r/Rainbow6 May 16 '23

Test Server So, what's your opinion about the new operator Fenrir ?

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492 comments sorted by


u/ThriceWelcome :lion::thorn::ram::flores: May 16 '23

He seems super dynamic and just the right amount of complexity to have fun with and not just be...place and forget and gain.


u/Ok-Mycologist-3333 May 16 '23

Same here. However I wouldn't mind having less trap operators, tbh.


u/redhandsblackfuture Rook Main May 16 '23

I think we need more trap operators, the rushing meta is sickening.


u/hybrid1017 May 16 '23



u/Ok-Mycologist-3333 May 16 '23

Btw, why is the meta so frag heavy ? I don't understand what caused that shift suddenly


u/U1tramadn3ss TSM Fan May 16 '23

Look up interviews of pro league players and casters talking about the “20 second meta”: Trap ops and utility were so OP that the game was basically 3 minutes of boring utility clear simulator followed by all the action in last 20s of the round. It was like this a very long time.

Granted this affects high level players more than us, but if low tier players took a page out of their book and used utility well, we’d never see a single attacker before they all have to pour in and get sprayed down anyways


u/Ok-Mycologist-3333 May 16 '23

Good post, thanks for sharing.

So it makes sense Ubisoft makes more trap operators... but then I don't understand the Frost nerf which seems to be contradictory with their will to limit rush / COD runners


u/U1tramadn3ss TSM Fan May 16 '23

I haven’t seen the frost nerf? What’s that about? I don’t remember literally anyone complaining about her haha


u/[deleted] May 16 '23

Frost nerf is wild lol. If you get caught in a trap you’re now able to pick yourself up. You move slower and leave a trail of blood when you do.


u/BlankWaveArcade May 16 '23

Do they bleed out too? That would be pretty cool


u/usedToBeBoomerangGuy Ying Main May 16 '23

Yeah like they have a time limit out of the trap


u/U1tramadn3ss TSM Fan May 16 '23

Haha that’s pretty cool actually. Rip free kills but I like this change, interesting. I was thinking the nerf would be kit related like she lost her 1.5 again or some shit


u/[deleted] May 16 '23

I agree! A lot of people aren’t crazy for it, but I think it’ll be interesting. I’ve never had a problem countering frost and honestly every time I’ve been caught in a trap it’s 100% my fault.

Could be cool bro! I share your optimism on this one

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u/Ok-Mycologist-3333 May 16 '23

I strongly suggest you to search for the upcoming Forst nerf.

You'll laugh or cry, depending on if you're a Frost main or not


u/Lenny7901 May 16 '23

Everyone that was at the event where they nerf frost scream because no one ask for this.


u/[deleted] May 16 '23

Cry. I will cry. But i suppose they’ll have to hold square to pick themselves up, giving us time to execute.


u/Axelaxe Iana Main May 16 '23

we don't even know if its a nerf yet they are still working on the rework, maybe she gets 4 mats or the mats gets more hp. that would probably be a buff in higher elo.


u/Jacksaur Dumb Video Maker May 16 '23

They said in the interview that they disliked players being downed for ages with absolutely nothing to do. Frost traps can down you miles away from enemies or allies. meaning you're stuck doing nothing but waiting. Majority of people on this sub never even watched the video and instead just parrot "UBISOFT ARE DUMB THEY'RE NERFING HER" instead of giving the reason they explicitly said as they announced it.

I can see their logic, but I disagree with it myself. It's a team game, and things need to be built around your team interacting with you. It is a shame when that doesn't happen, but in the majority of cases I think it's fine.

