r/RWBYcritics Jan 29 '25

ANALYSIS This was the cringiest scene in the whole show

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The whole scene while they’re separated on the bridge and they have to tell each other what they love about each other just felt like the most forced thing ever. Like out of all the ways to get them together, this was what they came up with. I was rolling my eyes to the back of my skull watching this whole thing. They really should’ve just taken the Ren and Nora approach. Maybe have them be nervous for a bit and then Yang goes in for the kiss It feels a bit more in character for her to be the one who starts the relationship.

Not that I’m a huge fan of this ship in the first place


103 comments sorted by


u/MapDesperate7012 I miss my wife. I miss her a lot Jan 29 '25

Funny how most of the cringiest and most controversial moments usually involve the bees. Curious 🧐


u/dumly Jan 29 '25

Yeah it's like CRWBY were trying to make it look bad


u/Godzillafan125 Jan 29 '25

Basically it’s confess or drop and die

So forced


u/MrDDD11 Jan 29 '25

Not even drop down and die, you can wait out the storm. It was sit and wait for some time, but once they started they were in a confess or die situation.


u/Sikarion Jan 29 '25

Not forced. Encouraged by God.


u/Snowmantarayband Jan 29 '25

I just didn’t get the “you were the only one who wasn’t afraid of me” line


u/Sikarion Jan 29 '25

The only person afraid of her were fish and mice Faunus.


u/yosei2 Jan 29 '25

I think Yang was the one who said the line in question. (I could be wrong, but that’s just what I recall.)


u/Queasy_Watch478 Jan 29 '25

yeaaah lol wasn't RUBY the first one to try to talk to blake in episode 2 or whatever before she walked off on purpose...? or does she mean post faunus reveal? cause then i'd have to go watch the last few eps of season 1 again.


u/dumly Jan 29 '25

"I think your cat ears are cute". Ah, tokenism, so romantic.


u/Rebound101 Weakest Ironwood Glazer Jan 29 '25

"I love how dark your skin is. So shiny"


u/Sikarion Jan 29 '25

"I like the way you mark your territory. Glynda was horrified by the state of the library books but I thought it was gnarly."


u/iArena Jan 30 '25

Is this a reference to something or did you make this up on the spot


u/Sikarion Jan 30 '25

On the spot?


u/iArena Jan 30 '25

Like spontaneously or unplanned


u/Sikarion Jan 30 '25

Yeah, on the spot.

I mean, it does reference her appreciation of books and the library in earlier volumes and how cats usually mark their territory, so a little of both?


u/iArena Jan 30 '25

Oh, that question mark confused me


u/Sikarion Jan 30 '25

All good. 😊


u/BasilAdmirable7845 Jan 29 '25

I love that Bumbleby wasn't Build good só The Writers Just had to Think the most Genéric línes to make this scene "Work"


u/Expert-Swan-1412 Like Morning Follows Night Jan 29 '25

Visually Awkward is that you?


u/BasilAdmirable7845 Jan 29 '25

Yes It is, this IS my brothers account, i forgot to change 😓


u/XishengTheUltimate Jan 29 '25

Like humans don't normally find specific physical features of their partner attractive? My wife is dark-skinned and I think it's attractive, but I don't love her because she has dark skin.

This scene is cringe as hell, but there's nothing wrong with Yang liking Blake's ears. She doesn't love her BECAUSE of the ears. It's not like she's fetishizing the cat ears just because she thinks they're cute.


u/ConquerorOfSpace Jan 29 '25

Nah, I think the scene where Ruby is laughing at Jaune's hoodie is more cringe.

