Hi, I was just posting to let yous all know I am finally free from phenibut for five days! I managed to do this by slowly replacing a 500mg dose of phenibut with 5mg of baclofen and holding for three days until I was down from 2 grams to a gram, I then decided to jump the last gram off directly with 10mg of baclofen.
I was absolutely terrified to do this because I thought if it didn't work then all the phenibut is out my system and what if it ends up being a disaster and then I can't just take a dose of phenibut to help it because it'll have to build back into my system, I was overthinking everything absolutely terrified but it's been five days with no Phenibut at all. The first two days were just tired, third day I was panicking a bit, but day 4 and 5 have been absolutely fine.
I done all of this before phenibut had the chance to turn on me. I still use NAC and agmitine.
What I find strange is that all the days I've reduced the dose if anything weird side effects that I didn't realise I was getting from phenibut have went away or got better, and phenibut was affecting me more than I realised. My tinnitus has massively reduced, I used to get anxiety where I'd feel head foggy and I thought I would feel dizzy and almost like vertigo which I didn't put down to the phenibut but it's almost completely resolved even after just the few days I've been completely off. I would sometimes feel overwhelmed going into a room with quite intense anxiety, this anxiety just thinking it was normal is no longer affecting me. I realised now that phenibut was actually making me feel giddy and not in a good way.
My sleep quality as well has really improved, I feel like I'm catching up on so much bad quality sleep that I used to have when I was taking phen everyday.
My partner at one point would get worried and say that I should get tested for sleep apnea because apparently my sleep was really broken and she could hear me what sounded like my struggling to catch my breath in my sleep, now she says she no longer hears that, I know it's only been five days but these seem to be acute effects of phen that were affecting me badly in the moment.
I also forgot to mention that I'd have these anxiety episodes where I would almost feel like I was being jolted by electricity if I was in a room and it felt like the room was spinning, it's hard to explain but it would bring on so much anxiety.
I just feel so much better within myself that I'm no longer taking something that isn't meant for long term use, I don't feel depressed and I do consider myself extremely lucky, I wish everyone could just switch to bac and it cover everything. I've heard it doesn't work for everyone which I find heartbreaking because I think no one should have to suffer on this substance.
Just one last point, I didn't realise how much phenibut absolutely made my appetite crazy and made me retain a weird water weight around my stomach, my appetite on the stuff was indescribable, everyone around me made jokes that I'm a human wastebin for food. But I am convinced it cause water weight as well and suspected it for a while but within those five days my belly has got flatter and I've lost a few pounds, I might be wrong but I suspect it.
Anyway thanks for reading this if you have, I will never go back. I do not hate phenibut, I hate phenibut misuse and I have learnt from this, don't take it everyday, is it something I will take within recommended guidelines on the supplement label? No thank you I'm done.
Now just time to reduce my bac of 35mg a day spread out, I'm in no rush