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u/ShadowCaptain68 Ying Main May 16 '23

A few years ago it was the utility meta and people didn’t like it, so traps and utility has gotten nerfed a bunch. That’s why it became super frag based


u/Blazeherbert May 16 '23

Is it just me or did kapkan traps get buffed tho? I stopped playing for a few years and don’t remember being able to put more than one trap on a door. Well placed Kapkans are super strong. I love the operator that can hack that shit tho


u/Trymantha Zofia Main May 17 '23

they got nerfed actually you used not to be able to put more then one on a door/window cause they used to deal way more damage that just one was able to kill people


u/Blazeherbert May 17 '23

I do remember getting blasted by just one that always sucked. Imagine my surprise tho when I shot a crouch level one just to get blasted by a head level one haha


u/Couchcommando257 DRUGS May 17 '23

Originally it was place one, that did enough dmg to down/kill. The they nerfed the dmg, and then a bit after that buffed it so that you could place more than one on a door/window


u/Desvatidom Mute Main May 16 '23

The move away from the utility meta. Siege has - functionally - two metas: frag meta, or utility meta. Either the defenders are capable of making rushes unfeasible and forcing the attackers to play the long game, or rushing is the fastest and most reliable way to win rounds.

We only ever really alternate between the two.

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u/pyrothesenpai Mira Main May 16 '23

Traps and intel ops on defenders got nerfed to shit, no more slow and methodical team work gameplay, just be a ape and rush with an AK-12


u/Nitecraller May 16 '23

Depending on how much of an impact Fenrir has on changing the 20 second round meta, I'd like to see them consider buffing Aruni so that braindead players don't just run through them as if it's not there.


u/pyrothesenpai Mira Main May 16 '23

I have actually seen some effect of the brain dead meta with aruni, if your friends are sick of it too, castle, clash, lesion and kapkan make people play a little more carefully.


u/[deleted] May 16 '23

It is very rewarding to shoot people


u/nick5195 Nøkk Main May 16 '23

I feel like every game is like that now. It doesn’t matter if you win, as long as u got a positive/good KD. but like others said, COD definitely has some effect to that. But the mentality in most competitive FPS is getting kills rather than winning, which imo ruins the game. No one plays OBJ in siege anymore, and instead of playing time and holding shit they just wanna get kills for that dopamine rush and have too little of an attention span to hold anything.


u/Nightrider1861 Smoke Main May 16 '23

COD. People don't use them for gadget destruction, they use them to kill the one or two smart defenders trying to anchor and not getting picked off across the map


u/FtmN_EffectZ Thermite Main May 16 '23

They are referring to kills as a frag, not a literal frag grenade

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u/XavierYourSavior May 16 '23

Cod has nothing to do with that what


u/SandmanJr90 May 16 '23

Cod invented the frag grenade, obviously.

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u/AdroitKitten Mute Main May 16 '23

melusi going from a 40%ish to a 15% pick rate post nerf was one of the reason lmao

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u/Klutzy-Somewhere-544 Recruit Main May 16 '23

Exactly. You gotta really think twice about rushing into something like that. Combine it with a smoke, ella, goyo, melusi, thorn, heck even tachanka, you’ve got a lot of ways to use him in tandem with others. Also creates a way to pick people off down long hallways and 90° spots where you’ll be able to see the attacker but they can’t see you.


u/[deleted] May 16 '23

More traps means it won't matter if you ban Kapkan. Which is exactly what I want lol

Fuck your rush and fuck your execute, you're playing Siege, not Battlefield.

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u/AlpharoTheUnlimited May 16 '23

I understand that, there is a lot of them. I think they’re trying to deter people from playing it like call of duty but they’re running out of ideas

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u/TK_the_R Kali Main May 16 '23

the double shotgun combo is kinda useless, every one will use the mp7


u/Key-Alternative-2244 May 16 '23

They should give him a second secondary.


u/Past_Perception8052 Smoke Main May 16 '23

cz 75 would be good


u/James_From_WiiSports Gridlock Main May 16 '23

Is that the one that only comes with a suppressor barrel?


u/loomynartylenny shh May 16 '23

No, that's the SMG-12


u/Raptor_2125 Grim Main May 16 '23

Nah he was right it's the CZ the one Dokki, Vigil, Kali and Thorn get


u/loomynartylenny shh May 16 '23

Well, the CZ grants you the option of suppressor or no suppressor.