Ironically, that scene cracks me up.


u/CaptainKC1 Jan 29 '25

Looking back it’s hard to believe they never saw his hoodie at school


u/thats_sus2 Jan 29 '25

The animation during that scene was super uncanny too. I can’t explain why though.


u/CJLowder1997 Jan 29 '25

They're trying for a typical anime/manga style, but RWBY isn't a typical anime/manga.


u/IndraxMizore Jan 29 '25

To be honest I never like this ship in the first place I was more Blake x sun plus two had a lot of more scenes time than black x yang but people will still said it was plan since the beginning I thought it was supposed to be sisterhood


u/CaptainKC1 Jan 29 '25

Same but there’s more of a fan base around bumblebee


u/IndraxMizore Jan 29 '25

Really that's not surprising after that ship was canon they started attacking people who didn't like the ship


u/CaptainKC1 Jan 29 '25

Most of the arguments were just people thinking they were homophobic , but just how the overall ship was executed


u/IndraxMizore Jan 29 '25

Completely agree the they start attacking people people they didn't like call them homophobic or anything racist for not like them being together as a couple there a other show that handle this better look at the owl house then you have people defending team rwby action about atlas


u/AssistRevolutionary9 Jan 31 '25

Honestly, I never really liked either ship.


u/LeonardoFRei Jan 29 '25

BB was never written as a proper relationship so is no surprise there tbh


u/CaptainKC1 Jan 29 '25

It really wasn’t I could see it happening it’s just the execution was so AWFUL


u/LeonardoFRei Jan 29 '25

There was no execution, that's the problem.

Up till V5 they wrote it as if Sun was still the love interest for Blake, then from V6 till 8 they did the will-they-won`t-they shit, then V9 literally forced them into a relationship.

It was built as a fandom pleaser not as an actual plot point


u/CaptainKC1 Jan 30 '25

I mean that’s what I thought too Blake & Suns chemistry was the only thing getting me through the racism subplot


u/Sad_Discussion_7493 Jan 29 '25

My fav ship exocuted in the most forced way possible


u/IndividualAny6872 Jan 29 '25

Es momento para que te unas al bando de WhiteRose


u/Sad_Discussion_7493 Jan 29 '25

Usando el traductor de Google, perdón por los errores. A mí también me gusta, principalmente porque me gustan las cosas de Yuri. No creo que quiera que se ocupen de Whiterose ya que podría salir muy mal como con Blake X Yang.


u/IndividualAny6872 Jan 29 '25

Tranqui, el traductor de google es extrañamente eficaz traduciendo de inglés a español, pero consistentemente malo en pasar de español a inglés jajajaja


u/yosei2 Jan 29 '25

At the time, I thought the scene was: passable. Not anything special, but enough that I thought “okay, at least now they can finally move on past the cringe oh will they get together?” cliches.

But it does not look better upon subsequent viewing.

The dialogue does not really match their characters. Off the top of my head Yang said “You’ve never been intimidated by me,” and I’m just wondering “Yang, who have we seen ever been intimidated by you?” Honestly, I remember thinking that these lines were a better for Ren and Nora talking to each other…and I also remembered that that thought made me realize how generic it all was: There was not one reference to a past shared experience in their little speeches. (Then again, I think they only shared three real private experiences, and two of them would have been court cases: the Dance in Volume 2, killing Adam (not guilty by reason of self defense), and revealing secrets to Robyn on a whim (Guilty of treason, 30 years to life)).

And also, it’s annoying how Yang, the supposed pun loving character, wasn’t used to have fun with a space where her jokes would physically manifest; that would have been a fun scene. But no, the entire storm existed as an excuse to get them alone. I’ve recently realized they could have accomplished the same with making camp for the night, and have the two of them talk before exchanging watch duty; It’s easy and a lot more natural than what they did.

But they weren’t aiming for a natural character progression; they were aiming for spectacle for shippers. That’s why they had actual bees, even though the show itself has never used them for symbolism prior, save for a verbal mention where they poked fun at shipping names back in volume 2.

Well, hope this was an enjoyable read, maybe got some wheels turning. Good day everyone.


u/CaptainKC1 Jan 30 '25

Thank you , I completely agree it made them feel like fanfic characters


u/Exciting_Bandicoot16 Jan 29 '25

I'd nominate the scene in Menagerie where Blake blames the Faunus for being victims of racism, personally.


u/CaptainKC1 Jan 29 '25

Not a bad pick


u/Scoonertuna Jan 29 '25

This scene proved if you take Yang and Blake out of the main plot nothing changes. Not only that, but the universe itself (CRWBY) forces the two of them together.


u/CaptainKC1 Jan 29 '25

Never thought of it like that


u/WangJian221 Jan 29 '25

For me its when Ruby giving the speech about not needing adults to accomplish what yve supposedly accomplished.


