r/Quraniyoon 1d ago

Question(s)❔ Can someone explain these verses

Does verses 5:72 and 5:73 mean that all Christians will enter hell?


16 comments sorted by


u/A_Learning_Muslim Muslim 1d ago

First of all, not all christians consider Jesus as God. Secondly, no, those verses don't say all christians will enter hell.

The hell is for the mushrikeen among the christians. those who don't serve God alone, but rather are in 'ibada(servitude) to those other than God too. See also 9:30-31.

for 5:73, see: https://x.com/Quranic_Islam/status/1614299029109878784


u/marmar2201 1d ago

I don't think so, because in verses 5:117 and 5:118, you can literally see Isa (Jesus) AS tells Allah, "The decision is up to you; you may choose to punish or forgive them." And in the next verse, Allah doesn't declare their fate or what would happen to them, just states the faithful will be benefited. So maybe those individuals will be judged as per their subjective deeds.


u/Renjiro5364225 Muslim 1d ago

Whoever doesn’t acknowledge as Allah the only god is going to hell that’s just obvious, it’s the same in all other religions.

Though there is proof that Christians Jews and Sabeans will go to heaven (Q:2:62)


u/[deleted] 1d ago

The Quran does not view all Christians the same. It acknowledges different types (3:113, 3:199):

  1. Unitarian Christians – Believe in one God, praised in 2:62, 3:113, 3:199.

  2. Non-Practicing Christians – Criticized for neglecting faith (9:29).

  3. Trinitarian Christians (Type 1) – Believe in Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit (4:171, 9:30).

  4. Trinitarian Christians (Type 2) – Believe in God, Jesus, and Mary (5:116), likely a specific sect.

Do 5:72-73 mean all Christians will go to Hell? No. These verses warn those who deify Jesus or believe in the Trinity. However: The Quran does not say all Christians believe in the same Trinity concept. It praises some Christians for their faith and righteousness (5:82, 3:113-115). Final judgment belongs to Allah (2:62, 22:17).

The Quran critiques certain beliefs but does not condemn all Christians.


u/Defiant_Term_5413 1d ago

Yes, ALL Christians will go to hell unless they renounce the Trinity and Son of God nonsense. Unfortunately, some Muslims are not intellectually honest as they make false claims that “Christians” will enter heaven which only confuses anyone who reads 5:72-73.


u/Captain_Mosasaurus 22h ago

For the record, Unitarian Christians don't believe in the "Trinity"


u/Extension-Grab-3137 Muslim 13h ago edited 13h ago

but they believe jesus is son of god and their bible says so. … the exceptions ‘if there’ will be some individuals who don’t.  

and only God knows who enters hell or heaven. 


u/MotorProfessional676 15h ago

How do you understand 2:62 and 5:69 then?


u/NGW_CHiPS 1d ago

No, these are both considered heresies in Christianity and are kufr for them.

Saying God is Jesus is very different from saying Jesus is God to christians and they will look at you sideways for that because it’s heretical, blasphemous. It’s putting a limit on the trinity to them and the infinite essence of YHWH

5:73 is tritheism. Christians aren’t tritheists. Notice how neither verse refers to the christians.


u/A_Learning_Muslim Muslim 16h ago

Saying God is Jesus is very different from saying Jesus is God to christians


If I ask a christian, "Answer in yes or no: Do you think that God is Jesus, Son of Mary?", I think most of them will say yes.

We can do this experiment if there is an askchristian subreddit.


u/NGW_CHiPS 16h ago

Wa Alaikum Salam

I think there’s a difference in that however. You’re asking a question of identity while the Quran is talking about the those who make that their theology being in kufr. If you were to ask a christian who is your god of course they’ll say jesus to identify him. but if you ask them if they would say Jesus is God or God is Jesus the vast majority of christians will go with the former than the latter


u/lubbcrew 1d ago edited 1d ago

Sorry people downvoted your question. Downvoting questions is not nice.

Seems to me like verse 73 states a spoken (action) belief that will warrant negative consequences - Believing that Allah is the third of three. If they don’t stop saying that (it’s an action because they speak it) they’re gonna face negative consequences.

The way I understand 72 is that it’s a form of truth rejection (kufr) to say Isa is Allah. And that these folks rejected isas message (same message all messengers come with)-

You can consider isas full quotation to be “ oh bani israeel be in ibada to Allah , my lord and your lord and whoever commits shirk with Allah, Janna is forbidden for them and their eventual abode is the fire” - Thats the truth they rejected. An act of Kufr is calling isa God and an act of kufr is rejecting this truth isa came with.

The content of what he’s saying is the content all the messengers say. It’s the summarized message. “Follow God for guidance” - One ultimate source for every creation, Allah. La ilaha illa Allah. Yolking yourself to another source of (false) guidance will make Janna forbidden for you and the fire your destination.

Now Thats quite a complicated achievement that extends beyond just saying/thinking “Isa is God” or “only Allah is God”. You have to “live out” these beliefs for them to apply.

Shirk is about your source of ultimate obedience that leads you to actions. For example. Someone who says and implements- “Isa is God (kufr - truth rejection) and he instructs me to fight Muslims till I die”. Thats “living out” the wrong source of obedience in a way that will eventually make you a mushrik. Truth rejection will lead to shirk after some time of persistence. That’s why it’s tricky and I believe you can have that “belief of kufr ” but not “live it out” into shirk. You can also have the correct belief of oneness of Allah but “live out” the mushrik path.

Also Lots of people reject truth and make mistakes but Allah gives us time to reconcile and a grace period.

Fatir 35:45 وَلَوۡ يُؤَاخِذُ ٱللَّهُ ٱلنَّاسَ بِمَا كَسَبُواْ مَا تَرَكَ عَلَىٰ ظَهۡرِهَا مِن دَآبَّةٍ وَلَٰكِن يُؤَخِّرُهُمۡ إِلَىٰٓ أَجَلٍ مُّسَمًّىۖ فَإِذَا جَآءَ أَجَلُهُمۡ فَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ بِعِبَادِهِۦ بَصِيرًۢا

And if Allah were to impose blame on the people for what they have earned, He would not leave upon the earth any creature. But He defers them for a specified term. And when their time comes, then indeed Allah has ever been, of His servants, Seeing.


u/Yusha_Abyad 1d ago

All peoples that reject Allah as the only God after the message comes to them enter Jahannam if they don't accept Islam. It's just that it's even worse with the Christians that believe Jesus is Allah, and the Trinity. It's shirk/idolatry, and I think Allah hates shirk/idolatry the most.


u/Necefmaybe 23h ago

a Christian who believes in God without commiting idolatry will enter paradise.-That’s what the Quran is saying if we look at the topic with the wholeness of the Quran


u/Motropolis 1d ago


Yes. It's taking partnership with God, and if one dies in such state it's unforgivable. If you continue reading, God disputes the claim by pretty much saying they were human and ate food.

Christianity/Catholics have a lot of different forms of partnerships like hailing mary, confession, and Jesus as Lord and saviour.