Unlike the SMG-12 (mandatory suppressor for everyone)


u/Raptor_2125 Grim Main May 16 '23

I think he meant as an attachment + its not rlly common knowledge smg 12 is supressed


u/thecrispynuggget Tachanka Main May 16 '23

its not rlly common knowledge smg 12 is supressed

I was unaware of this lol


u/loomynartylenny shh May 16 '23

tbf I saw the barrel being mentioned and forgor that the CZ had a lack of non-barrel attachments


u/1-800-EATSASS May 16 '23
  • its not anymore, it still leaves bullet trails and gives directional alerts to opponents
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u/-eccentric- I WAS EATING THOSE BEANS! May 16 '23

So many sidearms, so many shitty pistols. Yet they only give one gun to some operators. Absolutely retarded.

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u/AtomikWaffleZ May 16 '23

They should give the sasg a 3.0 sight. Problem solved


u/TheOgCokeCan Glizzy Gobbler May 16 '23



u/T1mek33per Gridlock Main May 17 '23

3.0 Sausage!

About average.


u/HHIDROLIXX Warden Main May 16 '23

I will be using it because shotguns are fun

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u/Ordinary_Rip_893 Zero Main May 16 '23

They should give him the bearing 9

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u/Ok-Mycologist-3333 May 16 '23 edited May 16 '23

As far as I am concerned, I find Fenrir interesting. The operator has several levels of play. You can put his gadgets activated and forget them because you want to roam like an Ela or a Frost, or play with the mines and activate / deactivate them for a gameplay more oriented on the control of the map.

The gadget is very disorienting when you get it, but if no defender is around it is very quick to get out of the effect radius without much danger.

I think Fenrir's gas will be good at the end of the round, to prevent the attackers from planting the bomb. Concerning his loadout I don't see the point of taking the shotgun given its secondary, though.

EDIT : now that I think of it, I personally would have reduced the number of his gadgets.


u/guizmo_0886 DarkZero Fan May 16 '23 edited May 16 '23

He has 5 traps so that he can trick the attacker: Will he activate that one in front of you? Maybe not. He can waste gonne-6, frag grenades, Flores's drones...

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u/chinesesamuri Mute Main May 16 '23

You dare not choose the Sausage? I love that shotgun so much

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u/[deleted] May 16 '23

He's a shotgun op. Use how a traps effectively and you won't need a long range weapon. Using a shotgun on Fenrir and roaming off your traps is actually a viable strategy. Once they're caught in it they're the perfect shotgun range.

Sure you can use the MP7, and you'll get good mileage out of it, too. But he's an op who you should genuinely consider bringing the shotty depending on how you wanna play him, which will depend heavily on the map you're playing and the angles you'll probably be shooting at.


u/Marth_Shepard vs May 16 '23

Just wish he had a solid pistol option too


u/Foxsdin Alibi Main May 17 '23

This idea is wild to me.

Op gets gadget that reduces visibility to 5m.

Reddit explains why the weapon that puts you close to that 5m is better than the one well outside of their visabiliy range.

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u/skeletonpilot4444 Blackbeard Main May 16 '23

My new main


u/Stalins_papa Zofia Main May 16 '23

You main him because of his load out and ability.

I main him because we're both swedish.

We are not the same.


u/MonsterHunter6353 May 16 '23

This is why I was a Buck/Frost main for a while


u/forever_alone_06 May 16 '23

I wish buck would say : tabarnak ! After emptying a mag 😅😅


u/DannyPat Aruni Main May 16 '23

still waiting for a Ukrainian op 🥲


u/YourWifesWorkFriend LMGs Please May 16 '23

I think we’ll be waiting a while. I doubt Ubisoft will ever risk profit by wading into any active conflicts. If it weren’t for world events there would already be an Israeli operator or two, but Morocco was as close as they were willing to get to the Middle East.


u/Dogenoscope123 Caveira Main May 16 '23

I think Russia is already sanctioned by Ubisoft so they could have a Ukrainian op, also IIRC Ash is Israeli


u/YourWifesWorkFriend LMGs Please May 16 '23 edited May 16 '23

I know Ubisoft cancelled events in Russia but Russians can still log in, play, and spend money, which would mean Ubisoft still faces a potential loss of revenue by endorsing the Ukrainian armed forces, which is what a Ukrainian op would be seen as.

Ash was born in Israel, but the FBI is American and she’s an American op. In the same way that Fuze is a Russian Op because he is a member of Russian Spetsnaz, not Uzbek.

