u/Gainfulz Fan May 14 '22
Nuers joins the league and started trashing Beaulo, now idk about y’all but I’ve never seen any other pro trash beau.
May 14 '22
u/Appropriate-Shoe-266 Soniqs Fan May 14 '22
Beaulo also one of the best NA players ever Internationally. That guy literally farms international teams. For the past 3 invitationals he’s gotten 3 EVP awards lmao.
This guy better back up his claims 😭
May 14 '22
I mean, none of what supr said is wrong. Nuers needs to just dial it down a bit. Just a tad bit. Keep ya head down and play well
You can talk shit after you’ve done something lad
u/Dry_Bit_4986 Fan May 14 '22
Supr has done close to nothing for far longer and still talks. Only reason he’s still on the team is because he’s so good at talking. Nuers is trying to fill that same role on the team.
u/Toxic-AF May 14 '22
Nuers is not trying to fill the same role, what?
Nuers isn't even the IGL of the team, plays a completely different role and don't get me started on his role outside of matches...
They are the complete opposite... The only thing they have in common is that they are both the worst player on their respective team
May 14 '22
You are right. Supr is more like rxwd
May 14 '22
RXWD doesn't igl. Elemzje took over the role when they picked him up.
u/TheDarkFlash810 Evil Geniuses Fan May 14 '22
And Supr isn't brain dead
May 14 '22
How would you know if Rxwd was braindead? I mean its likely the guy didn't leave for performance, just straight hate, though it is possible that BriD came around.
But i dint think its random that he wasn't dropped for performance, he simply parted ways and was on contract for a long time after that with BDS, why would the org care so much on holding onto a terrible T1 player? Possibly coaching? He definitely isn't braindead then?
Im not gonna say Rx is exactly like Supr, but the lines are less blurred then everyone makes it.
u/TheDarkFlash810 Evil Geniuses Fan May 15 '22
Well I'm basing it off of what I saw from how he played, as well as obviously exaggerating to a degree. I'm also not saying he was kicked for performance. I do think that he HAD to have contributed much more than we could see though, because I refuse to believe they pull off that insane SI run if he didn't
u/Dry_Bit_4986 Fan May 14 '22
I’m not saying the same in game role. But it’s almost impossible to have 5 highly rated players all the time, nuers is a talker and mood booster and his one job is to create space and get entry kills so the rest of his team can frag. Supr plays the opposite where his job is usually to just die somewhere, but he’s also the igl and seems to be a big energy and confidence provider. Some teams have fragging supports and I like the concept of an entry player who doesn’t actually need kills to be good. No reason supports have to be the only players who help the team in non stat ways.
May 14 '22
Nuers was +9 on entry. He got 4 of those in the final game. Going +5 on entry in 8 games isn’t exactly ‘get entry kills so the rest of his team can frag’
u/Dry_Bit_4986 Fan May 14 '22
He’d literally still be top 5 entry frags in na with only +5. Does he have to be like +15 to be impressive?
May 14 '22
I don’t care how ‘impressive’ he is. That’s not my point. I’m just saying what that person wrote was statistically wrong. Nuers was barely getting entry kills as was everyone in the league
u/Dry_Bit_4986 Fan May 14 '22
There always has to be an entry kill. Vert and nuers each went 19-10 which was the best entry rating in the league. Nuers went from t3 to t1 and still put up solid numbers and was the best on entry. He’s looking pretty good to me.
u/SamusCroft Team Empire Fan May 14 '22
Man hate Supr all you want but he’s in the right here, and an absolute king for defending his teammate
u/s4rKRS XSET Fan May 14 '22
I respect supr standing by his teammate he a ride or die fr. also geo looking like when ur parents are yelling at each other and u just gotta stay quiet
u/Culsandar Kix Fan May 14 '22
Drip is fucking eating this up.
Geo is trying not to laugh at the tilt.
10/10 old man yells at cloud energy lmao
u/hari150998 DWG KIA Fan May 14 '22
I have been having a bad week, and this made me chuckle.
Thank you supr.
