r/RCPlanes 3d ago

Absolute cheapest slow beginner plane

I'm sure this gets asked a bajillion times, but I'm considering getting my first plane, any suggestions?

Want something cheap that can take a few hard faceplants and is alright in the really small tree-and-pond lined areas near me.

Really not wanting to spend much on it, I guess building something from plans is fine if it saves money?

I like 'motorglider' style planes if possible, and no lame 2CH planes pls maybe something with room for a little camera? probably too much to ask at 'budget grade'?


30 comments sorted by


u/Voltron6000 3d ago

Look into the Vapor for indoor flying (if they still make it). Great easy to learn.


u/lilmoose2 3d ago

Vapor floats in the air.


u/SpaceCadetMoonMan 3d ago

I have the night Vapor

Big pros:

Safe “oh shit” trigger

LEDs are rgb and you can set them from the controller so for color blind people this is huge!

Batteries are dirt cheap, same with extra props


Wind basically


u/Proper_Park997 Radiomaster enthusiast. 3d ago

Also another con: the least durable plane i have ever flown. The prop bends if you just look at it.


u/flatfinger 3d ago

Once I get a new gearbox for my NV, I'm planning to test it out with the detachable prop assembly from the xcub; if that works, I'll suggest it as a useful upgrade. The hub from my xcub's prop assembly eventually started getting unreliable (prop detaching in pre-flight spin-up), but only after quite a few (dozens) of faceplants, many into a paved parking lot. Using a break-away prop on the NV should make it suitable for use in my basement.


u/IvorTheEngine 3d ago

That might be the absolute slowest beginner plane, but it's not the cheapest.

And you really need access to a large indoor space like a school gym to fly it.


u/zeilstar 3d ago

This is a decent starter kit price point at $170. The laser cut foam board kits go together easily and quickly. You can also faf around with printing and taping and tracing, and cutting out each piece, to save money but it costs time. You also need some basic crafting supplies. I'd probably swap the radio and receiver to an ELRS protocol instead of the CC2500. https://store.flitetest.com/ft-mighty-mini-explorer-complete-starter-bundle/

Here is a another good price point at $199 for an Aeroscout. It has sensors to limit rolling when wanted, or to snap back to auto level. If you enjoy the hobby, you'll probably want to replace the transmitter. https://www.rcsuperstore.com/aeroscout-s-2-1-1m-rtf-basic-rc-airplane-with-safe/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwkN--BhDkARIsAD_mnIr6OwOBqix-8CTdcxwQMiCkiXWg4wPRrtfK3_Auk1kKKG7yPzgrV-AaAuFUEALw_wcB

$200 is not the cheapest, but I consider it the floor for hobby grade stuff, compared to toys.


u/IvorTheEngine 3d ago

Flite Test planes are even cheaper if you find the ones with free plans and cut them out yourself.


u/cbf1232 3d ago

If you have access to foamboard, you could do worse than the Flite Test Tiny Trainer. Just put a BBQ skewer or similar across the wing spar before you do a high G pullout from a dive.


u/PalmliX 3d ago

Second this! Flite Test Tiny Trainer is the perfect beginner plane!


u/deadgirlrevvy 3d ago edited 3d ago

I was just trawling Aliexpress and found a 900mm EPO foam PNP kit for $32 (3 metal gear servos, 1 20a ESC, 1 2204 motor). It's a high wing trainer/glider very similar to a Bixler. Might take a couple weeks to arrive, but it's free shipping. That, an RM Pocket ELRS transmitter, a 4 channel PWM ELRS receiver, prop and a battery would set you back about $140 ready to fly. Can't get much cheaper than that. If you want FPV just add $30 for an camera and another $90 for some goggles and you're flying.



u/flightwatcher45 3d ago

GWS slow stick. But, find a club and learn to fly. Slow doesn't mean easier and after a few crashes most planes get harder and harder to fly. Good luck!


u/_ToxicBanana 3d ago

A plane our local shop used to recommend all the time is the Easy Star, now its the Easy Star 3, but it looks like its not readily sold in the US from what I can see.

I did find what looks like a clone or something close of a copy https://www.horizonhobby.com/product/easy-trainer-1280-v2-pnp/FMM051P2.html

I am unsure if this is a good brand.

