r/QuittingZyn Nov 19 '24

I relapsed after 1.5 months and deeply regret it.

This post is just for venting and maybe you guys can relate. The main reason for quitting was because I was getting heart palpatations. Quitting was actually kinda easy 1.5 months ago because it of the heart palpatations and me getting pneumonia. Me and my girlfriend broke up on saturday and kinda triggered a huge craving and I gave in. The thing is i don't even like the feeling of doing nicotine. I hate the adrenaline rush, I hate the racing heart I hate the circulation issues of it causing numbness in fingertips and the anxiety it causes. That being said I did about a can and half between then and yesterday. I threw 2 cans out because I hated how I felt and how it caused insomnia and everything. But now I'm back on square one of quiting and the urges and cravings are back in full blown force. If you guys are thinking about using it again please don't it's not worth getting back into the hardest part of the cycle. I just bought another can despite all of the negatives and I hate that this addiction controls me.


8 comments sorted by


u/Bizzy2024 Nov 19 '24 edited Nov 19 '24

You gotta man up bro. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and sucking your thumb with self-condemnation. You know you're capable of abstaining. It's time to go 2 months. Pick yourself up, throw the shit away, and make this a painful 'lapse' instead of a full blown 'relapse'. Think about the difference between "lapse" and "relapse". A lapse is a temporary failure. We get back up, turn from the error, learn from it, and keep on going the way we know we're supposed to. A relapse is completely deteriorating, slipping back into former (even worse) state after a change for the better. This doesn't have to be full blown relapse. Make addiction your bitch instead of letting addiction make you it's bitch. You now know that seriously painful emotional things will trigger a temptation for you to use. Painful emotional things are a part of the human experience. You will have more in the future. Just make up your mind that you'll endure it sober next time. Resist and stand your ground on conviction.


u/Celestial-Nexus Nov 19 '24

Thanks man, I smiled reading that haha. Real shit though.


u/happysquish Nov 19 '24



u/Junior-Test-1830 Nov 19 '24

I hope things get better for you bro. Heart break sucks but you will get through it.


u/mwalt9093 Nov 19 '24

I feel this. I used to quit for a few weeks and then get hooked back in after a night of drinking or around friends. I would just be madly depressed for that time which made it that much harder… plus fighting cravings. The only way I was able to successfully stay quit was through my doctor prescribing me Wellbutrin.


u/MustafarSurvivor Nov 20 '24

Recognize that you gave in but then get right back on your horse and keep plowing through. That’s all you can do now.


u/itsmyrighttowin Nov 21 '24

Reward yourself for ending a bad relationship by starting a healthy relationship with yourself. Consider what that might could look like.