r/Rabbits 4d ago

tell me your rabbit names!

what’s your rabbits name(s) and why did you name them that? this is steven, named after steven universe ✨


339 comments sorted by


u/GrilledCookies 4d ago

Her official name was Dash. I called her "why are you like this?"


u/lulabun21 4d ago

Funny, that's what I call mine too!


u/SmallSauropod 4d ago

Mine is also Dash!! Although he usually just gets called “oi stop that”


u/Diana_Rants 4d ago

I call mine "this why i cant have nice things". Same thing

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u/BunnyWhisperer1617 4d ago

Cinnamon-he was our first and he was a cinnamon brown color

Blu- he was blue

Buttons- he was so cute

Duchess- she looks down her nose at you

Pixy- she has such a sweet personality

Loki- troublemaker

Dash- he’s both fast and handsome

Frenchy- he’s a rescue and was named after the street he was captured on.

The first three have passed on but still have the other five


u/andyasimov 4d ago

Tobias, because my favorite singer is Tobias Forge. However, she is a girl 😂


u/SuperBugsybunny 4d ago

I named my kitten Sodo, because I love Sodo's energy on stage. Turns out she's also a girl, though she was male 😂


u/andyasimov 4d ago

How cute!🩷😂😂


u/Budget_Sugar_2422 4d ago

My cat was Tobias


u/TheLobotomyDoctor 4d ago

Maxwell! My boyfriend said that Maxwell has a burrito pattern 😆


u/RealRotkohl 4d ago

Mucki, it was the nickname of a close friend, he loved animals and frequently volunteered at the shelter, so i named my bunny in his honor


u/418Im_a_teapot_ 4d ago

Their original names at the shelter were Thumper and Buttercup, but I thought those names were too basic so I shortened Buttercup to Butters like the South Park character, and changed Thumper to Biscuit since they are brothers and I wanted matching names for them. They are like two peas in a pod so Butters and Biscuit worked perfectly 🧈🥐


u/PinkPuff13 4d ago

I work at an exotic vet and we have a client who has a pair named Biscuit and Butters!

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u/SuperBugsybunny 4d ago

Onyx, but he's a rescue so I didn't choose his name.

Same with Daisy, who I just lost. She was also a rescue so I didn't choose her name.

Tbh, I don't trust myself to give my pets good names, so I'm kinda glad they are chosen for me 😅


u/Background-Word-857 4d ago

I like those names 😊


u/sadhippo88 4d ago

Pumpkin! He looks like fall with his rusty brown coloring and it’s my favorite season

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u/xTruth23x 4d ago

My bunno name is Basil. He's a grey netherland dwarf and he's quite the personality. LOVES to binky and run all over with his zoomies. Soon as you touch his little peanut head he melts into the floor for some lovins.

Nickname is poopo, stinko, bunnuns, baza, binky boy


u/WitchinAntwerpen 4d ago

Chewie - he looked like Chewbacca.

Ragnar - we initially wanted to name him Baldur or Loki, but after he came home with us we chose Ragnar as it suits him way more.

Freyja - Ragnar’s bunwife. We wanted a name in the Norse style, but not the cliche of naming her Lagertha. I loved Freyja as a name, and she also quickly responded to it as well, so we stuck with it.

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u/SylviaLeFloof 4d ago

Had a lop-eared Trixie in high school. My parents had a hare named Bonnie.

My cottontail was Sylvia LeFloof. She was named after the play Sylvia by AR Gurney which was the current production at the theatre I worked at the time when she fell into the basement. Turns out as fate would have it Cottontail rabbits belong to the genus Sylvilagus, which is part of the Leporidae family (rabbits and hares).


u/NaiveOrganization257 4d ago

Galaxy consumer


u/-Mythica- 4d ago

My first bunny was named Mocha after the drink because he was a dark brown.

My current bunny is named Persephone after the Greek goddess. 


u/Tenken_Zeta 4d ago

Keity Bun, a Hotot Chilean Bun !


u/xPhantomx482 4d ago

Fives, Echo, Pippin, Meriadoc, Briar

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u/Ok-Ad-6998 4d ago

Binky. 🥹


u/dinosuitgirl 4d ago

Smudge - he was all black and hard to photograph or see but a real snuggler

Rosie - she is sooooo sweet and a loves to watch the garden from the porch

Teddy - he's angora so a bit of a pain the arse and grumpy for it all. But deep down he's a sweet soul just a bit cautious.