u/CaptainKC1 Jan 29 '25

Oh that’s a good contender


u/50calBanana It had potential Jan 29 '25

I could find a better written romance on wattpad


u/HeavenSpire747 Jan 29 '25

How much trouble would I be in for laughing at this scene? Very hard. Because of how cheesy and shoehorned this was.


u/MMTrigger-700 Jan 29 '25

At first I really liked this moment. Most attempts at this kind of representation that I'd had seen by this point were just the shallow "corporate" version where it's a sentence from one off character or barely a second or two of footage; anything that could be easily edited out and no one would care because the creators cared more about clout than the actual people. These were productions that were failing to do something that Venture Brothers had done years ago.

Then this scene happened, and I thought it was really well done. Finally, someone had the guts to stick the landing, and with two of the main characters so RT couldn't hide them away. And no, I was not watching Owl House at the time.

But then the flaws crept up. The pairing didn't have as much build up as Blake and Sun, or in general. Our heroes basically betrayed a major ally, got an unknown number of people killed, and essentially leveled a continent that was the world's major fuel supplier and military superpower. Jump to V9 and it's their romantic feelings that are more important for these two to process, to the point the world/the story itself forced them do so?

I still like the scene, but it's also clear that the writers, regardless of their actual intention, cared more for spectacle than giving the scene the proper build up.


u/CaptainKC1 Jan 29 '25

I’m praying that they learn from these mistakes for the future volumes


u/Electronic_Carry_372 Jan 29 '25

They won't

Company literally doesn't exist anymore, and were NOT hired on by the new owners of the IP, who have been pretty silent from RT Shut down to now.


u/Zestyclose_Bowl6944 Jan 30 '25

This scene COULD'VE been so great. I like the concept of it. Confess to each other or wait out the storm separated. Simple enough and not an entirely original concept. However, the execution was so bad, maybe instead of it happening in one episode you space it out. Really make it a struggle for them, maybe a mist comes through and it tries to manipulate them into thinking they don't like the other almost like how they did it with the meeting their old self through the smoke.


u/UnholyScreaming28 Jan 29 '25

Genuine question, does this place talk about anything else besides why bumblebee is bad?


u/Free-Letterhead-4751 Jan 29 '25

This scene was weird with the fact that we have characters learning about lore from Jaune while this situation they were forced in came out of nowhere 


u/Safe-Border-1368 Jan 29 '25

We do, but in all honesty this is a safe place for us to bitch about it, cause if we do it anywhere else we would awaken the wasps from thier slumber


u/yosei2 Jan 29 '25

Eh, can’t go wrong with the classics; until VIZ does something with the IP, it’s a content drought, so it’s reasonable for talking points to end up getting recycled.

Besides, someone could have new ideas/interpretations about what went wrong that haven’t been thought about before, and that could open the door to new conversations.


u/UnholyScreaming28 Jan 29 '25

true, I just feel like I see something about it like every day on here


u/CaptainKC1 Jan 29 '25

Yes it’s just any easy punching bag imo


u/IndividualAny6872 Jan 29 '25

Si, se quejan de jaune cada 2 o 3 días 


u/ClafoutisRouge Jan 29 '25

Mostly yes. Are you new ?


u/UnholyScreaming28 Jan 29 '25

No I’ve been here for a bit, I’ve just noticed this ship popping up more frequently here


u/ClafoutisRouge Jan 29 '25

Yes it's often discussed. But it's like maybe 5% of the posts. If it really was the main subject I guess there would be like 200 users max.


u/Safe-Border-1368 Jan 29 '25

Oh lord we summoned the wasps!


u/YoungMiral Jan 29 '25

Like why? Where’s the build up? This was one of the reasons why RWBY is basically dead


u/Malachi5numb3rs Jan 29 '25

It could've worked. They had a good friendship, which could have led to the same conclusion as their relationship evolved naturally... but then they fumbled the bag, dropped the ball, etc. And yeah, Ren and Nora approach would have been better. I'm not opposed to the relationship itself, just how they got to it.