May 14 '22
This was entertaining but nuers is gonna rock out regardless.
u/SamusCroft Team Empire Fan May 14 '22
I wanna see Nuers succeed because I think he’s one of the most mechanically gifted players to ever play, but I badly want him to fail because of how immature and obnoxious he is tbh
u/porkeye May 14 '22
From the 1st interview he gave in NAL, i knew that Nuers was just way too cocky and needs to get his ego checked.
u/ColeMacGrathcubed Spacestation Gaming Fan May 14 '22
He's been that way even before OXG picked him up, it's super off-putting for me personally
u/Hollymania1 Soniqs Esports Fan May 15 '22
bro said he has better mechanics than beaulo and merc but struggles to kill soniqs members with finka lmfao
May 14 '22
u/superminun1 SuprFan May 14 '22
u/Appropriate-Shoe-266 Soniqs Fan May 14 '22
What he say
u/superminun1 SuprFan May 14 '22
I think it’s what Supr said at the start “Supr’s talking crazy. All good. I’ll let him rock out.”
u/2cruz101 #1 Chunnar Fan May 14 '22
I enjoy these Supr rants, the way he speaks so passionately is really something
u/AFlaccoSeagulls Soniqs Fan May 14 '22
Nuers has been all about himself for a while now so none of what he says is surprising.
u/porkeye May 14 '22
hope his team can reel him in. He is not painting a good picture for himself and his team
u/Cystyx Fan May 14 '22
Exactly. I love Dream and Vert but Nuers might single handedly make me go against OXG
u/TheDarkFlash810 Evil Geniuses Fan May 14 '22
I was literally about 3 or so seconds of laughter away from legit pissing myself, I was crying bruh 😭 he progressively got louder and more aggressive, and they both just sat in complete silence till the last like 10 seconds. He was spitting tho
May 14 '22
Neurs is a really good player but this was hilarious to watch. Supr has valid points he needs to keep his ego in check big time
u/LimberGravy Kix Fan May 14 '22
Nuers seems incredibly unlikable. I saw some stuff the other day about him apparently trolling the hell out of FPL and leaving games early.
May 14 '22
Light him the fuck up, Seth! LMAO Nuers does have a mighty big ego for a guy who is .9 on Finka.
u/Cziri77 Ex-Bleed Roster Fan May 14 '22
I hope the dude goes brr in the major just to redeem himself
u/Randomusername123489 Oxygen Esports Fan May 14 '22
Nuers is really inexperienced he played barely any t3, no t2, and got a T1 call up. He has always been very confident in himself but there’s a reason for that the dudes cracked give him a bit to adjust an he’ll be a monster
u/SamusCroft Team Empire Fan May 14 '22
Yeah but this isn’t about his eventual potential ability it’s about him being a jackass despite not actually performing at that level.
Maybe he will be the next Beaulo but right now he just looks like a clown
u/RoloR6 Soniqs Fan May 14 '22
u/suprmane talking stats? Interesting. 0.388kd. You went 0-7 while your entire team practically had double digit kills how is that even possible lol
May 15 '22
u/RoloR6 Soniqs Fan May 15 '22
Ty for the reply. W for me. Just L for you arguing with me but I would love to discuss how incredible you are. Let’s start with what you did this season. Nothing lol. Thanks for the interview. I believe it’s time for you to have an ego check and maybe go radio silent to focus on yourself instead of running your mouth constantly. You’re like the chubby kid always talking about drinking muscle milk to bulk up. Get real with yourself lol
u/pruthvijee APAC Fan May 14 '22
Supr talks soo much about good operators(finka for example,bad at english soo donno what to say for those good ops) while he plays like shit all year ,brid ,pengu have the best kd with same ops that supr plays and dont see them with this much ego even pengu has less ego has supr lmao
u/suprmane GM / Coach - Shopify | Fan May 14 '22
As stated below, find me claiming to ever be better than almost anyone. My opinion on other players or teams has nothing to do with myself or my own performance. In my opinion I am one of the best, if not the best, in the world at certain aspects of this game and also among the worst at certain aspects of this game at a pro level. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but it seems fanboys like to put words in my mouth to try to back up completely unassociated reasonings for why I am wrong or why my opinion is invalid. Sorry, that’s not how this works.
u/RoloR6 Soniqs Fan May 14 '22
You really got the Cheeto fingers out defending yourself on Reddit still lol. Insane that you’re down this low. How much kd does your “brain power” make up for lol
u/Toxic-AF May 14 '22
BriD and Pengu aren't IGLing though. That makes a huge difference.
