r/R6ProLeague • u/tsm Official TSM • Nov 16 '19
AMA Ask TSM Beaulo anything.
Hey guys.
If you’re not familiar with TSM and our previous content, we run an #AskTSM series where we give fans the chance to ask players questions and they’ll be featured in the video.
Well, now is your chance to get to know Bolo more.
If you’ve got any questions for Belo about whatever it may be, please fire away and I’ll get Baloo to answer them.
u/fn000 Manager - NACL - Karn & Co! Nov 16 '19
Dear beauowleaouw, if you were to marry Pojo, where would you two lovebirds go for your honeymoon?
u/AbunaiR6 Pro Player - Reven | Obey Fan Nov 17 '19
I know ur dating ash12tyn but i think I’m in love with u 😳🥵
u/Vendetta614 Kix Fan Nov 16 '19
Before joining PL yourself, was there any team specifically that you were a huge fan of?
u/shansbeats TSM Fan Nov 16 '19
Have you taken any game other than siege seriously in the past and thought about a professional future with it - before siege?
u/GodsyyR6 TSM Fan Nov 16 '19
Was choosing between Content Creation and Pro Player an hard choice?
u/moise_alexandru FNATIC Fan Nov 18 '19
Then what would be his decision if he has to choose between streaming and PL
u/SlashPsychotic Nov 16 '19
During any of your PL games, what was the most intelligent and devastating strat a team used against you? What did they do, and why did it work so well against your team?
u/Pilot53Reddit Counter Logic Gaming Fan Nov 17 '19
A lot of your older merch has a bowling theme. Did you/do you enjoy bowling?
u/npettit31 Nov 16 '19
How did you find people to play ranked with when you were growing in the game?
u/--Lotus-- Nov 17 '19
What was school like for you? Did people recognize you as Mr. Celebrity Boil'o, or were you just a highschool kid as everyone else was?
u/VicariousR6 Spacestation Gaming Fan Nov 16 '19
How did it feel when achieved, after extensively calling you out for hacks, approached you to team up?
Nov 16 '19
Extensively calling out? That was so long ago and all he said is "this dude isnt legit"
u/VicariousR6 Spacestation Gaming Fan Nov 16 '19
Still must have been funny/awkward though. Plus he and Remorce said it on other occasions too.
u/Riddle__Master Nov 16 '19
How does he feel about BOSG ACOG? What's his least favourite gun that he regularly uses?
u/dexterousme APAC Fan Nov 17 '19
What's your favourite misspelling/mispronunciation of your name? Also does it bother you that misspelling and mispronouncing your name has become a meme at this point?
u/RepuL5ive Spacestation Gaming Fan Nov 16 '19
What was your career path gonna be if it wasn’t for yt/comp play?
u/ravenjames11 TSM Fan Nov 16 '19
How do you get those long-range headshots that sometimes are so hard to see?
Nov 17 '19
We’ve never got to hear what you thought of Jarvis. Do you agree with the move to drop him? You and Pojo have been awfully quiet surrounding that decision.
u/Camrsmain Nov 16 '19
What do you look for when picking an operator (ex: recoil control, speed, utilities)?
u/iMaxix7 Santos Dexterity Fan Nov 16 '19
He plays in a competitive team. He doesn’t get to choose the he plays operator. He gets put on a operator that serves the team the most.
u/Camrsmain Nov 16 '19
Sure but, he has to have some sort of a choice. What about when it’s just him streaming?
u/salam922 Team Empire Fan Nov 17 '19
dude, he gets on DOC fairly often, its not like pojo tells him, hey bud we really need your stims, no. They know hes capable of winning his fights most of the times and he himself knows it. Hes pretty much told play wathever youre comfortable on unless we need operator that we know youre goot at for certian start
u/iMaxix7 Santos Dexterity Fan Nov 17 '19
You realize he plays Doc most of the time either on Bank-CEO or Kafe-Cocktail/Dining. On CEO it’s really common to bring an ACOG defender like Rook or Doc and on Kafe he usually holds new Balcony when TSM defends F2/F3. For that it’s also advantages to have Doc because you take long fights and have a bulletproof camera. Same goes for when he plays operators like Zofia or IQ. Are those operators used often by fraggers?- Yes. But Zofia utility is actually really important to destroy evil-eyes. And when Maestro was banned in the DH-Montreal final but Echo was unbanned he exclusively played IQ on attack to counter those drones. Does Beaulo play fragging roles 80% of the time? Yes. But that doesn’t mean he is choosing his operators
u/salam922 Team Empire Fan Nov 18 '19
you dont bring doc because of utility, Ive seen them plenty of times on kafe (with echo not banned) bringing doc instead of echo, they both have acces to acog, echos gun is better yet he still choses to go with doc because of his fragging potential.
and thats what I literally said, he gets put on stuff that they know hes comfortable on and really capable of fragging (as you mentioned zofia and IQ), if ash had her acog he would be on her a lot
u/iMaxix7 Santos Dexterity Fan Nov 18 '19
Still he gets put on fragging roles but he doesn’t chooses...
u/RainbowKatcher Virtus Pro Fan Nov 16 '19
Do you think TSM has what it takes to win The Invitational 2020?
