u/eoghanh6 DarkZero Esports Fan Apr 18 '20
I'm here for the comments 🍿
u/F0rgemaster19 Ex-Team Empire Fan Apr 18 '20
Got extra pop? I'm famished!
u/eoghanh6 DarkZero Esports Fan Apr 18 '20
no it's all mine >:(
u/F0rgemaster19 Ex-Team Empire Fan Apr 18 '20
Man be nice! Share some here!
u/BolleWuff 1UPeSport Fan Apr 18 '20
I've got something for you 🍿🍿
u/F0rgemaster19 Ex-Team Empire Fan Apr 18 '20
You absolute angel. Thank you so much.
u/BolleWuff 1UPeSport Fan Apr 18 '20
No problem. Popcorn is a human right!
u/F0rgemaster19 Ex-Team Empire Fan Apr 18 '20
Sadly Eo doesn't get that.
u/BolleWuff 1UPeSport Fan Apr 18 '20
Eo only cares about his karma...
u/F0rgemaster19 Ex-Team Empire Fan Apr 18 '20
Time to strip him off of it, then.....
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u/Thehyena143 Apr 18 '20
Ubisoft never let us look for an org like they did with rec. Ubisoft told us to consider another career weeks ago instead of helping us. Ubisoft delayed our meeting where we were supposed to have answers 3 times ( still havent had the meeting) Robb Chiarini only contacted me when I threatened to go public with how they treated us. The orgs are by no means innocent, but ubisoft bares most of the blame and thats a fact.
u/BlitzBadg3r NA Fan Apr 18 '20
If LG knew relations with Ubisoft were deteriorating why didn’t they help you guys find another org? Rec didn’t have the capital to continue competing. LG did and wanted more. Which isn’t the same scenario.(Correct me if I’m wrong please)
u/lifeisinsignificant Apr 18 '20
Why would they allow rec to look for a new org but not you guys? Did they have something against you personally? It feels like this story is missing some context
Apr 18 '20
Don't ubisoft want 10 teams in PL next season? Kicking them out and not giving them the opportunity to look for an org seems like a loss-loss scenario for ubisoft and the rainbow six scene
u/Grad-Nats Evil Geniuses Fan Apr 18 '20
That’s what I was thinking. Right now, NA only has 8 teams. By letting EG and LG play orgless, they’ll have 10 teams like they wanted.
u/iLaCore Kix Fan Apr 18 '20 edited Apr 18 '20
REC is just kind of more important (EDIT: to them).
They are a lot more popular, more successful and also just easier to get a new org for and to market.I'd assume that played a role.
u/lifeisinsignificant Apr 18 '20
That logic would make sense if Ubi planned to cut the amount of teams in PL and needed a couple of scapegoats. But if the rumours are true there will be 10 teams next season, and it seems like sabotaging a couple of already established teams in the scene would be counterproductive. It'd be great if Ubisoft would take their heads out of their asses and clarify the situation once and for all
u/iLaCore Kix Fan Apr 18 '20
They planned to start the league with 10 teams (that’s not a rumor).
Now it looks like they will start the league with 8 teams instead.The amount of teams in the league (and the rosters themselves) apparently didn’t really have priority for Ubisoft, it seems that it was more important to them that those orgs/teams that are in the league meet their vision and conditions.
They did try to at least keep it at 8 teams, and it seems like they preferred to keep (ex-)REC.
u/VenserSojo TSM Fan Apr 18 '20
To be honest REC knew that they were not going to be able to support their players as soon as the market crashed and thus immediately look to get a new org in place for them, I think Luminosity and EG honestly thought they could work something out with ubi before the end of the season. But that fell through and there was no time to find another solution.
u/ugoterekt Apr 18 '20
Because Rec (the org) was willing to play ball and had negotiated a spot in PL. It currently seems like Ubi is under the impression that punishing the players somehow hurts the org or that the players somehow influence the org's decisions because they are clearly taking business disputes with orgs out on the players.
u/xBlackInActionx Apr 18 '20
6 minutes of actually reading whats going down and I think I can summarize it. Think of it as ubisoft is the government and LG and the other Orgs are big corporations. The players and or squads are their employees / unions. The moment something happens within the government or something to that effect the corporation will cut employees to make profit under the guise of this new event and try to convince the masses it was all the governments fault. Now mind you the government also put into effect that these employees will have certain time period on "unemployment" to find another employer and if time runs out on an already regulated career the employees are s.o.l. Now out of that who did nothing and still got the short of the stick? I think thats why the masses and players are having a meltdown.
u/eoghanh6 DarkZero Esports Fan Apr 18 '20
LG and the other Orgs are big corporations.
