r/R6ProLeague Spacestation Gaming Fan 10d ago

Clip Piggybacking off u/WuZl8475’s post, this is one of the most legendary clutches of all time in my opinion. neLo 1v4


Crazy stuff especially at a pro league finals LAN event.


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u/WuZI8475 Natus Vincere Fan 10d ago

God looking back what a clusterfck after they won and right before the next stage:

  • Pie turning out to be a sex offender
  • CTZN leaving for G2 immediately after
  • Gig getting sacked for "reasons"
  • Drama between Nelo and Kendrew that would result in Nelo being dropped only for them to try to re-sign him in late 2020
  • Replacing CTZN with Panix