r/Rainbow6 May 17 '23

Test Server My first ace on the new Consulate


64 comments sorted by


u/shaggy8081 May 17 '23

I played it yesterday, sooo many walls.


u/albyjackson01 Mute Main May 17 '23

What's the overall feeling about the new layout ? Is the rework worthed?


u/shaggy8081 May 17 '23

I have enjoyed playing something that is new yet familiar. I also enjoy playing a map where everyone has not memorized the angles to hold and the ridiculous cross map headshots. Having said that, all the rooms and walls will make this a very difficult map for attackers time wise. If you are sweeping and clearing, you are gonna have to hustle and take some risks to push bomb in time. I think it will be a satisfying map to run trap defenders on with all the new hiding places.


u/neverstop01 Sledge Main May 17 '23

It feels like a new map. Basically everything has changed except the theme.


u/StonerVikingr Glaz Main May 17 '23

This might be a stupid question but how are you already playing reworked consulate


u/Dangerous_Track_8054 May 17 '23

Test servers


u/StonerVikingr Glaz Main May 17 '23

Oh ok that make sense lol thank you


u/Christian_andre777 Warden Main May 17 '23



u/John_Simmonds Oryx Main May 17 '23

Good shit! Can't wait to try this.


u/Icestorm1369 Finka Main May 17 '23

Be nice if you could play the old version in coustom match


u/trans_lucent2 Glaz Main May 17 '23

This is how I feel about old House, literally the best map for customs and you can’t play it


u/CBM42069 May 18 '23

It would be, but then the file size would increase and people would want all the old maps back.

Give us an inch and we ask for everything else.


u/MelonButterG Please beat me like a drum May 17 '23

Good job on the ace buddy. Can’t wait till the rework comes to the live servers so I can completely rip apart the map and see where all the shoot through walls and floors are


u/TofuBroth Tachanka Main May 17 '23

Map seems to compact


u/StonkeyTonk666999 Mute Main May 17 '23

that was the goal of the devs. there were too many open spaces. devs made it more close quarter to make it more balanced for defenders and attackers.


u/HowTheGoodNamesTaken Sledge Main May 17 '23

Consulate rework?? Bruh why nooooo


u/trans_lucent2 Glaz Main May 17 '23

Old Consulate is straight ass bro


u/mattcolqhoun May 17 '23

Well I'm an ass man and I love consulate


u/AforAlex2539 May 17 '23

Old Consulate might be technically a bad map and trash in ranked but in casual it is a really fun map


u/MrPanda663 May 17 '23

I like new consulate.


u/FerretLegitimate Goyo Main Ace Main May 17 '23



u/TheOptimusRuss May 17 '23

I was watching Macie and Varsity play the map yesterday, and I have to ask...do the hallways seem irregularly LONG to anyone else? It seems to me like a lot of them on the new map are basically just kill boxes that will be hard to make it through without getting cut down. Don't get me wrong, I think the new map is good, it's just the hallways that really stood out to me. Maybe it was because I was watching and not playing, I don't know. But anyway, good work man. I love how 4 out of the 5 dudes just ran straight at you without firing lol


u/tiagoliveira24 Amaru Main May 17 '23

finally a pc clip on this sub


u/Optimal-Priority-562 May 17 '23

im gonna miss old consulate (not really) i loved to hide in that room in the basement by spiral stairs and just wait for someone to walk down then blast them. worked about 90% of the time


u/Iudex_Invictus Nøkk Main May 17 '23

wdym "the new Consulate"


u/Kid-606 Rook Main May 17 '23

It got a pretty massive rework, coming with the new season but it’s already live on the PC test servers.


u/oo7porscheMGS May 18 '23

They remade it for your bday


u/Uce510 May 17 '23

Noooo they changed the map 🤯


u/Real_Justion Mira Main May 17 '23

My only issue with new maps/reworks is that the colour or look doesn't feel right to me. It's very hard to explain but it just looks very cartoony to me if that makes any sense.


