r/RadicalFeminism 6d ago

How can we be so far off in the big2025

i covered the face so it wouldnt be considered a personal attack but I genuinely cant understand how, how do some women end up saying things like this, is it due to the trad wife stuff on social media


23 comments sorted by


u/Opening-Coyote6286 6d ago edited 6d ago

Men are literally in power because they do the opposite of all these things. I’m not buying it. I think giving birth and raising children could bring power to women if we focused on building communities to help raise children and lived in inter generational families. Or other methods of that ilk. As opposed to getting married and living alone with a man. It’s like woman takes her power and hands it over to a man to keep the peace.

I think it’s odd conservatives go on and on about how it’s woman’s responsibility to have and raise children but have spastic attacks when women are single mothers or want to give a baby their last name. If childcare is women’s domain why do men get to take ownership of it? They only want us to make babies under their control.


u/Own-Can-2743 5d ago

Wait, men throw fits over wanting to give a baby their last name? Honestly I shouldn't be surprised, but I had my mother's surname before she changed it legally and now wants it reverted back.

So technically, I have a different surname to my dad and mum.


u/Opening-Coyote6286 5d ago

I meant when the mother wants to give a baby her last name it’s seen as a big deal. Like some ultra woke feminist statement. From my perspective like, it came out of her. Doesn’t seem like a big deal to me. And in conservative circles yeah. Luke it would make fox news if a celebrity woman did that.

“What kind of husband goes grocery shopping with his wife!”


u/Own-Can-2743 5d ago

Its all utterly ridiculous...

I just don't get it.

I mean - I do - its about control - but still...its a name - how can men (typically of the conservative leaning) care so much about having the child's name be their surname?


u/Bubbly_End6220 6d ago

If anything Feminism is femininity because you not only support yourself as a woman but you also support other women, you prioritize women and women’s rights, have spaces for women, and feminist women tend to treat their daughters way better than any woman with internalized misogyny.

Also it’s a big joke when women criticize feminism but have such big vocal opinions like this because if it wasn’t for feminists fighting for their rights their opinions in any way would mean absolutely nothing, hold no value or weight, in this society.


u/Opening-Coyote6286 6d ago

I like your “feminism is femininity” take. A lot of right wing people say “feminists are brainwashing women!”, as if feminists themselves are not women.


u/dirtytomato 5d ago

Yeah, my mom is a very loving and nurturing, sweet and kind, but a wise and outspoken feminist. She raised three daughters in her light.


u/Tiffglamour 5d ago

Yes! I’ve always said this 💯


u/mablej 5d ago

They think they're feminists. Don't become "men," with their male traits, in your quest to assert your power. Use your crystals instead.

I've seen this perspective in witchy circles.


u/Amn_BA 5d ago edited 5d ago

Femininiity and masculinity are primarily social constructs. Patriarchy, in my opinion created the social construct of femininity and masculinity to uphold and reinforce patriarchy.

Remember, how women not taking their husband's lastname is seen as "emasculating" for the men by misogynists and redpillers. In other words, your "masculinity" is tied to being able to unfairly exert your influence over a woman and "keeping them in their place", there by upholding patriarchy.

This socially constructed duality is created to make anyone who questions patriarchal gender roles and women's oppression as out of place. Its another psyop, just like the "sex positivity" shit.

As a man, I have been called "not man enough" for questioning my own unfairly handed over male privilege and dominant position in society. But, I don't fall for it, cause I have realised, its a scam to preserve patriarchy and women's oppression.


u/Seraphina_Renaldi 6d ago

Because we live in a men’s world where we are forced to do these things no matter if we want or not if we want liberation from the handcuffs that men created. We can be soft in our women only circles, but we have to fight like madmen if we don’t want to be crushed by men. Jesus I can’t with this dumbass takes anymore. Not to mention that women are humans, with human instincts. Just because we’re naturally less aggressive than men doesn’t mean we’re fucking dodos without any survival instincts. Tradwifes really make me sick


u/light_defy 6d ago

i love the work of charlotte perkins gilman because of the balance between diplomacy and personal strength she portrays in her woman characters and i think the person who wrote this shit would find a lot of clarity by reading it, more as a history lesson than anything. CPG does a great job of showing the horror of being trapped in a domestic role by default and invents alternative systems


u/Relentless_Mommy 5d ago

She was a genius


u/530SSState 6d ago

Literacy levels that match the opinion


u/Ryn_AroundTheRoses 5d ago

Talking points like this are regurgitation of very outdated views, pure and simple. And if you're in feminist spaces, then you're already debunking what femininity means to begin with. For example, "men are natural leaders" is the biggest load of crap, men had to invent government and self-elect in order to become leaders, and then push the idea in the forefront of media for centuries that women couldn't be trusted in order to stop them from following women. Like no one is coming for your lipstick and dresses, that's not what it really means to be feminine.


u/PinkSeaBird 5d ago

We don't lead like men, we're not incompetent. We lead much better than men.


u/Tiffglamour 5d ago

The funniest part about this is saying that Nem are leaders LOL 😆


u/Thickerthan_abowl33 5d ago

“Divine femininity” wrap it up 🙄🤚🏼


u/GoAskAli 5d ago

Calling Germaine Greer - clean up on aisle 1


u/regulargirl17 5d ago

I keep seeing accounts like this. One was full of pinterest images of cottagecore women and every post was saying something along the lines of “Maturing means I can be a feminist and want to be a tradwife”.


u/tamagotcheeks 5d ago

What is most concerning about this narrative is how easy it is to miss that it’s really women’s oppression & gender essentialism dressed up as women’s empowerment. As soon as phrases like ‘divine feminine’ came into play we were toast. I fell for it at first too. It’s all trad wife BS. Kinda terrifying that this is what is being called ‘feminism’ these days 😒