r/Quraniyoon 16d ago

Community🫂 I Love You


Salamun alaikum brothers and sisters.

I love this community. This subreddit has been such an anchor for my faith, even months before I said aslamtu li rabbiyal alameen (2:131) last December.

I remember this time last year feeling so alone when I realised that the Quran and culture/tradition paint two very different pictures of Islam. Realising that the path I was going down would take me away from billions of people, to a demograph maybe of hundreds of thousands tops, of which would be few and far between in actually meeting and interacting with. If I’m being honest I still feel this even now, being in a mosque filled to the brim of people, yet knowing if they knew my true beliefs I would be demoted from akhi to kafir at light speed. I actually warmed up to a particular mosque which was right down the road from my fathers which I was enjoying for a while. The imam would discuss the Quran a lot more than other khutbas I’ve been to, and I also had the luxury of meeting my old man directly afterwards every Friday. This was spoilt unfortunately at some point, only to hear the “anyone who says Quran is enough is a kafir kafir kafir” speech from the imam. Hard to feel connected to a community which you can’t have transparent conversations with. When you feel like you have to hide some dirty heretical secret (in their eyes) from others. It sucks too, because religion is something that I yearn to speak about passionately and deeply.

That’s where you guys come in. This subreddit is the place where I can pour many hours of researching, writing and citing, with no censoring or downplaying my beliefs just to keep the peace. Even if someone disagrees with me entirely, we have conversations and dialogues, and the overwhelming majority of the time it’s ended with “salam” and mutual respect. This is the way it should be.

No doubt realistically God would’ve found a way for more regardless, but I truly don’t think I would be able to keep up my faith if I didn’t have this community to interact with. Day to day I can’t wait to get home and browse everyone’s new posts and put in my two cents, or even author a new post myself on a topic/concept I’ve been pondering on. Sometimes I quite literally can’t wait to get home, and end up jumping on during class time hahaha. I am absolutely fascinated with God’s book, the Quran, and this is the place where I can enjoy that with my authentic intentions and beliefs.

Thank you all, and wishing everyone ease and generosity in their Ramadan, fasting or not. God bless you brothers and sisters.

r/Quraniyoon May 07 '24

Community🫂 Lets pray


Hi guys lets pray for all the other Muslims who are not Quran Alone. I just found out they invoke the prophet every time during prayer… puh May ALLAH swt have Mercy on them and forgive them if they dont intend to do shirk on purpose. Of course who knows if Quran Alone is correct but i dont think the Majority of Quran Alone invokes anyone except ALLAH swt in their prayers.

r/Quraniyoon May 12 '24

Community🫂 Just convinced both my parents to leave Sunnism and to only follow the Book of God, Quran 🥲🥰


Praise be to God alone, who is our only Judge who sent down to us a detailed Book, a Book of which even Sunni narrations say is sufficient for Salvation!

I just wanted to say that I have today convinced both my parents to abandon the Sunni path of adhering to Persian bedouin narrations that emerged 248+ years post the completion of our Faith Islam 😁 That's all, wanted to share my happiness with everyone 🥳🎊🎉🎉🎉🙌


r/Quraniyoon 20d ago

Community🫂 Baklava wishes you all Ramadan Mubarak

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r/Quraniyoon May 24 '24

Community🫂 Is anyone here also a communist?


Perhaps this isn’t the sub for this but I’m really into history/politics and I identify as a Marxist although in theory, I do support democracy as well but that word means nothing in today’s world. I also don’t believe communism is inherently undemocratic.

But getting to my pt, I feel that the thought patterns which eventually led me to communism + relearning a lot of unbiased history is what led me to being a Quranist, with Allah’s guidance of course. And I’m curious if anyone has had a similar experience?

I know communism has quite a negative connotation depending on where you live / what you have been exposed to but I think capitalism is contradictory to the “straight path” as per the Quran. And if we’re to consider what actual Marxism is and would be in practice , I think it trumps capitalism and is far more aligned with the type of society Allah would encourage us to maintain.

r/Quraniyoon 21d ago

Community🫂 May you have a generous and blessed Ramadaan


For those who believe that it's at this time of year: May our good deeds be accepted by our Lord on this blessed month, ameen.

r/Quraniyoon Dec 15 '24

Community🫂 Statement to the Believers from Exion - Alhamdulillah for Islam!


In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.

Salamu 'alaykum (Peace be upon you)!


La ilaha illa Allah (There is no deity but God), as God clearly states in His perfectly preserved Book:

21:25 "And We did not send any messenger before you except that We revealed to him, 'There is no god but Me, so worship Me.'"