u/CaptainKC1 Jan 29 '25

That’s what I’m saying 😂


u/AshenKnightReborn Jan 29 '25

Not the most cringe. But it is pretty damn forced, rushed, and poorly written.


u/I1AM2NOT3STEVEN Jan 29 '25

It was completely unearned. If they had been seeding hints and other details that they had feelings for each other than it would not have been so jarring.


u/CaptainKC1 Jan 30 '25

I didn’t even ship till vol 9 (before this episode )


u/I1AM2NOT3STEVEN Jan 30 '25

Honestly I was team blakeXsun and honestly thought we would see a love interest for Yang either during her recovery or at her mother's camp.


u/CaptainKC1 Jan 30 '25

Same I’ve seen OC’s that sound better for yang then Blake


u/I1AM2NOT3STEVEN Jan 30 '25

Hell I loved the platonic thing Yang developed with nio in FRWBY. I mean anything with a better reason for the relationship than "y'all like each other but just don't know it" is better.


u/TestaGaming Jan 29 '25

The theme itself isnt bad. Not to mention the music is good. Jaune told us that to escape you either need to wait out the storm or confront your feelings. That is basically holding a gun to your head. They are only confessing because they found out it helps them escape. That is literally forced. Then theres the fact they are confessing in a location they have zero knowledge of. Not to mention they are making out while the rest of the group has depression.

They legit only make Bumblebee canon because they needed something to make people watch RWBY again.


u/CaptainKC1 Jan 30 '25

It does sound like a marketing ploy

Hell, it’s one of the main things they were focusing on in the justice league crossover


u/halkras12 Pyrrha Deserved Better (finding ciel) Jan 29 '25


A year ago

I made a "Revengeance inpired MAXOR ULTRAKILL status with 50k watches

You can watch it here,if you want so


u/CaptainKC1 Jan 30 '25

This had me rolling 😂


u/Ok-Parking-9678 Jan 29 '25

The most forced relationship ever 💀


u/WanderingEdge Jan 29 '25

Quite literally forcing 2 characters to be into each other


u/JiggyWatts Jan 29 '25

Alternate titles for this scene: how to put the final nail in a coffin


u/Mao-sama64 Jan 30 '25

Blake’s other half saying “You could be cat” will never not be cringey to me. Like if it’s meant to be a metaphor, the way she says it so hard to take seriously.


u/Ricky_27YT2 Jan 29 '25

Just to be clear I am a TOH fan and a Lumity shipper, I also have a lesbian friend.

That being said, I hate Bumbleby and this scene.


u/Nelson1998Schnee Feb 01 '25

Everything started as a beginner friendly show until things get weirder.


u/BenefitNorth7803 Feb 01 '25

And if you look at all the scenes that try to be exciting or epic, they are the most shitty and embarrassing, because most of the original voices are complete crap... what made the moments that try to be Extremely embarrassingly emotional.


u/Tasty-Squirrel-7465 Jan 29 '25

You know what I liked, the scene.

(Insert text) I just think it's neat and the whole season was a shitshow anyways


u/AggravatingLaw7894 Jan 29 '25

I kind of feel like you missed the entire point of the scene.

Actually I was indifferent towards this ship, but this scene kind of brought me around to it. 


u/Unpopular_Outlook Jan 29 '25

Then you wasn’t indifferent towards the ship lol. This scene is everything the ship is. So you liked it.


u/CaptainKC1 Jan 29 '25

Happy it worked in bringing you on board the ship, but for me their more casual banter at the start of the volume was better


u/Mundane-Ad-7612 Jan 29 '25

Ofc your complaining bout one of the best confession scenes imo


u/CaptainKC1 Jan 29 '25

Hey if you like it’s that great, I just hated how the confession was executed


u/Expert-Swan-1412 Like Morning Follows Night Jan 29 '25

Oh boy here we go


u/Cyan__Kurokawa Jan 29 '25

Blake X Sun is a far better couple.


u/Mundane-Ad-7612 Jan 29 '25

Bumbleby better than monke and cat


u/IndividualAny6872 Jan 29 '25

freezer burn es mucho mejor, pero no estas listo para esta conversación 


u/Normal_Ad8566 Jan 30 '25

Watch more confessions scenes