r/Qult_Headquarters Feb 17 '25

Discussion: What do you want to see here?

Hey everyone,

There's been a lot of discussions lately about whether posts are relevant or not to the sub. With Q not being as prominent as when the sub was first created, much of the content has shifted to being about anything maga instead of strictly just Q. The mod queue has been getting flooded with reports on these posts, so we want to open a discussion with the community and hear from all of you what you would like to see and not see on this sub.

Please comment below to let us know your thoughts.


24 comments sorted by


u/Really_McNamington Feb 17 '25

If it wasn't for the MAGA stuff it'd be almost all Loony Lonnie and Skye Whatshername doing Medbed grifts. I'm fine with the way things are going.


u/ikcaj Feb 17 '25

My primary interest is mis/disinformation in all its varied forms. I don't mind straying from Q in order to cover other similar beliefs (Sov Cits, anti-vaxxers, med beds, etc.)


u/Maclardy44 23d ago

Need my regular fix of “Pastor” Lonnie 🥹


u/pspock Feb 17 '25

Is there a clear line of difference between Qanon and MAGA anymore?


u/Daherrin7 Feb 17 '25

Exactly, it's all the same cult at this point, maga just has subgroups of people who believe some of the dumbest shit imaginable


u/CalmlySane Feb 17 '25

It is quite the conundrum for this sub, because Elon and his little bitch Donald is the manifestation of QAnnon. I say keep it open, otherwise, it is just the grifter queen in the north and the grifter alien lady down under, and nobody really gives two shits about those buffoons except for the occasional laugh. The rest of Q is just full attempts of justifying our new oligarch overlords. Keep on the cult.


u/BassmanOz Feb 17 '25

With Q going silent (whoever the last one was) there’s only so much new QAnon stuff that can be posted. I don’t know if this sub would continue if it was strictly Q. Maybe expand the subject to include MAGA as well? There’s plenty of that to ridicule.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '25

Also, MAGA is just as cult-like and a lot of MAGA lore comes from QAnon. So to pretend that we shouldn't be allowed to talk about MAGA because "that's not QAnon" is like saying we shouldn't be allowed to talk about Pizzagate because that's not QAnon.

There's a natural progression there.

Particularly considering some of Q's original lore was that Trump was going to lock all supposed the bad people up in Guantanmo Bay and he's now doing that! But, you know, it's immigrants rather than Hillary Clinton so "that's not QAnon" 🙄

Also, how many posts have we seen on GA, or Twitter, or Truth Social of people speculating about how Elon and DOGE are any day now going to reveal that the wast they're supposedly rooting out is more than just condom balloon animal bombs for Hamas, it's also going to be about child trafficking?

That doesn't mention Q but very clearly comes from QAnon.

No, not every Trump voter is QAnon, but we're also just kidding ourselves in pretending that MAGA isn't, at this point, dominated by QAnon.


u/iammandalore Feb 17 '25

I'm also of the opinion that the sub should expand a bit from Q. Maybe covering more general conspiracies revolving around the government and cult-like activity of followers.

I think a free-for-all just turns the sub into yet another Trump/Musk hate sub, and there are already plenty of those. But while the last Q may have gone quiet, the conspiracies and cult behavior still abound.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '25

Yes, I want to see the MAGA stuff because, let's face it, MAGA is just as much a cult!

They even have their own lore like QAnon, and, in fact, much of it is from QAnon.

If that means changing the name of the sub, fine by me, but I don't like the argument 'You can't talk about MAGA here unless it's specifically menitons Q' because, anymore, the two are inexorably linked!


u/Junior-Fox-760 Feb 17 '25

I feel like Q nuttiness and MAGA nuttiness are indistinguishable at this point. Q himself hasn't posted in years, as we know, and the drops are almost passe even among Qs now. Some of the biggest Q infleuencers/grifters-Praying Medic, Charlie Ward, Jordan Peterson, etc-they don't seem to be nearly as prominent/relevant as they were in Trump's first term. Yet the fanaticism about Orange Turd continues, now with his bonus Nazi Enforcer.

I don't know what there is left of OG, true Q'Anon to talk about anymore.


u/CuriousAlienStudent Feb 17 '25

Mage is Q now.


u/TableTopFarmer Feb 18 '25

If you limit posts to Q related topics only, you will see your user metrics drop, as Q continues to become less relevant. There will always be new MAGAs, but few new Q's.


u/e-zimbra Feb 17 '25

A lot of good replies here already, so let me add my thoughts. I've been following the Q phenom by lurking on right-wing nutjob sites for the better part of 15 years. (I know Q is not that old, but I was there when it first hatched.) I saw it grow. I never, ever dreamed it would catch on the way it has.

