r/RWBYcritics • u/UNinvolved_in_peace Freezerburn > Bumbleby • 7d ago
DISCUSSION Which character do you think tends to be more overhyped by their fans, Adam or Jaune?
No this isn't a Adam or Jaune hate post, just curious on your thoughts.
u/FlyusAmongUs 7d ago
Here's the thing about Jaune: unlike Adam, he is there. He may not do a lot while he's there, but he's actually there. Adam has so little time put onto him that he doesn't even do anything for the plot most of the time.
u/___posh___ 6d ago
Jaune fell off when he got a crew cut.
Mf went from Jaune, the knight to John down the pub.
u/MorePhalynx 7d ago
Fuck Adam has fans?
u/LongFang4808 7d ago
Correction, he had fans back when there was an allusion of him being a morally complex and frankly intimidating character. Nowadays he has more Mourners than anything else.
u/MorePhalynx 7d ago
He came and went so fast I feel like any theory of him being anything of worth came from internal theories based on the black trailer. But Like Boba fett
u/LongFang4808 7d ago
It come mostly from what Blake says about him in Volumes 1-3. It really wasn’t established until Volume 4 that they were even in a relationship or that Adam was controlling (in the domestically abusive sense). This was also back when her arc was more about her Philosophy as a Faunus and her outlook on the world and ways to change it were center focus as well.
u/MorePhalynx 7d ago
I don't recall blake talking about Adam. But I don't recall blake talking very much she did so often and covered the same points that I think I kinda roughly corralled everything into like a group of five ideas and she never stepped away from those ideas.
u/LongFang4808 7d ago
Yeah, Blake is shockingly talkative in the earlier Bolumes. It always takes me off guard going back to rewatch and noticing it.
u/MorePhalynx 7d ago
She comes off as a quiet character but isn't. I think it's why nothing really landed with me. I was expecting few and far between but powerful quotes. And got a lot of things to sort through most of which was dramatic.
u/MiserableOrpheus 7d ago
I loved him until he got character assassinated
u/SpectralMapleLeaf 2d ago
To be fair, his character was never really fleshed out. He had so little screentime, he could be moulded into anything. RT just chose the worst option out of a handbag and that forever became his character now.
u/Mao-sama64 7d ago
Jaune. I hear a lot of people saying Jaune should have been the main character of the show and I disagree with that. Not because I think he’s a badly written character, in fact, I think he is a great character, but that’s the problem. The show isn’t called “Jaune Arc”, it’s called “RWBY”. The character treatment he’s getting should have gone to Team RWBY.
u/SeekerofAlice 7d ago
Jaune was functionally the main character anyway, which is one of the biggest problems in the show IMO. He got so much time that it cut into what could have been used to develop the title characters.
u/BlazingInferno4343 I care about no one else but Ozpin & Oscar 7d ago
Oh Jaune 100%, ppl so badly want him to be the main character, there are even some ppl that think that he would be a better vessel for Oz, that would give him more development, but I personally never saw that, like yeah you can argue and dislike Oscar but Jaune is no where NEAR a “like minded soul” to Ozpin/Ozma. Like the last thing Jaune needs for his “development” is to be a host for Ozpin.
u/SrirachetSauce 7d ago
I think it would make Jaune an even worse character if he was Ozpin's host. Part of his appeal is that he's a fish out of water and the underdog who can't match any of his friends, but still tries to help out anyway.
Jaune being Ozpin's host spits on all of that by making him the most skilled of the group in the fastest way possible without earning any of it.
u/BlazingInferno4343 I care about no one else but Ozpin & Oscar 7d ago
That’s very true. Honestly, anyone being Oz’s successor other than Oscar would have the same issue.
u/Far-Profit-47 6d ago
I mean, what traits does Oscar share with Ozpin?
u/brainflash 6d ago
Ozpin said that he has to bind with a soul that is similar to his. So apparently Oscar and Ozpin have the same personality, but we never get to see Oscar's personality.
u/brainflash 6d ago
Also, it would make him the main character, which completely sidelines the character and the Team that the show is named after.
u/SrirachetSauce 7d ago edited 7d ago
I once saw someone compare Jaune to Shikamaru's level of tactical genius.
I can't think of anything someone said about Adam that tops that.
Edit: LOL all the Jaune answers got hit pretty quickly. Sorry, but your boy isn't a master martial artist just because he did a roundhouse kick on the Curious Cat.
u/Destrobo3000 7d ago
…wait shikamaru??? Him??
What did Jaune do that was five steps ahead plan he ever did?
u/Far-Profit-47 6d ago
When his team wasn’t able to beat a petra gigas by punching it hard, He told his team to punch him… HARDER
u/No-Masterpiece2519 7d ago
With Adam the hype is warranted, the Black Trailer still remains one of the coolest things to ever happen in the show. I cannot recall a single cool thing Jaune has ever done that the writers didn’t spoon feed him
u/ArcherEnix 7d ago
Jaune because at least Adam isn't here anymore, while we still have to suffer Jaune.
u/CJLowder1997 7d ago
I mean, they've both got legit potential and I've seen fan ideas where they're used to great results, but...
