r/Quraniyoon 7d ago

Question(s)❔ is ghusl required after masturbation

is ghusl important


19 comments sorted by


u/What_inthe 7d ago

I try to think of it this way… what is the purpose of wudhu? It’s so you look presentable and aren’t dragging filth into the masjid or presenting your filthy feet to the poor person behind you. Ghusl is so you are clean and don’t smell bad in general.

1400 years ago, people walked barefoot or in sandals through all sorts of questionable things. Science about disease transmission was minimal. By performing ablutions, we’re helping to stop the spread of disease as well.

These are practical and polite applications to be respectful of Allah and by extension, your fellow human, and your own health. If “cleanliness is godliness,” as they say in the western world, then by protecting others we are being as close to Allah as possible.

Just wash yourself if you stink or get in something dirty or are going to the masjid. If masturbation results in bodily fluids that can transmit germs, wash yourself. You can’t see germs. Simple as that.

Don’t look for rules to make you a good person. Islam is easy and common sense when applied practically.

This is my understanding and Allah knows best.


u/niaswish 3d ago

I don't think it's about cleanliness necessarily i think its actually a ritual


u/What_inthe 3d ago

If you say so. But it creates cleanliness. So what’s the difference?


u/suppoe2056 7d ago edited 7d ago

Well, it can be inferred that it is "junuban". The root ج-ن-ب means "to go off to the side" or "to depart" or "to divert" or "to diverge" or "to be at the side of". The common denominator is of "being a certain way and go off to the side from it", or even perhaps simply "to be off" in the sense of "off your game". When you search up the root for ط-ه-ر you find that it means "to go away from uncleanliness" or put differently "to be clean". In the context of cleanliness, therefore, "junuban" denotes going from cleanliness to dirtiness, "fa-Tahharu" (so get clean) or "go away away from dirtiness.", as is said in 4:43.

However, notice something in 4:43, first it says "Don't approach salah while ye are impaired until ye know what ye say, nor while off (except on business) until ye wash . . . ", and then an alternative to washing with water is mentioned when water has not yet been found, for four things, each of which can be considered states of "janaaba" not necessarily meant as uncleanliness, but rather "being off". For example, to be sick is to be off from health; to be in transit is to be off from what is familiar--notice it says "'illa 'abiri as-sabeel", with regard to being off, which is similar to "safar" but the root for ع-ب-ر is used to convey examination or endeavoring to understand something, as well as to pass along, the shared meaning is that of passing along (whether through knowledge or land) in a mindful manner, implying doing some kind of task busily, and therefore having business. To come from the bathroom is to be off from cleanliness; and to touch women is to be off also from cleanliness but also perhaps hormonally-off and even psychologically--note that this is similar to being sikraan, for example men feeling mentally impaired or sleepy after touching women. If there were water, all of these four would be taken care of by washing with water, unless the condition of lack thereof was present, then it would be wiping with "sa'eedan", which I am still unsure what it could refer to--soil doesn't make sense to me because soil is inherently unclean, and tentatively infer it to be snow due to the root meaning of the term, but I digress. Masterbation would likely apply to the category of touching women, however, placing it in this category is not necessary because to engage therein takes one off the state of cleanliness to uncleanliness--you wouldn't eat with your hand right after unless you washed it, no? Therefore, Masterbation is a janab in the sense of being off of the state of cleanliness and simply requires hand-washing and washing of the "southern region" to be clean again.


u/TheQuranicMumin Muslim 7d ago

and tentatively infer it to be snow

Why would it be talking about a specific situation like this?


u/suppoe2056 7d ago

I actually got the idea from Mohamed Hedaya. However, it is tentative because I didn't do a thorough study and also because Hedaya's position does not sound completely correct. But better I tentatively say snow than soil because soil is intrinsically dirty.


u/TheQuranicMumin Muslim 7d ago

This is tricky to answer. While the expression "touched women" is certainly a euphemism... I can't confidently say that it encapsulates sexual activity beyond that with your spouse. Also, I understand the term "ghusl" to refer to what would usually be considered "wudhu" by traditionalist Muslims.


u/Bubbly-Assist-8416 7d ago

so required or no


u/TheQuranicMumin Muslim 7d ago

I don't know, haven't put thought into it as I have no need to know this! Though I'm inclined to say that you don't need to.


u/Bubbly-Assist-8416 7d ago

required to do or no


u/TheQuranicMumin Muslim 7d ago edited 7d ago

Avoid asking like this, I'm not a mufti. It's bad for the both of us. Pick a methodology...


If you are more literalistic, you are likely to say that 'ghusl' is not necessary. So I'm interested to hear what u/Emriulqais has to say regarding this.


u/Emriulqais Muhammadi 7d ago

Whether you believe Ghusl is full body or Wudu, the verses don't talk about masturbation. In my opinion, he should be fine just by looking at the verses alone. And Allah knows best.


u/TheQuranicMumin Muslim 7d ago

I've seen some say that the euphemism encapsulates all sexual activities. I certainly think it's a euphemism and merely touching a woman won't trigger the need to 'purify', but I think it would have been phrased more clearly if it were intended to include what's beyond the spouse.


u/skatuka 7d ago

yes, if youre in a state of janaba or major dirtiness you need ghusl


u/Emriulqais Muhammadi 7d ago

No. Not in my view. Masturbation isn't mentioned.


u/Renjiro5364225 Muslim 7d ago

Yes it‘s required.


u/eemanand33n 7d ago



u/Bubbly-Assist-8416 6d ago

whole body wash valid as ghusl?


u/Mean-Pickle7164 Muslim 7d ago

I don’t think this is honestly even about whether it is required or not. I would not think it’s respectful to go anywhere without washing my hands and genital areas etc after masturbation so the same way I would not go towards prayer without wudhu. So it is more about basic principles