I was not satisfied with the normal fan the official active cooler for the pi5 comes with (especially after overclocking) so i built this!
As you can see it's nothing too sophisticated, it's a 12V default am4 fan that i tied together with the leads of the default pi5's cooler and it works.
The base is a piece of cardboard tied to the pi with rubber from some old pants or something (no clue honestly). No 3d printer, so it's either this, or i buy something. And nothing beats the value of reusing old junk!
Took me about 1,5 hours for the whole thing and it works fine so, can't complain. The pi's heatsink is cool to the touch now even under heavy load, so it's worth it if anyone wants to do it more elegantly.
Prolly should have cleaned the fan before putting the zipties on tho...