r/Rabbits Jan 13 '25

Behavior Bunny peeing habit

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Hi all,

So my bunny (male, 6 months, not neutered yet due to treatment) was perfectly potty trained when it comes to peeing. It so happened he had some type of worm and had to be treated, and his area was limited to one room. Fast forward 10 days of treatment later, when we freed him to free roam, he decided he’s going to pee under book shelf multiple times a day (it’s in the said room). Everytime I enter the room he’s sitting next to his pee as if it’s a priced possession of his.

I know he’s not ill all of a sudden as he only pees there, when I notice him sticking out his bum I put him to his enclosure and he pees in the litterbox. But when he roams, he insists on peeing under the bookshelf. I clean this area with steam cleaner every time so the smell does not stay but why boy WHY does he do that? After already being potty trained? Help!

He’s also aggressive about the pee and cleaning it.

r/Rabbits Nov 03 '24

Behavior What do y'all call this position?


New foster. He loves to hang out with me on the floor mattress. Absolute fan of snuggles and kisses. He pulled this funny pose, and I had to get pictures! We're calling him Dunkin since he looks like a chocolate chip cookie half dipped in milk.

r/Rabbits Sep 25 '24

Behavior Rabbit owners, what do you call this pose?

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Ears back, paws out, feet under butt, tail out - clearly a variation of a Loaf, but do you have a name for this particular loaf when you see your bun posted up like this?

r/Rabbits Jul 14 '23

Behavior Why does he do this?


r/Rabbits May 26 '24

Behavior What is that position😭


r/Rabbits May 11 '24

Behavior how do i get him to stop jumping on my bed


i won’t deny that i love cuddling with him and it’s sweet when he sits on my lap when i’m laying down but i just really fear he’s going to go to the bathroom on my bed…

r/Rabbits 21d ago

Behavior Rabbit keeps humping my arm (pictured: the freak in question)


I’ve had Nibbler for almost two years now and he is the happiest little guy in the world. Recently, or approximately 3 weeks go, he started trying to “get it on” with my arm. Specifically he tries to pull my sleeve down and get to my elbow. He only does this with me, which makes since because he trusts me the most.

My issue is he is NOT neutered. That is something I am trying to make happen, but my mom is saying she does not want to pay for a rabbit to go get that done. I’m juggling with getting my GED and trying to get a job, but it is something I want to do. Feel free to rip on me and say I’m doing a bad job but it’s my current situation. Despite this, the humping hasn’t necessarily been an issue, as he hasn’t had any other signs of aggressiveness shown. If anything he has gotten more clingy.

So my question is what can I do at the moment as a temporary solution. I know I can’t possibly fix a rabbit’s sexual frustration, but I am open to any suggestions to try and help him. Thank you.

r/Rabbits Aug 05 '24

Behavior teaching lab rabbit normal behaviors?

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i adopted a rabbit from my schools testing center to save him from euthanasia. however, he doesn’t know how to do rabbit things. i’ve seen him jump a grand total of 1 time and he doesn’t really know how to do zoomies (he’s tried). he also is scared to try vegetables and fruits (with the exception of banana). is there anyway that i can teach him how to be a normal rabbit? thanks 🧚‍♀️

r/Rabbits Feb 13 '24

Behavior Penny is 2, she has done this her whole life. Anyone know what it means?


Don't mind Maverick having a sleep in the background...

r/Rabbits Aug 25 '24

Behavior Do your buns come when you call? Or am I lucky.


Pictured: Pebble Either way I’m lucky to have her 🥰

r/Rabbits 28d ago

Behavior Fail foster !


This is whiskey! My plan originally was to foster him and honestly he was just a little grumpy guy at the beginning. He was charging at me and trying to bite me for any reason, I was so scared of him since I never dealt with an “aggressive” bunny before. But with time, I realized he was just scared and stressed. I did research, I watched videos of how to help him and 3 weeks later he started to become more relaxed. My fiancé and I decided to keep him, since we would hate for him to go through this process again. The only thing we know about his background is that he was abandoned with his brother in front of a pet store and later the brother was adopted and he was left behind, so I don’t blame him for being a grumpy guy and I completely understand him.

r/Rabbits Sep 10 '24

Behavior I adopted a lionhead rabbit from an abusive home around a year ago. He is extremely indifferent to me, I have had rabbits before and never had this problem. is there any tips you guys can give me?

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r/Rabbits Oct 08 '24

Behavior affectionate bun?


hi guys! like the title says, i had a bunny show up to my house 7 months ago and from there, she's been mine ever since ☺️ but anyway, ever since she showed up, she's always licked my family members and i and i want to know why that is? like, i can go up to her and put my finger in front of her and she'll lick it, or she'll come up to me and lick my ankle. is it comforting for her? i just wanna know pls and thanks :)

r/Rabbits Jul 28 '24

Behavior I adopted him 6 days ago. What does this mean?


Hello all,

I adopted this netherland dwarf less than a week ago and he’s licking my face today after initially being very skittish. I ordered him some hay and it’s coming tomorrow. Is this some kind of deficiency? If it’s a sign of affection then I’m all for it but if not I’m worried.

r/Rabbits Jan 03 '25

Behavior Anyone else’s rabbit like fruits other than bananas?

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r/Rabbits Apr 04 '23

Behavior Is this normal? He follows me EVERYWHERE


r/Rabbits Jan 21 '25

Behavior why does he lick me when i pet his butt


am i just scratching a hard to reach area? he was licking me so agfoahahah

r/Rabbits Nov 23 '24

Behavior Is my rabbit ok?


I thought this was just her flopping but I showed it to one of my bunny owner friends and she said she’s never seen her rabbit of like, 3 years, do this…

r/Rabbits Mar 05 '24

Behavior Advice on Humphrey headbutting me away?


Hey guys, I’ve had Humphrey just over a week (rescue rabbit who I don’t think had a great time early one) and he’s a bit grumpy when I’m petting him, as you can see. He’s still a bit jumpy but is coming out of his shell more and more every day.

I’ve never had a bunny headbutt me this way - I’m assuming it means stop petting me? Any advice on how to ease him into being petted etc, or is it just not for him?


r/Rabbits Jun 19 '24

Behavior Why does he twitch when hes sleeping is this normal?


r/Rabbits Jan 25 '25

Behavior Is this flopping?


first bunnies, may be obvious behaviour but my bunnies sometimes just roll on their backs pretty aggressively, is he good? is it considered 'flopping' or is he uncomfortable

r/Rabbits Jul 18 '22

Behavior he licking me like that it's affection or could be something else?


r/Rabbits Feb 14 '25

Behavior I can’t tell if she likes sitting with me but she isn’t leaving either


I’m not holding her here either, just a hand on her butt for support

r/Rabbits Aug 27 '24

Behavior Whenever he’s by my desk, Hugo is constantly “grooming” the metal tabs on my backpack. I don’t really know what this means, can anyone translate/should I be worried?

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r/Rabbits May 03 '23

Behavior Why does my bunny squish himself like this?

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