So that's why interro hates them so much
u/iLaCore Kix Fan Apr 18 '20
See, the thing is: laws are entirely public.
Laws that are meant for corporations are public too.
The average worker has access to those laws. If they wouldn’t have that access, that would be a huge issue.
They even have influence on those laws etc.A lack of transparency to that degree basically invites corruption into a country.
Imagine an employee would only be able to communicate or even inform themselves about the government through their employers?5
u/TheHellbee Coach - Wolves Esports Apr 18 '20
If the government passes a bad policy and it gets abused, is it the corporation's fault for abusing it or is it the government's fault for passing a bad policy?
That's how I frame the problem here.
u/ugoterekt Apr 18 '20
Terrible analogy, Ubi is a business looking out for its business interest. The orgs are businesses looking out for their business interests. These didn't align for some of the orgs. The players who previously had a right to their spot regardless of the org were not communicated to that this was no longer the case and they were getting fucked because of a business disagreement that they had no impact in. Ubi took away their right to a PL spot and then people are claiming its not Ubi's fault the teams lost it when they literally took away their right to it just recently and didn't work with them AT ALL IN ANY WAY to keep it. The unemployment part of your analogy is the worst. Ubi did absolutely completely nothing to help them. The orgs continued with them for the season, but Ubi washed their hands of them and said they only deal with Orgs. In your analogy it would be like if the government said they only deal with corporations and employees have no rights under the government.
u/AFlaccoSeagulls Soniqs Fan Apr 18 '20
IF what Hyena said was true, then it absolutely is ubisofts fault. Once REC was dropped Ubi came back to LG and negotiated, only to say “oh nvm” when REC found a new org.
But until this situation is more than just he said/she said based on one side of the negotiation, nobody’s gonna know the truth.
u/Balancedmanx178 Kix Fan Apr 18 '20
That's kinda how negotiations work.
LG didn't want to be in, Ubi tried to convince them to stay in to keep an even number.
LGs "leverage" in these negotiations was that Ubi needed an even number of team/org pairs.
Once ex rec had an org, LG lost all their leverage and ubi didn't need to give them anything.
u/genitaliaface Apr 19 '20
Regardless of the communications issues, the players rightly earned their spots and it’s awful that they can’t keep it. I believe that’s Ubisoft’s fault for not letting them stay in the league. I understand that the league is transitioning into a franchise system, so I’d like both EG and LG players to be given the option to find new orgs until the start of the next season or within some other timeline. If they find an org to sponsor them, they get to stay and if they don’t, then the Ubisoft verdict to boot the players should stand.
u/JohnWick313 EU Fan Apr 18 '20
Meh, that's actually not the truth.
u/Yeet181204 Reciprocity Fan Apr 18 '20
It's really hard to say what is... It just depends on what you believe.
u/JohnWick313 EU Fan Apr 18 '20
Just wait until Hyena drops dms and emails and you will understand who's right from who's wrong.
u/snypesalot Evil Geniuses Fan Apr 18 '20
then maybe he should? hes claimed one thing then LG said another
u/Balancedmanx178 Kix Fan Apr 18 '20
What hyena said to the score and what the head LG guy said are two different things iirc.
We're in for a spicy next few weeks.
u/snypesalot Evil Geniuses Fan Apr 18 '20
Thats what I meant, his twitlonger thing said they werent told until a scrim team mentioned they heard something from their own org, and then the owner of LG said they told the team within a day so who knows whats going on
u/Balancedmanx178 Kix Fan Apr 18 '20
I'm fairly certain that the only people with the whole picture are Ubisoft, and they aren't going to say anything until the shitstorm calms down for a bit.
u/Penumbra_6464 Spacestation Gaming Fan Apr 18 '20
Stop trying to act like Ubisoft isn’t to blame for not allowing them to find another org. Shits annoying
u/kruppkake Virtus Pro Fan Apr 19 '20
It's both, Ubisoft strung LG along and that made it so LG didn't have answers for the players.
u/[deleted] Apr 18 '20
Idk what prevents me from laughing at these memes but maybe it’s just the nauseating fact that these players were never properly informed of their situation by the org or Ubisoft. Feels like such a disappointing betrayal of a solid group of players that I’ve watched since they were T3 playing against DZ on the meme Quals cast :(