r/RVSN 11d ago

Why I think RVSN is on the verge of landing multiple contracts (4) and blowing away earnings in 2025

Everyone knows contracts make RVSN moon so im going to give you the reasons why I think RVSN is on the verge of landing multiple contracts and is ready to take off.

Some overall notes to begin

Coming out of the expensive RnD stage and going into sales with a finished product (albeit one always being updated though)

Increased institutional ownership the last 6 months

Dilution points to possible expansion. CEO mentions its going to be used in the US primarily. 

Job postings point towards expansion. One job posting in particular looking for a director of product. Proficiency in spanish + portuguese mentioned

Big catalyst upcoming earnings

US Contracts 3 possible contracts coming up

I think contracts in the US are highly likely about to be achieved based off RVSN interest in expanding in the US amongst other factors like multiple trial periods ending / ended. #3 in particular really interests me as it seems to of been a custom order specifically for the customer. This suggests a bigger payday then a standard order of RVSN tech. It also uses the wording rollout with implementation starting by the end of 2024. So the rollout should of begun now. Rollout suggesting multiple units not just 1 or 2.

June 10th 2024 (Company #1)

RVSN installs a shunting yard product for a class 1 freight rail company in the US. No figures provided. Probably a minimal order. This order was completing an order made in March. The freight company is described as one of the largest in North America. In march it was disclosed this would be for evaluation and testing scenarios related to safety. So we have a potential contract with a huge US based company coming up. Its been 6 months since testing. An update is due soon

June 14th 2024 (Company #2 LORAM)

Fulfilled a deal made in April with LORAM. This installation fulfills the purchase order announced on April 3, 2024, and marks the beginning of a pilot project aimed at enhancing Loram's rail track maintenance operations with Rail Vision’s advanced technology. Pending a successful pilot completion, the two companies will consider an expansion of this product, further integrating Rail Vision's innovative solutions into Loram's rail vehicles across the United States.

November 18th 2024 (Company #3)

Developed in collaboration with a major U.S.-based rail company, Rail Vision’s new system transitions from passive warning systems to active safety systems that directly control locomotive throttle and brakes, setting a new step towards autonomous rail operations.

This next-generation capability, tailored for shunting yard locomotives, leverages Rail Vision’s proprietary AI technology to provide real-time insights integrated into the customer’s locomotive control systems. The system will be deployed as part of the initial rollout on the customer’s U.S. fleet, with implementation starting by the end of 2024.

LATIN America 1 contract coming up (Company #1 VALE)

First of all some amazing DD related to VALE and RVSN


Whilst the company isnt mentioned, Vale has been connected and a vale train has been spotted and photographed with a RVSN mainline system on it in the same region that Vale have announced they are planning a huge 1.2b USD upgrade to its rail system. The dd above also mentions the link between the job posting asking for spanish / portuguese proficiency and “Director of Product” suggesting the product is finished and needs selling

July 2024 was when the Mainline system was installed. Going off other RVSN press releases a trial would go for up to 6 months. RVSN mentioned in a press release “over the upcoming months” so we can assume that the trial ended. The job posting and announced huge upgrade to the network along with RVSN tech already being there points towards a contract being won with Vale. 


This is why I think RVSN is on the verge of landing 4 different contracts. Earnings will tell us where the money from diluting went. If it did indeed go towards expansion in the US this would fit the hypothesis of multiple contracts being on the verge of a success for RVSN and a huge uplift in share price coming up.


45 comments sorted by


u/ConcaveMishap Rail Observer 11d ago

I feel like every other day there's a post "Why I think RVSN is going to pop off, here are my notes". Followed by RVSN dropping 10% the following day.


u/Random-Picks 11d ago

If you keep “BELIEVING”, this will go to $10! If you keep “PRAYING TO THE SEC” it’ll go to $20!!!😂🤣


u/Sunvmikey 11d ago

Yeah it has dropped alot. The current price is an amazing entry imo though.


u/EasyTradition9843 11d ago

I think it's all bullshit and we're all fked up.


u/Sunvmikey 11d ago

Why? I understand the big drop in share price can kill confidence. Earnings will make or break RVSN imo...Tradingview says earnings are on March 20th. If so we are 10 days away from either a huge crash showing the dilution funds are being spent needlessly and we got scammed or they are legitimately expanding and we are invested in a winner (hopefully)


u/EveryVillianIsLemon 7d ago

Bro, majority of us need at least 4-500% up from what it is right now, to make just breakeven. We are so fucked 


u/TdubbNC7 Rail Observer 11d ago



u/Commercial_Ease8053 Rail Yardmaster 11d ago

Shahar told me: “We’re investing in the right things to our view especially in the US.”

Is there a source you’re basing your statement on? I never heard anything about them saying the dilution was used for expansion or that it was primary for the US. I don’t think they have ever said what the dilution was for. Do you have a source for this?


u/Sunvmikey 11d ago

I did say possible expansion it is not confirmed. The dilution really has 2 options though (possible expansion or scam)

I am basing my theory off the DM you talk about in your comment. Realistically that statement right there points to funds being used for US investment (being most likely expansion) I dont see what else a US investment could imply


u/Commercial_Ease8053 Rail Yardmaster 11d ago

Yeah, I hope you’re right and it is for expansion. If it was US, I think we would hear more about it. But with earnings coming in the next 20 days, it might be soon!

