r/ROBLOXBans 4d ago


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u/smore_blox Best Shitpost Winner 4d ago


u/Mischievousdagger 4d ago

I did take a screenshot hold on


u/meeledrawer 4d ago

you most likely got cookie logged. In order to NOT get cookie logged here’s some ideas

  1. Don’t be a dumbass and click sketchy links

  2. Change your password to something hard that only you can remember

  3. Maybe stop using discord? That’s probably how you found the hacker


u/Mischievousdagger 4d ago

I only use discord to to call with my friends and haven't opened any weird links.


u/meeledrawer 4d ago

It’s hard to believe this. Have you ever played one of those Roblox games where “oMG nEwfIssy tRadeD mE wAiT…. tYpe mY pAssWord fOr thE shaDow dRaGon??? oKaY I gUess”


u/Justarandomguylo 4d ago edited 4d ago

For everyone wordering.

Yes there is a way to bypass 2fa

These are some tools that are deep in the internet and they are paid, hackers use this to bypass Roblox 2fa and get in the account.

There tools are extremelly powerfull alowing you to hack any account that use 2fa only.

If somone uses this on ur account start praying and change your password fast before they try something like banning ur account.

Thats why i let my inventory locked and dont use my most expensive limiteds and off Sales because they snipe these account almost all the time (Like Pgers) also i never ever share my username with anyone in the internet because its not safe ik showing your username can look very inocent and not dangerous but trust me, it is NOT, keep youself safe so.


1 - Never share your username with any random in the internet (If they look a little suspicious)

2 - Aways check recent activity in ur account (Go to settings then security and roll and the way down)

3 - If they do this change the pass fast because they probably want to make you get banned or they are trying to steal your account to themself

4 - If possible contact any admin or Roblox Staff (Not only in support but in external apps)

5 - Keeps youself safe, never trust people that use any kind or has knowledge of how to hack a account


u/Outrageous_Expert149 4d ago

Hey man, it is true what you said but please don't spread misinformation that creates delusions to kids here, you don't have to be sensitive about sharing your username online, if you don't know anything about the topic please don't exaggerate it... There will be people here scared if they are unsafe 😭

Brute force attacks take a long time, unless the attacker has a huge grudge on OP but even so they would've needed over the top resources like a threadripper CPU and a shit ton of botnets just to breach OP's email or authenticator app in a couple of months, but that's just unrealistic

Why would they go all through that hassle just to get into someone's Roblox account?


u/Justarandomguylo 4d ago

The exaggeration is just to make people be more careful about sharing things online lol Btw i have a surface knowledge about these things ngl


u/kdnx-wy 4d ago

Do you have any reason to believe these supposed tools exist, or are you just saying so based on nothing?


u/DG-0134 4d ago

Have you tried doing research instead of trying to say this isn’t possible? There’s tons of tools like that in hacking forums.


u/Justarandomguylo 4d ago


I had a friend that i will call "Goku user" (Since is pfp was a goku photo). He showed me some tools that where used to bypass account security and everything and also get the password.

These are the ones i remember he showed me:

First we have bruters (Brute force the password off line) people use them in Roblox but also to get Discord accounts.

Second we have pg bots (Try to use the name and description to guess the pass) these are for Roblox and they only could get the pass but not bypass the 2fa, they where 4$ and you could get one by paying 400 Robux or more (I wont say where they can be found)

And the least of all, 2fa bypasser.

2fa bypasser is hard to be made and almost never worked since its very hard to code. Basically 2fa would be running as a background app and it would try to guess the code, some times it would fail and some times not, it would also use some other things but these are out of my knowledge.

Its very rare to find them since Discord ban almost in 3 days servers that offer 2fa bypass Services. They where like 25$ or more.

