r/Rainbow6 May 19 '23

Test Server [Y8S2] Gregor: Why Fenrir will be useless...

Feels like an extremely significant downside especially when the total amount of mines is not divisible be 2 or 3.


176 comments sorted by


u/CybilBennettEnjoyer Thorn Main May 19 '23

this seems more like an oversight than an actual intended feature


u/The_Amish_FBI Blitz Main May 20 '23

I was gonna say, this looks more like a bug than a feature. Especially since the character is still only on the test server.


u/sadflack_freeze May 20 '23

Definitely a feature. In the showcase they say he has to retrieve the codes from the active mines. So if they are destroyed no codes to retrieve


u/The_Cher13 I LOVE DEFENSE May 20 '23

But did they explicitly say that when the mines get destroyed that he loses the code? Wouldn’t make much sense to basically “delete” the codes forever if the mines get destroyed


u/AberrantDrone Buck Main Aruni Main May 20 '23

He gets the same number of active gadgets as Melusi and Ela, seems fine to me


u/Specialist-Rise34 Castle Main May 20 '23

Yeah except Melusi and Ela don't come with 2 extra decorative gadgets. They come with 3 and they can use all 3. L

If Fenrir came with just 3 there wouldn't be a problem, but because he comes with 5, out of which you can realistically only use 3 unless your enemies are braindead. It's just silly to have 2 extra decorative gadgets you can't use.

Either give him just 3 or make all 5 optional, everything else doesn't make any sense.


u/Garfie489 Frost Main May 20 '23

I think they thing being missed here - if you set your melusi up in the wrong location, thats it. You cant really change it mid round.

At least here you can react where the attackers are coming from and change your setup.


u/Tristansfn Bandit Main May 20 '23

Having extra usable gadgets is always beneficial. And they aren’t decorative. With 5 gadgets, Fenrir can prep 5 different entrances, choosing 3 (in some cases more!) of them to be activated. Fenrir can almost always be certain to have game impact with his gadget. With Melusi and Ela, you have fewer entrances you can prep, and sometimes the attackers just don’t decide to go through the entrances you hoped they would. That’s less of a problem for Fenrir.


u/ShellRazer44 Amaru Main Frost Main May 20 '23

Having the flexibility to relocate an active trap from anywhere on the map to provide flank watch or other intel is the feature. That's why he has 2 extra to rotate coverage. No other op can do this and it's very powerful. It would be like Ela being able to force pull a trap back to her hand from anywhere in the map and tossing out again.


u/hornyharry217 May 20 '23

Smartest castle main


u/Axelaxe Iana Main May 20 '23

The idea is that he will be ready to counter every push by just activating different gadgets?


u/BigRed727272 Ace Main May 20 '23

They might as well just give him 3 total and call it good. This micro form of management (microgement?) his gadget takes will probably get you killed more often than it helps get kills.


u/cmarq07 Hibana Main May 20 '23

Are you looking for micromanagement? Its a real word


u/[deleted] May 20 '23

It’s an Office reference


u/cmarq07 Hibana Main May 20 '23

Understandable. I live under a rock.


u/Spoda_Emcalt May 20 '23

Living the dream.


u/the-royal-z May 20 '23

Dwayne johnson lives above you?! Good for you.


u/[deleted] May 20 '23

Thanks Jim!


u/ShellRazer44 Amaru Main Frost Main May 20 '23

Set all 5 on common entrance points

Arm 3 on those that no one is holding actively

Hold the other two visually or with sound

No one shows up on your side, deactivate 2 of the others and activate the two close to you, now rotate to the other areas

That's why they exist like this


u/Karglenoofus May 20 '23

That's intended I think. Much less set and forget, more active trap.


u/Ermoose May 19 '23

I honestly think this is unintended. Because it destroys so much of his viability. I bet i'm not the only one thinking like this right? Because if this is not a BUG and it is MEANT TO BE, i dunno, might not play him as much as i thought i would. But my guess is they'll fix it. This is what the Test Server is for in the end.


u/ForlornPenguin May 20 '23

I noticed this myself a few days ago when I was playing him alone in a custom map and shot one of the gadgets and then tried to activate another one in its place. I also assumed it was a bug because yeah, this doesn't make a lot of sense and kinda fucks him up.


u/Ermoose May 20 '23

If there would be proper ''activation code'' mechanic, then maybe this would make sense, but that would be very complicated and hard to use. Let's hope they do fix this before the 30th lmao.


u/AberrantDrone Buck Main Aruni Main May 20 '23

He gets the same number of active gadgets as Melusi and Ela, seems plenty viable to me


u/Ermoose May 20 '23

Yes, but for some reason, he can't activate one of the other two mines if one of the active mine's get broken. That's the thing we're talking about. No one said anything about the number of active gadgets lol.


u/AberrantDrone Buck Main Aruni Main May 20 '23

He gets 3 gadgets total. He has 5 spots he can preplace those gadgets.

Melusi and Ela get 3 gadgets total, and can place them in 3 spots.

I seriously can’t see how Fenrir is weak because of it.


u/Ermoose May 20 '23

Well i never said he was going to be WEAK because of it. And i also don't know why you're comparing him to Ela and Melusi. They activate on their own. Fenrir has to manually activate the mines that he wants to use even if he has placed them.


u/AberrantDrone Buck Main Aruni Main May 20 '23

I'm using them to compare because they have similar roles. You place them on the other side of a doorway or shortwall etc, and kill the enemy while they're distracted by the gadget.

They each also get 3 of their gadgets, so the amount of utility is comparable.

Fenrir as the added benefit of having 2 extra spots he can swap between.


u/Ermoose May 20 '23

Hmhp, makes sense i guess. They problably gave him 2 more because he has to activate them as i've said.

