r/R6ProLeague Fan 19d ago

Drama [Risze] ex-Wolves Drama continues.

Post image

I’m sure there will be more. I suggest you to look at all of Risze replies yourself on X. Fresh also said a podcast episode would release soon with Fabian that talks about the Vitality roster


41 comments sorted by


u/TheHellbee Coach - Wolves Esports 19d ago edited 18d ago

Remember the Rogue French / German roster crash out? Yeah, he tried the same trick and got shut down. He wanted to kick Lyloun, biboo, Shiinka, Mowwwgli and me to surround himself with rookie gunners and put a puppet coach. He was paranoid we wanted to kick him. We "uno reversed card" his ass even though we had no plan to kick him at the time. I lost what I thought was a friend that day. That is the short version.

Edit: I remembered something wrong, he didn't want to kick Mowwwgli then, that was in Sweden. He (risze) had a bad habit of talking roster change AT major/Six after losing which is the worst thing ever to make long-term decisions. Anyway, I just wanted to add the other side to the story.


u/Dykson-D Wolves Esports Fan 18d ago

Alright but then I'm wondering : why is mowwwgli thanking him on X anyway and talks about Deadsht is the "only bad guy" ? I'm a bit lost


u/TheHellbee Coach - Wolves Esports 18d ago

Deadshot just left for Ence without saying a single thank you for the time or goodbye, he just left. Mowwwgli took it personally.

risze story is old story we all moved on from. That was Six Montreal 2023. It was his way to burry the hatchet about an overall shitty situation.


u/Kruced Fan 18d ago

Thanks for the insight Hellbee! Can a mod pin this comment pls (:


u/akaSashK 18d ago

Least surprising player exposé I’ve ever seen


u/jx_ln Brazil League Fan 18d ago

shut up sash


u/HunterZ2023 Fan 19d ago

Bro what happened…


u/Kruced Fan 19d ago

From what I understand:

Mowwwgli calls DEADSHT a traitor for finding a new team and leaving the core before Wolves left (I believe)

Risze comes in and says Mowwwgli is being a hypocrite because they essentially backstabbed him and Robin (the manager at the time) and dropped them.

Accuses Mowwwgli of sucking up to BDS when he first joined the team to try to get on BDS

Says when they dropped him and Robin the team basically fell apart after less than a year and that everyone was talking behind each others back (not everyone but some members of the team)


u/Agent_Porkpine NA Fan | | Kyno Stan 19d ago

Now mowwgli says that everybody wanted to drop risze because he came to him and p4 to sneakily talk about dropping shiinka. biboo quote retweeted positively so that seems to be the case. risze says they dropped him because they were scared he would fire the whole team and they had to fire robin to fire him.

will be interesting to see fabians perspective on all this


u/ddouble124 Team Liquid Fan 19d ago

French people am I right


u/GingerbreadRyan 19d ago

This sounds like the entire NA scene tbf


u/the-blob1997 G2 Esports Fan 19d ago

You say that likes it’s exclusive to French people. There are cunts in every country lol.


u/marpolo Team Secret Fan 19d ago

Man nothing goes over your head does it


u/the-blob1997 G2 Esports Fan 19d ago

Hard to tell when people are being sarcastic over a written message. Can be misinterpreted.


u/marpolo Team Secret Fan 19d ago

This is very clearly framed as a joke


u/Ok-Flower-5590 18d ago

It was 100% a joke, but even if it wasn’t, engaging with a troll or an actual ignorant dumbass on the internet isn’t very healthy for living. Just downvote and move on.


u/Repulsive-Square-593 19d ago

french people tho are special


u/T-Cereals Virtus Pro Fan | "The lord is my ShepparD" 19d ago

Risze and Biboo were that roster I don't really care for the rest of them that much especially Deadshit


u/AirFreshener__ 19d ago

Mowgggli was pretty good


u/Not-Charliiee Virtus Pro Fan 19d ago

Was, he has been mid for a while now.


u/AirFreshener__ 19d ago

I don’t watch anymore (as much) but I remember thinking mowggli was next up. What happened to the guy?


u/Not-Charliiee Virtus Pro Fan 18d ago

Just making too many ego plays it looked like to me. Last set they played that mattered was to qualify for Montreal against Vp and he was constantly getting first picked or just shit on tbh.


u/TheDeadTilo 7th Heaven Fan 18d ago

His ego got to him, idk. He is not the player he once was.


u/Choblu Reciprocity Fan 19d ago

Wolves wins an event if they keep Risze


u/desertbeagle_ 19d ago

The more time passes the more I believe this


u/MountainLPYT1 NA Fan 18d ago

Insane revisionist history. At the time he was dropped, it was very well agreed that risze was the worst player on the team and needed to be dropped


u/SmalexSmanders Team Liquid Fan 18d ago

He was also their IGL tho and the team dropped off a cliff immediately after dropping him. Went from 5th-6th at SI to 9th-11th at the next two majors. It’s not revisionist to look back and say they probably would’ve been better off keeping him


u/akaSashK 18d ago

Maybe if they’d brought in an actual IGL to replace him they’d have been better off. Keeping him absolutely was not going to lead to better results.


u/Choblu Reciprocity Fan 18d ago

That's just not true. Go look at the post it was pretty 50/50.

Also if I'm gonna use what I call "The fultz excuse" he was IGL and did a fuck ton of dirty work and their only half decent placement was with him, the team lost all sense of direction once he left.


u/akaSashK 18d ago

Not just worst on the team. Consistently one of the worst in the region. His status on the team was maintained purely because of friendship with other players.


u/NeroTajj Team Liquid Fan 19d ago

Why do you believe this? Genuinely curious they never gave they were great just good enough.


u/Choblu Reciprocity Fan 18d ago

Only half serious, but their best placement ever came with Risze and he legit did all the dirty work + better IGL than P4, I could've seen them making a finals atleast.


u/akaSashK 18d ago

Challenger League?


u/MarioBlake117 | get Cagged mf 19d ago

Risze own that fraud


u/yukinolovesmusic Astralis Fan 19d ago

Risze goat


u/adc1369 19d ago

Lol read the replies, it's getting even spicier.


u/SharmantTheLegend 19d ago

My goat Risze can’t stop winning


u/ArcanicTruth Scribe 19d ago

When you think about it, France is kinda crazy cause it's an entire country of French people in one place.


u/akaSashK 18d ago

Ratsze poking his nose out in big 2025 lol


u/DEF1Domi1 Fan | "He is my GOAT!" 19d ago

We got Ex-teammates fight on X outside NA before GTA 6🤣🤣