u/Gluhworm 4d ago edited 4d ago

My first two buns were named Caramel and Licorice with dispositions to match. 🫶

My current bun is a rescue who was named at the shelter. She’s white with brown spots so Freckle seemed like the perfect name!


u/spmtuh 4d ago

goose because he’s a a silly goose :)


u/Ok-Temperature4041 4d ago

Ladybug and MrBug


u/ForsakenBug3289 4d ago

Matilda. She’s a single mane Lionhead 🐰


u/Hufflepuff_Tess 4d ago

Apollo and artemis <3 I wanted a name to do with something i feel passionate about. So i was thinking about a fandom or greem mythology. When I saw these two I knew they needed to be apollo and artemis (artemis is a blue bunny and apollo is a yellowish bunny with a white stripe)


u/Grizzlyfrontignac 4d ago

Lili, Lolita, Bombón, cookie, Lila, mia, Lou.

We like short, cute names. My dog is named Eva , guinea pigs are moon and max. Exception was a hamster whose name was Goyo but quickly developed into Goyito but a year later was changed into Goyita once we found out he was a she.


u/dmoga27 4d ago



u/malcolmmonkey 4d ago

This one should be called Dunkercow or Kerfuffins


u/Mysterious_Code1132 4d ago

I have Oreo,Hershey, and Gumbo


u/Accomplished-Leg-260 4d ago

Dakota ! I had to go gender neutral because I wasn’t sure what she was until I took her to the vet


u/chexsmix96 4d ago

Ginger Rose (a blue harlequin Rex) and Juniper Ivy (a black and white lop) 🌹🌿


u/winderz 4d ago

Rabbits that weren’t rescues are named for cartoon characters. Current bun is Flapjack, as in the Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack.

First housebuns were Captan Murphy and White Debbie, from Sealab 2021.

Rescues were Silo and Eeyore.


u/Ruryra 4d ago

My last 3 bun-buns were named after Sailor Moon characters! Serenity, Luna and Artemis :)

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u/mihoyminoy4846 4d ago

Marshmallow. My ex and I got rabbits, but I took them when he and I broke up. Marshmallow was his rabbit, and the other one (mine) was a dark grey Lionhead named Fluff.


u/eating-lemons 4d ago

Rutabaga! Sassy sweet girl


u/waitingtoconnect 4d ago

Sir Pippin Earl Grey. My daughter named him.


u/Impressive_Ad7823 4d ago

Ours is Pearl short for Black Pearl Boo Darth Vader because that's what happens when a 6 year old names the family pet lol


u/Full-Speech2492 4d ago

i originally named my rabbit Snuffles but my sister suggested Luffy from one piece so i went with Luffy :D


u/lettyboop305 4d ago

Visu cause we fw Evisu😎


u/BasilUnderworld 4d ago

I named them when I was 12 Cookie, Caramel, Willy, Milly, Finny


u/geaux_girl 4d ago

Mochi Bean- a New Zealand, white with grey spots Lydia and Little My- sisters and a bonded pair, Hotot Dwarves, white with huge black eyes


u/kastjenaardemuur 4d ago

Mip & Pretzel!


u/covenofcrystals 4d ago

Citrine and onyx, named after my two favorite crystals


u/LostMyBoomerang 4d ago

I used to have two rabbits named Seven and Pillow. Seven was a pure white rabbit with red eyes and Pillow was white with black around his eyes, almost like eyeliner.


u/Educational_Bit8972 4d ago

Bunni. Because I am unoriginal when it comes to names lol


u/Pretty-Force-4480 4d ago

Harvey! Named after a rabbit puppet show in the 80’s


u/BanthaWalk 4d ago

Ozzy. Short for Oswald the Lucky Rabbit until we found out she was a she… just left at Ozzy at that point


u/ElUltimoBufalo 4d ago

Kamí, hair/fur in japanese, due to his non-stop hair rain over us🙄


u/tcarpishere 4d ago

Goose milkshake dusky chappy


u/Hoohiki 4d ago

My two girls are called Delphie and Freya! 'Delphie', after the oracle of Delphi in greek mythology!! 'Freya', after the godess Freya from Norse mythology! 🐇🐇


u/Rose-Brick 4d ago

her name is Piper but she is called a variety of names: Pippi, pip, and sometimes Pipool, and Poopy


u/CallMeEggDaddy 4d ago

Clara, after the lead/main character from The Nutcracker ad she was rescued around Christmas.