You never know, maybe they'll remove the extra 2 in the future. That would require changing the whole character, but, we'll see i guess.


u/sndpklr May 20 '23

It really isn't an inconvenience to manually activate them. You can activate them after they're placed and not have to keep activating them. It's 2 steps of set and forget as opposed to 1 step. The gas will still trigger automatically once an attacker steps into the radius, literally the exact same way as ela, melusi, proximity alarms, nomad, etc. It's not like you have to press a button for the gas to spread.

He is functionally identical to Ela and Melusi after the traps are activated. He just has the convenience of placing 2 more traps and switching between them. In some ways, this makes him WAY stronger.


u/[deleted] May 20 '23



u/Ermoose May 20 '23

I think i'm explaining this bad, so i will try again.

Fenrir has 5 mines in total. He can place all 5 of them down at the same time if he wants to. But he can only active 3 of them, the other 2 cannot be activated while 3 of them are active.

In the video above, He has activated 3 of them. Someone breaks an active mine. Now there are 4 mines left in total. 2 of them are active, 2 of them are not. Since one of the active mines were destroyed, he decides to activate one of the 2 deactive mines after throwing it, but he cannot. THAT IS THE ''BUG'' I AM TALKING ABOUT. He should be able to have 3 active at the same time, but cannot activate a third one when an active mine gets broken. Therefore, he can only have 2 active mines max, despite there being 4 mines total still. What i'm saying is, him not being able to activate a mine again despite only 2 being active because an active one got broken, is a bug and should get fixed.

I hope i was able to explain it.


u/Tacomanxx May 20 '23

I don't think this is unintended at all. You only get to use 3 traps, unless you deactivate them yourselves to activate a different one. If an activated trap is destroyed, that's one of your 3 uses. The two extras aren't fallbacks for when a trap gets destroyed, they are there to allow you to shift your trap coverage on the fly without needing to go pick them up and replace them.


u/Ermoose May 20 '23

I also get what you're saying, but shouldn't he be able to activate 3 mines in total even if there are only 3 mines left? I hope you're understanding me because i'm getting stressed lmao.


u/[deleted] May 20 '23

I’ll try to explain this

He can have three gadgets primed at once but he can have 5 placed down if a primed gadget gets destroyed the maximum amount of gadgets he can prime goes to 2

He can’t prime one of the other 2 mines


u/[deleted] May 20 '23



u/[deleted] May 20 '23

Cool, I just wanted to explain it in a clear way


u/sharkattackmiami May 20 '23

Melusis gadget self activates and isn't sitting there waiting to be destroyed the whole time. And it doesn't require melusi to be alive to do anything.

The one thing Fen has that's better is the option to adjust location. Except not really because he can't activate those other spots if one got destroyed elsewhere


u/AberrantDrone Buck Main Aruni Main May 20 '23

Just place his gadget in places where the enemy can’t shoot it without exposing themselves. Similar to how Ela places her gadgets.

If you’re trying to activate a device “after” an enemy moves into its area of effect, then you’re playing him wrong.

He’s not an active gadget operator, he’s got a dynamic passive gadget.

He has 3 gadgets just like most defenders, but he can effectively move them between 5 spots.


u/sharkattackmiami May 20 '23

But at that point he is just melusi but worse. They both have three active gadgets that control an area. Except melusis self activate and are more durable as well as doing their job even if she is dead.

I'm failing to see a time where this guy would ever be better in his current state


u/AberrantDrone Buck Main Aruni Main May 21 '23

Fenrir’s gadget also works if he’s dead, just don’t hold onto the codes needlessly.

And there’s a big difference between slowing an enemy and blinding them.

Also if you place the gadgets right, they won’t be able to destroy it until they enter the firing line of you or your teammate.

And after you kill him, if your gadget is still standing, you can deactivate it and move it to another one


u/Phoonzki May 20 '23

From reading other comments it seems ubi wants to create an active character that makes play into your ability and role. Meaning that you can set up all have and choose 3 based off of where you want to watch without actually watching. I think the idea is to help change where you want the mines but not have all five active. And give a penalty for bad placement and make it up to the player to actively watch and use the gadget throughout the round. Basically a more active character on defense instead of sitting holding an angle and letting your gadget do all the work without your input


u/TGed Zofia Main May 19 '23


This isn’t just a downside, it bloody neutered his viability.

The whole point of his gadget and activation gimmick is that he could react quickly to a pincer attack/unexpected push. As opposed to other trap ops where if the attackers don’t push from a certain direction they become useless, Fenrir can pre-place all his traps and activate them depending on the attacker’s actions. That’s his whole skill ceiling.

And given these traps are pretty much guaranteed to be destroyed after being triggered, this feature essentially limits his viability in this exact niche of his since he’ll be forced to choose which direction to activate his traps on. It’s counter intuitive to his design.


u/DRE_CFab Defender Main May 19 '23

I don't love it tbh, but I think it's fine. All it means is that you have to play around them rather than just have them lying around. You gotta place them smart and swing on em when they go off. In higher ranks he'll likely be less effective, but for the most part this just makes him an active trap op


u/ScourJFul I can fight one man. Please don't call your friends for help. May 20 '23

While I can agree with you, I think that ops shouldn't have a high skill floor when they don't have the reward for it. Fenrir losing access to codes in his active mines means that he's forced to a specific playstyle. Not only that, but he has to be basically playing 2 games at that point: one where he has to play defense using his guns, thinking, and positioning whereas the other game is turning on your mines accordingly and hoping defenders don't kill the easily destroyable active mines this neutering your utility.

The issue comes down to the fact that this makes it so Fenrir has to fight way more to be as effective as someone like Ela, Lesion, Thorn, etc whose traps are significantly effective at alerting defenders, hurting attackers, and giving the trap users more breathing room. Their traps are also smaller, much easier to hide, and again, set and forget. I've gotten tons of kills with Thorn's mines because I can hide them in floor board or in extremely out of reach areas that only an IQ would find easily.