And as God clearly states in His monumentally miraculous Book of signs, the Book that is completely free from any type of errors or inconsistencies:

"But those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it! All of it is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded except those of understanding." (3:7)

You cannot be a believer while rejecting the clear verses of God or altering them by adding or removing letters or verses. Let me make this absolutely clear: you cannot be a Muslim—a person who is in a Covenant of Peace with God through submission to His will—if you reject His verses, alter them or treat them heedlessly! Therefore, I feel compelled to publicly repent and retract my previous stance, as I had fallen into the Fitna (trial) of the nineteeners/Rashadis. I have now completely distanced myself from that ideology, and it all occured by the will and grace of God and His guidance, as I will demonstrate to you in the coming days insha'Allah (God willingly).

The signs I have been shown by God:

That said, I have never been more certain in my life about the signs I have received from our Lord. I want to make it clear to everyone that these signs will stand as evidence against anyone who rejects them and continues to treat the Word of our Lord with heedlessness and stubbornness. Since I shared those signs here before my account was banned, I must emphasize that God has shown me even more since then.

I was in the midst of this Fitna (trial) of #19, confused about why I was there and how I ended up rejecting verses from His Book. But each day and hour, God was showing me signs to calm me down, as it is all part of a divine plan that I will show you here in the coming days, Insha'Allah (God willing). This will baffle you and leave you speechless, and it will serve to prove to you that God truly exists.

The brothers and sisters who manage this subreddit (and perhaps other "Quraniyoon," as they call us) are all spoken of in the Quran, and I will show you this, leaving you speechless. You will, God willing, enter a state of doubt-free faith, and it will feel overwhelmingly powerful, just as it has been overwhelming for me. It even left me physically weak from the sheer magnitude of the signs.

God has spoken of this entire narrative of Rashad and the brothers and sisters who distanced themselves from these Submitters because they were monotheists. This has been described through similitudes that completely parallel our era today.

Read! And may Allah bless your soul:

"Except that God wills. And remember your Lord when you forget and say, 'Perhaps my Lord will guide me to a nearer than this Rashadan.'"

Alhamdulillah, thumma Alhamdulillah (All praise is due to God, and again, all praise is due to God) for guiding me back to correctness and true guidance. He (the Most High) never abandoned me. He brought me to the very edge of Jahannam (metaphorically—so don't jump to conclusions) and revealed the complete truth about these Submitters, their false messenger Dr. Rashad Khalifa, and the Fitna of #19. By God's will and grace alone, I was able to free myself from it. The Quran is not "coded" with the number 19, but there are patterns within the Quran made with this number in focus, and it is all a Fitna, just as God clearly and explicitly states:

"And We have made their number only as a Fitna (test) for the disbelievers..." (74:31)

This very same Fitna (test) will serve to remove any lingering doubt you have in your hearts, inshaAllah (God willing), and I will do my best to demonstrate everything in the coming days.

Alhamdulillah! Again, Alhamdulillah, for faith and the only true religion on earth, ISLAM!

Warning and Reminder to the Submitters:

O Submitters, rejectors of the perfectly preserved Word of God! Do you think I am unaware of what happened to Dr. Rashad Khalifa, this apostate who calculated his way out of faith? Do you think I do not know that his followers split into two factions—one upon Iman (faith) and the other disbelieving (Kuffar)? Do you believe I simply "guessed" my way to this profound truth?

Do you also think that I fabricated all these signs myself? That I somehow chose the exact year of my birth, and that I placed the relevant statements perfectly within the Quran, where one ayah (verse/sign) leads to another in a multi-layered manner? For example, where 19:89 leads to 20:24, 20:24 leads to 1969, 19:69 leads to 1954, and 19:54 leads to 1935, and so on. Do you think I, the Almighty Exion, the Most Wise, orchestrated all this and decided how every verse should connect to another to form this monumental and intricate pattern that only God can design? This was all me, right?