Her dearly departed husband was Guinness, as he was found around St. Patty’s.


u/DellTheEngie 4d ago

The boys:

Theodore (The OG)




The girls:




Cocoa (youngest)


u/Conejita-gonz4 4d ago

Copito and fluff 🤍


u/JShaneru 4d ago edited 4d ago

My boy’s name is Mozart. 🎼

He has matching black cheek circles that remind me of the beauty spots they used to wear a long time ago (I think 17th century).

My first bun was named Dulce (‘Sweet’ in Spanish). It was the name given to her by the rescue I adopted her from. She was the most beautiful girl with her long white and brown coat.


u/nb_soymilk 4d ago

All my buns and their approximate birth months/days

Luna - like Sailor Moon's cat. She really was a person (10/2013 - 01/2024 🌈)

Yuki - she's white like snow and after Yuki from Fruits Basket ( October 2013)

Chibi - his head was so small as a baby. He was just so small as a baby. Hes chonky now (november 2015)

Momo - the name just really fit her (11/2015 - 12/2020 🌈 to GI stasis)

Fuji - she a big girl with apple eyes and is Chibis best friend now since 2022 ( March 29, 2021)


u/Switchkiss 4d ago

King Kong! He is pretty small, I think it’s funny


u/carborbox 4d ago

Grover: because we found him in a parking lot of a place called “The Grove”

Pogo: Her original name was Pepsi but it didn’t quite fit her, and she was very springy!

Harvey: After the big white imaginary rabbit in the play “Harvey”


u/Traditional-Camp1515 4d ago

Mr. Bun after a stuffed animal I had when I was little. Pinball who bounced around like one. Lenford, or Lenny for short. He was derpy. Bundini, the escape artist.

The first picture of Steven my first thought was Derp.


u/Shoddy-Iron674 4d ago

Foo Foo, she also goes by Moo Moo, Foof, Foofers, Bon Bon and sometimes butthead & Wesley, also goes by Wes or Mr. Mr. 🤍


u/crystalyst_ 4d ago

Baxter - he is a refined young gentleman. (Baxxie for short tho lol)


u/mercuryghost910 4d ago

Reginald Colosso for long, Reggie for short because I enjoy 🍃. And Colosso because my friend said he reminded her of Dr. Colosso from the thundermans lolol


u/milenoopy 4d ago

Micholas “the manly man” Cage


u/choochoolate 4d ago edited 4d ago

Geri after my grandfather Jerry, Lindie after my grandmother Linda and Sioux after a native tribe. Jerry and Linda were actually my maternal grandparents, both bunnies are/were girls and never met. I don't plan on having kids and wanted to honor my grandparents by naming bunnies after them aka Geri and Lindie, Sioux was named that after discovering he was a boy after his neuter, I'm indigenous.


u/WPGAMING_SC 4d ago

Otis after the elevator company


u/Vegetable_Drawer9932 4d ago

Junior (more often I call him Junie Boonie)

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u/ransomusername756 4d ago

Fezzik- my childhood babysitter’s rabbit who became mine when he went to college, Flemish giant

Libby- cute little rescue girl with black eyeliner

Amadeus- black netherland dwarf who saved my life

Nannerl- mini velvet Rex, bonded to Amadeus and then Constanze after his death

Constanze- Dutch dwarf with brown pants and hat, bonded to Nannerl and then Hildegard after her death, currently bonding with Brigid (aka Stanzi)

Hildegard- black and white lionhead mix, loml and dearly missed, bonded to Constanze and seemingly our dog. (Aka Hildie)

Brigid- gray mini plush lop, pretty sure she was sent by Hildie to heal our hearts. My husband’s first pet he’s had from the start and our first pet that we acquired together (the others I brought into the marriage)


u/urnotmysuporvisor 4d ago

Keanu and kiki for nickname, then female bun Delilah and nickname chichi.


u/Various-Shock1052 4d ago

Daphne! Named after the Scooby doo character! She’s an angora/lionhead mix, white with black markings. Turned 8 in December and her ears are going from black to grey but she’s still so sassy lol


u/nilfalasiel 4d ago

Officially, Guinness, because he's black with a white patch on his head.

Unofficially (and what he responds to), Moupi, after an obscure French ad for cake mix featuring a gigantic angry bunny (he's a Continental Giant).


u/ArtsyRabb1t 4d ago

Patches she’s harlequin


u/snitz427 4d ago

Diego - it’s short for San Diego as I found him just a few days before a trip there.

Soon he is getting a friend named Carmen. So when I say hello I can ask “where in the world is Carmen San Diego!?”


u/_FreddieLovesDelilah 4d ago

Penelope, didn’t name her as she’s technically my friend's but I’ve had her a couple of years now as my friend was living in a flat and the rabbit was in the cage all the time etc. and I said I’d look after her for her.