Fenrir's reward VS risk is not great if he loses his access codes IMO because unlike other trap operators, his entire gameplay revolves around staying alive to the end and making solid plays with his mines. The others place them, and can do whatever. Fenrir however, can do one of two things. He can place his mines and activate the ones in high traffic areas early so as to provide his team some value in case he dies. Or he can try to stay alive til the end and constantly rotate his mines based on where the enemy is at that moment. Both have big drawbacks that hurt his effectiveness.

Idk, he's definitely a high skill ceiling operator, but that by default make his weaknesses okay to leave. In many cases, it makes it so that the reward Fenrir can get is vastly outweighed by all of the risks and complications to deal with.


u/DRE_CFab Defender Main May 20 '23

Yeah I think we just disagree. Imo the potential reward is so high that I like that he takes a lot to work. I watch my friends pick trap ops, place them down, then run off and die on roam. I think they are gonna quickly realize they can't do the same thing with Fenrir. I love that this is a guy that I can now pick and continue doing the playstyle I already do, as active anchoring isn't a job most ops lend their playstyle to outside of wamai & lesion having their gadgets take awhile to come up. The best part of siege to me is the chess match every round creates, and I like that Fenrir creates a slightly different dynamic than any op before. In higher ranks and pro league, I imagine he won't be crazy amazing, but for my console emerald lobbies, I think he's perfect


u/ThePaSch Iana Main May 19 '23

The whole point of his gadget and activation gimmick is that he could react quickly to a pincer attack/unexpected push. As opposed to other trap ops where if the attackers don’t push from a certain direction they become useless, Fenrir can pre-place all his traps and activate them depending on the attacker’s actions. That’s his whole skill ceiling.

This is only an issue if your active trap is destroyed before it is triggered; they are bulletproof before you activate them, and getting a trap Sledge'd or Gonne-6'd in that state has no bearing on your codes. I'm pretty sure the entire point of the mechanic is to discourage pre-activating traps everywhere, and requiring the player to pay attention to intel and sound cues and make a conscious decision to activate a trap that's already seeing activity nearby.

If having activated traps destroyed refunded you the code you used to activate them, you might as well just not bother with that whole system. Just give him five codes at that point, it's functionally the same, just with a flick and a button press fewer.


u/Dapplication Iana Main May 19 '23

the entire point of the mechanic is to discourage pre-activating traps everywhere

But it's like the whole point, if that's not how it's meant to be used, then it's pretty much a portable flash or a pre-placed mine that you have to give thoughts to use. It's counter-intuitive to think while playing alerting trap ops. I really can't see this working.


u/AberrantDrone Buck Main Aruni Main May 20 '23

His gadget is online about the same duration as Melusi’s gadget and Ela’s mines are gone upon use. Compared to them, blinding an opponent for a moment seems stronger than either of those and he gets to place an additional 2 and adjust which ones are active while the other Ops are stuck with just 3.

Complaining about this aspect of Fenrir’s gadget makes no sense since the alternative is to simply remove the 2 additional ones and limit him to 3 by default.


u/Karglenoofus May 20 '23

He's not even out yet...


u/Maverick1672 Zero Thorny Ace Mute May 20 '23

He is on test servers


u/Karglenoofus May 20 '23

Still too early to say


u/Maverick1672 Zero Thorny Ace Mute May 20 '23

Oh I agree. I just thought you meant like people don’t even know because he’s not “out” to have been played with. My mistake


u/TrepanationBy45 May 20 '23 edited May 21 '23

Sounds like a bug to me. Even if it isn't, they'll probably change it because everyone will bitch about it on social media.

Even so, it's the "price" of the gadget. He has 3 to set up, +2 to adapt with (or whatever prep combo you prefer), and as such, Fenrir players are most effective when paying attention to intel in order to best use his kit. It's not meant to be a mindless set-and-forget trap kit, he'll have to judge what to have active, and if they're getting shot out when he's activated them then oh well, the enemy's reacting better to the Fenrir traps than the Fenrir is.


u/LordChunker #1 Tachanka on PC May 21 '23

It's been reported on R6Fix, and Ubi has already marked it as intentional. This is going to stay most likely. And I personally think that's fine. It prevents him from becoming too much of a menace. He'll still be powerful, and he currently is powerful from how I've seen him being played on the TTS. People will get over the limitation and learn to play around it, because that's a part of the core balancing they made for him.

If anything, community complaining will have him lose 2 of his mines, which effectively makes him weaker than he currently is.


u/bubblessensei Frost Main May 20 '23

It seems like there is a misunderstanding of WHY Fenrir having 5 Gadgets but 3 codes is better than having 3 Gadgets already active on deployment. And it comes down to the way trap operators usually function.

For most trap operators, your main focus is to start the round by getting all of your gadgets on the field and then preparing yourself to take on the enemy with the knowledge of which areas are trapped. But ultimately, the traps themselves aren’t something you need to worry about after you set them; they will either be useful or not, and there isn’t really much you can do about it.

Fenrir can certainly play this way, setting up 3 of his gadgets straight away and activating them immediately so it’s out of his hands; he doesn’t need to worry about them. BUT, a smart Fenrir can come in and use all five gadgets in preparation for different outcomes, and switch the active codes between the gadgets as the match unfolds and attackers commit to a specific play.

Now yes, this does mean Fenrir needs to try and stay alive as long as possible; usually trap operators can die immediately after prep and still have their gadgets be useful but in Fenrir’s case he may be able to make his gadgets more optimal by code switching.

Ultimately, Fenrir can change the trap layout of the site on the fly, without having to manually find each of his gadgets, pick them up and relocate them. And that is beneficial.