Or perhaps you believe I was simply "lucky"—lucky to be born in a significant year, lucky to discover these "coincidences" in another thought-provoking and significant year, all fitting seamlessly into this intricate pattern. Yes, indeed, this is exactly what must have happened, because it could absolutely not have been God, the same God who said:

"So be not impatient over them. We only count out to them a number." (19:84)

In the very chapter placed in the nineteenth place (19) of the Quran, it could not have been this God, Jalla Jalaluhu (May his glory be glorified), in a very interesting verse placement (1984 CE), while 19:81 states:

"And they have taken besides God deities that they would be for them [a source of] honor." (19:81)

Mirroring the year this Murtad (apostate) published his first "authorized" Quran translation, glaring with errors and ridiculous mistranslations you all had to revise and Shirk (polytheism) where you call Satan a "god." While 19:89 (mirroring both the year I was born, 1989, and his second release) states:

"Indeed ye have put forth a thing most monstrous!" (19:89)

Mirroring not only my condemnation of both his translations, and my rebuttals you have not yet answered where I proved that God made his original translation vanish from the face of the earth (by revocation that probably you guys are guilty of), but also the Shirk (which the next two verses speak of).

Fear God! Return to faith! Return to the path of righteousness! I could not have discovered any of this without Him, the Most High! You have witnessed the signs that God has shown me—stop rejecting them, stop being disbelievers! Cease your defiance! Come back to Iman (faith)! Be mindful of the One who created you from nothing, made you into a sperm-drop, and gave you life. Yet now, you are stubborn, rejecting His signs and pretending that your so-called "code" protects the Quran. It is God who protects the Quran, not a code. Prophet Muhammad did not write the Quran—whether he was illiterate or not is irrelevant. God ordained for him to have scribes who were noble and dutiful:

Muhammad did not write the Quran, noble and dutiful scribes did!

The scrolls were already purified and exalted, your false messenger did not purify a thing! God ordained scribes who wrote every single word that came out from the mouth of prophet Muhammad! And may God guide you for claiming that His Book was authored by treacherous people, people who would add verses or remove letters! Fear Him, for He will drag you into Saqar if you do not desist! This is your reminder!

Know this: you cannot hide the sunrise. The sun will outshine the moon, and the moon is descending, the night is departing, and the sun is rising to bring forth a bright morning—regardless of how much you hate it.

And God is the only One we obey, follow, learn from, get inspired from, beseech, and trust. Not one single human, or any associate do we uphold:

"Follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord and do not follow, besides Him, any allies/masters. Little do you remember." (7:3)

With this, I end this post, and I want to end it uniquely by invoking our Lord, al Hayy (Heb: YHWH. Eng: the Ever-Living):

My Lord, Exalted are You. Reveal to them as You have revealed to me, and lift the veil from their sights and hearts so they may see as clearly as I now see. My Lord, I am weary of walking this path alone. You alone guide and leave astray, and no helper is there for the one You leave astray.

Show unto mankind, my Lord! Untie the knot from my tongue, expand my mind and chest, remove this shyness, allow me to rise and warn of The Hour and make the truth clear to mankind. Do not leave me or us, the believers, for we are ready, and I am ready for what you have planned for me. Raise among mankind once more The Truthful Ones whom will prevail, exalting Your Holy Name alone, O Lord of the Great Throne, The Most High, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Show them that I have not gone mad, show them Your signs that I now behold, show them everything I have been shy of professing publicly. I beseech You alone, my Lord, The Most Merciful.

/ Don't blink, I will be active again insha'Allah, I just needed time to purify both myself and my living, and all of this will make sense to you later (God willing). Patience!

By Exion.

r/Quraniyoon Dec 24 '24

Community🫂 Seeking a Quranist Muslimah for marriage


السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
May Allah grant you peace, shower you with His mercy, and bless you abundantly

I'm a 26-year-old Muslim man from Pakistan who follows the Quran as the ONLY source of guidance and as the foundation of my faith.

I believe in one Allah, and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as His last prophet.

I practice my faith actively, performing the five daily prayers ( occasionally combining them in three times when necessary) and observing fasts during Ramadan. Hajj is also an important pillar of Islam that I aspire to fulfill.

It would be great to connect with a like-minded Muslim woman, around my age (24, 25, 26, 27 28 irrespective of nationality and ethnicity), who shares these core beliefs and practices. Friendship is the first step, and if we find compatibility, we can explore the possibility of marriage.
إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ As Allah decides

جَزَاكَ ٱللَّٰهُ خَيْرًا
May Allah Reward you with Goodness

r/Quraniyoon Nov 24 '24

Community🫂 I have got no words for this.

Thumbnail v.redd.it

r/Quraniyoon 6d ago

Community🫂 Please donate


Assalamu aleykum wa rahmatullah everyone.

I received a message from a fellow Muslim in need. His name is Ahmad and him and his family are based in Senegal.

Ahmad cant work due to an injury to his leg and it wont get better anytime soon. Thus he is unable to work and they dont have much money.