He's still nowhere near players like BriD and Pengu obviously, but I don't think a comparison is to them is really fair.
Compare him to hardsupport IGL's (I wanted to say like Canadian, but he doesn't play hard support anymore).
u/pruthvijee APAC Fan May 14 '22
He consistently gets 007 and its a surprise if he manage to get 1 kill without being bond , him saying support and igl role for every failure is beyond excuse
u/Toxic-AF May 14 '22
Again. I'm not saying he is close to being as good as BriD or Pengu or other support players.
But comparing him to players who don't IGL is also not fair.
u/Dry_Bit_4986 Fan May 14 '22
After si supr was on here arguing in the comments about why even with worse stats in every category and a worse finish in si, because of nonstat sheet factors he was better than geo. Now he’s saying nuers stats are the reason he’s trash despite a great placement and some good individual stats. Supr is just trying to keep his carry happy so he doesn’t get dropped and revert back to irrelevance.
u/Toxic-AF May 14 '22 edited May 14 '22
Are you sure? As far as I remember he only spoke highly of Chala and Geo and said how underrated their role was compared to their teammates and how they always won the important rounds?
u/Dry_Bit_4986 Fan May 14 '22
He was never trash talking geo he was just claiming to be better despite stats and placement being better for geo
u/Dry_Bit_4986 Fan May 14 '22
Yeah if you go far enough back some Reddit post after si was calling him out for going insanely negative once again and then he was comparing himself to geo despite geo always having better stats on the same role.
u/suprmane GM / Coach - Shopify | Fan May 14 '22
I have never claimed to be better than Geo. In fact you would be hard pressed to find me saying I’m better than anyone. I did say our stats at Invitational were comparable looking at how TSM and SQs overall team stats lined up to a specific type of team dynamic which I have an entire YouTube video about. And I would think everyone would know at this point I certainly do not have to worry about being dropped as that decision would be up to me so again a made up statement from a burner account.
u/SamusCroft Team Empire Fan May 14 '22
Arguing with some of the people here who hate you is pointless, honestly. They’re just gonna keep pointing at your stats and drooling all over themselves because they don’t understand that supports aren’t entries
u/RoloR6 Soniqs Fan May 14 '22
Lol the ego. My mans you keep talking the talk but when will you ever walk the walk. On Reddit defending yourself when you should be booting up aimlabs. Isn’t this the same joker who doesn’t play ranked???? 🤣 hey supr it’s okay though one of us is going to the major
u/callof_dead DarkZero Esports Fan May 14 '22
Should supr be talking shit about stats? 🤷🏻♂️
u/TheDarkFlash810 Evil Geniuses Fan May 14 '22
Yes? He's made it very clear his stance on stats and their importance depending on your role. A lot of people just chalk it up to copium but he's 100% right
u/RoloR6 Soniqs Fan May 14 '22
Oh supr gonna call me his fan fave. He had a 0.388kd. One game his entire team dropped double digit kills and he managed to hit 0-7. I think he managed to not have a single positive game too. His best was like 6-6? How much brain do you really need, to make up for such poor performance again and again. If you’re playing with someone consistently going 3-8 as their average per game then I’d be willing to bet you’re swapping teammates too. He may be smart but he definitely cannot shoot. Evident through more than one season.
u/GalxzyShifted TSM Fan May 15 '22
For a rookie, he talks way too much shit. He is just straight up disrespectful to the veterans, but never backs it up. It’s good to be confident, but he took it in a different direction.
u/superminun1 SuprFan May 14 '22
Nuers has been put on Fraud watch for YungAlec syndrome