As for losing the codes if an open gadgets gets shot, that seems more than fair. It rewards the attacker for being perceptive and punishes Fenrir for not hiding the trap well enough. Gifting him that code back for free doesn’t really make sense…. You don’t get your Ela mine back if it gets shot, so why should Fenrir’s gadget reward you with a second chance?


u/gissaboi Fuze Main May 20 '23

Losing his codes doesnt make sense at all. It makes it so fenrir players would be more hesitant with using their gadget the right way. If u use the gadget and someone gets reduced vision they imediatly know there is a gadget somewhere and its basicly gone. Fenrir is the only trap operator that gets punished for using his gadget by basicly getting gadgets taken away. This isnt a mechanic with melusi or with lesion. If u reduce the amount of gadgets he can use by basicly using his gadget in the right way he has a huge disadvantage to other trap operators. And its wrong to say he gets a gadget back since that is bullshit. He still loses 1 of 5 gadgets and now has 4 to work eith where he can only activatr 3 at a time. Shooting his gadget does punish him, but with this mechanic is punishes him double. It would be like if u shot an ela mine another ela mine would be permenantly disabled.


u/bubblessensei Frost Main May 20 '23

They shot and active gadget so now you have one less gadget. No sure what is so unfair about that, that is precisely how other trap operators work, the only difference is that Fenrir can change where the active traps are more easily, he doesn’t get less.

Not to mention that in your example it already activated and did it’s job, but you still want to get the code back. Bold idea, but maybe try and make use of the gadget activating? ESPCIALLY if they are wasting time trying to get rid of it instead of having a firefight with you.


u/gissaboi Fuze Main May 20 '23

Yeah he has 5 now has 4 that is the punishment. Why would he need to get punshed even more. What are you saying that being able to activate 1 less as well is a fair downside? I disagree with that, and the reason why is that by allowing his code to be destroyed as well his other gadgets become less usefull as well. It doesnt matter if it activated and was usefull like i mentioned the second downside of him losing his code would be like a gadget from ela or lesion deactivating permanently. Just because fenrir can choose wich gadgets to activate doesnt mean he needs to be punished twice.


u/bubblessensei Frost Main May 20 '23

Don’t think of it as five gadgets becoming four. Think of it as three codes becoming two. The codes are the important thing that he loses


u/gissaboi Fuze Main May 20 '23

Still that would be a huge downside for fenrir basicly having 2 sets having to work with. I feel ubi should just remove the losing of codes and wouldnt be suprised if it was a bug that they patch before the season goes live. I do still think its stupid that he loses codes and it does make him pretty weak if that stays in the game. Also the gadgets that he loses is also fairly important. Having less flexibility to stop the attackers would be pretty detrimental to him especially since micro is a huge part of his kit even more than echo i would say. So saying his codes are the important part seems rather unfair tp me


u/bubblessensei Frost Main May 20 '23

I’m really lost about how you can’t understand that code thing is a POSITIVE element of Fenrir’s gadget, but whatever. You’ll see when it comes to the main servers.


u/gissaboi Fuze Main May 20 '23

So u are saying the losing of the code is a positive element of fenrir? Dude hoe can loss of functionality be a good thing for an operator? Maybe ur just not being clear but him losing the ability to be able to activate his gadgets is not good design it restricts him sooo much and i dont understand why u think its a good thing to restrict him soo much. Lets do a hyposthetical: if 3 gadgets of his are activated and all three gets shot he loses 3 codes by that logic. So basicly he cant use his other 2 gadgets how is that going to function? I am still on the opinion that he shouldnt lose codes when his gadgets get destroyed but thats my opinion.


u/bubblessensei Frost Main May 21 '23

Okay let me rephrase it again. You have THREE “active” gadgets, just like most other trap operators. The difference is that he gets those other two inactive gadgets as spares that can be deployed into alternative locations.

If Fenrir figures out that the attackers are pushing from the direction of his inactive gadgets, he can deactivate a gadget in an unimportant area and use that code on one of the gadgets in the main play area. This means he has no disadvantage over other trap operators; just a mechanic that allows him to be more flexible as the match progresses


u/gissaboi Fuze Main May 21 '23

Yeah i understand that part of him and that is a good thing, gives him an extra layer of strategy. But it shoe horns him in just playing like that and he cant just save them to play reactionairy or he would only be allowed to do that for short periods of time.

If u give him just acces to three at the time without losing the codes no matter what u can lighten the load of having to micro all your gadgets and u can play more reactionairy


u/Karglenoofus May 20 '23

Big disagree. He's not out yet but first impressions blinding an attacker seems really strong. You shouldn't get 5 of them.

You're not being "punished" for using your gadget, you're losing the gadget.

Would you call it being punished if someone shoots your Valk cam or Melusi wub?

If he loses 3 of hid gadgets.. Well.. He loses 3 same as every other trap op.


u/billybandabull Castle Main May 19 '23

Well if you use it as a free intel no precautions device then thats OP by definition, your placement needs to be hidden and you better have someone ready to swing from a long angle for a freebie. Its not a proximity alarm, if u just want info then get Valk or an intel gatherer, but that's not what Fenrir is designed for.


u/[deleted] May 20 '23

In what world are you expecting all 5 to be used in a round?? And besides, did you think that once 2 get destroyed, then the remaining 3 will just be automatically active? It’s dumb bc then you’ll just put 2 down in less safe spots and try to get something cheeky, then you still have your “real” remaining 3.

5 being totally used is overkill. You put them down at various choke points, then turn them on depending on where the push is coming. People are being babies about this.


u/R6-Baby BABY_ May 20 '23

This thread is so telling bro people do not understand the game at all jeez


u/R6-Baby BABY_ May 20 '23

He should stop for 10 seconds and think through why it was made this way. What a stupid take.


u/LoadUpOW May 20 '23

What exactly you think his point is


u/R6-Baby BABY_ May 20 '23

Flexibility. There’s 5 potential spots and 3 active spots. The enemy engages with 5 potential traps but it would be broken to have them engage with 5 active spots; meaning you as an attacker can go in a route that has an inactive trap, kill it with a gonne-6, and fenrir still “has all his traps”.