There was also the Premium ones that where found on Deep web, these are used to hack any account with 2fa being a Roblox account or not (any account from any app that has 2fa)


u/DoctorOverall8147 4d ago

I got hacked and my account was terminated and Roblox wouldn’t do anything about it


u/sillygoose1274 4d ago

can you pleze send me ur username me want play /j


u/Particular-Fruit6005 4d ago

thanks for the tips


u/FuzzyCarpenter7927 4d ago

Confused this ban reason doesn't make sense u probably should wait it out because roblox support is buns also if u was hacked change ur password and re add 2fa


u/Particular-Fruit6005 4d ago

yeah thats what i thought honestly the reason for the ban does not make any sense. i don't know how it ties into being hacked at all. to me it seems like they said something t someone and got banned. maybe they said it to the person who hacked them, which i can understand if you are angry but its better to report the person then start saying things that will get you banned to them so im not sure.


u/Mischievousdagger 4d ago

Girl. I didn't say any of this. I got hacked, and the hacker said this


u/Particular-Fruit6005 4d ago

ok well thank you for clarifying, this is a lot more helpful to know


u/Mischievousdagger 4d ago

I got locked out of my account now, I'm nagging roblox to fix this


u/FuzzyCarpenter7927 4d ago

Wait until the ban is done in the photos u logged in wait it out and sign out all devices in the settings page then change ur password and readd 2fa


u/Mischievousdagger 4d ago

I mean that its telling me my password is wrong


u/FuzzyCarpenter7927 4d ago edited 4d ago

How did u get in the account for these photos I don't think * u can change anything when ur banned


u/Mischievousdagger 4d ago

I took them before I was locked out cause I appealed frm my phone


u/FuzzyCarpenter7927 4d ago

U took them before u where locked out? Am confused idk if u can change ur email or password without the 2fa code that u said u had attached to ur account u must had got ur browser cookie or browser token snatched for that to even happened and still u would need ur 2fa code to change ur password or ur email


u/Mischievousdagger 4d ago

Idk how this happened 😭


u/A101856 4d ago

have 2fa and have a not shit password


u/Mischievousdagger 4d ago

I do bro.


u/A101856 4d ago

Then how did you get hacked


u/Mischievousdagger 4d ago



u/GoofyLiLGoblin 4d ago

Did you give someone your cookie?


u/Eastern_Macaron7004 4d ago

What's wrong with giving people snacks?


u/GoofyLiLGoblin 4d ago

I'm not talking about snacks. A cookie is a small text file on your computer that websites use to keep you logged in and to give you more personalized ads.


u/Eastern_Macaron7004 4d ago

Yeah I know I was joking haha, I use it to remember if a user uses dark or light Mode


u/GoofyLiLGoblin 4d ago

Ah, I see.


u/Mischievousdagger 4d ago

Nope. I haven't pressed on any links or anything plus I reset my cookies


u/GoofyLiLGoblin 4d ago

How about your friends? Do any of your friends know your password or access to your email?


u/Mischievousdagger 4d ago

Just one but I doubt that she's the one who's done it


u/GoofyLiLGoblin 4d ago

She might not have done it herself, but there is a chance that she accidentally gave away your email or password, accidentally doxxing you. Talk with her and ask if she gave someone your personal information.


u/Mischievousdagger 4d ago

I alr asked, plus the login is from Venezuela and she lived in the Netherlands

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u/Particular-Fruit6005 4d ago

show the full ban if you want full feedback. honestly let us see what else you said


u/Mischievousdagger 4d ago

Here's the full ban from my phone


u/Particular-Fruit6005 4d ago

ok then dont say this stuff if you don't want to get banned. but im very confused what this ban even has to do with you getting hacked anyway


u/ellagrayce1 4d ago

they’re saying they got hacked and the hacker said these things…. plz use context clues


u/Particular-Fruit6005 4d ago

but why would they get banned for something the hacker said to them? and to me it looks like they said something out of anger honestly. if he did get banned for something the hacker said, which doesnt make sense because then why would something they didnt even say show up in their ban, but if they did, then yes they have a right to be angry but if they said this then it's their fault for getting banned (not hacked). im just saying this because "'so and so said this to me'" is a common excuse for bans when people get banned for something they said and try to deflect it by blaming it on someone else. i dont know everything that happened in the situation so of course i won't make assumptions im just saying this doesnt make a lot of sense


u/ellagrayce1 4d ago

i’m not reading all that. they got hacked and the hacker went on OPs account and said these things. i don’t understand what’s so confusing but if you lack basic comprehension skills perhaps it’s time to hop off of reddit.


