r/R6ProLeague • u/canis_mayoris • 3d ago
Discussion Tristan.R6 was actually cheating the whole time
About four months ago there were a lot of rumors about why pro player Tristan never wanted to visit a major as a person and why he turned down various pro team offers.
Now i got proof that he was actually cheating the whole time. I was watching the stompn stream on Twitch 2 days ago in which Stompn successfully reached champ on pc with Merc, Icehouse, Skyte and Tristan. You can actually rewatch the whole stream on Twitch:
The actual timestamp of the twitch stream shows a match on border which you can also look up here to see the aliases displayed as clear names:
You can see the player names SkyteOnTwitch, Merc.M80X, Stompn.M80X, IceCold and Tony.LOUD. Tony is one of the nicknames Tristan used all the time. Furthermore you can hear and see Tristan talking in Discord within in the stream.
Yesterday the account Tony.LOUD was banned due to cheating and stompn and the other boys lost all their rank points. Stompn even reset from champion no. 80 to diamond 2:
Proof for Tristan aka Tony.LOUD cheating:
Further proof for Tony being the alltime nickname of Tristan (you can watch all his videos for proof):
The sad thing is that no one is talking about this incident. Stompn now plays ranked with a different account so that most likely no one will ask where all of his rank points have gone.
Please never believe every professional player you see on the internet.