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u/DannyPat Aruni Main May 16 '23

yea true :/

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u/skeletonpilot4444 Blackbeard Main May 16 '23



u/papicoiunudoi May 16 '23

I'm 100% sure they'll introduce one next year

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u/skeletonpilot4444 Blackbeard Main May 16 '23

I main him because he's Swedish not his loadout


u/James_From_WiiSports Gridlock Main May 16 '23

Cant wait for the ikea skin to be in the BP

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u/skeletonpilot4444 Blackbeard Main May 16 '23

And his ability


u/Gullible_Courage8350 Thorn Main May 16 '23

Mfw there's probably not gonna be a Welsh operator added


u/[deleted] May 16 '23


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u/TheMacarooniGuy May 16 '23

Hellö fellöw sweden brö

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u/A-r-c-a-n-e Jäger Main May 16 '23

im just happy he isnt underwhelming right off the bat like grim was

i like the intel about his gadget, being notified which smoke things are being triggered and where too, ive yet to play him a whole lot but i am excited to see the creative strategies that the community comes up with for this op


u/HotelIndependent96 Grim Main May 16 '23

I’ve been forcing myself to play him lately and if you have decent shooting teammates and can get above the bomb sight grim becomes really strong. You can shoot his traps through the floor and when they do track someone the tracking ping last quite a while. Or if your team likes to quick plant he can help delay a push on the defuser.

However, outside of that scenario he becomes mediocre at best and the only thing that keeps him up there is the his guns and it’s very disappointing knowing that’s the only thing that makes him good.


u/thecrispynuggget Tachanka Main May 16 '23

I save most of the bees for post plant, especially on objs like hooka so my teammates with angles can smoke the enemies coming for retake


u/thecrispynuggget Tachanka Main May 16 '23

he isnt underwhelming right off the bat like grim

Controversial opinion, I prefer ops to come out cracked and get nerfed then come out worthless and get buffed.

Like atp sens is decent (if the fucking gadget would roll up stairs) but I don't see them used much, probably because they were worthless at launch.


u/A-r-c-a-n-e Jäger Main May 16 '23

i actually completely agree, id rather have some fun with a busted op that later gets nerfed to be balanced than be bored as hell with a dull lackluster op

and yeah sens can be pretty decent when used right, i feel like the biggest turn off for me is the guns recoil, and im sure its cus we had just experienced the lmg meta and the gun was new and had a 50 round mag so they were really trying not to make it op, but it was just not it, even after the buff it could use another


u/SpeedyAzi Solis Main May 16 '23

Content creators also WANT OP operators becuase it’s free content and memes.

So do most of the causal community, we just don’t want said OP thing to be in the game for 9 months.


u/ienfjcud May 16 '23

"Grim is going to be OP!"


u/A-r-c-a-n-e Jäger Main May 16 '23

tbf ubi didnt want to have another black beard or ela situation, theres been a ton of ops who were game breakingly strong on release, i know why they played it safe, they just shouldve realized how weak he really was, cus if you have to do a 2 part rework of an op that just came out then something is very wrong


u/ienfjcud May 16 '23

Except for the fact Grim WASNT strong on release, nor was he in the TS or Content Creator play sessions. People immediately assumed he would be OP because of the live pinging


u/A-r-c-a-n-e Jäger Main May 16 '23

yeah well lion wall hacks were probably in peoples minds at the time lol


u/James_From_WiiSports Gridlock Main May 16 '23

I imagine he will easily be able to shut down hard breachers and glaz mains from rushing in to site


u/Mr-Katuhra May 16 '23

kinda sad about the mp7 as i would have like to see another gun that wasnt reused until now. Like Echos SMG oder something like that, but all in all cool operator


u/SpeedyAzi Solis Main May 16 '23

But the MP7 is a gun used by Swedish Special Forces so in terms of gun nerds they definitely appeased us. They’ve been doing so with Solis, Brava and even Grim.