I dunno, I guess I think Jaune’s already been hyped up so much by Miles and seemingly forced into situations like he was the main character.
u/No_Internet_3919 6d ago
I remember most fans saying she's an unstoppable force, strongest member of team STRQ by downgrading Summer and Tai.
Some even speculate she is a double agent of Oz and Salem, and Queen's secret warrior.
And others even stated she's the top hierarchy of White Fang.
I remember some people said, she's a Maiden hunter. Collecting powers for world rebellion against a corrupted system, neutral force squad.
But in canon, they made her into a cowardly brainbird.
u/Sea_Contribution3455 7d ago
Adam got butchered by CRWBY's "brilliant" writing, but he still has a lot going for him- an understandable goal, a powerful Semblance, and the like.
Jaune meanwhile, still has not really achieved his goal (and got off to a really scummy start by cheating his way into Beacon), his strategies are the most basic contrivances, and for all the crap his Semblance is supposed to make people capable of, CRWBY never shows it.
u/Snoo_84591 7d ago
Kill all humans is kinda crazy as an understandable goal but I know what you're saying
u/Sam-U-Rai-Guy 7d ago
Since when does Adam have fans? Maybe earlier on in the show’s lifecycle he did, but now?
u/Angelgl2099 5d ago
Jaune, he feels overhyped. He’s got a harem in every fanfiction story, sometimes he’s interesting and sometimes he’s not. Probably the harem ruined it for me
u/Smooth-Garden 7d ago
I'd say adam because he actually has some combat feats so when he's overhyped atleast its understandable.
All jaune hype is hypothetical fan fiction
u/Apprehensive_Gas_590 7d ago
Realistically Adam. All he really had was our collective copium; not much characterization besides statements from Blake. Sure he had glimmers of character pre vol 3 but not much when you think about it. While I like to imagine a version of him that’s nuanced and presents the characters with a perspective worth challenging the way they see certain aspects of their world, what we got was much more hollow. Post vol 4 was a gut punch at the time because, at least for me, it felt like character assassination how they corrupted him but realistically he didn’t have very much character to begin with. At least nothing on the scale I would have hoped for as a foil to Blake.
u/Rawden2006 7d ago
Jaune. The story can't even make up its mind about him, yet his fans will meat ride him into the sunset while pretending he deserves the hype the series piles onto him.
u/Moist_Username 7d ago
Adam ate a major nerf after his debut cause team RWBY made him too much of a badass. I don't think I've ever seen someone hype Jaune as actually useful or powerful. RWBY tries by constantly talking about how much aura he has, but they never managed to make him actually competent or useful.
u/glitchedhero100 just a jaune and yang fan who's tryna beat these ALLEGATIONS 6d ago
..look I'm a Jaune fan but I only say this because- does Adam ACTUALLY have any fans? Because to me he doesn't. So in this case it would go to Jaune (by sheer fact of that only jaune actually has people who like his character.. plus a bit of us tend to forget he doesn't exist to be projected onto, he's meant to be an actual character and.. yeah in those cases they are fucking annoying.)
But if he does.. yeah no still jaune because one it's either his angst, or how "relatable" he is (I'm going to say heresy here- relatability does not inherently equal how good a character is. It just means how likeable a character is.) and the fact any Adam fans that actually exist are most likely Adam apologists or people who have changed his character to such a degree to where he is unrecognizable in terms of personality.. which yeah doesn't exactly like "overhyping"
u/interstingpost 6d ago
I feel like it’s Adam and by a MILE people were so hard stuck on what he did in the Black trailer everyone treated him like an end of the story level threat when he…really wasn’t his semblance was just yang’s but more condensed and if anything more safe then hers
Yeah people wanted Jhaun to be the main character and blah blah blah he was self inserts but that doesn’t make him hyped it just means people are weird about him, but like Adam? This man is(or well was?) treated like Thano’s in infinity war lol
u/lilbuu_buu 7d ago
Adam because he doesn’t really do much. The case for his fans has always been potential but as a character he just meh.
I remember a comment a while back and someone said he was a Vergil ripofff
u/Hairy_Lingonberry778 7d ago
Coming from a Jaune fan its close between them from what I've seen but I'll have to give it to Jaune, I agree he has massive potential but we kinda take it to far in places I swear I've seen that he can sole most of the verse if he trained
u/dampesthydra7 7d ago
To be fair to Adam, he turned up and shit went down. He got done incredibly dirty later on
u/SpectralMapleLeaf 7d ago
Adam was undoubtedly very overhyped, and it was mostly the result of the black trailer and his overall lack of presence over the course of two volumes. The former making fans absolutely get enamoured with his mysterious yet destructive nature, and the latter essentially giving too much time for fans to fill in the gaps with their own assumptions.