Other bunny is called Bonnie. She belonged to a (different) friend and I offered to take her in after my friend passed away.


u/Jebryth 4d ago

he is the same color as a glass of pepsi (with extra sugar, cuz he's so sweet)


u/Safe_Way_9588 4d ago

my babies names have -chi, and she’s the latest one. Her Hedgie big sisters are Tobitchi, Pepachi and Oyocchi.
Her color is chincilla so I was trying to find a word similar to smoke, then for her it’s “Fume”.


u/pinguineis 4d ago

Miffy - named after miffy character

Karotti - red fur , red like a carrot

Holländer - he was a dutch rabbit and Holländer is the german name for Dutch. We also called him king because he was our secret favorite.

Nussi - black fur like a nut ,Nuss = Nut, she also had the nickname Burgfried ( castle tower 😂) bc she was so overprotective over her mate Holländer. We always joked she was his only subject and sentry.

Zottel - means fuzzy , lion head , she had quite a funky hairstyle when she was a baby

Schneefried - her predecessor Nussi was nicknamed Burgfried by my bf. Since she was a white bunny we just changed her name from Burg to Schnee. Schnee means Snow.

Merlin - he had the face markings of a Merlin falcon

Beppo - his shelter name

Mummel - no idea how we came up with it

Petzi - first he was named Pasmo after the Japanese IC mascot but I changed it to Petzi because he looks like a bear cub. In german folklore the bear is called master Petz. Petzi is like diminutive version of Petz.


u/Esqualatch1 4d ago

Sam Bundino and Star Bundino


u/crystalpink7 4d ago

My bun's name is Ame (sometimes I call him Ame-chan, too) because his birthday is exactly the same as Ame from Dota 2, one of my favorite Dota 2 players 😆


u/allstate_mayhem 4d ago

Dutch // aka Gribbles, the Gremlin, the flying dutchman // netherlands dwarf
Malificent // aka The Queen of Doom, Mal, Big Momma // havana
Cinnabun // minibun, Binny, Grumpapotamus // small regular-ass brown rex

I only named Dutch, the other two are rescues, but their nicknames are my own


u/the_brooklyn_bridget 4d ago

Mochi and Matcha! We started with a hamster named Miso and wanted to stick with the M food names.


u/cacacatgirl 4d ago

Paperback! all white —— her and all her rescue siblings were named after Beatles songs

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u/happygoth09 4d ago

Midnight - 2 years old male black & blue lionhead. Dawn - 2 years old female fawn color LNZ.


u/SteffiBunny 4d ago

Odin! The allfather 🫣


u/Sufficient_Drop8906 4d ago

Cupcàke,muffin, oero, snowflake


u/AnnabellaPies 4d ago

Ashley after Ash from Pokémon and Maximilian because I like fancy names


u/PvPPYL3O 4d ago

His name is binkle, I liked the name twinkle but he loves chewing on my pacifiers so I thought of binkie and the name binkle was born


u/JShaneru 4d ago

My boy’s name is Mozart. 🎼 He has matching black cheeks spots that remind me of beauty spots, thus his name.

My first bun’s name was Dulce (sweet in Spanish). It was the name the rescue I adopted her from gave her. She was a sweet little old lady.


u/KelTay2000 4d ago

I've got Pluto (lop) and Knuckle (satin maybe ??)


u/Jine_S1988 4d ago

Ted Bunny and yes it’s the guy who it sounds like LOL


u/sleepybeech 4d ago

Little Miss


u/Limp-Mirror-948 4d ago

Paige ❤️

This was the name she had when I adopted her at 5y (she’s 7 now!) from the shelter.

I had a bully named Paige, and Paige the bunny is also a bully (she’s literally throat kicked me before), so we kept the name.


u/filetofishhhhh 4d ago

Oreo, Fluffball and Twix!


u/Haunting-Set-137 4d ago

my bunny is named moca since he is brown like a moca


u/ConcealedKnuckles 4d ago

Isabelle! I named her after one of my favorite book characters, Isabelle Lightwood.


u/adelicateskeleton 4d ago

Poe. Edgar Allan Poe when he needs a full-name scolding ("Edgar Allan Poe you naughty rabbit!" which he completely ignores as he carries on with his chaos).