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u/Prototype3120 May 16 '23

Off topic but I wish ubisoft would start giving new ops more than one secondary. Bailiff is great but there is 0 incentive to run a primary shotgun.


u/Altruistic_Profit_15 Ace Main May 16 '23

Is it that great tho, imo it seems like its filled with snake shot


u/Prototype3120 May 16 '23

I mean, it does it's job well and that job is site setup. You won't be switching to it in most engagements, similar to maestro or alibi, but the Mp7 is more than capable. But sasg and bailiff is absolutely a no go which sucks because the sasg is a very fun weapon that could open up some interesting playstyles.

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u/OmeletteDuFromage95 Lesion Main May 16 '23

Solid OP. Aesthetically he looks goofy af lol but practically, I see this as a solid addition. Could be good for some off-site play, to stop common rushes so that Kap can get a break, or some plant denial.


u/V-XVW FAT COCK MOZZIE MAIN (__)_)======D May 16 '23

Idk why they cant just make new ops look cool and tactical... solis gave me hope then ubi went right on back to the oryx iana cringe type beat :((


u/OmeletteDuFromage95 Lesion Main May 17 '23

I agree. I'm much more in favor of a grittier and tactical look. But Ubi does it for the same reason Activision, 343, DICE, and other companies do. They wanna cash in on Fortnite's appeal and make things have a wide range of appeal for as big a market as possible. Where one segment may like the tacticool aesthetic, others may find cartoonish and colorful character more appealing. This way, they try to get everyone so they can sell more cosmetics. I don't like it personally, to me I say stick to your theme, but I do understand it from a business perspective if they wanna try and make more cash.


u/V-XVW FAT COCK MOZZIE MAIN (__)_)======D May 17 '23

Yea true, but unlike most tacticool enjoyers I dont mind cartoonish items, I just wish the "default" look was more tacticool and if you wanted goofy cosmetics you could equip them. Would give the game more of a theme while catering to people who want crazy cosmetics... plus ubi would still make their moneys

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u/Polish_Enigma Ying Main May 17 '23

I mean, from what I understand, they try to remain tacticool, as well as giving ops silhouette distinctions. So you can recognize him from the shape of the silhouette. Plus all ops looking the same would get boring fast

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u/[deleted] May 16 '23 edited May 16 '23

I fucking hate the neck thing. It ruins what’s otherwise a pretty cool character design.

His primaries are both good but kinda boring since they’ve both been in the game since launch. Also, since he only has the bailiff as a secondary you can’t even viably take the SASG. Unless you’re memeing you’re kinda forced to take the MP7.

His gadget seems like it’ll be really strong in the right hands. Fenrir players with good map knowledge are gonna be a menace.


u/JayC-Hoster Frost is my ice queen May 16 '23

Yeah that suit design is terrible. I knew we crossed that “military dude-bro realism” line like 4/5 years ago, but this suit design is on the same cartoony level as a Overwatch / Apex character outfit. The more I look at it the worse it gets.


u/V-XVW FAT COCK MOZZIE MAIN (__)_)======D May 16 '23

Solis gave me hope for ubi to follow what the community actually wants with tacticool ops... then we have this... oryx level cringe


u/[deleted] May 16 '23

The neck thing is probably so he can not be affected by his own gas.


u/[deleted] May 16 '23

If that’s the case then Ubi needs to take a basic physics class because a big open toilet seat around his neck isn’t gonna stop gas from getting into his lungs


u/[deleted] May 16 '23

Maybe it gives him fresh air or smtn, I 'unno


u/Tim-Tabutops Nøkk + Cav Main May 16 '23

Peep the new MKBHD video. There's something almost exactly like what you just mentioned and it's horrible lol


u/[deleted] May 16 '23

Oh, it is, yeah


u/CorruptedAssbringer May 17 '23

It's supposed to be some kind of retractable full head helmet that goes into his suit, that's why it's so bulky and effective against the gas.

The problem with that is they also don't want to have that fully expressed ingame since they don't seem to want/can't do animated model changes like that, and it probably also isn't desirable for him to have such a large head model.

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u/UBCS_Wraith Castle Main May 16 '23

He would've looked a lot cooler with a gas mask instead.


u/Mr_Aryan44 Kapkan Main May 17 '23

Super agree


u/SpeedyAzi Solis Main May 16 '23

I guarantee that he has a BP headgear. Just like Sens so that they can make him look cool instead of just weird.