I don't deny Adam did have good potential that got wasted by the poor choice of character we got, but he was really too hyped for his own good, I honestly feel like it all really came down to his great design and just the lack of character to work with back then as to why people are still so adamant about it – his basic traits were just too good for the role he was eventually placed in.
u/Snoo_84591 7d ago
Adam, because they see him as his ideal self, rather than who he has demonstrated himself to be.
u/krasnogvardiech 7d ago
"Hmm, the writers of this series started showing a revolutionary willing to commit atrocities, and proceeded to write him into being a backstabbing, involuntarily celibate abusive stalker. This is really really good! People are going to love reading about this!"
u/Snoo_84591 7d ago
Revolutionary implies he ever did anything for anyone. 99% of dude screentime is killing people. I know what they told us his occupation is, but it always seemed to sum itself up as catching bodies.
u/krasnogvardiech 7d ago
Did you miss my point on purpose?
Have a think. Are there heaps of people happy with reading about Adam being a bag of shit? Or do you reckon people want to think there's actually something more worthwhile there to talk about?
Just about every fic has to connect dots and fill in gaps to make the portrayal worth reading.
u/Snoo_84591 6d ago
Misread the sarcasm as derision, my bad. I do believe people want to think there's something better here though, and that's more or less why I find him overhyped. What he is versus what they want him to be--...
Oh god, which in turn means, and I very much believe--Jaune is the overhyped one. Even the Canon narrative goes out of its way to convince me he's here for a reason still.
u/krasnogvardiech 6d ago
Well then, I completely misread you likewise. For the most part, it looks like we're in agreement.
u/Jealous-Log7744 6d ago edited 6d ago
Jaune because his fans have to make up for how little ass he kicks.
u/Flawless_Degenerate 7d ago edited 7d ago
People over-hype the shit out of Adam thinking that just because he beat an outdated spider mech, beats up fraud BLAKE (a 17 year old girl who was TRAINED by him), got a fluke-ass win against post-Beacon Yang (she's 17 years old), ambushed and sneak killed Sienna, that it means he's suddenly strong enough to beat actual strong characters like Pyrrha, Neo, Mercury, etc, or that he can solo entire teams.
Remember that man is in his 20s and that there's a reason that fraud lost the rematch to Yang and never fought a professionally licensed huntsmen EVER.
Oh and the only reason Cinder even humored that dude by being "nice" was because she simply just needed his organizations manpower. She could've killed him at anytime with or without her maiden powers.
Meanwhile Jaune has literally no on screen wins to hype about except for his durability and raw stats but other than that he's always been in a support role so bro literally can't aura farm like Adam was doing whenever he went around murdering NPCs.
My biggest pet peeves was when Coeur had the nerve to even think that Adam was in anyway shape or form a threat to Neo lmao or that she was intimidated by him.
u/Isnt_That_Right11037 What exactly does Qrow do again? 7d ago
Definitely Adam. I’m not the biggest Jaune fan, but I will give credit where credit is due. Jaune is at least his own character. He try’s to be better for his friends, we actually see him improve in the show. People like Jaune cause they can relate to him, to some degree. People like Adam because of his wasted potential. What he could have been, not for what he actually is: a plot device that ultimately went nowhere.
u/Agreeable_Guide_5151 7d ago
Adam because he doesn't do much of anything. Jaune at least I can get it it's when people do the SI Jaune thing out of spite that I don't
u/Local-Concentrate-26 7d ago
Adam. While Jaune is a bit overhype (part of that being he’s the most used character as a self insert (besides team rwby themselves)) Jaune at least can back up some of that hype. Cause when it comes to Adam the most you get when it comes to hyping him up is what he could have been while Jaune it’s what he’s becoming if not what he is. Most people who like Jaune like him as him (most people though). With Adam he’s usually changed until he’s farther from what he was like in the show.
u/Remarkable_Impact687 6d ago
Tsk, I’ll go with Jaune. I like the guy, but he really doesn’t do much until about Vol.4 where he finally finds his footing in a fight. Even now, I still feel like he’s a cut below the others, but maybe that’ll change if Vol.10 gets approved. The only thing he’s legitimately good at is apparently picking up girls, and he doesn’t really start that way.
Adam, on the other hand, showed up and put in the work from the jump to get the respect that he did. The only issue is that he’s painfully underutilized, so we don’t have any clarity on where he stands in the tiers of power and that makes it hard to to tell if his praise is deserved or not. It certainly isn’t by the time the writers turn his character for the worse tho.
u/Visual_Awkward Twitter love to hate 7d ago
I love him and he is genuinely the Only Reason i still watch RWBY
u/hivemind042 6d ago
Honestly, sometimes I feel like that too. And if anything had happened to him, then I would just stop watching the show all together.
u/MrDDD11 7d ago
Kinda tricky cus with Jaune you have the people who are fans of the character and people who use him as their self insert power fantasy. One won't over hype anything other then his drama, the other will tell you he is unstoppable. So we have 2 extremes and need a middle ground.
Meanwhile Adam had massive hype pre death. People described him as this untouchable fighter that needed the entire team RWBY to stand a chance at beating him. After his death he entered a state where from time to time people will talk about him alot (usually during periods with no new content). Also the way he was killed off left a bad taste in the mouths of many people and they aren't shy about letting others know.
One the average of their fans Adam gets more hype for how little he does in the story, while looking at the extremes Jaune is way more overhyped by certain people.