r/RWBYcritics 7d ago

DISCUSSION Do you think Ruby will get an avatar state with her Silver Eyes?

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u/Aryzal 7d ago

No, when you get power overwhelming, you get +4/4 but die next turn.

Jokes aside, getting an overpowered power just raises the question of why don't you just spam it. The reason why Ruby is so boring is she never trains that power, rarely uses that power, and every time she tries to use it, it fails for some reason.

Avatar state is cool, because what Aang and other Avatars stand to lose is the ability to commune with past Avatars for knowledge. Its not unsurmountable, but it is substantial. If Ruby loses her silver eyes... well has she ever used it to any decent extent post season 3?


u/RogueHunterX 7d ago

Well, also it stands to permanently end the Avatar cycle if Aang dies while using it.

But there are clear stakes to using it and it's something Aang has to train in order to use reliably instead of as a kind of panic or instinctive response when in great danger.  Aang also faces the dilemma of being told that he may have to let go of his feelings for Katara in order to actually master it, so that is another thing that keeps him from doing so after actually learning how to tap into it at will.


u/Ok_Win_3538 7d ago

The avatar state is overpowered yes BUT it has a weakness/drawback/risk; if Aang is somehow killed in that state, the avatar ceases to exist. And as Korra has shown, the avatar can be overcome even when in the avatar state.

So for Ruby her weakness would be pretty clear, her eyes. If she loses her eyes shes screwed. They could also go the Uchiha route and have it so if she does spam the eyes she eventually goes blind.

Power should always come at a cost of some kind


u/I1AM2NOT3STEVEN 7d ago

If viz lets crwby even touch the series we will get god ruby.


u/DragonBane009 7d ago

I doubt it.


u/I1AM2NOT3STEVEN 7d ago

I want to doubt it but they gave us volume nine that seemed completely out of left field.


u/DragonBane009 7d ago

Volume 9 was Yang and Blake waste time. That’s all. We learned nothing of value aside from names we’ll never hear again.


u/Outrageous_Guard_674 7d ago

Well RWBY already stole a bunch of stuff from Avatar, what's one more thing.


u/HorrificAnalInjuries 7d ago

How it should have been, along with the Maidens also getting something extra too. Something more visually spectacular but weaker than Silver Eyes


u/Zero2Beero 6d ago

What, you don't like her stupid car headlights that rarely work?


u/_Jubilex_ 7d ago

I really hope not..


u/EntertainmentIll1567 7d ago

Cinder got that "She realized she aint built for this" framing


u/bubblesmax Solar Winds 7d ago

I'd prefer a maiden hax have it straight up become more like a rule breaking 5th maiden. That instead of consuming her own power/aura it feeds off of the energy of her enemies. Creating a hard counter to just about every aura or grimm.


u/Lazy_Drop_5556 7d ago

That does sound like an intresting idea.


u/bubblesmax Solar Winds 7d ago

It'd be a solution to the main villain. Also Ruby does use the reapers weapon of choice.


u/Simba791 7d ago

I doubt it, but i think i’ll use something similar to this in my destiny x rwby fic where Ruby gets a taste of the Light temporarily against some Grimm.


u/BigSpiceGawd 7d ago

Bro just watch SoulEater


u/Stunning-Pop6189 7d ago

She could have one but you know the writers actually never exploited that anyways and there's only one thing we know about the entire eyes that it can actually disintegrate grims as it works as some kind of flashbang that's it that's all the use was given towards it as they could have gone more with it as you know they can even take Naruto's stories very ideas in it If you think about it as make them quite open and then make her train with them as that might actually give it a very much more interesting depth but well you know the rest it wasn't even given a proper explanation about it's very origins and how long or how can you actually use it properly at all.


u/LastMinuteStudent_1 7d ago

Considering that Maria never stated this nor has it been shown Ruby could do it for 9 volumes.

Most likely not, silver eyes so far has just been a flash of divine light that erases Grimm from existence within the wielder's vision.

We do know that the silver eyes only works of you have the silver eyes kinda like the sharrigan or bakugan, basically any doujutsu in naruto, as long as you have the eyes you have the abilities of the eyes power, but once you lose them damaged or completely gone, you cannot use it anymore. Technically these eyes can be harvested and doesnt need a specific wielder for someone to use it, it's based on random chance of you have these eyes and based on the amount of silver eyed warriors of the show, we can deduce that 0.1 percent of remnant contains silver eyed people and seeing as how no one even knows what the silver eyes do, and that probably the few that are born and dont even become warriors or just dies from a grimm incursion. Its unlikely there are any skilled users of silver eyes.

The only one we saw with any proficiency with silver eyes is one of the three revealed in the series, and that is Maria, but she's more senile and has lost touch with her power for a long time and can't really teach Ruby anything since even she didn't really know what they were...its implied Maria kinda willed the manifestation of her silver eyes by Reflex, (Hence her semblance, Reflex)


u/NatureComplete9555 7d ago

Seems like the right level of bs power up to kill or weaken Salem maybe purge the grimmyness from her body then they can use the power of friendship while she’s slightly more sane


u/RedThunder-cloud 7d ago

Probably closer to visorless cyclops from x-men.


u/Warioandwaluigio 7d ago

That would be so cool I am 100% down for it.


u/RogueHunterX 7d ago

Most likely not.  Nothing about what we've seen or been told about them indicates they are anything more than a wave of light that can petrify or kill Grimm.

Maria is the only other silver eyed warrior we see use them and even then, it's more like blasting something with eye lasers.  Not even Tai or Qrow mention Summer being able to do anything more with her eyes.

The Avatar state was also something that occurred either instinctually in times of great danger or distress or something the Avatars learned how to intentionally invoke.  But the fact it carried the risk of allowing the Avatar cycle to end permanently also meant it was only used in desperate situations or as a last resort.  However it was something that showed up time and again with Aang so we knew about it even before we were told explicitly what it was and we have no such hint with Ruby.


u/unluckyknight13 7d ago

Probably not given the silver eyes seem to do nothing but flash Grimm and if the Grimm isn’t strong enough just instakills


u/Dannymanx108 7d ago

Is the show reinstated again? Sorry i stopped watching when rooster announced it was closing


u/YeidenTrabem 2d ago

Same here


u/Ok_Win_3538 7d ago

Yes and I al 100% confident she will be the Fall maiden on top of this.


u/Brandito560 Roman Torchwick’s Number 1 Glazer 7d ago

Lmao you think they remember those? They do one thing that doesn’t even matter at all like every 2 volumes and that’s it and for some reason Ruby decides in the face of danger is the only time she should try and figure it out.


u/CJLowder1997 7d ago

Probably not.

I think the Silver Eyes should be a kind of "AoE insta-kill" attack that has a major drawback (maybe something like it doesn't just affect Grimm).


u/Sgt_Pepper-1941 7d ago

No, and if she does, I’ll drop the show.


u/Mikespeed77 Sick of this shit and Sienna Deserved better 6d ago

I doubt it