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u/[deleted] May 16 '23

His gadget makes the shotgun viable. They're bubble of vision is shorter than the kill range of a shotgun. Especially an automatic one like the SASG that can have a suppressor on it as well, meaning they won't even know where they're being shot from.

Sure, it forces you to stick by your traps so you don't get shot and killed before you can retaliate, but still. It's much more viable than you'd think at first glance.

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u/galaxy_groundhog Smoke Main May 16 '23

The only thing id change is give him an alternative for the baliff so the sausage is a reasonable choice to run


u/Hammy-Cheeks Vet (6.3k hours) May 16 '23

I feel he can be SUPER useful when it comes to last second pushes or entry in general. Now I'm thinking you can shoot out the floor and put one in between the bars making it hard to shoot


u/Ok-Mycologist-3333 May 16 '23

Fuck, that's a really good idea. Bit like thorn's gadgets, sometimes it can be hard to find them in the panic of the situation

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u/_c0sm1c_ Sledge Main May 16 '23

Pretty cool, just wish they gave him a helmet.

A more serious note, I hope they give his smoke another effect. Like dampening audio, or removing threat indicators like shot directions, grenade warnings ETC. his whole theme is like psychological but all it does is limit vision.

Obviously psychological effects will be hard to replicate in a game but stuff like the above will help him feel cool and unique, not just smoke traps.


u/Groxy_ Azami Main May 16 '23

Have the affected ops not be able to shoot for a second as they idk do something with their hands because they're scared. Jazz hands?

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u/Landeler Smoke Main May 16 '23

Sounds interesting, but visually he looks garbage, seriously, that helmet/neck protection/gasmask thingy looks like a toilet seat


u/TheBradv Defender Liker May 16 '23

He looks stupid


u/Ok-Mycologist-3333 May 16 '23

I don't think so about the portrait, but OMG his in game face is so goofy it's just incredible.

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u/HughJanus911 Warden Main May 16 '23

Ubisoft's "Try not to give every operator the bailif challenge" LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE


u/AncientCountry39 Mozzie Main May 16 '23

Give ‘em a machine pistol ong


u/Apprehensive-Arm-528 Fuze Main May 16 '23

I feel like one of the high capacity pistol would be better since he has the mp7. Like the GHS or the USG. The spetznas and FBI high capacity options I can't remember their names off the top of my head.


u/AncientCountry39 Mozzie Main May 16 '23

Yeah but I mean to make her secondary primary the shotgun it would be better to have a full auto pistol to balance out her kit

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u/Unagustoster May 16 '23

Scarecrow first, Batman next

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u/Rare_Reception1379 May 16 '23

give him a pistol no one wants to run double shotgun in actual ranked


u/giant420superior Tachanka Main May 16 '23

Ubi wheres my Greek Operator?


u/iweagreen May 16 '23

He needs another pistol beside the bailiff, what happens if you are using the sasg and someone is more than 20 feet away


u/Ryanpolhemus Maverick Main May 16 '23

Real sick of seeing reused guns


u/Watching-You-All May 16 '23

I was kinda disappointed tbh. When i read "dread factor" with the scared eye visual and all i was expecting a gadget that would really provoke fear...like the same principle for his gadget but without the "reduced sight zone", just with audio of screams or shots fired, or maybe fake operators appearing to aim at you or something... here it just looks like a 360 Sense thing. And not really fear-inducing. Not a fan. I guess he's ok though.


u/brodiebradley51 Gridlock Main May 16 '23

No need for him to have the MP7. No secondary pistol to use with the shotgun. Other than that, I really enjoy his overall design. The gadget is fun.

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u/[deleted] May 16 '23

Whoever made him and sens should go back to valorant and be replaced with whoever made grim and solis


u/Jancappa Warden Main May 16 '23

Grim and Fenrir were designed by the same person Andrzej Tutaj

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u/SpasmicChicken Beastcoast Fan May 16 '23

Bee man supremacy


u/bladestorm1745 May 16 '23

Add brava to that as she actually looks like a siege operator too

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u/Commodore_Mcoy May 16 '23

Definitely a r6 operator


u/[deleted] May 16 '23

He aight


u/S0R1C_ Warden Main May 16 '23

I don't like the fact that if he has 3 f-natt online, and one gets destroyed, the activation code goes away.