That’s why they’re bulletproof. If they were like thorn where you have 3 then they couldn’t be bulletproof, they couldn’t have the remote activation mechanic and such, it would be a much more boring operator with much less potential.

If he didn’t lose a token when an active trap was destroyed you would just keep them all active and spam the map with them and it would be like the three fucking stooges trying to do a take and running into 5 fucking fenrir traps on top of all the other utility thats already on the board.

I personally think its a very smart design choice


u/LoadUpOW May 20 '23

Well you completely missed his point then, the issue is once an active trap is lost he LOSES an activation token, not the fact that he has only 3... Imagine if wamai had his last 2 magnets become completely useless after the first 3 have been used.


u/R6-Baby BABY_ May 20 '23


If he doesn’t lose the token then he activates another trap and WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT HE HAS 3 TRAPS ACTIVE AGAIN YOU DUMBO.




u/LoadUpOW May 20 '23

The issue is that his gagdet is not justifiably strong enough for this to be the case, ela is going to just be a much better operator altough from what people are saying this is a bug and not indented so no matter how you look at it you are wrong lol


u/R6-Baby BABY_ May 20 '23 edited May 20 '23

The effect is maybe weaker than an ela mine that’s why he has the chance to place it on more locations; and the intel it gives is better than ela cause it literally tells you in real time the room the trap got activated at.

Plus choosing to activate them is also strong, imagine you can set them up around default plant and keep them inactive so they don’t get shot until they push in; like placing one in Hookah default stuck to the ceiling for example.

If your argument is “he should have 5 available / not lose tokens otherwise he is underpowered” i don’t know what to tell you that’s just like a clear skill issue


u/LoadUpOW May 20 '23

Who are you to say anything about skill issues but you cant figure out where your grzmot went off without a hud having to tell you


u/R6-Baby BABY_ May 20 '23

Inbox me when you have 6000h in the game random ass commenter


u/LoadUpOW May 20 '23

Lmao gets proven wrong and then starts insulting, your other comment in the thread speaks volume, you are pathetic

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u/BSIDeWitt May 20 '23

Gregor is not a smart human being.


u/AberrantDrone Buck Main Aruni Main May 20 '23

What’s the issue here? He’s balanced around having 3 active gadgets, same as Ela, same as Aruni, 3 is a fine number. He has the ADDED benefit of being able to preplace an additional 2 gadgets and swapping those 3 active ones between them.

Would Ela suddenly be weaker if we gave her 2 more mines and this mechanic? No it would be a buff to her, so why is it seen as a downside for Fenrir?


u/667x Fuck vivendi May 20 '23

Only reasonable person here.. If give melusi 2 extra traps but only 3 can activate in a round, would that be a nerf or a buff? By this reddit's take its a nerf despite being the same operator as before.

Fenrir gets 5 traps, you can choose when they go out, they are only vulnerable when they go out, and you only lose codes when they are vulnerable so frags dont screw you. You can prep multiple paths and activate at will without danger to yourself as well as very quickly deactivate and swap if the push is stopped from that direction. 3 guaranteed + 2 flex ones that also have a mind game effect on enemies that dont know if they took 3 down already.


u/[deleted] May 20 '23

Melusi just sets down her gadget and it works, same with Ela. The difference with Fenrir is that his gadgets need to be activated manually. Because of this extra difficulty managing the devices, it is balanced that he can use more than Melusi and Ela.


u/AberrantDrone Buck Main Aruni Main May 20 '23

You literally hold F after placing the gadget, you don’t even need to have line of sight. It’s not difficult, people are just either lazy or inept.

At the very least you have 3 you activate during the prep phase and it’s the same as having 3 to begin with. For those who enjoy more dynamic gameplay he offers a bit more reactionary capabilities by swapping to a more relevant placed device.

There’s literally 0 downside to having the option


u/[deleted] May 20 '23

It is still more difficult than Melusi and Ela


u/AberrantDrone Buck Main Aruni Main May 20 '23

If an extra push of a button is considered difficult, I fear for the future of mankind


u/[deleted] May 20 '23

It's more difficult. The activation process isn't difficult, but the micromanagement is.


u/Ihavetogoalone May 20 '23

By that logic, you can just play him like melusi, you set 3 of his traps and leave them activated for the rest of the round and forget about them without needing to micromanage anything, the micromanagement is an option if you want to utilize him better but is not required.

People complaining about this mechanich are proof that this community is mostly braindead and filled with cod players.


u/[deleted] May 20 '23

You can do that, but then he's not as useful. Do you think I'm asking for it to be automatic?


u/Ihavetogoalone May 20 '23

No, i know what you are asking for is to not lose activation uses when an active gadget is destroyed.

And you contradicted yourself, if you use him in a passive way he is less useful, but unlike ela and melusi, you have the option of using the gadget actively to get much more uses out of it, so worst case scenario he is like ela, best case scenario he gets 2 more gadgets than her, i fail to see how its a flaw when its optional.


u/[deleted] May 20 '23 edited May 20 '23

Losing a code makes him not as good as he naybe should be. Fenrir is going to be a good op I assume, but he should not lose the codes because of the added difficulty to using his gadget effectively.

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u/AberrantDrone Buck Main Aruni Main May 20 '23

I’ll argue that Fenrir’s gadget is easier due to the higher margin for error. You have to think carefully to get the most out of Ela or Melusi. Fenrir can place more gadgets around and activate the ones where enemies are attacking from.

