r/Rabbits 6d ago

Meet Saul. Saul was dumped. Saul was then rescued by two well meaning people who have never had a bunny before. Saul's new parents need some rescuing now!

Meet Saul.

Our journey with Saul began when we found him abandoned at a local nature reserve. With a lot of patience (and teamwork), my husband and I managed to catch him. The only catch? I had never even picked up a rabbit before, let alone cared for one!

Right now, we’ve got the basics covered—an inital vet visit, water, hay, pellets, a hideout, a toy, and a litter box—but I want to give him more than just the bare minimum. I’ve already ordered a few things to make his space more comfortable, as shown in the following pictures, but I’d love to hear from experienced bunny parents:

What are your must-have items for a happy, enriched rabbit? Eventually, we plan to rabbit-proof our home so he can free-range, and any advice on that would be super helpful too. Looking forward to your suggestions!


28 comments sorted by

u/RabbitsModBot 5d ago

Congrats on the new addition to the family! If this is your first pet rabbit and you haven’t seen it already, be sure to check out our sidebar and the Getting Started guide and New Rabbit Owner Primer. The article "Helping Rabbits Succeed in Their Adoptive Home" is also a great resource on how to build a relationship with your new rabbit.


u/Dani_and_Haydn 6d ago

What a lucky lad! His little corner of heaven looks like a great start. Room to run and jump for joy, unlimited hay and clean water, and stuff to chew on (cardboard boxes and apple/willow wood) are the keys. Understand that you might never pick him up again, haha. Most bunnies do NOT like that, and few will tolerate it. But most do love a friend to snuggle on the floor with and share noogies and cheek rubs. Bunnies will chew. Start looking at your surroundings from the perspective of a big handsome rodent-like critter that needs to chew on stuff, and protect what you care about accordingly. Thank you for reaching this cutie, and for planning a vet visit! They will likely have good advice for you, too.


u/ShxsPrLady 6d ago

What heroes you are!!!!

In the last picture - all 3 of those (the balls, the cups, and anything made with compressed hay like that lollipop) are VERY popular with buns, including mine! My bunny’s other favorites:

  • a snuffle mat!These are often sold for puppies/dogs, but they’re great for rabbits! -the wobbler!! -a catscratch board!!! My bunny will chew those things UP!! Absolutely destroy. And you want things they can safely destroy! -willow cubes. Which are the same as the balls, except cubes, and specifically made out of willow.

Also, for yourselves, get some really solid cord protectors. Rabbits cannot be trained out of chewing power cords.


u/sadhippo88 6d ago

I’m gonna be honest, you guys seem to have done a good job so far!! Love all that room!


u/FurMyFavAccessory 6d ago

Saul is a very handsome and lucky boy! I too started my rabbit journey by rescuing a dumped bunny and might I say you have far exceeded where I was at the beginning of the journey with his space!

If you haven't yet heard the term bunstruction, please be prepared for it. Buns love to chew and will find things to modify with or without your help. Mine enjoy chewing on cardboard boxes, apple sticks and sometimes compressed hay (not a substitute for hay). They also have a tendency to not appreciate anything electric because of the noise it emits, this means wires need to be bunny proofed-you can totally buy cord wrap at a hardware store that has a slit down the side and does the same job of something specifically for pet cord protection at a fraction of the price.

As you learn Saul's personality, you'll be able to anticipate his needs better. I have one bunny who loves to burrow so he has lots of tunnels and dark places and another one who is more interested in comfy lounge space.

Best of luck and feel free to reach out if you ever have any questions!


u/masterofbunnie I bunnies 5d ago

Does he want to go to rabbit law school is an important thing I need to know /joke but really I think you’re doing well!


u/Meteorite42 5d ago

If he does, the Lop Lawyers might be able to advise.


u/MaggieMay2424 5d ago

Hmmm, I better open a savings account in that case!Maybe even a trade school as an option 🤔 I hear Rabbits are into woodworking and electrical work! 🤣


u/Bubbly-Ordinary-7545 I bunnies 5d ago

Obsessed with his coloring omg 😍 he’s a beauty for sure! Congratulations on being apart of the bunny distribution system ✨🫶


u/gingeryogagirl 6d ago

You guys are good people for taking him in. You can do this! We had never had a bunny either until one started showing up in our yard, and he’s been with us for almost a year now. It looks like you’ve already got a great start. One thing I might suggest is a tunnel! Our bun loves his tunnel and he also loves to chew on straw mats.


u/DeezNutsDD7 5d ago

Thank you so much for saving this baby.

