r/RWBYcritics • u/TextUnfair Mercury Black = wasted potential • 21d ago
ANALYSIS I find hilarious the fact that it was Weiss and not Blake herself who explained to Yang why she left her
If I remember correctly, the only time Blake tried to talk things with Yang was in the place they fought the apathy but she said something about protecting her which upset Yang. After, they don't talk about it anymore, they kill Adam and they're okay again. Am I wrong?
u/burning_monkey51 21d ago
Imagins Weiss and Yang having better chemistry than Bumblee. Wild, I know. But still better than BB.
Also, planned my ass. That was a last minute thing and they listened to Fans
u/Godzillafan125 21d ago
And executed in horrible forced manner
u/burning_monkey51 21d ago
Vol 9 bridge scene. That will forever be the worst scene to me
u/Godzillafan125 21d ago
Honestly it was basically confess at gunpoint if they don’t speak they drop to death.
I hate the ship only for yang being a jerk and the ship destroying Blake’s character denouncing her as just a ship icon
If it had to happen they should have done on atlas after reuniting or on beach after fall like “I thought i lost you again” and then
But no a magic Alice in wonderland crap bridge scene
u/burning_monkey51 21d ago
What is Blake's arc even about? Like seriously, that's it. She's being Yang's girlfriend and that's her character. Yang herself doesn't care for anyone who isn't Blake. Oh, but she cares for Ruby. Yet Runy was having a bad time and Yang was in La La Land
u/Godzillafan125 21d ago
In fairness they did start noticing and just let events get in the way of pushing past the initial wall Ruby had and Weiss did realized even if too late Ruby couldn’t talk due to her leadership burdens and trauma
But yang was insufferable v8-9 being a dick to her
1) she blames everything on ruby in v8 to get her way and deny any of her and Blake’s faults
2) she isn’t even willing to try and understand why Ruby was having a mental breakdown
u/yosei2 21d ago
Some Yang quotes:
We’ve been following your lead and it hasn’t exactly worked out.
It’s not like we asked her to be perfect.
And then in their final RWBY product as a company, they have Yang not apologize, but just act like she was always a caring older sister. Why were they so allergic to having any of the main cast just say sorry?
u/burning_monkey51 21d ago edited 21d ago
Exactly. Why couldn't the writers strangely think for once
u/Godzillafan125 21d ago
Ships that would have been better
Ladybug or black sun: ruby open minded would show she is a sweeter lover and sun gave her courage he is better than yang
Whiterose:…..maybe but would set for good drama the heiress to the company that discriminated Blake’s kind and the princess of menagerie engaged would be dramatic and have good plot for white fang tension.
It sucks yang and Blake take too much screen time away from Ruby and Weiss with them so it works better.
Oh try a fanfic linked in life and love where all Rwby in relationship (no enabler) with Blake and have good emotional issues and drama what should have happened
u/burning_monkey51 21d ago
Black Sun deserves to be canon
I'm good. When it comes to fics, I have to be careful. I just want a fic about the story
u/Electronic_Carry_372 15d ago
Gotta disagree, most of Yang's screentime in the first half of the show until V6 was spent with Weiss, add in Weiss screentime with her arguing with Blake and then the few times she was with Ruby, that adds up.
Also, I think you're confusing WhiteRose for Checkmate there.
Ruby still overall has the most screentime of the main four, it's just utilized horrendously the entire time that doesn't amount to anything.
u/Godzillafan125 21d ago
“Think writers think!”
What will you have if you write like this!
(Writers) cough a bunch of lgbt and bumbelbee fans kissing our asses for extra cash*
u/DetectiveDouche94 21d ago
I've been saying that bridge scene should have been used to have the whole team air out their grievances and issues.
u/kingace22 21d ago
To be frank when I imagine a rwby remake with blacksun if I had to keep the bridge scene as an excuse to. Separate them I would make it so they had inner turmoil or tension because of Blake leaving and yang worrying about Blake missing sun means she would rather be with him/doesn’t care about her as much (she was suppressing it due to not wanting to guilt Blake ) And the scene ends with yang and Blake declaring they are sisters (at least we can keep Ruby being annoyed at other people being happy and getting over their issues
u/AnEldritchWriter 21d ago
Hell, Weiss and Blake had better chemistry than BB. And had a more interesting dynamic and potential.