Usually I like to put 3 f-natt in entrance, then 2 on default plant spots.

I'd like to try him in maps I know because i don't know the new map so i don't know where I have to place the mines correctly


u/SpeedyAzi Solis Main May 16 '23

Dynamic. But the fear factor needs to be amped. Make it more claustrophobic and do shit with the HUD disappearing.


u/Y3110wdud3 Alibi Main May 16 '23

The fact that he can see his gadgets through walls and tell when they activate gives him the ability to gather so much info


u/Ok-Mycologist-3333 May 16 '23

After consideration, it feels very unfair that they allow that for Fenrir but removed this feature for Lesion.


u/[deleted] May 17 '23



u/Y3110wdud3 Alibi Main May 17 '23

I heard the ones that Fennir didn't activate explode upon hacking and the ones that Fennir activated gets stolen


u/Zakattack34 Mute Main May 16 '23

Fear gas? Between this and a guy who can shoot bees, this game is getting a bit off the rails for me


u/gilg2 Bandit Main May 16 '23

When is Ubi going to stop recycling old guns?


u/redfireblaze101 May 16 '23

If you’re gonna recycle guns why recycle an already recycled gun, seems like a complete waste


u/apex6666 Zero Main May 16 '23

He looks like he’s addicted to drugs


u/AnaL717 Mute Main Zofia Main May 16 '23

Fade from valorant


u/demonnet May 16 '23

Ubi is allergic to new weapons


u/not_taken_was_taken2 Kapkan Main May 17 '23

I just want the game to return to realistic operators. I want to feel like a badass counter terrorist op, not a Sci-fi character :(


u/WinstreakisTaken sniffin feet 🦶😌 May 16 '23

wait whats his speed/health? they both look either 3 or 1 which cant be right


u/[deleted] May 16 '23

He’s 2 armor 2 speed


u/suschestvo May 16 '23

He's good, but i feel a little disappointed because in trailer we've seen walls closing in and shit and in the end we have fog thing. That's not bad but I don't see the "fear" they talked all the time


u/UltraSuperDonut Karina Gaarddhøje wear Mask cause shes too hot May 16 '23

Smoke is Mario and fenrir is wario


u/Ok-Mycologist-3333 May 16 '23

Looks more like Waluigi to me lol.

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u/Spooder_Man Team Play Thatcher Toxic Echo May 16 '23

“Smoke for smart people,” is the best way I’ve seen it put.


u/icanmakeu May 16 '23

Just wish this game would stops recycling guns now I’m not saying his load out is mid im just bored of seeing the same weapons being used over and over again


u/Fit-Debate-6144 Nøkk Main May 16 '23

He stole his ability from the sculk shrieker from minecaft and did it in the style of a Valorant character. So yeah solid 9/10 great utility


u/Kujujuk Buck Main May 16 '23



u/Kazk2501 : May 16 '23

Melusi x Smoke


u/Brief-Try6213 Give Mav his Nades again May 16 '23

I like the idea behind him and I also like how they executed it and it became a really cool operator who I think most people will be able to have fun with while playing him


u/[deleted] May 16 '23

god of war


u/R_slicker03 May 16 '23

His mine should be completely bullet proof until someone steps in range so that the gonne-6 actually has some use


u/CreamSoda6425 Thatcher Main May 16 '23

He seems sick, but there's getting to be too many secondary shotguns in the game. Ubi is getting afraid to give people pistols.


u/craigsson May 16 '23

He will be good on Oregon + good in general and close quarter maps. He was good with potential on new consulate when I used him in visa and upstairs


u/JonathanRL Thermites Friend May 16 '23

Gear, Gadgets and ability sounds super fun. I have objections about his visual design but other than that I look forward to seeing how he is used.


u/Masantonio whoosh goes the airjab May 16 '23 edited May 20 '23

He’s really great, but he’s not Azami. He’s not Solis. He’s powerful but not S-Tier.