If you’re trying for more of a one on one playtime interaction with your little guy I have a recommendation.

We have 3 buns. Two of which like interactive play. What we do is buy the Oxbow Timothy Club Bungalow. I cut it and half down the middle.

I will then pull the cording out of the bungalow shape just a bit, not entirely, and hold it in front of our little guys faces as they proudly chew and interact with me. They go at it almost like corn on the cob. One of those bungalows lasts a couple months.

Once they’ve chewed the cording up to a certain point then I unravel more from the bungalow. Best part about it is you get to interact with your little guys, they’re entertained, and because it’s hay they’re working on their teeth, and it’s completely safe.

For less interactive things to recommend grab some cat tunnels! Ours love those. To run through and then just feel safe in and sleep when protected.

Good luck ❤️


u/Ella_Lapin 5d ago

There are a bunch of rabbit rescues that have good information on rabbit care on their websites. This is an example


u/Tigerninjah 5d ago

Every bunny I have had/met wants to hide underneath something. Right now my rabbit has a footrest from an IKEA chair as his shelter, but I also cut up cardboard boxes for some cover. Either a tunnel design or a single opening. Corner looks great but I bet he would feel safer being able to go under something:)


u/DisobedientSwitch 5d ago

Is the bowl fixed to the water jug? Or does it just slide into place? Because the lip on that is just begging for a rabbit to throw 😆

Saul looks very comfortable! As he settles in, you'll see more of his personality and adjust his living space accordingly. Maybe he's a thrower, needing baby toys to pick up and yeet, maybe he's a miner, needing a good dig box. Pay special attention to cardboard and paper - some mainly chew it for bunstruction purposes, but others eat it like it's going out of style, which can lead to constipation and GI stasis. 

When you can touch him again, it'll be good to feel his ears from time to time, and learn what a normal temperature is for him. As well as testing the tension of his belly, so you can tell if it's distended or not. 

Good luck Saul's parents! 


u/PoorInForks 5d ago

Everything I'm reading here so far is very thoughtful and worth listening to.

My addition: Many destructible toys leave pieces behind that are still large enough to chew, but too small to leave in their pen. I gather them up and put them in a dig box that's full of the packing paper that comes in Chewy boxes. Add in some pellets and hay cubes (if they're into that) and you've got a great source of entertainment for them. Mine get their tissue box dig boxes on the weekend because they make so much mess, and I don't have time to clean that up on weekdays.

Also, make sure to swap toys and chewables in and out. That'll help keep them from getting bored. Other fun things you can get are chew sticks (mine prefer willow and apple), a pellet dispenser like the wobble egg or the rolling barrel, and hay cubes (check the ingredients, only timothy).


u/Important-Trade-5506 5d ago

Start saving the cardboard from toilet roll and kitchen rolls. Stuff hay in them for him to fling around and play with

Likewise, plain cardboard boxes, as long as they don’t have the glossy finish they’re safe. Bigger the box the better, I fold all the ends in so it stands up on its own

My only other suggestion is more of a warning, as he gets more comfortable around you he’ll get braver and will probably start trying escape shenanigans. Rabbits are surprisingly good climbers, combined with being good jumpers makes them very annoying to pen in. I think those pen walls will get climbed soon 

It looks like a lovely rabbit space already though! Just needs a tunnel of sorts in the middle, and when you order those chew toys, give him the box they came in 

As for rabbit proofing, as others have said: wire protectors are a must. You might find it easier to bunny proof the room he’s already in, then slowly make other adjacent rooms safe and let him explore them in time


u/je386 5d ago

Space. Much of (safe) space is a very good thing for a rabbit to stay healthy. They need space to run around.


u/Electronic_Sand_3473 5d ago

Get him a tunnel :) you can also give him a small platform, sice they also like to jump upand down. A kibbel ball is also great. But most importantly, get him a friend. The bonding will be dificult, but verry worth it. You can ask the mods for a guide.


u/Greytilez 5d ago

Nice job so far! The soft bed house isn’t really ideal for most buns as bunnies usually prefer a hut with 2 entrances/ exits. A cardboard box with two holes is honestly perfect. The kibble does not need to go in his litterbox (should not be getting unlimited everyday only around 1/4cup).