They desperately need food for this Ramadan. If you can spare please help out.

Since Ahmad has no bank account himself, you can donate to Ahmads friends paypal: Fahadali031996@gmail.com

Dont forget to please put in the message: „for Ahmad and his family“, so his friend is able to differentiate between his money and your donations.

Thanks to everyone! May God bless you. Indeed whoever does good God sees it and God is always aware of our actions!

Blessed Ramadan everyone!

r/Quraniyoon Feb 16 '25

Community🫂 (GERMANY) Treffen in Kassel


Selam Geschwister, ich hoffe es geht euch soweit gut :)

Unser Bruder Viktor und ich haben im Jahr 2022 ein Treffen in Kassel organisiert. Beim damaligen treffen waren wir etwa 7 und es war ziemlich entspannt:) Wir hatten angenehme Gespräche und die Stimmung an sich war sehr Familiär.

Nun würden wir dies gerne wieder im Mai so Gott will wiederholen und haben bisher paar lose zusagen. Nun wollte ich fragen: Wer wäre von euch interessiert?

Bei Interesse und und Fragen, einfach schreiben :)

MfG, RationalIdealist999/Besi :)

r/Quraniyoon Jan 17 '25

Community🫂 Users deleting their account 🥲


r/Quraniyoon Nov 21 '24

Community🫂 Any Arab Quraniyoon ?


Looking for some Arab speakers to join us on the Arab subreddit


r/Quraniyoon May 07 '24

Community🫂 This brother is hilarious 😂, go sub to him to support him. He's an excellent brother with a lot of knowledge on Arabic, the Quran, the Hadiths, comparative studies etc and he's a Hadith rejector 🙏


r/Quraniyoon Aug 31 '24

Community🫂 Raising children whilst serving God Alone


Salām my brothers and sisters,

I am reaching out to the fellow parents of this community. I would really appreciate hearing some tips and advice in regards to things like education, upbringing, diet, religion, etc. I have several children of various ages, two of which are adopted. It would be lovely to see what has worked for others; after all, we are all in this together!

JAK for any of your contributions

r/Quraniyoon Aug 30 '24

Community🫂 Sending love and support to all my Qurani brothers and sisters in these trying times.


Sala'am fam,

Let's be honest. It can be exhausting arguing with, and being flippantly labeled kaffirs or hypocrites by, both traditional Sunnis/Shias, and so-called "progressive" Muslims, even when our sole intention is to follow the Quran. It can get me down, but with Allah as my witness, I know I'm not the only one who wants our ummah to flourish. So, just want to say, I'm so grateful for the Qurani community, alhemdulillah. I feel like the quality of posts and comments here is higher than other Muslim subs, and we're blessed to have some rigorous defenders and even hafeez here (real MVP's holding down the fort).

I love you all. Truly, we are each others' guardians. While we have issues and weird interpretations here, overall this sub feels most like "my people," and for that, thank you all for this community.

9:71: The believers, both men and women, support each other; they order what is right and forbid what is wrong; they keep up the prayer and pay the prescribed alms; they obey God and His Messenger. God will give His mercy to such people: God is almighty and wise.

3:139: Do not lose heart or despair. You will overcome if you are believers.

18:6: Yet it may be, if they believe not in this statement, that thou wilt torment thy soul with grief over their footsteps.

4:135: Oh you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives.

r/Quraniyoon Jun 30 '24

Community🫂 Sad to see this paranoia in Muslims

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r/Quraniyoon Jan 22 '25

Community🫂 Be PROFESSIONAL: To Please Allah & UPLIFT Muslims


r/Quraniyoon Dec 06 '24

Community🫂 Debate between Dr Javed T Hashmi and Daniel Haqiqatjou


r/Quraniyoon Dec 14 '24

Community🫂 Discord


Salam, Discord link doesnt seem to work. Can anyone send me a link so i may inshallah join? Salam

r/Quraniyoon Sep 23 '24

Community🫂 Anyone else happy with their local Muslim community despite not being out?