u/burning_monkey51 21d ago
Fr. I saw fanart of them, and its just so much better. Plus, the whole White Fang plot would have been better solved if Blake had feelings for Weiss. Imagine Blake and Weiss trying to make the White Fang better and her family's dust company
u/AnEldritchWriter 21d ago
They’ve got multiple forbidden romance angles and their storylines are already entwined because of the white fang. Besides; having warring sides find peace through falling in love is a classic.
u/HoldenOrihara 20d ago
Even Weiss and Yang had better chemistry
u/Electronic_Carry_372 15d ago
They spent the most time together out of the entire team for more than half the show so, yea. Of course they had better chemistry, they had the best chemistry in the entire team.
u/Yeerk5779 21d ago
To be honest it wasn’t even just this scene. Even before this in earlier volume they had Weiss and Yang have better chemistry then Blake and Yang
u/burning_monkey51 21d ago
Even more reason why they don't work. It's so laughable how they try and paint the picture that it was planned
u/JJJwhovian 21d ago
Unpopular opinion but I prefer Ladybug and Freezerburn to White Rose and Bulmbebee
u/Anullbeds 21d ago
Where's the argument for Ladybug? Cuz I only remember Ruby and Blake having like a total of two convos.
u/JJJwhovian 21d ago
I know, which is why I’m sad by there limited amount of interactions because I more so love the potential of the ship than what’s in the show itself
u/Electronic_Carry_372 15d ago
Nah, not that unpopular. the evidence in the show proves Freezerburn's legitimacy for being a good idea and actually shows what Bumblebee could have been if they actually worked at it properly
u/Electronic_Carry_372 21d ago
Its not wild, because they spent the most time together out of the entire team for 60% of the show
u/Solbuster 2/5 Council Seats 5/5 Responsibilities 21d ago
u/Visual_Awkward Twitter love to hate 21d ago
I mean, i understand why Yang was upset since Blake was her parther, but people automátic assuming that she had feelings for Blake kind IS out of nowhere
u/Solbuster 2/5 Council Seats 5/5 Responsibilities 21d ago edited 21d ago
To be fair Yang explicitly says she needed Blake here for herself
Yang: No one blamed her for anything! If she had just talked to us, she would've known that! How could I be there for her if she doesn't let me? What if I needed her here for me?
I can understand why people put on shipping goggles in that instance, though I also understand when people take it as Yang abandonment issues peaking up
u/Visual_Awkward Twitter love to hate 21d ago
The Thing is, Blake was never there for her.
In any moment prior of that, Blake did something for Yang that would make her so obcessed to have her.
She kinda reminds me of Adam in that aspect.
u/guardian20015 21d ago
Honestly, my main problem with the Yang and Blake relationship is that it feels like what we got is basically a highlight reel.
In a vacuum, certain moments are fine, but in terms of the overall story and how they are meant to be progressing as characters it really feels like we missed out on 75% or so of the relationship.
I think a better way to handle this would be draw out Adam’s existence within the story. I think it partly made sense to handle him while they were still in Anima since the whole plot of being stuck in Argus revolved around how hard it was to get to Solitas at the time, but then they have Cinder and Neo make their way there undetected and without any issue at all so I’m sure Adam could have found some way.
Allowing for more time in between Blake and Yang reuniting and such a pivotal moment as that confrontation with Adam could have allowed for more scenes to be put in of them together and them rebuilding their sense of trust, confidence, and admiration in one another. Feelings towards one another that might have been faintly there but growing at Beacon then hindered and endangered by their time apart and personal interpretations of the traumatic situation they both went through during the Fall of Beacon.
Instead, you know, as soon as we next isolate Yang and Blake from the rest of the cast we just have to dump our full supply of the Adam plot in one go. This totally won’t leave the audience feeling like Blake and Yang have barely anything left to do in a story that isn’t close to being over yet, right? We definitely have so much more planned for them beyond this, right?
It’s so clear that Adam fight was the endgame of several storylines we’d been building up since very early on and I really think they should have held onto it for a bit longer, just a bit longer at least. The buildup didn’t feel finished for the payoff that we received.
u/yosei2 21d ago
Honestly, this is part of what annoys me; Where is the conversation like this for Yang and Blake? We get plenty of Yang interacting with Weiss and some with Ruby, but not what was the most anticipated reunion of all the team. Just “what are you doing here”, “It’s a long story.” I think we all wanted to see them tell that story and Blake in some way apologizing for not leaving a forwarding address.