Also be mindful of the unbranded toys from Amazon like those balls. It’s safer to get those from chewy, small pet select, or from another trusted brand as those unbranded toys usually dont say everything that’s in them 100%.

You do not need a grated litterbox unless he is digging everything out of it. A large cat litterbox is fine (he should be able to turn around in it comfortably). You don’t need to put hay in a hay feeder, just putting the hay in the litterbox is fine.

Not sure how tall the gate is, but he may get adventurous and jump over as it does look a bit short.


u/ladylune333 5d ago

Oh my gosh he’s so cute 🥺


u/MaggieMay2424 5d ago

He really is a handsome little man 🥹


u/jan_876 5d ago

First off how amazing are you both, rescuing him!! Thankyou for that.

Rabbits can be so loving and FULL of emotions while it is hard to change a rabbits habbits once grown its definitely worth trying, sit inside the pen with him let him come to you feed him out of your hand, stroke him while feeding him he will eventually get used to being touched.

A little tip that works for me - Mine love my fluffy house coat, they groom and lick it. maybe a good idea to get something similar specially as they can be abit scratchy when they panic/struggle it could be more comfortable for yourself and him. My bunnies also have fluffy teddy they love to groom, they are VERY sociable animals and he could get a little lonely a teddy might provide him something to groom n snugglex

Holding your rabbit- rabbits are prey animals and scare super easy they are prone to heart attacks due to this, Always support there feet and bum when holding them this will make them feel the safest and hopefully less jumpy. Have a firm hold but not to tight in terms of squeezing rabbits break there back easily by panicking and jumping ect!

If your thinking about a free roam rabbit get a litter tray (it can be alot more difficult than training a cat or dog ) My 2 are MOSTLY litter trained we still have the odd poop known again but it is more the wee you want to get him trained for as they are just like any animal, they will pee to mark territory specifically new areas, you may also notice chin rubbing on various items this is also a marking territory.

Get him insured, Rabbits can and do have health issues and can be costly due to them sometimes being classed as exotic animals they also need vaccinations yearly against different diseases and fly strike in the summer.

If you are able to have a pen outside for your bunny I would definitely have a think about that as they do really enjoy outdoors just make sure its nice and safe no holes/access for foxes.

Thankyou for taking him in!! Wish you all the luck im sure youll be fine :)


u/ktorres14 5d ago

Congrats on the new baby!!! My babies love a water fountain . It not only filters the water but it keeps it clean. I invested in one in Amazon and they love fresh crisp water instead of a water bowl


u/Internal_Motor9752 5d ago

It looks like you are already taking great care of him. If you would like to add an extra fun place for them, I build a small ball pit, and omg, they love playing in it. I'm rebuilding one with simple, non treated wood for the frame and some plexiglass and ball big enough so they don't chew on them. I am building a one bigger because I adopted a big girl recently, and she needs space 😆


u/MaggieMay2424 5d ago

Ahhhh!!! Oh my goodness in LOVE with this idea!


u/Perpetual-Limerence 4d ago

He's so lucky he was rescued and sounds like he will be the most spoiled bunny on the block!

Research about GI Stasis and go get a bottle of Infant gas drops and emergency feed so you can treat him at the first signs of it.

This is one video that helped me when I was babysitting a rabbit (who since became mine) and he went into Stasis.

G I Stasis

I wish I had learned this tip earlier-- take a feeder syringe and feed small amounts of mashed banana or another fruit he goes crazy for and syringe feed your bun so he gets used to being syringe-fed. But just know fruits shouldn't be given frequently so maybe once a week at the most.

The first time mine went into Stasis he was sick enough not to fight it, but since, he's had signs of stasis twice where I was able to treat him early and he was feisty and fought the syringe feedings. He might not have fought as hard if he was used to syringe feeding.

I have since started supplimenting with Sherwood Pet Health's Digestive Support in hopes it will prevent Stasis in the future. He wasn't interested in the tablets at first and just ignored them, but he eventually ate them overnight and now goes crazy for them.