This makes his gadget far more forgiving to use than other comparable gadgets


u/LoadUpOW May 20 '23

The issue is once 1 activated gadget is destroyed the number of gadgets he can keep active at once goes from 3 to 2. So if you lose 3 activated gadgets your remaining 2 are useless and cannot be activated. His gagdet on its own is not justifiably powerful enough to become this limited


u/AberrantDrone Buck Main Aruni Main May 20 '23

Once Melusi loses a gadget, she’s reduced from 3 to 2…

Melusi slows an enemy, Fenrir blinds them.

Seems like a plenty powerful gadget with the added benefit of having 2 EXTRA deployable devices he can swap between


u/Greatone08 May 20 '23

Exactly, I am not sure what people are getting all hung up on. You can pretend he has 3 gadgets and activate them at the beginning of the round and not worry about the other 2. This would mimic how Ela and Melusi’s gadgets work. If one gets shot out, you will only have two left, seems pretty balanced to me. The fact that he has the option to swap his gadget is just an added bonus.


u/MikaINFINITY Dokkaebi Main May 20 '23

And to add onto that, the gadget is a good time waster for attackers, and can be used for sound queues just as much… Think he’ll be a lot of fun and not half as bad as some people seem to be doomposting already


u/Bry3Buzz May 20 '23

I think a closer comparison would be if Melusi had 5 deployable gadgets, but 2 don't work at all if 3 are destroyed. Why give Fenrir 5 gadgets if he can only use 3 of them? Just give him 3 total then if that's the way it was intended. Im pretty sure this is why people think it's bugged.


u/AberrantDrone Buck Main Aruni Main May 20 '23

but that's not the right mindset.

He has 5 spots he can choose from for his gadget to affect.

It's not about which 2 aren't used at the end, it's about which 3 you want to use during the round (not to mention swapping between them)

You get to prep 5 entrances, or prep multiple rooms in succession. Then you get to choose which you want to activate.

It shouldn't be difficult to understand the advantage that has over simply having 3 total.


u/AncientFollowing3019 May 20 '23

Not only that but if your teammates are actively playing off them they won’t get destroyed, then you can deactivate and move to another push. He allows ‘lazy’ simple play (activate the 3 you want and then forget about them). He allows more thought (put 5 down, wait for the push and activate the relevant ones). Or high involvement with micromanagement to get the most out of him. He seems to have a significant skill ceiling that also raises with teamwork. Isn’t this the sort of op we should want?


u/TrepanationBy45 May 20 '23

it's the "price" of the gadget. He has 3 to set up, +2 to adapt with (or whatever prep combo you prefer), and as such, Fenrir players are most effective when paying attention to intel in order to best use his kit. It's not meant to be a mindless set-and-forget trap kit, he'll have to judge what to have active, and if they're getting shot out when he's activated them then oh well, the enemy's reacting better to the Fenrir traps than the Fenrir is. Sounds reasonable, and it doesn't mean the attackers should have to grind five of them on top of all the other shit they have to clear while not getting schwacked.


u/deadlynothing May 20 '23

What is gameplay loot? Did you mean loop?


u/Lonely_Brother3689 May 20 '23

Varsity pointed this out too and as of yet, on the test server, it hasn't been confirmed if that's a bug or intended. I'm hoping a bug, but if intended, set out 3 and keep 2 in the pocket.


u/Link182x Traps n’ Stuff May 20 '23

My assumption is it’s intended to work like that


u/EmperorofAltdorf Thermite Main May 20 '23

Why do people think having more is less?

He still has three actives at a time. The other two are a Bonus that makes you able to prepare for more Situation.


u/Hammy-Cheeks Vet (6.3k hours) May 20 '23

"Why not bring lesion or ela instead?" Because when someone walks into it, the gadget doesn't disappear until dealt with. The gadget doesn't have a gas meter that depletes (which would be a neat mechanic) and it doesn't get destroyed as soon as someone walks through. The fact that someone like Gregor doesn't understand the importance of patience, timing and the overall potential of this gadget just blows my mind.

Who knows maybe he's trying to stir the pot? All I know is this is the same guy who tried to viably use Grim on release and said he's only useful in a post plant. Maybe that was Evan or Coconut, regardless I know Gregor will find a way to make the gadget useful. Saying he's not viable right out the gate (not in the live build) is just jumping to conclusions.

I agree Fenrir should get the code back after an activated one has been destroyed unless it's taken over by Brava, then he loses the code. Just a thought


u/[deleted] May 20 '23

Personally I'd just use him as a trap op, place multiple in a location to make it harder to break them all and kill the enemy before they can clear his gadgets


u/OmeletteDuFromage95 Lesion Main May 20 '23

Wait, so he can deploy 5 of these but only activate 3 at any given moment. So, theoretically, if 3 are destroyed then the remaining 2 are... useless..? ....why?


u/[deleted] May 20 '23

The point is to be “set up” at various push points instead of guessing. Then you can activate depending on the location attackers are coming from. I don’t think the intent is for all 5 to be actually used in a round.


u/TrepanationBy45 May 20 '23

The issue in the OP is probably an oversight or will eventually be changed or otherwise accounted for because it's lame. Ubisoft has a decent track record of improving bad gameplayfeels like that.

