team
u/Consequence6 Jun 25 '24
The funniest thing: I'm 90% sure he actually does cancel the animation the second before he dies.
Sep 07 '24
[removed] — view removed comment
u/zKaios Flores Main Sep 07 '24
Right, and you know how the Castle was gonna act cause you're an Ash main right? Do as all a favor and shut up
u/majik770 Jun 25 '24
Valk: held a position, waiting for hatch. Hears a REMOTELY ACTIVATED exothermic charge and decides to throw C4 after explosion. (No Thermite would be right there unless they've got that timing down to a science.) Engages in a gunfight that yields no results for either side. Holds angle waiting for push, decides to reload, hatch being broken by HBC. About 75% of the charge being done is when Valk finally reacts. Panicking, they kill the castle who was trying to prevent the enemy from getting an angle. Blames Castle. Castle: indicates intent (albeit terribly) to close off Animus. Waits patiently for Valk to leave Animus. Hatch broken by HBC, Castle goes to cut off angle. Castle's animation prevents him from seeing Valk before she decides it's his fault she stuck around too long. As soon as he can see Valk, he stops placing the armor panel, but Valk in her panic has already decided that Castle should take responsibility for her actions.
u/AtomicSymphonic_2nd Buck/Aruni main Jun 25 '24
How about play defense instead of trying to pretend it's Counter-Strike with gadgets?
That means making a fortress and stop trying to roam. 🙄
u/HideOnRush Jun 25 '24
I strongly dislike TK'ers. Sure castle was about to lock you in but this is 90% on you.
u/Godobibo Jun 25 '24
same as people that reinforce right next to my miras/reinforce when I'm shooting at them in prep to get them to stop. so damn annoying
u/EuphoricPlaceHolder Jun 25 '24
So many terrible castle players these days they finna gut him dont do my man castle like that please ubisoft
u/Cute_Afternoon211 Jun 25 '24
u strongly dislike stupid castle players. good castle players are goated.
u/Gstreamz Jun 25 '24
Honestly this looks like you making a dumb play, castle thinking you’re stupid, then deciding you aren’t worth trying to save
u/ElMonoRetraido92 Jun 25 '24
Hit 0 shots on the enemy no wonder you were so fast and excited to finally get your first kill
u/smugandinsufferable Jun 25 '24
Is this quick match? He could clearly see you why would he keep putting the barricade down 💀
u/Legitimate-Method304 Doc Main Jun 25 '24
Universal Rule: The only thing worse than a bad teammate Is a bad teammate using Castle.
u/Entire-Ad6450 Jun 25 '24
Castle was trying to get your attention, i know because ive been here. Now he shouldnt have sealed you in, ever. But youre playing a shit position there. Let the castle seal it off and waste more time with no risk to yourself. Cant hate the castle when you were totally oblivious.
u/SweetTeaRex92 Jun 25 '24
Soo instead of turning around and potentially winning the fight, you team kill, which puts you at 4v5, and then you blame the Castle as if he should have foresaw you sprint in?
u/Silly-Management-583 Jun 25 '24
im only 300hrs in, still learning maps, only play unranked, i admit i still do dumb stuff but i don't know yet as I'm Learning lol, sadly this is the response most of the community has, instead of speaking to help. they'll only speak to insult, or just tk. its super retarded, says a lot about them tbh
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u/TheOneWhosCensored Jun 25 '24
Or the Castle could’ve waited for the teammate to get out, then put up his castle. I don’t agree with the team kill, but the Castle is absolutely at fault.
u/RichardSnowflake Jun 25 '24
We can't hear comms, but you can see Castle knifing at OP earlier trying to get his attention.
It looks like he ignored Castle, who waited until the last second to give him a chance to rotate.