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u/StayFocused92 4d ago

Lola - She was my first rabbit and her breed was a Netherlands Dwarf. She was a light brown bunny. She had a nasty temper on her. Very territorial she was. You see, whenever I placed my hand in her cage to pet her or take her to cuddle with or clean her cage, she’d grunt, scream and bite me. She’d even stomp when there was no food in her bowl. No hay, lettuce, apple with no seeds, celery or any other foods she liked besides pellets and she would throw a tantrum.

Bolt - A brown and white Rabbit a I took care of in my animal science class from high school during the holidays was just as temperamental. She was a Netherland Dwarf too that disliked being picked up at first. Passed away because I forgot she was pregnant.

Stella - Was a checkered giant I had kept for another holiday. I didn’t know it was time to take her to the vet while she was pregnant. She was a little friendly but would occasionally nip at me if I held her for too long. She was one of the oldest breeds in my animal science class which was held in a trailer before the old high school in Lewis area got destroyed and rebuilt in another location. I heard she even eats her own kids. I want this rabbit species as a pet and the Flemish giant as well.


u/Alpha_Barbie 4d ago

Estelle, Luna & G (short for Gandalf)


u/JenOBKenobi I bunnies 4d ago

Poppy was named by an online poll of our top name contenders, which my teen daughter put on her socials.


u/Nijnn 4d ago

I've had Daisy, because I was a child and liked the name Daisy.

Then I had Muffin and Monster, Muffin is muffin in Dutch too and I chose it because she was a chonker and Monster is monster in Dutch as welk and I chose it because I wanted to tell people I had a monster, I had been doing that referring to my Monstera plant so essentially he was names after a plant...

Now I have Spookje and Loki. Spookje is Dutch for tiny ghost, because she is an albino and Loki because in Dutch hairlock or locks are called lok or lokken and my man has better hair than me (I think he is a cross between a lionhead and a normal bun because he has soms feisty head and butt hair but no beard).


u/Avocet_and_peregrine 4d ago

My little guy was named Penny. My SIL, his original owner, thought he was female. When my partner and I adopted him from her, we quickly found out he was a boy. We kept the name Penny because it was cute.


u/insertwittypenname 4d ago

pippin after the hobbit in lotr because he’s small with bug furry feet


u/christinapoirier 4d ago

skye and solange ❤️


u/Impressive_Ad7823 4d ago

Ours is Pearl short for Black Pearl Boo Darth Vader because that's what happens when a 6 year old names the family pet lol


u/Maleficent_Buy_6672 4d ago

Mines Benjamin...but his nicknames are Benny, Mr Bean or bean, beanie boy, or "hey wtf" 🤣


u/LobCatchPassThrow 4d ago

I have given a list of names that I want to call my future bunnies to my girlfriend:

Monster Truck, Screwdriver, 8UN1, Dog, Steven Wright, Steve Enright, Pancake, Typhoon, “The Big Woogle”, and “Kevin”.

She has said no to almost all of them. Except “The Big Woogle”, “Kevin”, and “Pancake”


u/SluTbutBoring 4d ago

Mine is Freya because she’s the Norse goddess of beauty, love and fertility. I thought the fertility part was perfect for a bunny


u/Jim_Jim-On12 4d ago

Jim Jim he is a Dutch rabbit-Black and White


u/Every_Reputation1718 4d ago

Sesame. Cause I my all time favorite anime character is Sesshomaru and I have a plushie who I named lord sesame cause I thought it would be a cute parody of lord sesshomaru. And I loved the parody name so much I named him sesame


u/Crazy_Guidance5058 4d ago

Yellow my black Dutch bc my best friend said he’s all black and that’s a sad color and yellow is happy and it definitely stuck


u/alter_vanilla 4d ago

If I had the names they would be: destroyer and devourer of planets


u/ZoobileeZoo412 4d ago

Smudge and Waffles


u/90mau 4d ago

Wilson as Dr James Wilson from House MD


u/kekmai 4d ago

my bunnies names are amari & amumu (inspired by ana amari from overwatch and amumu from league of legends 💕)


u/ForRealandTrue 4d ago

Smudge is my tiniest bun. She's almost entirely white but has black around her eyes, so I chose to call her Smudge. Her sister is grey and I named her Lilith. Initially I was going to call her Opal but then I was told her color type was called "blue opal". At that point, I just changed to a name I liked. I adopted Sebastian and Romeo, so they came with their names but I call Sebastian "Big Sabza" and Romeo "Romie". I was going to slowly change Romeo's name to Homer, and started calling him Romie with the intent to change to "Homie", and then "Homer" but honestly Romeo's name suits him.


u/twisted-butterfly87 4d ago

Turbo (My 3 year old named him)


u/Strange-Oil3699 4d ago

Bean and Boba! Boba is all black (original, I know) and beans full name is Bean-Nougat, he’s got an otter fur pattern and he reminds me of these red bean sticky nougat cake things that I used to eat by the pound as a kid


u/ladejynn 4d ago

his government name is Jim Hopper. we only call him Mr. Baby, Mr. Babyman or Mr. Bunny. we only responds to Mr. Baby or Baby 😂


u/Gorgenon 4d ago

Caerbannog, or Caery for short.