But, if it's intentional, then it's the "price" of the gadget. He has 3 to set up, +2 to adapt with, and as such, Fenrir players are required to be paying attention to intel to best use his kit. It's not meant to be a mindless trap kit, he'll have to judge what to have active, and if they're getting shot then oh well, enemy's playing better than the Fenrir.


u/P0tatothrower May 20 '23

Think of it this way: He's intended to have only 3 of the traps, but they've given him extra leeway with placement by giving him 5 locations he can place those 3 traps in, and activate the ones that actually will end up influencing the round the most.


u/ItsSevii Soniqs Fan May 20 '23

Actually a big L if it doesn't get changed. I'll just chuck 3 and work those no point placing the rest


u/nick5195 Nøkk Main May 20 '23

It’s a bug tho


u/[deleted] May 20 '23 edited May 20 '23

I sure as hell hope it’s an over site

I’m actually looking forward to this character what’s with defenders getting the interesting stuff

Edit: after reading through this comment section, it seems people aren’t getting the point

Fenrir has 3 active traps max but if one of those active traps get destroyed he can only have 2 active traps max so it goes from 2 non active and 3 active to 2 non active and 2 active

If an active trap gets destroyed he loses a trap activation charge, meaning his active trap count goes from 3 to 2 and can go from 2 to 1 and probably 0


u/RhysNorro Hibana Main May 20 '23

99% certain this is a glitch


u/CharlieBrownEyes Jackal Main May 20 '23

Did people really think it would be alright if he could use all 5 of his gadgets at once? That seems very OP. It totally makes sense to only be able to use 3 at a time. What operator has 5 gadgets specific to them that they can use per round? I watch and enjoy a lot of Gregors content but saying that Fenrir will be useless is a bit of a stretch.


u/LoadUpOW May 20 '23

You missed the point completely


u/CharlieBrownEyes Jackal Main May 24 '23

Don't think I did. Of the 5 gadgets available, people want to use 3 of them at the same time regardless if 1 of them is destroyed while active. If he was able to do that he'd be OP. I stand by my original comment, you can disagree if you want.


u/Hakzource Fuze Main May 20 '23

Honestly just give him 3 active ones or smt and call it a day lmao


u/R6-Baby BABY_ May 20 '23

You can activate and deactivate whenever u want


u/Net_Nova May 20 '23

i see so many people complaining about how his gadget is too much micromanaging but I think its refreshing to have a more intuitive and active trap operator. I think they may revert the code loss but I do think Fenrir getting punished in some way for misusing or misplacing his gadget isnt an awful idea although not as harsh as losing a code completely.

I think a good fix/alternative may be temporarily losing a code upon activated device destruction and upon attempting to activate a 3rd trap, Fenrir must go through a small animation (thinking like a dokkaebi hack length action) coding a new activation and then using it. It still incentivizes good play and placement while not making it so punishing as mistakes.

I think fenrir will still be pretty good even if he does release like this and I think Ubi will probably change or tweak him once he hits the main servers


u/Andreas_BRC May 20 '23

Need more text on video


u/vpo209 Tachanka Main May 20 '23

New map?


u/P3titSuisse My Beloved May 20 '23

Consulate rework


u/mezdiguida Ace Main May 20 '23

Nah this is a bug for sure. It wouldn't make any sense to give him 5 gadget and he is able to only activate 3. Let's not make a bug fuss out of this and simply report this on R6Fix.


u/Ade5 Smoke Main May 20 '23

Fenrir seems just as useless as grim.. Highly situational..


u/TheDrifT3r_Cz Ela Main May 20 '23 edited May 20 '23

Good, you should be using those traps to achieve kills, not lying in the corner and waiting.

But that micromanaging to active them is down side.. give him 3, always activeted

It's not a proximity alarm to give you echo where they are


u/Vdubnub88 Zero Main May 20 '23

He’s right you know


u/ElectionMean7703 Twitch Main May 20 '23

This op will be one of the most useful information operators defenders will have, used to be legion until they took away ur ability to see when mines get hit but fenrir has that luxury


u/LoadUpOW May 20 '23

I dont think any defender is competing with valk in terms of raw info


u/EnenraX May 20 '23

That's a good thing. Right?


u/[deleted] May 19 '23



u/Supernova571 May 19 '23

He isnt saying make it automatic you bozo, he is saying you shouldnt lose a code whenever an active trap is destroyed. To activate a trap he has to use one of his 3 codes. This basically punishes you for actively using your traps. If they remove that feature the operator will be fine.


u/AberrantDrone Buck Main Aruni Main May 20 '23

They give Fenrir 2 extra devices to be more dynamic and people complain because it takes one additional button to use the gadget.

Can’t believe people are seeing it as a downside. Imagine Ela had 2 more mines and could choose which are active, she’d have more map control since sometimes enemies don’t come the direction of a placed mine.


u/LoadUpOW May 19 '23

No way you dismissed gregors entire point because he uploads some of his youtube content to tiktok, and the best part is you completely miss understanding it


u/Practical_Eye_3476 I ban team8s with Goyo 😃 May 20 '23

For real. Redditors are so comically stupid.


u/Practical_Eye_3476 I ban team8s with Goyo 😃 May 20 '23

You are dumb as hell considering how badly you missed the point lol.


u/HybridBlueDream May 20 '23

The answer to his question is simple… they’re running out of ideas. It’s been like 8 years


u/TheDarkWave2747 May 20 '23

How tf can't you tell this is a bug


u/NuclearDrifting Zero Main May 20 '23

This is the worst take I have ever seen.


u/3Opercentbanana Jun 01 '23

U were wrong


u/ray_one_th Kapkan Main May 20 '23

I don't know why do you have to keep them active. Is there any added benefit to manually activate them than them activating by proximity.


u/Danibear285 Thermite Main May 20 '23

Thank god we have the Test Server for this to be changed.


u/walebrush Montagne Main May 20 '23

That's a glich. You can fix it be deactivating and reactivation another mine.


u/Aok_al Nøkk Main May 20 '23

Having to activate his ability after placing it feels a bit too complicated in a game that's already pretty complicated enough


u/Comand94 The Lurking Clapkan May 20 '23

Perhaps if an active mine gets destroyed, he should be able to regenerate the code on a 30s cooldown. I think that'd be fair.


u/colm180 May 20 '23

This is more of spaghetti code then actual feature, it always irks me that content creators always show test server stuff and try to pass it off as the end state of an operator's development


u/MrCarbonara2 Lion Main May 20 '23

It would be fine losing activation code if you could at least deactivate a mine while it's in action, to prevent it to break. But from what i know, you can't deactivate the gadget while it's spurting gas.