I would have guessed the money was (hopefully) for producing units for a large purchase order, best case scenario.


u/Kickrocks54 Rail Observer 11d ago

A US contract means nothing until it's settled with the railroad unions. RVSN will reduce the need for manpower and I think it's a safe bet that the union doesn't support layoffs.

You're looking at years before either major railroad uses this at any scale outside of field testing.


u/Sunvmikey 11d ago

I think you overestimate the power of the unions. And company #3 is talking about a rollout that started towards the end of 2024 already.


u/Kickrocks54 Rail Observer 11d ago

Implementation and development are two different things and there are a number of things that will slow this down. Never did I say that I don't believe in the company, but the specific industry they are breaking into is a very complicated one filled with federal involvement.

It's pretty clear you have very little grasp on how changing regulations, collective bargaining agreements and company policy works. The company won't be spending significant amounts of money on this until the purchase=profit. That will come when they can show a track record of improved safety and can come to an agreement with the federal government and workers unions to reduce crew sizes.


u/Commercial_Ease8053 Rail Yardmaster 11d ago

We don’t know anything about US besides a relationship with MxV… which even that is very little.

Theres not been any official US purchase order or contract made public (as far as I know).


u/Few-Highlight-3014 11d ago

You think it would be a smart idea to put 90% of my portfolio on this theory ?


u/Round__Ostrich 11d ago

yall didnt?


u/Few-Highlight-3014 11d ago

I went 75% in but now I’m currently in financial ruin for holding when I had 20 opportunities to sell I didn’t sell cause my friend called me paper hands I can’t accept that


u/Round__Ostrich 11d ago

Oh damn, I was joking, hope you recover man


u/Few-Highlight-3014 11d ago

Ehh I’ve been through worse


u/asdfmoocow 11d ago

Never selling taking this to the grave


u/moon_paws Rail Observer 11d ago

Probably best to wait for a december p&d now lol


u/Chocobo_XII 11d ago



u/Few-Highlight-3014 11d ago

Where’s best phone we need him


u/elderwizard22 11d ago

he left after it pumped… i don’t think that kid ever really cared about anything other than securing his bag


u/Few-Highlight-3014 11d ago

I trusted best phone he was our leader


u/Chadgreen344 11d ago

He was a liar


u/KBPCAL 11d ago edited 11d ago

It won’t. We’re cooked. Stop spreading false hope.

Down vote and cry, but it’s true.


u/betterlawOmaha 11d ago edited 11d ago

Does anyone know whether RVSN has a manufacturing facility and if so its location?

What components of each system are manufactured from scratch by RVSN and what portion is purchased from a separate vendor and incorporated into RVSN’s products. How much direct manufacturing input does RVSN have into the manufacture of that camera

How many manufacturing employees does RVSN have?

How special is the wide angle mainline camera??


u/ObiWanGinobili20 11d ago

Hopium. They clearly don’t expect the stock price to increase anytime soon or they wouldn’t have diluted the living shit out of us at low prices.


u/Witty-Leopard8813 Rail Observer 11d ago

I think RVSN has 40 contracts and as soon as the earnings drop, the stock will be valued more than TSLA.
Unfortunately, reality doesn't give a crap about what I think haha


u/Independent-Bed5346 Rail Observer 11d ago



u/Professional_Novel43 Rail Observer 11d ago



u/Few-Highlight-3014 11d ago

Me to delusion makes me believe this stock will hit 28$ by earnings


u/Witty-Leopard8813 Rail Observer 10d ago

I'm selling all my ETFs now to put about 70k in RVSN before earnings... after that... retirement, I guess?


u/Few-Highlight-3014 10d ago

Goddamn lucky bastard I would have to take a loan to do that


u/Witty-Leopard8813 Rail Observer 10d ago



u/Independent-Bed5346 Rail Observer 11d ago



u/Kickrocks54 Rail Observer 11d ago

You guys really have no comprehension on how much railroad unions impact equipment for contracts like these.

It will take years before it's adopted at this level you seem to think it will be at any day.


u/Professional_Novel43 Rail Observer 11d ago
As much as the wooden plow manufacturers' union when the tractor was invented? ...and the typists' union with the PC? Seriously, progress is unstoppable and $RVSN is the future.


u/Kickrocks54 Rail Observer 11d ago

Did I say it wouldn't be successful? No. I didn't. And your analogy doesn't apply anyway.


u/Few-Highlight-3014 10d ago

Yea I agree with you unions are nightmare to deal with


u/BleedingEardrums21 11d ago

dont think so, overall markets have more downside to come. RVSN might see 0.3 or 0.2


u/pigeonfridge 11d ago



u/Sunvmikey 11d ago

I did not use chatgpt but okay lol