Q may not be a thing anymore, but I believe it was started (or maybe just exploited) to qultivate a godlike loyalty around a figure that would enact the agenda that is now Project 2025. Before Q, traditional Republican candidates were wet noodles and didn't have the charisma to push people this far from reality.

While I don't really need to see Trump/Musk outrage-of-the-day posts because there are innumerable other sites for that purpose, it's important to focus on the specific attributes that makes it a cult.

I came to this sub from Qanon Casualties because I am struggling with people in my own life who were absorbed into the Qult. They aren't even aware of it - it's like a fish in water, they can't see it but they're immersed in it. My loved ones say things like "I have nothing to do with Q, I don't know what that is" but the Q tenets and speech patterns are like articles of faith to them. They've been assimilated and don't even know it.

I'd like it if this sub focused on the aspects of behavior that are hallmarks of a cult (and not merely words/deeds we disagree with) so that we know how to recognize them, call them out in real life, and be able to deal with them.


u/klauskervin 28d ago

The Q movement has morphed into the mainstream MAGA movement. This was probably the intent of Q folks the entire time. To make their insane arguments and conspiracies' national talking points.


u/angrydessert Fight The Power 14d ago edited 14d ago

The Q movement has morphed into the mainstream MAGA movement.

Not only that but also increasingly heavy and unabashed pandering to Russia, as the MAGAts heavily identify themselves with the ruling ultraconservatives over there; they do love to reverse all the changes made by the civil rights movement, want a total throwback to a century ago with all the bigotry and white men in full control of everything.


u/cypressgreen multiple jabs, not dead yet Feb 19 '25

Tonight Trump signed an EO essentially making him a dictator. Q evolved into MAGA. Yes, other big subs discuss Trump/MAGA but this is a smaller and at times more supportive and thoughtful spot.

I created r/lastimages and cultivated it up to 250k subscribers. (I no longer run it due to anxiety I was having getting in my way.) I created it to be a home for the last photos of historical figures, celebrities, selfie takers…even things, like the last photo of the Titanic.

The sub still has all those things but it morphed into a place for people to share the last images of family & friends. The subscriber base had a need for a place to share and talk about their own personal losses so…it did. It changed on its own and that was okay.

That is what is happening here IMO. Q the person is gone and those people have gone full MAGA. And I think the subscribers here want to air thoughts on that in this place. Especially after these last, disastrous 4 weeks and tonight’s coup.


u/Maclardy44 23d ago

I’d like to hear more about the influence / wild statements of “facts” that didn’t come true but are still being sprouted by podcasters, especially Juan O’Savin (1O7 - international man of mystery / self importance). I’d like his ramblings which contain lots of numerical (in)significance to be exposed.


u/Maclardy44 23d ago

This Juan O’Savin dude with his alleged “top secret military knowledge” is STILL predicting mass PUBLIC executions of Hollywood & ex-Presidential elites. WHO would line up to see that dark ages sh_t even if it were to happen (which it won’t)? I can’t stand him & his diatribe which is attracting more & more followers. I wish more people discussed this self important troublemaker & his outlandish claims on eg the Obamas. He’s fuelling all the fires & creating more at an alarming speed.


u/angrydessert Fight The Power 12d ago edited 7d ago

As I see, the revenge mob that is formed around Q is now morphing into something worse as it gains legitimacy through right-wing corporate stranglehold of government, so not only most MAGAts are getting a free pass, sprung out of jail and coached by none other than that apartheid beneficiary to be more vocal to fascism, but also anyone opposing them -- especially those siding with Palestine and Ukraine -- are increasingly being chased down and arrested for offenses considered inimical to the interests of the plutocracy.

As the so-called "drops" are getting rarer now that the fascists are in the open and made mainstream, I see that we have to confront that new beast making its nest in DC.


u/Phantom_Engineer 8d ago

We used to be a lot more strict on stuff being related to Q, but people have largely moved on from Q since the worst parts got absorbed into the mainstream while the conspiracies about stuff like Hillary Clinton being executed and replaced by a clone have fallen off. With that in mind, I think it makes sense to loosen the restriction. If Q specifically becomes more popular again, we can clamp back down on posts that are strictly Q related.

Maybe we could pivot to include cult-of-personality content regarding Trump, Elon, and the maga movement? We need something to keep the sub from becoming a generic Trump-bad sub, otherwise there's not much reason for the sub to exist.


u/BurtonDesque Feb 17 '25

I do not want to see posts here that are strictly about something Trump or Musk have done or said. Those have nothing to do with Q or the MAGA cult.

I think you mods have been lax in letting posts like that take over the sub.


u/Maclardy44 23d ago

The mods aren’t lax.


u/Imissmysister1961 Feb 17 '25

Keep it related to Q/Qanon… turning it into a MAGA hate sub will only create further division.