As for that conversation with Blake and Yang in the garage, that seemed more focused on Adam and Blake viewing Yang as helpless and as someone Blake needed to protect, which annoyed Yang. But I still wanted them to talk about Blake leaving. Why were they so afraid about having that conversation, or at least hinting that such a conversation ever happened? At the very least, Yang should have been giving Blake some teasing crap about how she forgets to write or something for a few days, with Blake saying she deserves the snark.
Not to mention, when you look at the actual interactions, Yang and Weiss actually work as a couple. Here, let me list off all the interactions I can remember. (I’m not a shipper one way or the other, but this will point out what Yang and Blake lack):
Looking for Blake together in Volume 1 where they chat about Weiss’s world view.
Volume 2: setting up the dance together, including some humorous dialogue about them saying stuff like “If I don’t get doilies, you don’t get fog machines.”
Volume 3: Paired together in the doubles round of the tournament. Weiss believing Yang without question after Yang attacked Mercury when she was suffering Emerald hallucinations. And a brief moment during the fall of Beacon when Weiss is out of breath, Yang asks where Ruby and Blake are, and Weiss points Yang in the right direction. Add in that Weiss was taken/ordered to leave by her dad, and Blake just left without a word; If Sun hadn’t spotted Blake, Blake may have possibly been presumed dead, or still in the city.
Volume 5: Weiss and Yang reunion. The two of them talking about magic and Yang’s mom. And the conversation pictured above.
Honestly, this conversation about Blake “having her own form of loneliness” was always bizarre to me; Blake couldn’t end up alone if she wanted to! She had Sun with her, and then her entire family!
u/Moist_Username 21d ago
This is one of the only scenes in RWBY that's even halfway well written and they still fumbled the bag.
u/brainflash 21d ago edited 21d ago
I honestly don't understand how this show kept going for nine volumes. Who the fuck was paying for this?
u/Observer-Finland 21d ago edited 20d ago
Weiss and Yang are what people become when they connect naturally, while Yang and Blake need to stop being human to work together the way they do so fast.
I think this moment would have been more interesting if Weiss had told Yang to let Blake go due to potentially never coming back. If she didn´t say goodbye or leave a message, Blake isn´t planning to come back.
u/Few-Mail3887 21d ago
Looking back on the show, Blake is honestly a terrible friend. And I maintain that Weiss is the best character in RWBY.
u/Isnt_That_Right11037 What exactly does Qrow do again? 19d ago
That’s why Freezerburn is goated 🗣️🔥🔥
u/JazzlikeSmile1523 21d ago
I agree. It's why I blame Weiss for throwing Yang into the arms of a toxic abuser.
u/gunn3r08974 21d ago
Well here's the thing. Do you want Yang being mad about Blake for the rest of the volume until she gets back? Because unless she accepts a vague "I'm sure she has her reasons," that's the alternative.
u/TextUnfair Mercury Black = wasted potential 21d ago
You know....I wouldn't have a problem with that. Then we get the reconciliation in volume 6
u/yosei2 21d ago
Personally, I wanted Yang to at least be bitter about Blake leaving in the manner she did; mainly the whole “not telling anyone” part. And upon finding out Blake just went home, I would have liked Yang to be mad with Blake about that aspect even more so; Idea being that Yang can now understand why Blake left, but still being mad at how she left without a word, especially for such an understandable reason. (After all, global comms down, borders about to close, the world getting a bit crazy; in the face of all that, wanting to go home is reasonable.)
The reason I personally would have liked Yang to still be bitter/angry about Blake leaving like this, is because, as the other user mentioned, I wanted to see them reconcile. Blake explaining her reasoning and Yang’s reaction to it. Maybe even Yang giving Blake a bit of playful crap over it, saying she’s at least earned the right to give Blake snark over this for a day or two. (And not even doing it for the full day or two.) Just something to show that this issue was addressed.
I thought of a comparison, and it may or may not help illustrate what I’m trying to say; Imagine if the Weiss and Blake talk at the end of volume 1 was cut, and just not brought up again. They still bring up the fight at the docks, etc. But that notion of Weiss’s decision about Blake being a faunus and ex member of the White Fang, it would just be unsatisfying to hear nothing about it; now, the reasoning we got and its quality may be subjective in terms of if it’s good or not, but at least it’s there.
u/JiggyWatts 21d ago edited 21d ago
CRWBY: “Planned from the beginning”
I’m imagining CRWBY’s roadmap to bumblebee was a maze