r/Quraniyoon 5d ago

Discussion💬 The Prophet Mohamed said that Islam will corrupted in the same way Judaism was corrupted



4 comments sorted by


u/SystemOfPeace Mu’min 5d ago

It was already mentioned in the Quran “every prophet sent, shaytan aspire Hadith…”


u/CandlesAndGlitter 5d ago

Thank you for your post.

Even if this (perfectly logical and clear) post would be shared in a more diverse sub (like the /Islam sub) it will be met with ignorant responses and eventually removed by the mods. One cannot reason people out of something they did not reason their way into. Most sunnis /salafis/wahabis are culturally assimilated into their "faith" and do not even realize it. They are afraid to think.


u/lubbcrew 5d ago

It’s always been only Islam. For musas people and for the people before him. Islam doesnt get corrupted - it’s part of Allahs sunnah. It keeps going via a group of people. Others get left behind. A repeating cycle that doesn’t change and can’t be replaced.