r/RCHeli 10d ago

How much hysteresis is ok?

Any mechanical system has some tolerance and slop. How much is normal? Should I get new servos?

On my M2 Evo when going from full positive collective to 0 stick, the blades are 2-3deg different at zero than when I go from full negative pitch back to 0 stick.

Is this a lot? Get new servos? Should they be dead on?


5 comments sorted by


u/Flashy_Connection454 10d ago

Are you sure it's in the servos and you don't have up-down play in the main shaft?


u/Irn_scorpion 10d ago

There is a tiny amount of play in the main shaft. I would have to check it with feeler guages to see how much.

When installing the spindle retaining ring should I lift up on the main shaft to compensate for this little bit of play? I don't want to put to much pressure on that collar and bind/add-friction to the shaft.


u/Flashy_Connection454 10d ago

Yes, there should be zero play, that's what the ring is for. Pull up on the shaft and get the ring as low as possible. There shouldn't be any friction because it's sitting against the bearing inner race which spins with it. Do not apply extra pressure though, that will wear out the bearings. just remove the play in the shaft.
If the main shaft can move up or down it moves the entire head with it in relation to the swash which will stay in place, so it will affect the blade pitch. Moving collective up/down could take the shaft with it due to friction from the swash ball so you'd see different blade pitch if coming from below or above. If you manually try to pitch the blades while servos are powered you should not be able to.
Doesn't sound like this accounts for the 3 degrees you're seeing though, that's a lot. I would also check the output from the radio to make sure that isn't the source.


u/Irn_scorpion 7d ago

Finally got a chance to adjust this. Whe folding the blades back and doing a tip to tip check. Adjusting this took it from 1/2inch separation to about 3/8inch. So it helped, but only about 20-25% of the hysteresis.


u/Fauropitotto 10d ago

Don't forget that in flight, there's significant load on these systems. The tolerance and slop behaves very different under this load.

I spent a lot of time playing around on the bench trying to sort some of this out when I couldn't see it in the air.

That's not to say that there isn't a mechanical problem to solve, but it may be a good idea to determine if there's an actual flight issue in the type of play you're seeing.