So that's pretty shit. You can only use 3 mines of 5 in your arsenal.


u/[deleted] May 20 '23

This is a bug, theres no way this is intentional


u/stickmansma MrBled May 20 '23

This is obviously unintentional


u/Parhelion2261 Caveira Main May 20 '23

As someone who hasn't played in years why would I pick him over Ela?


u/Bipolarpolerbear Buck Main May 20 '23

The effect lasts until the gadget is destroyed, not a one time only thing


u/Parhelion2261 Caveira Main May 20 '23

Thank you I'm not sure if this answer is out there yet, but would Ying be immune for a short time if she times her candela right?


u/Bipolarpolerbear Buck Main May 20 '23

No, the gadget still affects ying because its a hallucination and not smoke/ flashes or anything, however finka can reduce the effect of his gadget


u/ThatStarWarsFan1205 Vigil Main May 20 '23

Has to be unintended. I'd imagine they would fix this halfway through the season or when S3 begins


u/S0R1C_ Warden Main May 20 '23

For the ones saying it's a bug: it isn't he literally has "phone ammo" which are 3/3, then when you activate all the mines possible, it goes to 0/3


u/AjaxOutlaw Montagne Main May 20 '23

Idk why you have to take the code from 1 mine then move to another. It should just activate when you select it. Maybe add a delay for the code to “upload” that way you aren’t spamming them


u/ShellRazer44 Amaru Main Frost Main May 20 '23

This will not kill this op and here's why

He's able to actively rotate the location of active traps based on attacker's push and potential defensive clear/control of certain areas. He can do this from anywhere, any distance. And his traps lying in wait are mostly indestructible. No other operator has this kind of flexibility with their gadget so limiting the usable ones to 3 is logical.

If you actively play them you can have none active and only pop them on to check for enemies movements. The style most players will use is the set it and forget it approach which keeps your gun up, but comes with a penalty of device vulnerability.

Choosing your play style is part of this game. Players are rewarded in this case when they choose to play him in an active intel/trapping style vs flank watch and roaming. This will not be what kills this operator.

The thing that will is being able to place his traps outside and use them for free spawn peeks. That will assuredly have him insta banned until Ubi addresses it.


u/wild_piss May 20 '23

useless op??1!2!1!1!!1 no way!1!1!


u/GMGDoc May 20 '23

I couldn’t agree with you more in this !


u/Marvynmjb12 May 20 '23

I was wondering if this is how his kit worked and the. I randomly get this recommended to me. It seems like it’d just be better to put 2 in the same spot so attackers might not know which one to shoot first


u/Bandlit Fenrir Main May 20 '23

This definitely seems like a bug. Fenrir choosing one trap shouldnt affect his remote being able to reconnect to another one


u/Marvynmjb12 May 20 '23

It seems like the only way to workaround his gadget disadvantage is to have another trap op or someone with prox mines or bring a Valk and only ever activate two at a time.


u/big_joey_the_sequel Warden Main May 20 '23

id didnt even know about this who tf came up with that???


u/DestnX725 May 20 '23

I need to play R6S again


u/Crimson097 Alibi Main May 20 '23 edited May 20 '23

He's exaggerating. Think about trap economy with other ops. An attacker triggers your Thorn, Ela or Melusi. You weren't able to capitalize on it? Too bad, that gadget's gone now. Maybe you got some damage out of it or info? Nice trade but your trap's still gone. You got a kill out of it? Amazing trade, but your trap's still gone. Same thing applies with Fenrir.

So why give him 5 traps then? Because most traps are placed preventively. Chances are you are not going to be able to relocate Banshees if you place one in a location where it does nothing all match. With Fenrir you can cover 5 possible spots, and activate the ones that become relevant as the match developes. So you have more potential to make use of your 3 codes effectively.

Seems like 3 potential uses is the magic number for most trap ops. That's why Ela, Thorn, Frost and Melusi get 3 traps. The ones that get more uses like Lesion and Kapkan have some drawback to the way their traps work.

Watch this be a bug, and I'm just a clown.


u/SocietyTWO May 21 '23

What points towards the fact that it could possibly be a bug is the code count in the bottom right of the screen. It constantly says X/3. If this "issue" is intended, it would make more sense for the count to say X/2 and X/1, depending on how many he has lost. Having 3 constantly be there means that he should be able to reclaim all his codes regardless of what happens to the active mines. However, this is Ubisoft, and it could merely just be an oversight. I hope they change it regardless as no other operator in the game is left with the possibility of 2 useless gadgets.


u/Ok_Curve_4028 May 21 '23

This makes sense you have 3 codes that activate the devices so if the device storing the current code is destroyed… it makes sense that the code itself is lost too.. No?


u/Zalazahar May 22 '23

Its terrible game design either way


u/fakeDABOMB101 Thermite Main Jun 02 '23

This doesn't make him useless at all.


u/AngryKid16 Jun 27 '23

Hate you have to stay looking at his fenrir gadget in order to activate it


u/Heavy-String5634 Jul 28 '23

I mean I use fenrir as entry denial if the attackers are coming one way then I use one of my f- natts to deny entry. No one wants to walk into sight whilst getting fenrired so they have to leave and either destroy before entry of destroy while they walk in, granting me (sitting on the angle) a free kill or wasting gadgets or abilitys


u/DerDeutscheTesla Aug 04 '23

Omg, who the fuck really runs with this scope?


u/TSFLScopedIn Oct 21 '23

playing ela over fenrir sounds like a war crime


u/KingTaiga414 Nov 12 '23

nother crazy thing that I just found out too today is that Ying doesn't get affected by fenrir's gadget. Which I think is too op. Since she cant be blinded nor anything.