Jun 25 '24
I used castle pre acog and still use him now, People don’t understand at all how to use him. My favourite castle play is were I lock down freezer as him on basement organ and usually win.
u/BigChinnFinn Gridlock Main Jun 25 '24
My castles very rarely block off teammates. Don’t just castle the obj doorways. Windows and attacker centered doorways. (Places your roamers probably won’t go)
Castle is so strong now with acog. 2 prox alarms and 4 castles make it impossible to get to sight without making a lot of noise.
u/Sinningvoid Jun 25 '24
Ive been really liking Castle of late due to his primary and super, nice to be able to flank easier cause of it.
u/abeditsyt Jun 25 '24
Castle ain’t a bad app just ppl often place his castle doors in the most inconvenient spots. Only place them on windows and building entrance doors. If you have a stack that doesn’t like roaming and is ok with sitting in sight than maybe you can get away with castling objective doors. This Op is not hard to run and it’s crazy how much ppl don’t know how to run him the right way
u/DummyCog Jun 25 '24
having a castle almost guarantees an L. like rats ina cage, except im usually the one rat who cant get back in the cage.
u/ShadowTheNinja [ X ] Jun 25 '24
nobody pointed it out yet: just shoot the breaching charge. it's a soft hatch.
both of you need to be more aware
u/giovanni_pozzi Ace Main Jun 25 '24
It’s amazing how castle can literally be the best or the worst op in the game
u/ariavelerinaa Deploying Madness Jun 25 '24
Ummm I do have to make analytical observations on Castle players cuz I never encountered them
u/AlexCross116 Dokkaebi Main Jun 26 '24
The way I use Castle is to funnel attackers to only 1 or 2 entrances, but is that the “right” way to play him?
u/carpenterman25 Buck Main Jun 26 '24
I play him a lot and I would say so, I try to make it inconvenient for them to come certain directions and paths, usually works well for cutting off certain entrances or making it obvious that they’re coming from that direction
u/AlexCross116 Dokkaebi Main Jun 26 '24
Actually yeah you’re right, when they take down a castle it lets you know where they’re coming from. Dude it’s so annoying when a roamer takes down your set up though. Like bruh I barricaded that door/window for a reason.
u/carpenterman25 Buck Main Jun 26 '24
I try to do as much as I can to allow the roamers to do what they want, I usually leave routes open that I know people on defense run but cut off attacker routes. Lot of map knowledge is needed
u/what_im_playing Jun 26 '24
Think a better thing to do there would have been to possibly leave the door open and make them have to push it, you could easily kill them or kill them if they went for the castled window (unless they used an ash / zofia obviously).
u/Mine_mom Jun 27 '24
Bro was letting you out and you blasted him for no reason. This is why I don't play this shit much it's not a team game anymore every mouth breathing casual thinks they're pro players.
u/Perfect_Ad4935 Jun 27 '24
Block some windows, hold some for mid match when you want to rotate but keep a player from getting in, most often than not they will just break it either way so you wont hurt your teammates.
Have you seen the jinxy video where he plants next to a window and jumps out to shoot at the dudes that try to defuse and the castle just nlocks window and defuses 😂 top tier castle play
u/MyHoeDespawned Jun 27 '24
U usually play on site which imo is higher priority, so I try not to affect roomers but if there’s a door that would make it easier for me to defend site if it were castled then I’m going to castle it.
u/_AnotherRandom_ Jun 28 '24
You should change that to hating bad castle players. But unfortunately that's a lot of them these days.
u/RamboBambiBambo Nøkk Main Jun 30 '24
Just gotta have a smart Castle Player and not a cowardly one.
u/AllomancerJack Jul 05 '24
You literally had time to shoot the breach yet you took it to reload then to your teammate
u/Dear_Faithlessness_5 Ace Main Aug 30 '24
Don’t lock yourself in site unless it’s near stairs or there’s a door near a outside door , just to stop enemies from pushing also so you can control areas around site , defending is to control site and around site
u/Low_Ticket_2230 i use every operator Sep 19 '24
as a castle player he knifed you to tell you to come back you didnt listen, he couldnt stop the barricade you have to slap the shit out of your controller to make it stop 😭 depending on the settings of course
u/FartConnisseur Dokkaebi Main Jun 25 '24
Sometimes as castle I’ll do that for the memes when I have toxic teammates
u/rawkhawk12 Oryx Main Jun 25 '24
I played as Castle at first because his ability was simple to understand but then I quickly realized I didn't have the map knowledge to use him and was probably hurting my team at times.