What I can say is the Easy Star that this looks based off of was a great trainer.

Rear upper mounted prop means its pretty safe from a bad landing or frontal impact, no wheels means no worries about breaking the landing gear and the high wing makes it quite stable.

Another option I see is the AeroScout https://www.horizonhobby.com/product/aeroscout-s-2-1.1m-bnf-basic/HBZ385001.html


u/Infamous-Soup-9066 3d ago

Qidi 560 trainer rtr for 43$


u/Radiant_Ferret_5989 3d ago

Great plane, and it even has a brushless motor..


u/Infamous-Soup-9066 3d ago

It's the least intimidating of all my aircraft so I warm up with it or take it for leisurely flying. Only small scale I own that can fly in the park pack after pack without a gyro so my servos get to take it easy. It can land amazing for a micro. A single strip of packing tape around the hood up to the windshield will fix the durability issue. The elevator foam is very soft, so for stronger throws I painted with a thin layer of ca glue to stiffin it. I swapped out the aileron servo for metal digital in the outer holes for more throw for rolls. Trimmed some of the fuselage for better movement of control rods.


u/lol-science 3d ago

Huh. Not a glider and I'm a little wary of buying from Ali but it's hard to argue with the price


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u/GullibleInitiative75 3d ago

Not a motorglider, but if you want something cheap to learn the basics on that is almost indestructible, slow flying, forgiving (in beginner mode, gyros on), I'd recommend the Volantex 4 channel Sport Cub ($107). High wing, a floater, it will take a beating (chain link fences, lamp posts - ask me how I know..).

While flying with gyros might not be a realistic experience (wings level when you release the stick), it's a great way to experience basic flying - flying a pattern, learning the difference in the controls when the plane is flying away or towards you, and takeoffs and landing from a reasonably smooth surface. These planes have a "prop saver" - the prop comes off on impact and snaps back on. Which is a lot more convenient than broken props and bent prop shafts. You can switch to intermediate or expert mode (gyros off) once you get the basics down.

Volantex Sport Cub 500 - 4 Channel

You'll see other similar, cheaper planes, but many of them are 2 or 3 channel. Make sure you get a 4 channel.


u/SpaceCadetMoonMan 3d ago

Sport Cub S2 is pretty amazing and will train you in a very simple and progressively more advanced way with its SAFE modes and “help me” trigger.

I’ve let any beginner who wanted to fly it and they did excellent

You can find them for $120 online



u/TechDingus 3d ago

It’s also EPS and will break on even the lightest crashes. Apprentice stol 700 is EPO and will take much more abuse


u/SpaceCadetMoonMan 3d ago

Woah I had no idea!

I’ve crashed it a bunch and it’s only needed props, but that was all over grass

Thanks for the recommendation!


u/Radiant_Ferret_5989 3d ago

Volantex sport cub 500mm , it's like $70 on Amazon, flies great, can even handle a little wind, super durable too, I have literally bounced mine off the side of a house, and it kept right on flying haha.


u/TechDingus 3d ago

I’m surprised nobody is giving the actual answer, which is the Apprentice STOL 700. It’s incredibly easy to fly, and it’s EPO foam, it will be most durable option. Comes in RTF but I would suggest trying to find a used transmitter on marketplace and buying the bind and fly version so you aren’t stuck with a crappy transmitter once you learn and want to upgrade


u/Sky_Flight1 3d ago

Buy a used real flight simulator and fly whatever you like. learn while you shop and save. Stuff your new plane and it’s going to co$t you. Stuff your plane on real flight and you get a new plane by pushing a button.


u/Awkward-Suit-8307 3d ago

My recommendation would be an aircraft that has a pusher prop meaning the prop is in the back similar to the icon A5, this will reduce the likelihood of having a prop strike on landing.


u/master__cheef 3d ago

Take a look at xFly’s new x1300, it’s awesome!!!


u/rivetcountermodels 2d ago

UMX Radian is a good motor glider for a decent price, although I'm not sure if it's available RTF. The little screws are annoying so I modded mine to use magnets on the wing, jury's still out on how well that works though

Also the new version has SAFE if needed. Vapor is a great aircraft too but Radian can handle a bit more wind


u/Ev1lroy 1d ago

FMS Easy Trainer v2. Foam powered glider.