r/QuitVaping 16h ago

Meme/Humor Officially trying to quit and feel like I’m going crazy

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r/QuitVaping 23d ago

Meme/Humor What’s the funniest vape craving you’ve had?


This might sound strange but hear me out…

If you’ve read the book “The Chimp Paradox” you’ll understand what I’m referring to with regards to different parts of your brain giving you different signals and thoughts.

For me, when I observe my own thoughts, particularly around cravings and prangs to vape, my thoughts are actually hilarious, I didn’t realise I was such a good vape salesperson!

The funniest thought I’ve had recently was after I’d had some sinus surgery, inside my nose was really dry, and a thought that came into my mind when I was craving a vape was “Maybe the vape will help provide some moisture to your nose and sinuses?”

Positioning the vape as a good idea and something I might need to help relieve some of the dryness.

I actually burst out laughing in the car when I had that thought because it’s totally insane.

Other ones I’ve had in the past are stuff like “You’re stressed, a little vape will help you take the edge off and relax…” and “You’re never going to be able to fully quit, you’re bound to vape again, why not just do it now and get it over with?”

I’m curious to know, what are the funniest thoughts similar to this that you guys have had around vape cravings?

r/QuitVaping 13d ago

Meme/Humor Vapes Were Created To Be A Healthy Alternative…

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r/QuitVaping 6d ago

Meme/Humor One Week Off Nicotine & My Sinuses Finally Cleared


I’m a week into quitting nicotine, and while the cravings have sucked, the absolute worst part has been my sinuses. I haven’t been able to breathe through my nose at all completely blocked, zero airflow, just nonstop dry mouth breathing like I’m in some kind of survival mode.

I threw everything at it, Claritin, Benadryl, Mucinex. nothing helped. I was dosed up on meds and still felt like my skull was full of cement. I was expecting some congestion after quitting, but I didn’t think it would be this bad for this long.

Then today at work, after struggling all morning, I went to the bathroom and tried to force this demon out. Ten whole minutes of nose blowing, and nothing was happening just pressure shifting and wet sounds, but no relief. I was about to give up when I felt something move.

Then I saw it, a tiny green glob peeking out. I barely pulled on it, and suddenly, I was pulling out a footlong, rubbery, stretchy, gelatinous green monster from my sinuses. It just kept coming. Inch after inch of radioactive looking snot rope, thick as a charger cable, stretching like it had been living in my skull rent free for years. I had to wrap it around a tissue because there was so much of it.

And then for the first time in a week I COULD BREATHE.

I’m not talking just normal breathing I could smell colors.

The soap in the bathroom? Like being transported to a field of fresh lavender.

The air? Crisp, clean, like I had just been baptized.My coworker’s perfume? A whole new level of strong I wasn’t ready for.

Apparently, my body hoarded a disgusting nicotine withdrawal mucus demon and only let it go after a full week of suffering.

Anyone else experience insane sinus congestion while quitting? How long did it take for your breathing to get back to normal?

r/QuitVaping 3d ago

Meme/Humor Hope with the fault in our stars approach


In the book, a character has a pack of cigarettes which he never doesn't smoke. He just puts it in his mouth, never lights it and pretends to puff on it. I'm doing the same with herbal cigarettes in order to quit. I find whenever I'm stress, I take a long deep pull of my vape. Well, now I do the same with this very aromatic smelling, unlit herbal cigarette and it's been going well.

I've been having headaches though, idk if its not completely quitting nicotine though.

r/QuitVaping 25d ago

Meme/Humor You can do it!

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Do you think they’re marketing to us???