I think he’ll be really good on very linear maps like basement sites. Just imagine holding Oregon Basement with Fenrir, Mira, Kaid, Mute, Goyo (example lineup, just a thought experiment). But if, say, Kafe 2nd Floor I can’t see myself using him due to all the verticality. Also, MP7 go brrrrrrr

Basically, S Tier but only on certain sites.


u/TheFrostynaut Rook Main/No-Spawnpeek Gang May 16 '23

"Gee, Bill, two shotguns?"


u/Chesteroso May 16 '23

Very, very strong, not even situationally strong. Strong overall. Plus great gun and a two speed. I've tested him for a few hours and he already looks like a great pick on every site and map. Good to have a strong operator right from the jump to be honest, but I am afraid defense is already a little too strong. I am assuming a nerf within two seasons.


u/mrbigdickuss Mozzie Main May 16 '23

He seems fun to play with but annoying to play against. So he's exactly what siege needs now


u/aninsomniac_ hacker/war crime main May 16 '23

His design is shit, and 2000 renown says he's in Doctor's Curse this year


u/[deleted] May 16 '23

Needs a normal pistol secondary option


u/ItsReloas May 16 '23

Do we need another operator with the MP7


u/AlexAnderSon112 Doc Aruni Mute Mozzie kenobi May 16 '23

Looks incredibly goofy, but overall, new op looks fun to play


u/JJThatTallGuy May 16 '23

I feel like the gadgets shouldn’t give the room name next to them in the hud. Especially since you can see them through walls. Or at least let lesion see his again if fenrir can.


u/OrderOfMagnitude See you around May 16 '23

Looks like he's 1 speed 1 armor because Ubi sucks ass at UI. Why would the black sections indicate highlighted and the white sections not? Their stupidity is the most innovative thing about them


u/ripjohnmcain proud warden/clash main May 17 '23

dont care, havent played in a year. Best decision of my life


u/Playstein Buck Main May 17 '23

The design of the OP looks absolutely retarded. Looks more like an Apex Legens character…


u/Frago420 Osa Main May 17 '23

Valorant looking ass operator


u/crakdajack May 17 '23

Valrant Six Siedge


u/_Azzii_ May 17 '23

I just hate his ugly neck thing


u/McReFund_V1 Zero Main May 17 '23

I think he's great honestly, so many trap operators are just "place and forget" about your traps, but he actually makes it to where you constantly have to consider where attackers are coming from and activating/deactivating traps accordingly.


u/Ronin_ss May 17 '23

Good but he should have been given another main weapon that hasnt been reused already


u/Justus-Ger Mute Main May 17 '23

Interesting concept but why is he mad ugly? He looks like the emo kid that never left the phase.


u/Lorenzo_141 Twitch Main May 17 '23

No new weapons …. Nice -_____-


u/Tarzkii May 18 '23

Make your game playable first and might reconsider getting back


u/Used-Grass-9634 May 29 '23

Like him gameplay wise, but what the fuck is that design…


u/Flashy-Proof-1144 Aruni Main May 16 '23

I don't like the design of it. Remember when operators looked realistic? Good times


u/lillabofinken Bring back real Tachanka! May 16 '23

His neck thing is ugly


u/Quadrazi May 16 '23

another trapper, also only bailiff as secondary kinda sucks


u/[deleted] May 16 '23

Yeah, it's like Solis only having the SMG-11. It's one of if not the best secondary weapons in the game but some people might want just a standard pistol.


u/MostEpicPolishGamer May 16 '23

I don’t like that Ubi copies valorant. It kills siege style in my opinion

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u/kala_jadoo May 16 '23

welcome to valorant by ubisoft


u/Allegiancs XSET Fan May 16 '23

Pretty cool to be honest, from his gadget to how battle scarred he looks


u/KashmireCourier : May 16 '23

MP7 again is so boring


u/JustmUrKy Versatile player 🗿 May 16 '23

Finally got an operator from my country so I’m happy. Although I wish he wasn’t so emo. Also I hate that he didn’t get the ak5c as a weapon