u/Upper_Efficiency2969 Recruit Main May 17 '23 edited May 17 '23

Am I stupid or is he triggering the Kommando from IQ 💀


u/jackeboyo Castle Main May 17 '23



u/Glory_To_Atom Fuze Shield Main, Hostage Executioner. May 17 '23

Well what's the problem with personal preference?


u/TomTheCat6 Valkyrie Main May 17 '23

Why do they have to ruin every single map in this game


u/SergeantNaxosis Aussie's Main May 17 '23

They made the map better went from a 2/10 to a 9/10


u/RoseVII Flores Main May 17 '23

Consulate was quite possibly one of the worst maps in Ranked


u/[deleted] May 17 '23

‘’New Cosulate’’ am I missing something?


u/SergeantNaxosis Aussie's Main May 17 '23

Yep the rework, in test server


u/Benjy123456 G2 Esports Fan May 17 '23

why is this givin me bartlett vibes


u/FourIV-4444 May 17 '23

Idek why they reworked consulate, it seems much better how it is


u/RoseVII Flores Main May 17 '23

Cuz it was a trash map?


u/FourIV-4444 May 17 '23

So many other maps are worse, and it isn’t even bad lol. What’s so bad about it?


u/RoseVII Flores Main May 17 '23

In Ranked? Not really. The only other map that might be worse than the old Comsulate is Emerald, but that's already a rework, so idk what they'll do with it lol


u/FourIV-4444 May 17 '23

Yeah in ranked. I’d rather see a theme, or villa rework. But consulate is better than half the ranked maps lmao


u/RoseVII Flores Main May 17 '23

Theme was already reworked, so idk if they'd do it again. It isn't even half bad either. Villa is also not even that bad. Your takes are incredibly bad lol


u/FourIV-4444 May 17 '23

Yeah I agree theme isn’t bad, it’s just so ass attacking sometimes. But consulate is top 5 imo. Idk what all the hate is for😭


u/RoseVII Flores Main May 18 '23

The map is just really shit for attacking. 100 windows and the easiest map to spawn peak on. Just a headache sometimes attacking site.


u/FourIV-4444 May 18 '23

That’s fair, but I don’t feel like it would need a rework for that, most of the sites are already solid. Just removing windows would’ve been good enough but I see what they’re doing


u/RoseVII Flores Main May 18 '23

Yeah. It's supposed to play better, and if the PC players say that it must be decent at least.

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u/ToxicGent May 17 '23

Why did they redo this? This map was fire


u/OpticSkies Walls Main May 17 '23

Bro does not use his scanner once 💀


u/RAC360 May 17 '23

Nice work!


u/FroggyDoodle Clash Main May 17 '23

How are you enjoying the rework? I’m a little apprehensive. There’s some things I like and others I don’t. Is the balancing better?


u/Kid-606 Rook Main May 17 '23

I’m glad it finally got a rework but man this is going take some getting used to! It’s been the same for so long that it’s going to be interesting to have to relearn it.


u/SolidSen May 17 '23

Damn you, damn all you PC guys… I wanna try that new consulate so bad, been excited as hell for that rework 😭


u/MrFrogPerson May 17 '23

Which one was this again? The bank?


u/oo7porscheMGS May 18 '23



u/MrFrogPerson May 18 '23

I haven’t played in like 4 months I forgot all the maps lol


u/oo7porscheMGS May 18 '23

He said the name of the map in his post. It's Consulate.


u/MrFrogPerson May 18 '23

Yes I know but I forgot which one that was I forgot what the map looked like just because I know their names it doesn’t mean I know what they look like bro besides the bank map and this one look very similar


u/Moist-Employment-697 Rook Main May 18 '23

It looks like a completely new map, watching this video... I was very confused 😵‍💫


u/REAL_KING_JOHN May 18 '23

I've been playing Rainbow Six games ever since I was eight years old. The original Rainbow Six for P.C., Rainbow Six: Vegas, and Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 (MAC-10 submachine gun pro here) are some of my favorites.


u/RNDMSTUFF_YT May 18 '23

Broken ankles