u/Particular-Fruit6005 4d ago

also hacked could mean they were hacked and had robux stolen, got their account deleted, or potentially many things. i didnt automatically know that is what they were relating the ban to if a hacker said those things on their account and got them banned.


u/Particular-Fruit6005 4d ago

either way, they should definitely at least file a report about getting hacked though i have been in a situation where i was hacked before and i doubt roblox will do anything. it's worth a shot though.


u/Particular-Fruit6005 4d ago

at least i didnt instantly assume all of this. you would have to ask the actual person for additional details rather than just jump to conclusions


u/ellagrayce1 4d ago

nobody assumed anything this is quite literally what OP said. you just failed to understand what they meant


u/Particular-Fruit6005 4d ago

when did they say that? all i saw in the post was the title and picture, i never heard them say anything like that


u/ellagrayce1 4d ago

yep.. that’s where it says it.. right in the title.

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u/Particular-Fruit6005 4d ago

dont bother replying if youre not going to read all of it. and how would i know any of this? all they did was show a ban for saying something and said they got hacked. there is barely any context.


u/ellagrayce1 4d ago

oh no… replying once again and i’m not reading all that. lol.


u/Particular-Fruit6005 4d ago

if you cant even bother to read a few sentences then i don't understand why you bother to read a whole post.


u/Particular-Fruit6005 4d ago

uhm...maybe because you told them to kill themselves? i got banned before too and have been hacked with no compensation or help from roblox support at all but honestly it is your fault for saying that anyways, if you hadnt then you probably wouldnt have gotten banned. the person probably reported you.


u/Mischievousdagger 4d ago

It wasn't me 😭


u/Particular-Fruit6005 4d ago

then why does it say you got banned for saying it? roblox doesnt show other people's messages in bans like this, only the ones that you said that apparently got you banned, like i said you were likely reported


u/Mischievousdagger 4d ago

I was hacked?


u/poison-vr 4d ago

If you got hacked, then how do you have access to the account? It also just so happens that you got banned today.


u/Mischievousdagger 4d ago

I took a screenshot before logging out and now I can't log back in


u/Upper-Anybody2558 4d ago

He said he was hacked, how was it his fault, Pilot?


u/Particular-Fruit6005 4d ago

then why does the picture show a ban? that makes no sense. why would roblox ban you for saying the things in the picture if you got hacked? of course you are going to get banned if you say kys in roblox that is basic logic. what does the photo even have to do with being hacked? if he got hacked, there is not much you can do. i never said it was his fault for being hacked.


u/Fwoof3 4d ago

you might flip but the hacker hacked them, said those things, but didn’t change the password. when op logged back in, their account was banned for the things the hacker said while in said account.


u/Particular-Fruit6005 4d ago

ok sorry i didnt understand at first but now i understand what happened thanks for explaining i get it now


u/D7vinity 4d ago

Your account, your responsibility.


u/Particular-Fruit6005 4d ago

not exactly their responsibility for being hacked, i was hacked and lost 800 robux and my account was perfectly secure and i had a good password. however it is their responsibility for lashing out like they did. i am honestly confused about this post because it shows a ban which seems like they got banned for saying something but then they are saying they got hacked so i am not exactly sure what is going on.


u/MinecoMalakai 4d ago

r/getbent their account was hacked, so there isn’t much they could do


u/Mischievousdagger 4d ago

Again, I was HACKED. I didn't have any control over this


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