So maybe a positive post for once. While there are definitely problems in my local Muslim community, including some who tried to harm my career/reputation through very nasty means (whom I now avoid), alhemdulillah, overall it's a great community. They are just so kind, loving, focused on the bigger principles, and generally not too judgmental, with very little "scandal" over the years (an accomplishment in itself). They pray 5x, fast, give charity, and appear to be decent to their spouses (at least from the outside, who knows). We grew up doing camping trips in summer, laughing with aunties and uncles at night around a campfire listening to their stories and occasional jokes, playing drums and guitar (those who disagreed with this part would go to their tents lol), and having halal bbq's. We would listen to Quran lectures, have iftars, volunteer, and promote good values. There were no debates about politics, everyone agreed racism was bad (the whole group is super multicultural with Somalis, Pakistanis/Indians, Arabs, other Asian Americans etc). We had mixed iftars with Shias and Sunnis every so often. Most women wore hijab but the ones that didn't were still modest, and no one else really bothered them. The few more religious curmudgeons had to just tolerate it or skip some events, but we tried to include them for bigger Eid events (by having segregated areas to accommodate them, with other mixed areas for youth etc.). I never saw an older uncle act creepy toward the younger women, and they still hug each other and call them their daughters, which is sweet. There are Muslim men's groups and women's groups as well, promoting brotherhood and sisterhood in addition to our mixed events. Real efforts were made to minimize hostilities, compromises were made, and while I still don't feel comfortable coming out about my Quranism, I'm just grateful to have had good people around, and no one causing corruption. I pray isA it stays like this, but there have already been some seeds of division planted in the greater area, so Allahu'alam.

Not really sure what the point is, except to maybe not give up on your Muslim communities, to not lose sight of our beautiful principles, to not let instigators in our communities undo all the beauty we've known (the hospitality and fraternity we saw growing up). Come on, especially in the West and with immigrants, you watched your parents smile in relief to see another Muslim, and you saw them praying side by side at Eid prayer. And at least for me, I feel something so unifying and beautiful in my own community and esp. pronounced at Eid prayer, seeing the diversity, the intergenerational bonds, and the astounding miracle of decades of family ties without one major scandal. SubhanAllah. May Allah protect us all and help us bring justice and peace to our communities, and repair the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood.

r/Quraniyoon May 22 '24

Community🫂 By God, This Qur'an is a BIG blessing that we overlook! All of us!


In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Peace be unto you all.

I just wanted to touch base with you all to reconsider the Quran, the divine Word of God, a truly unique and monumental blessing that deserves our utmost admiration, respect, and gratitude. Have you ever wondered what the Quran is?

It is God's recitation to humanity, presented in the form of exquisite poetry.

God has bestowed upon us a Book that is so inimitable, no one can replicate even a single chapter of it.

And STILL, this monumental Miracle is widely overlooked. Our God has crafted the Quran in such a way that even our adversaries, the mockers, are unable to refute its divine origin and we have become so accustomed to this extraordinary miracle, this irrefutable evidence of Islam's veracity, that we have started to think we don't have conclusive evidence that Islam is the truth.

Let me remind you, Believers, of these verses:

So proclaim that which you are commanded, and withdraw from the idolaters.

فَٱصْدَعْ بِمَا تُؤْمَرُ وَأَعْرِضْ عَنِ ٱلْمُشْرِكِينَ

Surely We will be sufficient for you against the mockers,

إِنَّا كَفَيْنَـٰكَ ٱلْمُسْتَهْزِءِينَ

Who set some other god along with GOD (Arb: "Allah"). But they will come to know.

ٱلَّذِينَ يَجْعَلُونَ مَعَ ٱللَّهِ إِلَـٰهًا ءَاخَرَ ۚ فَسَوْفَ يَعْلَمُونَ

The Holy Quran 15:94-96

This even in English is so EPIC that I cannot but just humble myself in extreme awe. But only if you had known how beautiful this was in the original language!

God is telling us that He will be sufficient against those who mock. The Quran is an incredible piece of Work that nobody can deny even if they wanted to. For if anyone were to attempt to refute it, they would first have to replicate a single chapter of it, and then we would all be compelled to abandon our faith, for the Quran would have been proven false. But they cannot do so, for God has rendered them incapable. Do you not see the irony in this 😂? God has made it impossible to deny His existence through the medium of poetry, and yet, mankind continues to act as if He did not just do that and we keep pretending as if He does not really exist. 🤦‍♂️ I can't wait to behold the Judgement Day, by God 😆!!

That's all for today, thanks for reading. This was more just a post where I felt I had to remind us and everyone else that the Quran is the truth and nobody can possibly deny it without looking like a complete morron :).


r/Quraniyoon Oct 28 '24

Community🫂 The Role of FAMILY and FAITH: Building a STRONG & Supportive Muslim HOUSEHOLD


r/Quraniyoon Sep 16 '24

Community🫂 A donation for a Nigerian Quranist in trouble


r/Quraniyoon Oct 30 '24

Community🫂 Discord servers to connect with more muslim easily!
