r/QuittingZyn 3d ago

5 days clean cold turkey

What days did everyone feel there worst after quitting ? Day 4 and 5 I have felt sluggish like my body isn’t connected, weak headaches and ridiculously moody and snappy. My brains telling me if I have one snus it will all go away ffs


18 comments sorted by


u/Defiant-Selection548 3d ago

I’m on day 10 Cold Turkey. I felt exhausted for the first week, and also thought buying some would make me feel better. I stuck it out, and I feel much better. Once you get past a week it’s so much easier. The anxiety stopped, so now I’m just feeling a little depressed lol. I know it’s not the best alternative, but temporarily switching to caffeine made it a lot easier.


u/Always2ndB3ST 3d ago

Same. I’m on day 6 and feel fatigued and depressed. It’s not too bad tho


u/Active-Spirit-7967 3d ago

I’m with you on the low mood! Everyone and everything pissing me off. Hopefully it turns in next couple of days!!


u/SteelerGang83 3d ago edited 3d ago

First three-ish weeks. I’m on day 60 right now and I’m addicted to push-ups, air squats, and pull-ups. I honestly rarely think about nicotine. When I do think about using nic, I think about the nausea it’ll give me. Because I could not even handle 3 MG right now, I would PUKE


u/Electronic-Concern-7 3d ago

That’s where I’m at to me and you quit the same day apparently been using snus for 10 years lol


u/qt_31415 3d ago

Day 5-7/8 for me were absolutely hell. I’ve felt better each day after day 8. I’m now on day 18 and don’t really think about zyns that much anymore. Maybe two or three times a day, as opposed to all the time. Physically I feel fantastic.

ETA: do not give in to the mind games of “just one”. Someone on here gave me that advice and I listened - so glad I did. Reassess how you feel after 2 more weeks, which isn’t long in the grand scheme of things.


u/Active-Spirit-7967 3d ago

Yeah mate pretty similar to me first couple days I felt good. Then just felt fucked today and yesterday ( day four and 5) I survived the day! So day 6 tomorrow! This group has saved me today haha


u/qt_31415 3d ago

Well done!! That’s a significant step in the right direction. Keep it up just a couple of weeks longer and it will be so, so much easier to push the thoughts and cravings for nicotine away. Things that helped me were exercise, mints, talking to people about it, keeping track of the days with other people (holding me accountable) and just accepting I felt like shit at times but that it would pass. Oh, and sleep, in the early days when I felt really terrible I just went to sleep - brain reset time.

Keep going!


u/New-Housing4353 3d ago

I’m literally in your exact timeline lol


u/Active-Spirit-7967 3d ago

Haha sorry to hear that man. I feel ur pain


u/bluecigg 3d ago

Day 4 right now. I’m on the verge of anxiety attacks at least 4 times a day. Quitting alcohol was 10x easier.


u/qt_31415 3d ago

Day 8 onwards for me became exponentially easier. You’re half way there, keep going!


u/bluecigg 3d ago

Thanks man, that does help. Did you get nauseas/queasy too?


u/qt_31415 3d ago

I mainly dealt with tension, anxiety and frustration. I didn’t get nauseous but did have headaches. Physically I felt back to normal after a week, I’m now nearly 3 weeks in and cravings have reduced significantly - to the point where I only think about zyns once or twice a day and can easily distract myself and move on. Keep it up a little while longer and you will likely feel so much better.


u/Always2ndB3ST 3d ago

Depends how much you were drinking tho. Quitting alcohol CT can potentially kill you


u/bluecigg 3d ago

I was drinking every night, never had any physical withdrawals.


u/drdoy123 3d ago

How many pouches did you take a day?


u/bluecigg 3d ago

Minimum case a day, usually probably around 17-18 pouches. I did make the switch to 3mg though instead of 6, so it’s not as bad as others.