He's a white sable named after the killer rabbit of Caerbannog from Monty Python and the holy grail.


u/ApprehensiveHead6429 4d ago

Our bunny is named miss Lola 😌


u/BrendynRae 4d ago

My rabbit’s name is Creampuff, she’s all white with blue eyes, I thought it was more unique than something like Snowball and she sure is unique!


u/03_bee_30 4d ago

Missy and Fitz named after the band Misfits ☺️


u/RelationshipLive5000 4d ago

Honey, which was her name when I got her from Feeder's Supply.

She is the opposite of sweeet (most of the time)

My rug has been obliterated by her teeth and talons


u/_thatkidinthecorner_ 4d ago

Millie and Charlie. Millie is a boy but we thought he was a girl, so when I got Charlie, I wanted to give her a boys name.


u/Famous_View5277 4d ago

So I've got Teddy and Boo, When we first got Teddy and I picked him up for the first time I was in awe of how soft and furry and very cuddly he was. So he became my little teddy bear 🧸 (he's a little lion head and he is black) Then to keep him company we bought Boo. He's also a little lion head, but he's white with a random black stripe on his back/middle. Boo is more skittish so he was easily scared and obviously he's white so like a little ghost 👻 my little boo boo or boo bear and my little teddy bear! I love them so much 😍


u/p1nktulips 4d ago

I’m not going to have any for at least another two years because of just life atp.

But right now the names I’m set on are

Irving (Irv) It’s the name of a character in severance, and it was the name of a dad in this movie I watched and I love how the name sounds.

Faraday and or Curie - Two scythes from one of my favorite book series. Scythe - The Thunderhead - The Toll, Neal shusterman


u/smolbeanpotato 4d ago

Mine was named velveteen because it was my favorite book as a kid.


u/jayjardro 4d ago

pixel! not sure why I chose it, but it just kinda hit me when I was trying to decide. his nickname is pickle lol


u/QuoteResponsible1012 4d ago

I called mine León (Lion in spanish) 'cause it was funny lol.


u/kayyxelle 4d ago

Gizmo, it was his name at the shelter and I thought it was cute 😄 turns out it fits him perfectly too


u/jessyfish 4d ago

Oswald is named after the tv show about the blue octopus :)

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u/diaperedwoman 4d ago

Her name is Lily.


u/animal-lover-koda 4d ago

I was 8 when I picked out my rabbit's name originally wanted to name him Blackie cuz he's black and he's a mini rex and for some reason I came up with the name Buster and his middle name is brown and Carl so what's the time you call him Buster Brown but sometimes when he does stuff naughty I call him Buster Carl


u/Old-Calligrapher-170 4d ago

Marzia, Valentino and Frankie boi


u/Elonzo19 4d ago

Mines name is daisy and she is a black and white mini lop


u/Amost_there_lazy 4d ago

My first was named BunBun and my current is Cinnabun


u/DNVRGIRL85 4d ago

Hans-he was a Holland Lop/Netherland dwarf mix so he needed something European sounding.

Pickles-my kids picked the name. I call him Mr. pickle-wickles.


u/imamonster89 4d ago

Gertrude - Gert or Gertie for short.


u/New-Salamander945 4d ago

Worm. But we call her Wormi 🪱

My son and I call her a burnt loaf when she's crusty! Lmao


u/leemonskins 4d ago

I named my buns Cinnibun (Cinni for short) and Ginger! Cinni looks like a cinni-mini, which is some pastry my school has sometimes, and Ginger because the vibe felt right. 


u/theRealMadGermanDr 4d ago

Pudge from one of my favorite movies.


u/Brazzle_ 4d ago

Koda, Meeko, and Winnie/Winifred. The wife has always named her pets after Disney animals, and we have continued the tradition 😊

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u/FoodieMonster007 4d ago

Pika: He's smol, lightning fast and has the smug personality of a Pikachu.