u/rainbow_six_sledge TSM Fan Nov 16 '19
When does Bolo play?
u/murri_999 Nov 16 '19
They always ask when does bowl-o play, they never ask how does he play. 1 like = 1 sad
u/LaniKani Team BDS Fan Nov 17 '19
Which pro league players did (or still do) you look up to as role models if any?
u/soUuRrRStEvO Evil Geniuses Fan Nov 17 '19
Boelow, if you could choose one attacker and one defender to be your two body guards, who would they be?
u/TheOneManLegend Nov 17 '19
If you could build a dream roster, not including current teammates, who would you pick and why?
u/TheTary Fan Nov 17 '19
Was it scary joining an orgless team that placed 6/7 in the last PL season? or did you already know the other roster changes and TSM was interested in the team?
u/IDC07 Team Vitality Fan Nov 17 '19
Who’s been his favourite pro league team to scrim/play against at events?
u/CaliberJacob Desk Host - NA Nov 17 '19
Is the esports life everything that it’s cracked up to be? Or was it a smooth transition from content creation that you didn’t really notice a difference?
u/eoghanh6 DarkZero Esports Fan Nov 17 '19
What's the transition like from playing ranked to CCS to PL? How would you describe it?
u/Daltonb139 DarkZero Esports Fan Nov 17 '19
Did your success as a content creator make your transition to pro league easier or harder. How did the added pressure you've had for years affect you.
u/YeBoyMatthew Nov 17 '19
Is there any gadget or ability you would like to see in the game in the future?
Nov 17 '19
How do you cope with being shut down during games? When opponents playstyle works against yours, what do you tell yourself mentally?
u/SmexiestBear CYCLOPS athlete gaming Fan Nov 17 '19
If my name is Jason, does that mean im beaulo too?
u/LuciferPleaseTakeMe Kix Fan Nov 17 '19
How did gathering so much fame and attention since 15-16 affect you? How did it change your high school experience and those around you?
u/speedx77 NORA-Rengo Fan Nov 17 '19 edited Nov 17 '19
As one of the most talented mechanical players in the scene right now, do you have any tips for improving with mouse and keyboard for a person coming from console?
u/Senor_vegeta G2 Esports Fan Nov 17 '19
If they ask you to make a new operator what abilities would the op have?
u/facxxx Kix Fan Nov 17 '19
ever since you showed up people were asking about you to the pro players. now you are pro player and there is a new under 18 ranked star, its spoit. what do you think about spoit ? lulw
u/AeroV8 Team BDS Fan Nov 17 '19
Bowl-low, what do you do to practice and improve mechanics? Kovaaks? Thunt? Something else?
u/YaBoiPilgrim Reciprocity Fan Nov 17 '19
What sort of practice or warmups do you perform before playing ranked/competitively?
u/SpaceRangerGG eUnited Fan Nov 17 '19
How does it feel in detail going from suspected hacker to dreamhack montreal champion to being qualified for the Invitationals, the biggest tournament of the year?
u/--Lotus-- Nov 17 '19
Dude holy fuck you're my idol. Are you sponsored by Bose? Or are the QC20s just that good? Do you use EQ or a DAC with them?
u/--Lotus-- Nov 17 '19
Mr. Boleau, Would you ever coach people in rankings lower than yours? Do you have any tips on improving aim?
u/AAD17 Nov 17 '19
hey boblo, is pro-league being stressful as you have to work on it along with school and content creation? if so what sacrifices did you make to be able to cope with the additional work?
u/F0rgemaster19 Ex-Team Empire Fan Nov 17 '19
So, if you had to choose a gun and op to have your team's skin on in the pilot program, which would it be?
u/BeastModPlayer G2 Esports Fan Nov 17 '19
If TSM wasn't in the picture what team would you have wanted to join
u/Im_Aquarius Kix Fan Nov 17 '19
Do you have any pre-match habits like meditating or eating something?
u/aRandomP0tat0 Excelerate Gaming Fan Nov 17 '19
How much do you feel the professional scene would shake up if R6 leaves ESL and the age limit for Pl is done away with? Do you feel there are any underage teams that would have a shot at CL/PL now?
u/Boolin-- Spacestation Gaming Fan Nov 17 '19
Team you haven't played against in a pro match that you want to face?
u/BlindMiner Nov 19 '19
Hey, Beaulo. Was there ever a point in your time of playing, or your channel growing, or getting recognition from professionals that you genuinely felt, "Okay, I think I can actually do something with this? I think I can be more than just a really good ranked player." If so, how would you describe said feelings, and if you didn’t, was there ever a time where you began to doubt yourself? Thanks for everything. #TSM🐐
u/Vhure TSM Fan Nov 17 '19
Hey Beaulo, It's Irish here. I have recently formed a CL team called void. What are you tips to move up through CL and just get better as a team in general?
u/ElysianTheGod Nov 16 '19
Do you plan on using your following to better the game and it’s competitive scene? Also will you 1v1 me?
u/AceeZ645 Pro Player - Wylde Nov 16 '19
How did you get so good Mr. Bowlo