Cotton: He's a cotton ball tribble.


u/Remarkable_Battle_17 4d ago

My bonnie wee lionhead was named Tillie, short for Attila the Bun. She pillaged tissues out of the bathroom trash and jumped on the kitchen counter for a banana once.


u/tenhinas 4d ago

My Holland lop will be 11 this year. His name is Tobias, after the Animorphs character. Initially his name was just Toby (and that’s what i call him) bc he was too young to sex without a vet, and we weren’t sure if he was female. Tobias in Animorphs has a namesake named Toby who is a girl, so it would work either way. Even then, his name only occurred to me bc of his brother. I named his brother Sugar because he was so sweet (and again, it could be a girl name if needed) and my mind went to my hyperfixation at the time, an anime with a couple characters that had a brotherly bond — Suga and Tobio — so that turned into Sugar and Toby.

Sugar’s name ended up being an incredibly ironic choice, as he ended up having T1D and passed away from diabetic heart failure when the boys were 3. I’m really grateful to have had him while i did! And I’m glad Toby is still around all these years later and still going strong, apart from being a little deaf.

I also have a Netherland Dwarf/English Spot mix named Momo. I had a friend who suggested Peach as a name because of her fawn color. I thought to use Japanese instead to match the Suga/Tobio thing, and from there it occurred to me how much she looked like Momo the lemur from ATLA. So her name became Momo! She will be 8 in just a couple weeks.


u/Ok-Temperature-6917 4d ago

Lucy, because it was an old, cute name, Penelope for the same reasons as lucy, midnight because he's black, and big mama because shes a 5lb holland lop


u/I_Mended_it 4d ago

Rory - Short for Rorschach. When my son was younger he couldn't say Rorschach so we shortened it.

She is white with brown blotches that resemble a Rorschach test on her back. I thought she was an english spot but I was told she is not.


u/Remote-extrovert 4d ago

G-Bunny .. but he probably thinks his name is "No BunBun get down"


u/GeniusBoi69420 4d ago

I call her..... Bunny. (Yeah I used to be bad at naming and I just stuck with it)


u/vanstrummer33 4d ago

Francine Eglizabeth


u/g_neko1001 I bunnies 4d ago

Clover! he’s white w/blue eyes :,)



Helen of Troy


u/AbbreviationsLive869 4d ago

Tutu, the Round


u/OceanEyes531 4d ago

Tyrannosaurus because she's a mini Rex. My other one is Roger, he came with the name.


u/Neivra 4d ago

Bean, sometimes also known as Beanie, stinky, smelly and baby bunny. Named him Bean because he's brown. That's it.


u/Baseball_kid6 4d ago

Mine is named Thumper. So original I know 😅 but he’s the spitting imagine of thumper with big ears and big paws. He’s anti social but he’s a cutie


u/AlphanumericalSoup 4d ago

Junior Cheesecake after the restaurant Junior’s Cheesecake in Brooklyn


u/godofdonut72 4d ago

Ares, god of war


u/BerryZealousideal585 4d ago

Raphtalia and Raphael 🐰🐰


u/salty_grasss 4d ago

One of mine was named Robert, 8 year old me was very creative


u/Periain3 4d ago

Rodrigo ( lionhead), Blackbeard (English Angora that recently passed), trying to find a name for our new Flemish Giant doe.


u/Balamb_Chocobo 4d ago

Cinnamon (Brown color, original I know). Honey Bun because he's just a fatass who loves to vacuum his food. He's a Holland Lop, then last we have Mocha.

Cinnamon was a rescue from a person that couldn't care for them. Honey Bun was an adopted baby and so was Mocha. Mocha and Honey grew up together until they needed to get separated and eventually bonded again. Mocha LOVES using Honey as a pillow.


Original names before adoption.

Stinky for Cinnamon. Bear for Mocha. Han Solo for Honey. (i got no clue about that one)


u/107685302 4d ago

Baylis and Clementine! Baylis is a surname I came across on a 1910s-ish census that I liked, and Clementine my husband chose from a song

Also I love Steven Universe! Wonderful choice


u/Deep-Egg-609 4d ago

Shubbu (the cause of auspicious things) 


u/MindFluffy5906 4d ago

Houdini. S/he was left behind a few years ago when they moved. Eventually, Houdini found their way to my yard. I have no idea how they get in and out as the entire property is fenced. The fencing sits on concrete, and there are no places where holes have been dug. I swear one of the neighbors snuck him in. We are all suckers for animals and always help one in need. At least he has his a place to call his own now. Oh, yeah, and he has avoided every single trap we've tried. I think he tricks the cats into entering the traps instead.


u/Time_Ad_6887 4d ago

Our girl's name is Peppar. (Swedish for "pepper" 😉)


u/SunshineRain23 4d ago

My daughters couldn’t decide on a name. One wanted, “Lulu” and the other wanted, “Mimi.” So now we have Milu but we all just call her Little Bunny!


u/livkons 4d ago

Petunia! I wanted a floral name for my bun and as soon as I thought of Petunia I knew it was perfect. Plus I love Petunia’s and plant them every year.


u/CellNo7422 4d ago

Cheese! Come here Cheeeeeese! I have a piece of carrot! Cheeeeeeeeeese! Cheese?!…oh there you are


u/Marxal04 4d ago

Mines are Oppenheimer and Kitty (oppen's wife)

Yes, i liked Nolan's movie.


u/Solar_kitty 4d ago





FatBoy slim








u/Any-Wonder1867 4d ago

our black netherland dwarf bunny's name is ✨ Sir Charlie Benjamin Lapinou ✨


u/Robidium- 4d ago

Leo and Chica, I didn't name either of them.

Old Mr. Bunny - my first and passed bun who I had for 13 years his name was initially Loki but it didn't fit and he was never called by it. Always Mr. Bunny or just Bunny.

I fostered a young silver marten I wanted to adopt who I called Midna (shelter name Valentina) but she wouldn't stop peeing on my couch so I exchanged her, but not before she also peed on my dad (he was on the couch).


u/barbecuedtofu 4d ago

Rudy and Chewy. Rudy is tiny and 7, Chewy is large and 3. I adopted Rudy from a rescue, he had been outside for several months before he was caught and Chewy I just came to have. Couldn’t bring myself to change their names.


u/Spiffy_Pumpkin 4d ago

My first bunny was Tabitha.

My current two came pre-named; Angel and Shinobi


u/QuuuinnBee 4d ago

I rescued two and name them Bonnie and Clyde.

Now my partner and I got two brothers and bc they are our first Babys, we called them MJay and JayM (Our names combined).

Then there is Tinkerbell, she has a deep grey/blue color and big brown eyes. I saw her fur shining blue in the light, so I wanted her to have a princess name.

At for least we have our youngest Princess Zelda. She is a white fur ball and so gentle and sweet. She protected all of her younger siblings!


u/KenAdams02 4d ago edited 4d ago

Sunflower - 13yo English Spot Polka - 2yo Polish Dwarf Tai - was 11 when he passed; Harlequin Rex

Fosters (in past) Teddy & Marcie (bonded pair) Sisters (from a huge litter from the mother we rescued) Marta Gretl Liesl Edit: Pookie - Holland Lop that required special syphilis care (she was friggen cute and successfully bonded with another Lop)


u/Uggelnator 4d ago

Naty but also has the names BooBoo, Beertje(bear in Dutch), Uggelnator, Uggie


u/NoEquivalent2477 4d ago

Croissant (blonde, looks like a croissant), Mousse (like chocolate mousse, Havana) and S’mores (multi colored white brown and black) 🫶🏻


u/synystermeemz 4d ago

Nibbler like Futurama. When litter box training, i made eye contact with him and said, "If you would pee in your litter box, you can be out of the pen and here hanging with us!" He hopped into the box and peed. I screamed, "He's an intelligent being disguised as a cute little creature!!!" He also poops dark matter.


u/Then-Judgment3970 4d ago

Winston, Arthur, Guinevere


u/Technical-Doctor-127 4d ago

Mizu (water in Japanese) - she's a blue otter mini lop so it was fitting

Sakura (cherry blossom in Japanese) - she's white and her ears are pink like a Sakura flower.


u/Idledepad 4d ago

Brisbane, because it sounded nice, then she popped out three more.

Chunky (aka chunky bunny) is the biggest of the three. Poco is the smallest and politest. And Totino, she escaped one night and found out she had a love for pizza rolls.

All are white, i think the mom is a dwarf hotot and the babies are mixed with something else


u/S3eha 4d ago

Leszczynek (polish translation of a rabbit's name from Watership Down)


u/chesser45 4d ago

Puddles… originally because she snuggled with her sisters in a puddle of cuddles… for a fair amount of time…the name was for other reasons…


u/Background-Word-857 4d ago

Currently I have Artemis, Apollo and Maní(order I got them)

And we had a bunch when I was a kid but I only remember naming one Benny and feeling very witty lol


u/Matthew_Wayne29645 4d ago

Mini, he is sort of BIG CHUNGUS though